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Uninhibited: Alex's Awakening Part 1

Page 8

by Jayde Marcelle

  “Sore baby girl?”

  She nodded.

  “We can stop if it’s too painful.”

  “No, make love to me A.J.”

  I kissed her as I stilled. She was so tight but she felt so good.

  We moved slowly listening to the song. The music changed to “Bleeding Love”.

  I held Mya closely as we made love slowly, tenderly, sweetly.

  Her eyes began to fill with tears.

  “What’s wrong baby?” I asked.

  “I love this song. That’s all.”

  I kissed her softly as her eyes released the tears that had filled them. I wiped away her tears and held her face in both hands. I kissed her lips, nose, and forehead. I rolled us over so she was on top. Her hair fell into my face. Her curls were all over the place when Mya lowered her face to kiss me. I moved her hair out of the way. She kissed me softly.

  “You are so beautiful. You have my heart Mya. You are the air I breathe.”

  “Oh Alex.” She mewled as she sat up leaning back exposing her breasts. I sat up and suckled each one. Her head fell forward as she lifted her hips and lowered herself back down on me. She moved with ease from the wetness, slowly rising and falling back down. I felt her stretch to receive me. Mya moaned as the full length of my erection engulfed her. I lifted her by her hips and lowered her slowly. Mya winced but continued to take me in. I love feeling her tightness around me. We continued our slow dance on the rug in front of the fireplace.

  “No Air” was on and now it was my turn. I love that song. I understand it now being with Mya. Listening to the words, I became teary eyed. I realized I couldn’t live without this woman. She is my breath. She is the one I want to be with.

  “ You mean so much to me. I have fallen hard for you Mya.”

  “I love you too Alex.” She wiped the tears from my eyes and kissed me as we melted into each other. As the song reached it’s crescendo, so did we. Our bodies were so in tuned with each other. We were both moaning, as we climaxed together. I rolled her onto her back again. I laid on top of her for a moment. Back up on my forearms, I sucked each of her luscious nipples. Mya grabbed my ass and pulled me into her more. She continued to gyrate her hips. I joined her. I felt her clench down milking the last drop of my seed. She came once more. I love watching her come.

  We kissed again before I pulled out and headed to the bathroom. I returned with a comforter and placed another log on the fire. Mya looked so radiant. I covered her and laid down next to her. We spoke no words, made no sounds, only the music played. Pulling her into an embrace, I kissed her hair. Prince’s “Diamonds and Pearls” was playing. Mya snuggled closer to me under the comforter. I didn’t want this moment to end. I held her in my arms and slowly drifted off to sleep.


  Mya woke up early to prepare breakfast. She found the apron that had her initials on it. The sun shone brightly through the windows. The snow was beginning to fall again. I got up and placed some logs on the fire she had started. Placing my robe on I walked over to the dining table. This is how my life should have been. It’s not about the sex, although it’s mind blowing. But more about how I feel when I’m with her. How her energy was so contagious. If Carina was into me half as much as Mya has been, we could have had a great marriage and life. Sitting here watching her happily make breakfast, gave me joy.

  “Good morning A.J.!” Mya saw me watching her from the dining table.

  “Good morning angel. Did you sleep well?”

  She walked over to me with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and kissed me.

  “Yes, best sleep in years. I needed yesterday! Thank you.”

  Smiling,we embraced. She whispered in my ear.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  She returned to the island and I notice all she had on was the apron and a pair of high heeled pumps she found in her closet.

  “Thank you. That was a nice surprise.”

  I got up and walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I was hungry in more ways than one. But that would have to wait.

  “Is there anything you need help with?”

  She nodded.

  “Will you open the champagne and make us some Mimosas? I will plate our food and breakfast will be served.” She said with a smile.

  I turned on some music for us to listen to as we enjoyed breakfast.

  “Wow, what a nice spread. I don’t know where to start.”

  She grabbed my hand and bowed her head.

  “We start with grace.” She said as she began to bless our food.

  This woman was going to put weight on me with her amazing cooking!

  Eggs, bacon, sliced melon, pancakes with butter and maple syrup. And of course my amazing Mimosas with the juice she squeezed! She took eating to another level. She derived pleasure from everything she did. I want to be like that! What a wonderful meal!

  I was stuffed.

  “Mya, I know we haven’t known each other very long and we played twenty questions the other day. There’s one question I didn’t ask but would like to know. “

  “Oh, what’s that?” She raised her eyebrows.

  Why is such a beautiful woman single?”

  She looked at me and smiled.

  “You really think I’m beautiful?”

  I nodded.

  “Very much so.” I moved my seat closer to hers. She looked down and began to speak as the music continued to play in the background.

  “I was in a very long relationship. We were high school sweethearts. We talked about getting married one day. He was my first. He was two years older than me. I was in tenth grade and he was a senior. We met one day in the lunch room. I was looking around the room because I couldn’t find a seat. He waved at me and got my attention. When I approached him, he gave up his seat for me. I never had a boy pay attention to me the way he did. He made me feel special, when everyone else made me feel like an outcast.

  From that day on we did everything together. Even after he graduated, he would stop by the school to make sure I was safe and to take me home. He told me every day was a gift and that I was it’s greatest present. I was also as he called me his ‘Sacrificial Virgin’.

  He knew more about sex than I did of course, but that didn’t matter to him. The way he treated me, made it easy for me to give my virginity to him. It took some time for me to do it, I was extremely scared. He was very careful, and loving. I loved him so much. I became his, mind, soul, and body.

  He went into the Marine Corps right after my graduation. In boot camp, he taught me how to have phone sex with him to keep us close. He was deployed to Afghanistan right after the Crucible. I cried my eyes out. Whenever he called, we would have phone sex during our time. I was so glad no one knew about our time on the phone. He would come back to the states for a short time and would be deployed again and again.

  He went to Dubai on a weekend leave and bought me a beautiful ring. He sent it to me.

  I have it in a safe deposit box. We never made it to a physical alter. But to us, we were married. All the paperwork was completed, we were waiting for him to come home to marry me. He served four tours over there and was due to come home.

  I have some of his ashes in an urn at home. He died and I never wanted to be with any other man after that.”

  I reached for her hand.

  “Oh Mya, I’m so sorry.”

  Christina Aguilera’s “Bound to You” began to play.

  “I struggled after his death. His mother fought to get his life insurance. Since we weren’t married yet, she received it. She did pay off my place to keep me from being homeless and gave me a car and some of his belongings.”

  Mya stopped to take a sip of her drink. Her head was down, tears welled up in her eyes.

  “My heart broke into a million pieces when that black SUV drove up to his mother’s house. I was there preparing a box for him and a few of his men. His mom tolerated me.

  I wasn’t what she wanted in a daughte
r in law if you know what I mean.”

  I nodded.

  Tears fell from her eyes. I motioned for her to sit on my lap.

  “You don’t need to say another word.”

  I held her in my arms as she began to sob.

  I teared up too as I could feel her hurt. She sobbed as if it had just happened. I allowed her to get her release. This must have been in her body for so long. She took a deep breath and went limp. I held her tighter, running my fingers through her curls. Christina Aguilera’s haunting song and Mya’s tears tugged at my heart.

  “I’m sorry.” She whispered.

  She needed to tell someone to release herself. I reached for a napkin so she could blow her nose.

  “No need to say sorry.” I told her as I rocked her.

  “Thank you. I’ve never shared this with anyone except my best friend.”

  “Mya, you know if you ever need anything.”

  She put her finger to my mouth and said,

  “Don’t hesitate to ask.”

  She hugged my neck and smiled. Her eyes were still filled with tears.

  I wiped the tears from her eyes. They had a soft hazel glow now. Even with all the tears, and her red runny nose, she was still beautiful. At that moment, I wanted to give her the world.

  I held her in my arms and rocked her. She started singing to the song. Her voice was incredible. Even racked with pain, she had the voice of an angel. I know I couldn’t live up to her ex, but I hope I can keep her happy. I wondered, was she singing this to him or me? We sat there as I gently rocked her. I felt her body relax. Kissing her curls, I told her,

  “Let’s get dressed. There’s a surprise coming in an hour.”

  She looked around at the kitchen.

  “Don’t worry it about it.”

  We took a shower and got dressed. Mya looked so beautiful in white.

  I purposely bought a lot of items in white to highlight her skin. Caramel wrapped in white chocolate.

  “Here, put this on. You’ll need it.” A white leather coat with a white fox fur collar. I know this isn’t PC, but I’ve never been politically correct about anything.

  “Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful! Really? Thank you!”

  She appreciated everything that was given to her.

  “Are you ready?”


  I opened the door. In the circular drive, there was a beautiful horse drawn sleigh. It approached slowly. “Eek!” Mya squealed as she jumped up and down. She grabbed my hand and we made our way to the sleigh.

  “Good morning Mr. Davis. Miss.” The driver tipped his hat and helped Mya on to the sleigh. “Good morning. Thank you.” Mya replied with a smile.

  We covered ourselves with the blanket that was on the seat. “There’s hot cocoa in the thermos for the two of you. My wife’s secret recipe.” The driver said with a wink. He cracked his whip and with that, we were off. We toured the country side. The snow was so pristine. It looked like a Winter wonderland.

  “Are you enjoying the ride?” I asked Mya hoping she would.

  “Yes I am.” Mya snuggled closer.

  “Ready for some cocoa?” I asked reaching for the cocoa.

  “Yes, I’m getting chilly.”

  “Wow this is good!” We both exclaimed. In the distance we saw elk, and a couple of foxes. Mya and I snuggled closer pointing out things of interest. The ride was almost over. “Thank you. This was so nice” Mya whispered into my ear.

  She was very grateful. I liked that. Before long we were back at the cabin. The driver helped us out of the sleigh. Mya looked around and sniffed the air.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Food. I smell food.” She said looking towards the cabin.

  As the sleigh drove off. I opened the door. I had hired a caterer to prepare lunch and dinner for today so we could relax and enjoy ourselves.

  Mya turned to me. “They look like they’re going to be here for a while. Let’s go work up an appetite in the pool.”

  She ran to the bedroom. Inside the closet she picked the red bikini. It was a simple suit with ties on each side of the bottom and ties on the top. (Reminded me of something.) She put the suit on and stepped out.

  “Well, how does it look?”

  All I could do was smile. I changed into a pair of trunks and we walked to the pool room. It was an Olympic sized salt water pool with an ultra violet disinfecting system. There were two diving boards and a waterfall. There’s a fully equipped shower room with Egyptian Cotton robes and towels. I had the water temperature set at 93 degrees. There’s a cabana with a bed off to the side. I had a fully stocked bar and fridge put in.

  Mya jumped into the pool.

  “Wow, it’s warm in here!” She said as she began to swim.

  I got in and caught up to her. She flipped under and swam back. Oh my, what a sight that was to behold. Those sweet cheeks of hers flipping over in the water. I began to float on my back. Mya tried sneaking under me but her hair gave her away. I flipped over and grabbed her. She screamed.

  I took her under the water for a kiss. We floated up for air. Taking Mya in my arms, I kissed her passionately. She and I swam to the pool’s edge. My back now against the pool wall, Mya kissed me with long sensual kisses. I untied her bikini top, pulled it off and threw it outside the pool. Her nipples were erect from the chill of the air. She leaned back so I could suck them. Mya began to moan with each suck. I untied the bottom. She opened her legs wide so the suit could slip through her legs. Taking advantage of her position, I played with her until she came.

  We climbed out of the pool and went to the cabana. Mya sat on the edge of the bed as I took off my trunks. I got on my knees and spread her legs wide for a look. Mya leaned back on her arms and closed her eyes in anticipation. I began to pat her clit. Mya jumped.

  ”What are you doing?”

  “Shhh, lay back and relax baby. I’m trying something new.”

  She did as I asked. She began to move with the rhythm of my patting. Soon Mya came. She was wet from her orgasm. Just the way I liked her naked, wet, and ready. Sliding in slowly, we both breathe in deeply. We gyrated a little bit, then I pulled out and slid Mya to the very edge of the bed. She sat up and wrapped her arms and legs around me. I lifted her onto my shaft, and carried her to the shower.

  She held on tightly, grinding as I walked us into the shower until Mya’s back was against a wall. I can not get enough of this woman! It’s as if we were horny teenagers. Mya kissed me hard. I slid my tongue into her waiting mouth probing around for her tongue. Our tongues met and danced together, until Mya began to suck mine. Oh fuck I loved that!! Holding her against the wall, I gyrated slowly then picked up the pace.

  “I want it harder A.J., harder.” She called out.

  Of course I wanted to give her whatever her heart desired.

  “I don’t want to hurt you baby.”

  Mya placed her head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

  “I want that big, hard, dick of yours to slam into me. I can take it. Please daddy fuck me hard.”

  “Okay baby. Here it is.”

  With that I began thrusting hard in and out, Mya hung on for the ride. She was screaming the dirtiest shit I’ve ever heard. (Damn, hope the caterers didn’t hear it.) That shit caused me to groan and growl. I slid out, saw the wetness of her essence on my cock then slammed back in.

  “FUCK ME HARDER! Rip my pussy open!” She demanded with a very domineering voice. Those words made me go wild. I tried to send her through that goddamn wall. I grunted, moaned and groaned. “I can’t hold it much long baby.”

  I couldn’t hold it in. I shot my load so hard and fast Mya didn’t even know what hit her. She didn’t get a chance to come with me. Mya began to grind, I matched her grind. My cock was still hard. I rubbed her clit and talked dirty to her. This sent her over the edge into an explosive orgasm.

  “How was that?” I asked.

  “What? Your filthy mouth?”

  I nodded.

nbsp; “If you ever talk to me like that again....” She laughed.

  “I want you to talk to me like that again and again.”

  “Phew, I thought you were going to hit me or something.”

  “No, only if I’m really mad. I mean really mad at you. You were pretty good Mr. Davis. Was that your first time talking dirty?”

  “It was.”

  “Well, it was good enough to make me come. Your voice was lower when you spoke. You have to do it more often.” She mewled.

  “That commanding voice of yours was very hot. If you had a whip in your hand, it would have really sent me over the edge.” I said imagining her with a whip in her hand and me on my knees before her.

  I pulled out of her slowly and let her down easy.

  “Is your back okay?”

  “Yes, just a little sore.” She said rubbing it.

  “Come, let’s get you under the jets and I’ll rub your back.”

  The shower had two large rainfall shower heads above. Each wall had eight jets each as well as two hand held wands.

  “Something else is sore too.” She cupped herself.

  “I’ll take care of that too.”

  “Do you think they heard us?” She asked.

  “Probably, it’s not sound proof.”

  We both laughed and stepped into the shower. The shower can be operated by remote control or manually. I turned on each jet, one at a time. Mya wanted the wand first.

  Of course she did. Dirty girl. My dirty girl.

  We enjoyed a relaxing shower and then ate lunch. The caterer left instructions for dinner with us. Mya laid down and fell asleep on the rug in front of the fireplace. I placed some more logs on the fire to keep her warm. I slipped in behind her and slept like a baby.


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