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Forever Devoted (Crazed Devotion Book 2)

Page 11

by C. A. Harms

  When I could no longer wait, I crawled from the bed and moved toward the open door of the bathroom. The silhouette of the most gorgeous girl I knew moved beyond the frosted glass. Her arms above her head as she massaged her hair before stepping back beneath the spray go the shower head.

  I lowered my boxers to the floor and moved toward her as I quietly pushed the door to the side and stepped into the shower. Standing back I took her in inch by perfect inch. I had never felt this attracted to one person, this undeniable desire to touch and hold another person. It was like an invisible pull toward her that made me feel weak and unable to resist.

  When she lowered her chin and slowly opened her eyes a smile cover her lips. “Good morning,” she cooed.

  No longer able to remain distant I reached out and took a step toward her at the same time hooking her around the waist. The instant the front of her body molding to mine I leaned in and covered her mouth with my own. With my height compared to hers I was forced to slouch.

  Within seconds her back was pressed against the tiled wall and her hands were fisting the hair at the base of my neck.

  “Mornin’,” I add in a husky whisper just before taking her mouth once more.

  Addictive, it was the only way to describe the feelings that rushed through me whenever I held her close. The movement of her lips against mine and the softness of her tongue as it moved with my own made it impossible to remain in control of my hunger.

  Allowing my hand to glide over her slick skin I felt my heart race. Continuing my journey lower and lower she moaned when my hand slipped between her thighs as she parted her legs. “Always ready,” I praised her pushing my finger inside of her I grew harder as I added a second finger.

  Greedy, that was my girl. She loved being touched and teased. Yes she pretended to grow irritated when I would pull back just before she reached her peak but she enjoyed every second of it. That racing rush of need, the animalistic desire that built and built before it ignited leaving you breathless.

  The problem with that was this morning I didn't feel like waiting.

  Pulling my hand away she pouted until I lifted her leg and moved in closer positioning myself before her. We both became transfixed at the place between us as I slowly began to enter her. Moaning in unison I pushed in deep causing her to gasp from the intrusion.

  I’d never felt anything in my life that felt as good as being inside Liz. It was like she was made solely for me.


  Her dampened hair lay across my chest as her body lay sprawled out and spent from our ongoing activities. Meaning we’d sexed ourselves to a near coma.

  Her light snore filled the silence of the room and a noise I’d find annoying coming from any other, I found it soothed me. It meant she was where she belonged.

  With me, in my arms.

  “I love you,” I whispered as if to test how it felt on my lips. It was something I’d felt for weeks, only I held back for fear of her reaction. I’d never expected a response, as I thought she was still sleeping but was surprised when she whispered in return. “I love you too.”

  I’d felt fear from the times I was trapped in a foreign country, bullets flying around me and those I called my brothers. I’ve felt the rush of adrenaline when we’d been ordered to move into unknown territory. Hell, I’ve felt a million different emotions over the years I spent as a soldier and even before that time. Never and I do mean never had I felt what I felt in that moment.

  She loved me.

  Knowing her background and the things she’d refused to allow herself to feel over the years, made this much more sweeter.

  I remained still waiting for her reaction. Her body shifted against mine and suddenly she lifted her head, resting her chest on my shoulder as her eyes locked with mine. “Loving you doesn't scare me,” she confesses, “actually the opposite. It makes me feel safe.”

  Before allowing it a second thought, I hook her beneath her arms and pull her body upward, covering my own. “You make me feel safe,” I tell her and her smile pulls at something deep inside me. Her eyes close for a moment as she swallows hard. I knew in that moment everything I’d felt from the moment I met her was the greatest thing I’d ever experienced. I wanted more, I wanted it all and I wanted it with her.

  “Will you go away with me, to Boston?” I ask as I skim over her jaw with my thumb. “My mother keeps pushing to meet the woman I’ve fallen in love with.”

  “How does she know about me?”

  “My father,” I say only making her confused look grow. “Baby I’ve been talking about you ever since you took the phone from Ryker that night at the bar and promised me a night I’d never forget.”

  Her body shook against mine as she laughed.

  “Please tell me you didn't share that bit of information with your parents.”

  When I shrugged, she swatted at my arm and I spun her over positioning my body above hers. She gasped when I pressed my hardness against her, wiggling my way between her thighs.

  “Those moments are only ours,” I tell her as I glide my cocker her slickness. “But they do know all about the stubborn girl who thought she could outwit me.” Before she could argue, I pushed forward and entered her in one stroke. Liz’s back arched, her tits smashing against me as she dug her nails into my shoulder and back.

  “I want my family to know you,” I say as I slowly move inside of her, “tell me you go with me.”

  “Yes,” she whispers as I slide into her once again. I wasn't sure if she was telling me yes she’d go or yes do that again and again. I’d assume it meant both but for now I’ll give her what I think we both need at the moment.

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I pulled into the parking space next to Ben’s truck and place my car in park. For a moment I remain seated as I look out through the windshield unable to keep from smiling. Seeing two big burly men traipsing around at the demand of a tiny girl in a princess dress will never get old.

  There truly was something about a man showing his softer side when it came to children that made a woman’s ovaries reach damn near combustion.

  Victoria had every single male in her life wrapped securely around her finger. She said tea party and they sat in an instant, ready to be served tea and cookies. She demanded they play dolls and they picked up a brush and start combing it throughout the hair of the first doll they could find. It was mesmerizing really and extremely adorable. Not to mention a heart fluttering moment.

  Ben would one day make an amazing father, I could see that each time he was with Tori. In the time he’s lived in Arab, she has managed to make him fall in love with her too. It made it easy to imagine him with his own children one day.

  I took in a deep breath and gathered my bag as I finally crawled from my car, wondering to myself what it would be like to see him so that type of love and attention to his own kids. Maybe even ours kids one day. Because deep down, though I never admit it outloud, being a mother would feel amazing.

  Nicole sat in a lounge chair a few feet off the bottom step that led to their apartment with a bottle of water in her hand. She is adorable pregnant, I thought so the first time and I thought so now. Only this time, she embraced the pregnant life. There was no sadness from the knowledge of knowing she would be going at it alone, she had Ryker this time.

  Ryker was the best kind of man, because he loved Nicole with everything he could and more.

  “Hey Momma,” I said as I step up to her side and bend over to give her shoulder a light squeeze. “How ya feeling?”

  “Fat, swollen and unbelievably blessed,” she replied with a beaming smile.

  I shook my head because for the last few weeks, she has answered that very question with that same very answer. Eight months pregnant and all she had to show for it was a bump beneath the maternity top she wore that resembled a basketball. It was so cute, and I hoped if one day I ever was pregnant, I carried it as well as she did.

  “They been doing this long?” I ask as I p
oint toward the men that were currently dancing around in a circle holding the hands of a very happy little girl. Each of them sang Ring Around the Rosy, as if they were lost in some fantasyland. No woman out there could watch this and not fall in love, and if they tried to convince me otherwise, I’d laugh at their lie.

  Ben and Ryker were very good at playing along.

  “For the last hour maybe,” Nicole says as she stretches out her legs.

  A groan escapes her as she attempts to bend over to rub her calve. “God damn,” she complains when she can’t reach the spot because her stomach gets in the way. A look of frustration covering her face as she rocks a little in her chair as if trying to get out of the chair and having not luck.

  “Need help?” I already know the answer and I kneel and begin to rub and massage her calf muscle of her.

  “My legs always hurt so bad,” she says. “And my back is killing me. I don’t remember my back hurting like this with Tori.”

  “Because this one is a boy,” I insist.

  I’ve said it from the beginning and every time I got the chance since. Ryker and her have chosen to keep the sex of the baby a secret, I think they’ve enjoyed the torture. Our torture, not their own. They truly loved the idea of it being surprise, but I hated it.

  I wanted to buy sweet little gifts and order things online whenever I ran across them, but this need for secrecy has placed a halt to all that.

  “Ryker would agree with you,” she says as she sags back in the chair foregoing her need to stand.

  I was rubbing away, unaware of anything around me other than the particular spot on Nicole’s leg when a pained cry filled the air. Looking up immediately I see Nicole grip her side and twist slightly in the chair.

  I had no time to react before Ryker was at her side kneeling next to her. He reached out and touched the very spot her hand still remained. “Babe,” he says his voice laced with panic. “What is it?”

  “Pain,” she says between two deep breaths. “Sharp stabbing pain.”

  “Grab Tori,” Ryker directs me as he bends over and scoops up his pregnant wife like she weighs absolutely nothing. “Keep her with you,” it sounded as if it was a question, but he moved across the front lawn without looking back as if it was more of a demand.

  “Where are we going?” I hear Nicole ask and it is evident she is still in pain.


  Ryker wasn't the type to mess around and he wasn't gonna let his complaining wife stop him from whisking her away to the nearest ER either. No amount of arguing was going to change his mind.

  “It could be nothing,” she tells him.

  “But it could be something,” he throws back at her just before tossing her in the truck and moving around to the drivers side after quickly shutting the door.

  “What’s wrong with mommy?” Tori asks as Ben steps up to my side. He held her in his arms, as we all looked toward the truck that was now speeding away.

  “She’s okay sweetheart,” I assure her even though I have no clue as to what was going on. “She just needs to go to the doctor and check on your little baby.”

  “Do you think we should follow?” Ben asks and I find his concern for my best friend just another reason why I truly adore him. “Like he said it could be something.”

  “Come on,” I say tugging on his arm. “Let’s take my car, I have the booster for Tori.”

  Ben didn't argue. Instead, he took the initiative to fasten in Victoria and even double checked to make sure all was secure before he sandwiched himself in the passenger’s seat. Sandwiched meaning my car was entirely too small for a man his size. I actually felt a little sorry for him and how uncomfortable he appeared.

  Tori talked the entire way to the hospital about dolls, pretty dresses and wanting to know when she could bake with Uncle Ben again. I chose to remain silent as I quietly observed his interaction with her. He was honestly so good with her that it was hard to believe she was the first child he’d interacted with regularly.


  We’d been waiting in the waiting area for close to an hour when Ryker joined us. The first thing I saw was the spot of blood on his shirt and the solemn look on his face. Those two alone made me feel nauseous as tears sprung to my eyes.

  Victoria had fallen asleep about fifteen minutes ago and I was glad, she didn't need to see this.

  “Ryker?” I whisper and it makes my throat burn.

  “She’s gonna be okay,” he replies only he didn't sound so sure.

  Ben placed his free hand, the one he wasn't using to hold Tori, against my back to soothe me. I close my eyes and concentrate on his palm moving back and forth in a slow manner.

  “They said the placenta detached from the uterus,” I open my eyes and look at Ryker when he speaks once again. “They are prepping her for surgery.”

  “She’ll be okay,” I repeat assuring him of his own statement. “So will your son,” I whisper and he hangs his head, covering his face with his hands. “You think so too, huh?” I was trying to keep him calm and when he nodded his head agreeing with me I smiled.

  “They have to be okay,” his voice was a hoarse whisper and it made my heart feel as if it was being squeezed tightly in my chest. “They have to.”

  “They will,” I assure him, “they have to be.”

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I felt like there was more I should do, only I had no idea what that may be. I felt useless, unable to offer Liz the comfort she needed. The truth was, I don't think anything would comfort her truly until she was able to see both Nicole and Baby Daniels safe and sound.

  Ryker had gone back close to an hour ago. He was being prepped to join his wife in the operating room as they welcomed their child into the world. He had tried to remain calm, but I could see the fear in his eyes. I’d spent too many years with the guy during some torturous times, some scary times actually, and I knew that look.

  “What could be taking so long?”

  I tried to reposition a sleeping girl on my lap so that I could offer comfort to Liz, but it was difficult. To be honest, I wanted her in my lap holding her close.

  “Everything is gonna be okay,” I tell her trying my hardest to hide any doubt I may be feeling.

  “They have to be okay,” when her eyes meet mine, it almost breaks me to see the fear in her eyes.

  “They will be,” I assured her.

  Ryker’s parents’ as well as Nicole’s dad got here shortly after we did, but they each paced the waiting area unable to remain still.

  The sound of approaching footsteps gained the attention of everyone in the room as we all watched the open doorway willing it to be someone with good news. Ryker stepped into the open space and the parents crowded him with hopeful stares. “They’re okay,” he said as tears rolled along his cheeks, “Nicole and our son.”

  A relieved cry escaped Liz as her body sagged forward. Elle who sat on the other side of Liz leaned forward and wrapped Liz in her arms as they both let go of the worry they had bound up inside them.

  May entered the waiting area and let out a gasp when she found her daughters holding one another and crying.

  “They’re okay,” I assured her. I watched as she closed her eyes and tilted her head up to the ceiling her lips moving, but I was unable to hear the words she spoke. It was almost as if she was praying and most likely she was.

  The entire event that had stretched out over the last few hours lay heavy on all of us.

  “Five pounds and two ounces,” Ryker states proudly. “Ben if you have a minute, I need to talk to you.”

  I looked up at Ryker with confusion wondering what he possibly needed to talk to me about that could not wait. Nicole’s father moves in and leans over to remove Victoria from my lap and find myself standing and walking toward him. Everyone stepped back allowing us space and I still hadn't spoken as I watched Ryker close.

  “Nicole and I wanted to ask you something before we named our son.” My heart raced as he c
ontinued. “We wanted to name our son after Luke and I needed to be sure you were okay with that.”

  “I think he would’ve loved that,” I say feeling the rawness of my throat.

  Ryker too looked emotional and for a moment we shared a hug that was not only a congratulatory one, but one of remembrance of a man that would forever mean something to the both of us.

  Lucas Ryker Daniels would carry on a name that would forever remind us of one hell of a man.


  “I think he looks like his daddy,” Liz said as she dried her hair with a towel. “His tiny little nose is his momma’s though for sure. Tori has that same nose.”

  I watched the way Elizabeth lit up when Ryker placed his son in her hands. I watched as she cooed and looked over him, inspecting every little thing about him. The way she curled him in close to her chest and kissed his little hand before placing another on his forehead. For a moment, I imagined her doing that very same thing to her own child one day. A child I hoped I fathered.

  “You still gonna try to convince me you don’t want children?” She paused almost instantly before quickly recovering as if to hide her reaction to my words. “I think we both know you’re lying.”

  Turning her back to me she went back to drying her hair. With a shrug, she continued so I couldn't see her face. “I can love my nieces and nephews and still not want any of my own.”

  I stood from the bed and moved toward her, wrapping my arms around her from behind. “I think we’d make some damn cute kids.”

  When her body tensed in my arms, I couldn't help but chuckle.

  “I love kids, and maybe,” she paused as she tried to wiggle away from me.

  “Maybe what?”

  “You are difficult,” she complained and I held her tighter. “Fine, maybe one day I’d like to be a mom.”

  “Are you happy now?”

  “I was happy before,” I assure her as I turn her in my arms and hold her to me. “I’ll confess though, hearing you finally admit that does make me slightly happier.”


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