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Volume 3: Ghost Stories from Texas (Joe Kwon's True Ghost Stories from Around the World)

Page 20

by Unknown

She also explained to me how my grandfather really died, he hung himself and my grandmother relived it over and over. I asked her if that's what she saw when I was younger, she wouldn't answer. I can only guess.

  I'll never step foot in my grandmother's house again.

  Cell Call

  Uvalde, Texas

  My step dad had died a couple weeks ago and my mom was praying and asked God if she could see him one more time.

  My mom was in the living room with some of her friends. We have a house phone that only relatives are allowed to call on it. The phone started ringing and then it stopped before someone could answer it. The phone is hooked up to our TV so we can check our calls. So my mom checked it and it had my step dad's cell phone number on it and it said his name under the number (Howard). My mom walked to her bedroom freaked out. His cell phone was in a drawer in my moms dresser. She checked it and it was off.

  She went back into the living room. When she walked in her friends had turned as white as ghosts. She asked what was wrong. They handed her the phone and it said there was voice message. She brought the phone up to her ear and listened to what it said.

  "Darling, I'm ok" said Howard.

  My Doll Shirley

  Houston, Texas

  When I was a little girl my mother gave me a doll and I named her Shirley. Everything is so clear although it was many years ago.

  It was my birthday and we were getting ready to open presents when my mother looked over at my father and nodded. They went to the pantry and pulled out a large box. It was wrapped in white paper and a pink bow. It was about 3 feet tall.

  When I opened it there was a doll. She had blue eyes and long, curly blonde hair. She was wearing a blue dress with a white apron. I thanked my mother I went to play with her outside. That is when things went wrong.

  I set her on the swing beside me and ran to go get my mother for a photo. When I ran back outside, my mother following, Shirley was at the top of the slide. Confused, I set her back on the swing and acted like everything was normal.

  That same night I was laying in bed with Shirley clutched in my arms. I rolled over to drink some water from the glass on my bedside table. When I rolled back over, she was standing at the end of my bed. I didn't even see or feel her move.

  I decided to sleep in the guest room that night. Next week my Aunt and her little girl were coming to visit. We were all laughing and talking in the main room. Where I was sitting, I was facing the door. I saw Shirley peer around the corner. I suddenly got worried because my aunts daughter, Faith, was asleep in the main hall. I excused myself and ran to go get her. I saw Shirley sitting across from her, smiling evilly.

  As soon as I brought Faith to my aunt, I snatched up the doll. We had a fire going in the front yard and I got an idea.

  I ran to the front yard and tossed her in the fire. First her hair caught flame, then her dress, then her. My mother had been watching and asked me what my deal was. I told her the things that happened and she called my father out, sending me inside.

  Curious, I watched from the door. It was very distant but I heard my mother say this one thing very clearly, "I told you we shouldn't have gotten that haunted doll from the dead Man’s shop!"

  Noises, Voices, Sightings, and Phone Calls

  San Antonio, Texas

  So we all either believe in ghosts or don't and like to fool with others who do. I did not believe in ghosts until my until one dreadful day.

  It was sunny and close to Christmas. Christmas Eve, actually. And I was sitting in my living room watching TV while waiting for the UPS guy to come with my package. My dog was sleeping in my lap and he suddenly jumped up and started barking at the wall.

  I walked over to him and said "Sammy, what's wrong?" Even though I knew he could not respond. I looked around and saw nothing. So I picked him up and took him back to the couch with me.

  We sat there for about 30 minutes when I got a phone call. I was 13 at the time , so I rarely called anyone or received calls. So this was weird. I picked up my cell phone and looked at the caller ID. It said 'UNKNOWN'. I answered the call just in case it was one of my friends trying to pull

  a prank on me.

  When I answered all I heard was static. Then silence. Then static again. Then I heard a weird, scratchy, male voice on the phone. He sounded distant. Then I heard a high female voice with him. The conversation went like this:

  "Oh God no!! Please don't kill me!!"

  "Too late woman! You crossed the line! I told you to leave me alone!"

  "I'm sorry! I'll go! I'll never come back! Just please don't kill me!"

  Then I heard something that sounded like two knives against each other. I heard the woman scream and heels scratching against wood, like she was trying to run away which I imagine she was. Then, as if I hadn't heard enough, there was a gunshot and another scream, which turned into a moan, then a gurgle, then silence. I was about to hang up when I heard the man again.

  Except he was closer. Like he was actually holding and talking into the phone. What I heard next chilled me to my very core. He said "Hey there. You like the show? Guess what. You get an encore. You're next." Then the line cut off.

  I pressed the end button with a shaking hand. I sat there and tried to shake it off. Easier said than done. I eventually got over it.

  After a couple of hours of TV and music I started to hear some strange noises throughout the house.

  First I heard scratching and it was not my dog. Second I heard heavy footsteps coming from the second floor. Third I heard banging. Like someone was trying desperately to escape from a room. We do not own a basement but we do have an attic.

  Everything was coming from the small door we have in the back of the closet that leads to the attic. I have always been afraid of that door. I never had a good feeling when it came to that door.

  I slowly approached it and then I got a cold feeling. Like something went through me. The temperature suddenly dropped and I could see my breath. Then I heard a voice just above a whisper. It called me by name. Once, twice, three times. Then it told me to go away and leave it alone.

  So I went back downstairs and sat down with my dog. He sat there next to me growling non-stop for two hours. I have been scared ever since.

  From 3-6 every day I hear the same noises and my dog still growls. I am now a full believer.

  This is a completely and utterly true story.

  Back From Iraq

  Censored, Texas

  I am a 21 year old female and live in a small town in Texas. My fiancé was in the Army and had been for three years. He was on his last tour in Iraq and every chance he had he would call.

  One day he called and said he couldn't talk long but wanted to tell me he loved me and always would. Not three hours later I got the heartbreaking call. He had been killed in a mission yesterday, his friend told me. I wondered how this could be when I talked to him just a few hours ago.

  For the next couple of months I stayed at home miserable and when I finally decided to get out of the house while driving in my car the radio turned off in the middle of one of my favorite songs which he would always do just to irritate me, only this time it just relieved me it made me realize even though I couldn't see him he was still with me.

  jIt still happens to this day, almost two years later, and every time it brings a smile to my face. And if I change the background on my phone it somehow always changes back to a picture of me and him. I just laugh and tell him he is stubborn.

  As for the call I know it happened no matter who believes me. I know he was calling to say his last goodbye and to make sure I knew he loved me.

  The Girl In Red

  Bridgeport, Texas

  It was my friend Kelsie's birthday. We were all sitting, laughing and messing around.

  All of the sudden we heard this high pitch scream coming from the forest from our left. At first we thought it was her family messing with us because her dad loves to play jokes on us so we ignored it.

  After a
n hour, my friend Duiwn got up super fast and ran to the house screaming! We chased after him and asked him what was wrong. He told us that he was drinking his Dr. Pepper and he heard this girl say his name. (I don't know how to even say his name so I call him dippy) So we looked at each other and laughed at him.

  We decided to stay inside because the mosquitoes were biting badly. So, we started playing hide and seek and I felt someone push me in the back. I turned around and saw this girl in red run around the corner of the living room to the basement. It then dawned on me that no one was wearing red. Being curious, I followed her. As I came around the corner Kelsie was opening the basement door.

  I asked her if she saw a girl in red. With a puzzled face, she said no and ran down the stairs, I followed. As we got to the bottom, we both heard a small bang behind us. We turned around and saw a shadow go to our right to the back corner of the basement behind the junk she has down there.

  As we went over to look to see if it was one of our friends; we saw her. She was crouched down looking at us. The girl in red said, “Shh, we have to hide.” Then she vanished. We both ran out screaming our butts off!

  To this day we still don't know who she is, but it was scary!

  Death Walk

  Monahans, Texas

  This sighting happened one afternoon during the summer of 1980 when I was ten years old. I was alone at home working on my bicycle in the garage. My Dad would be home from work any minute so he was the next person I expected to see.

  I caught a movement in the corner of my eye as I was looking down at the broken chain on my bike, and I immediately looked up. It was my Dad walking past the entrance to the garage. He was wearing his usual work attire consisting of blue jeans and a western-style shirt.

  I greeted him excitedly with, "Hi, Dad!"

  To my surprise and bewilderment, he did not respond. In fact, the expression on his face was blank, as if he were completely oblivious to anything going on around him.

  His expression was utterly and completely drained of any sign of awareness of what was going on. He looked straight ahead and continued walking.

  I was five feet from him and had no doubt that he heard me, so I was very puzzled at his lack of reaction. I stepped out of the garage to follow him. As soon as I stepped out of the garage he vanished.

  Confused more than ever, I began frantically searching for him (as if there were somewhere to hide--which there wasn't). I was in denial and shock that something like this could really happen. While I stood there in bewilderment, my Dad arrived in his truck and I asked him if he had just been there. He could see I was upset and he told me that he had not been there and that, since the person vanished in front of me, it must have been a ghost.

  The next summer I found a hammer buried in the dirt a few feet from where the ghost disappeared. The name carved on the wooden handle of the hammer was 'PAW'. I asked my Dad who P.A.W. was, thinking these were initials for someone's name. My Dad then told me about my great-grandfather that everyone called Paw. Dad said the hammer must have belonged to him and must be very old because Paw died back in the 50's.

  Paw was quite deaf and sometimes very confused in his old age. He was killed tragically one afternoon while walking into town. He was hit from behind by a train on the tracks that run across the end of our property... directly in line with where I saw the ghost heading.

  Something in the House

  Seadrift, Texas

  I grew up in a two-story Victorian-style home. The house is roughly 150 years old and ever since I can remember there have been weird things happening in the house.

  This is my brother's story of his first-hand experience with the "thing" in his room. My brother is one year older than me, and was diagnosed with autism as a kid.

  This happened around four years ago. My mom and dad separated and my dad kept the house. My brother, on occasion, would stay at his house. One night my brother had stayed up pretty late (around 2:00-ish), messing with his computer. He normally stays up this late. When he was getting ready for bed and laid down he heard what sounded like breathing, around the area where the closet is.

  I need to add in here that the house was in major need of remodeling. The closet in my brother's room had a huge hole in the sheet rock and it led to an unfinished bathroom. Everything collected dust and spider webs in that bathroom, and as kids we weren't allowed in there. The floor was rotten in some places. But back to the story.

  The breathing scared him. His first reaction was to cover himself with the thin sheet he had on the bed. He described the breathing as "heavy, like someone with a bad cold." He told me that he pulled the blanket hard over his head, thinking that maybe that would somehow protect him. He listened to the breathing move closer to the bed. Then he saw the outline of a tall, thin figure. The closer the thing got to the bed, the faster and louder the breathing became.

  My brother was terrified, he held on to the sheet for dear life. That must have alerted the thing because within a second a long, bony hand became more visible to my brother. He said it happened in slow motion, like how you can watch an accident and it seems like eternity. He describe these abnormally long, bony fingers reach for his head! The thing was trying to reach under the sheet to get his head! The hand was jerking wildly trying to get underneath the thin sheet.

  My brother was trying frantically to guard himself, while sobbing! He didn't want to die. With all is might he tried, but it wasn't enough. It got its hand underneath! He passed out right when the thing reached the back of his neck! He told me about it, along with the rest of my family the next day. He says he didn't know what happened after that.

  Unfortunately, for months after that he wasn't able to sleep at night. He slept during the day and stayed awake all night. It even got to the point where he slept in the car. My brother was 21 or 22 when that happened. He has never been the type to get scared over every little noise. Something happened to him that night and all of us (my entire family) are afraid of it. Sorry for the long story, I just want to know if anyone else has experienced something like that.

  Don't Let It Get You

  La Port, Texas

  Well this story happened to me when I was visiting my grandma and family in Robstown, Texas which is on the out skirts of Corpus.

  So here is my story. We were having a BBQ and I was asked to go down the street to my aunt's house to get the paper plates and silver wear and stuff. All I had to walk is down the street, and four houses later I'm at my aunts.

  I unlocked the door and proceeded inside her home and as I was in the kitchen I heard the front door slam and lock. I froze where I stood and then I heard the ugliest growl and gurgling voice say, "Don't bother running 'cause I'm hungry and you're gonna die tonight."

  After I heard that I wanted to scream and cry and run out the house but what ever it was, was in the living room so I ran straight to my aunt's room and hid on top of her bed under the covers.

  Please don't judge, I was freaking out hard and at the time it sounded like a good idea. The blanket on her bed was huge and fluffy and would allow me to hide well.

  As I hid on the bed I heard the door to her room open slowly and could hear something or someone walking around the room and then it left.

  I knew I had to make a run for it. I got out of bed slowly and as quiet as I could, but the thing heard me and I could hear it running back towards the room I was in.

  I had no other choice so I ran into her small closet and hid there. As I sat on the floor holding the door knob for dear life I could see it entering the room. I kept saying, "Please leave, please leave, please leave," but of course it stopped in front of the closet door. My heart was pounding and I thought I was going to loose it. It grabbed the door and I played tug of war for my life but I guess it thought the door was locked cause it stopped and ran out of the room.

  So as I sat there I was thinking, "Why hasn't anyone come to find me?" It doesn't take very long to get the stuff for the BBQ. I decided I couldn't wait any longer be
cause what if they come and it's too late and I'm already dead? All kinds of crazy stuff was going through my head, and I just snapped and decided to make a run for it. If it got me, I'd fight, and if I died, at least I died fighting.

  So I said forget it and dashed out of the closet, ran out of the room and through the kitchen. I could see the door and I could hear little footsteps chasing after me not like an adult's footsteps but more like a child and I really wanted to turn my head around to see what it was that was chasing me but I knew I had to get out. I pushed against the front door, unlocked it and ran out! I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes and the excitement of being free and feeling safe overcame me and I thought I was in a safe zone cause I was two houses away from the BBQ. I could see and hear my family and music and people talking. I stopped running and turned and looked at my aunt's house and there on the front porch with the door open wide and the living room lights shining bright I saw as clear as day what wanted to kill me.

  It was a small troll looking thing with greasy, dangling long hair and yellow eyes and its face was so ugly and oddly shaped. The most prevalent thing I remembered was its teeth, because it was smiling at me. I saw the top and bottom rows of nasty sharp teeth. Its body was almost deformed looking. As I turned to start running again I heard it say, "You will be back and I'll get you one way or another."

  As I stepped into my grandma's home I ran straight up to the room I was staying in. My husband came in shortly after and I broke down crying telling him everything and he said something that shocked me. He said that he had seen it too, but earlier that day. It was staring through the window when we drove by her house when we went to the store, but he didn't think too much of it because he thought it was the sun playing tricks on his eyes.


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