Creepin' 3: A New Orleans Love Story
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“I’m so sorry Von,” Mia said sadly.
“Stop apologizing Mimi. What’s done is done,” Von said right as Tre walked back in with a full bottle of Crown Royal and handed him a glass of ice.
“Having a baby won’t change anything. I’m still going to school just like I planned to,” Mia assured him.
“You damn right you still going to school. That’s not even up for discussion,” Von replied.
“And I hope you know that staying on campus is not happening now,” Tre chimed in.
“Girl, you ain’t staying on no damn campus with my grandbaby. And you damn sure ain’t getting no abortion. How many months are you anyway?” Von asked while taking a sip of his brown stress reliever.
“She’s eight weeks. The baby is due December nineteenth according to her doctor,” Tre answered for her.
“So, y’all went to the doctor already too?” Von asked.
“Yeah,” Mia answered feeling bad for keeping everything from him.
“Who else knows about this?” Von wanted to know.
“Nobody, but Brandis and Duke,” Tre answered.
“I should have known,” Von chuckled as he continued to sip.
“So, how do you feel about all of this?” Tre asked his father.
“It doesn’t matter how I feel. I’ll be a grandfather in seven more months whether I like it or not,” Von shrugged.
“It does matter how you feel Von. Your feelings were the only reason why I wanted to keep everything a secret in the first place. I didn’t want to hurt you, and I couldn’t risk you not being in my life anymore,” Mia said as she wiped the few stray tears from her eyes.
Von sighed deeply before he started to say what was on his mind.
“You might not remember any of this Mimi because it was so long ago. When you and Rainey were born, I was still in prison. Even still, both of your fathers wanted me to be the Godfather to their first and only daughters. I was honored that they thought of me, so of course, I agreed. The christenings took place while I was locked up, but one of my brothers stood in front of the church with your parents on my behalf. You and Rainey were both six years old when I got released. I didn’t have this house then, and Tank, and I were still living in an apartment. I used to come to the projects almost every day to visit you and Rainey just to make sure y’all knew who I was. I got this house a year later, and I started getting you girls over here every weekend. Rainey used to cry her heart out and for a while she never wanted to come. But I knew you were special to me even back then. You used to look forward to the weekends because you knew that I was coming for you. When I took too long to pick you up you would have Moonie call me to see where I was. It was almost a whole year later before Rainey got up enough courage to stay the weekends, and I couldn’t get rid of her after a while either. So with that being said, you never have to worry about me not being a part of your life. I’ll be an even bigger part of your life now because you’re giving me my first grandchild. I’ve always been here for you, and I always will be,” Von said as he hugged Mia.
It was at that exact moment that Mia felt the huge weight being lifted from her shoulders. Her secrets were out, and she could breathe a little easier. She wasn’t worried about telling her parents as much as she was worried about telling Von. At first, it was only her relationship with Tre that she was hiding. As of two weeks ago, she had to hide a pregnancy as well. With the morning sickness being an issue, she was happy that he hadn’t noticed on his own. When Moonie finally made her appointment, Mia was so happy until she actually got to the clinic. She had to take a pregnancy test before being given a new prescription, and it was over from there. Tre was so excited when the test came back positive, but Mia wanted to die. Tre took it as a sign that they were meant to be together, and he’d been talking about marriage non-stop since then. Mia wasn’t against being married, but she felt like she was too young to be somebody’s wife. She also didn’t want Tre to marry her just because she was carrying his child. In his defense, they’d talked about it before they found out that she was pregnant, but he was pushing the issue even more now.
“Good, now we can stop hiding and sneaking into each other’s rooms when you go to sleep,” Tre laughed.
“Ain’t that some shit. Y’all made a baby right up under my nose. No wonder you never had any females over here. Your ass was scared. Now I know why Mimi and London were going at it like that. She was marking her territory,” Von laughed while looking at Tre.
“Obviously, I didn’t mark it enough. That still didn’t stop him from sleeping with her,” Mia rolled her eyes.
“Don’t even start that Mia,” Tre warned while looking her way.
“Whatever nigga,” Mia snapped as she got up and walked away.
“Boy, you got something on your hands with that one there,” Von chuckled.
“What the hell just happened?” Tre questioned. “She got mad for nothing.”
“That’s only the beginning. You got seven more months of that attitude and the moods swings that will come with it. And don’t even think about looking to me for help. You didn’t need my help for the last two years and you damn sure won’t be getting it now. Nigga done went and made me a grandpa. I’m too fly for that shit,” Von fussed as he grabbed his filled glass and walked away.
Tre laughed as Von continued to mumble and fuss under his breath. He knew that it was all talk, though. Tre was his only child, and he knew that his father would be happy to have an addition to his family. Von didn’t say it, but Tre could tell that he was happy that Mia was the one to carry his son’s first child and his first grandchild. The only thing left for them to do was tell Mia’s family what was up, which she wasn’t scared to do. Things were looking up for them, and Tre was happy for that much. The hardest part of it all was having to deal with seven more months of Mia and her pregnancy hormones.
Chapter 2
Two weeks later, Mia, Tre, and Von went to visit Lamar at the rehab facility. He’d only been there for a little while, and he was still trying to adjust. The first few days were the hardest because his body was going through the withdrawal process. Mia cried her heart out when Mr. Warren called and told them how Lamar had been throwing up and breaking out into cold night sweats. His body was physically hurting as a result of not have the drugs in his system. Tre didn’t want to stress Mia out during her pregnancy, so he decided not to tell her anything else that Mr. Warren told him. Mia also decided that she was ready to tell her father and the rest of her family about the baby. Tre was more excited about that than anything else. He and Mia could finally stop hiding and let everybody know that they were together, just like he always wanted.
“How long can we visit?” Mia asked right as they pulled up to the facility.
“We can stay for an hour or two,” Tre answered.
Von drove while Mia rode in the front seat. As soon as the car stopped, Tre hopped out from the back seat and opened Mia’s door for her.
“Is Mr. Warren here?” Mia asked.
“No, he doesn’t work on the weekends, but I can’t wait for you and Von to meet him,” Tre replied.
The three of them walked into the facility and stopped at the receptionist desk to check in. The older lady immediately recognized Tre and started up a conversation with him.
“You know Mr. Warren is off today right?” She asked while looking at Tre.
“Yeah, I know. I’m here to visit somebody,” Tre answered.
He gave her Lamar’s name, and she instructed them to sit down until she called him to the front. Mia was so anxious to see her father. She kept watching the door waiting for him to walk through it.
“I can’t wait to see my boy’s face when y’all drop this bomb on him,” Von chuckled.
“He’ll be okay. You were the one that worried me the most. As long as you know I don’t have a problem telling anybody else,” Mia replied.
“There he is,” Tre said when he saw Lamar standing behind the glass door.
Mia stood up and waited for them to open the door. She was all smiles and Lamar’s face matched hers. She was so proud of him for taking the necessary steps he needed to take to be drug-free. Since Mia was expecting, he couldn’t have picked a more perfect time.
“Hey, my baby!” Lamar yelled when he finally walked through the door.
He grabbed Mia into a huge hug that lifted her off of her feet. She hugged him back, and the tears started flowing soon after. Although it had only been a few days, Mia could see some changes in Lamar’s appearance already. His skin seemed to be a bit lighter, and he had a glow to him that she’d never seen before. The smile on his face was genuine, and Mia hadn’t seen that in a long time.
“Don’t cry baby girl, I’m in good hands over here,” Lamar said while wiping the tears from Mia’s eyes.
“You’re looking good man,” Von said as he stood up and embraced his longtime friend.
“I feel good too. It was rough for a minute, but I’m hanging in there,” Lamar smiled.
“Are they going to let you out to come to my graduation party this weekend?” Mia asked.
“Yeah, I’m in here voluntarily, so I can leave whenever I want to. I won’t miss your party,” Lamar promised.
“How do you like Mr. Warren?” Tre asked.
“Man, dude is the truth. He keeps it real, and I can appreciate that ” Lamar responded.
“I really need to meet this man. The way y’all talk about him makes it seem like he should be walking on water or some shit,” Von joked.
“Nah, but he’s good people. He told me that he was coming to Mia’s party. I guess you can meet him then,” Lamar responded.
“Cool, but let’s get down to business. Y’all got the floor, so start talking,” Von said while looking at Tre and Mia.
“Alright, what’s up?” Lamar asked looking around at everybody.
Mia could have killed Von for putting them on the spot like that. She knew that it had to be done, but she at least wanted to talk to her father for a little while before breaking the bad news to him. Her palms started sweating as her nerves took over her emotions. Tre looked just as scared, and none of them opened their mouths to say anything.
“Don’t get quiet now Mimi. Tell my boy what’s up,” Von ordered.
“What’s wrong Mia?” Lamar asked his daughter with a face full of concern.
“Um, I’m pregnant,” Mia said as she turned her face away from his glare. She’d convinced herself that she wasn’t scared to tell him, but that proved to be untrue. The look on her father’s face alone was enough to make her want to run and hide.
“Pregnant?” Lamar repeated like he didn’t hear her the first time.
“Yeah, I’m ten weeks, and the baby is due in December,” Mia answered.
“Damn Mia, you were supposed to be the first one in my family to go to college and make something of yourself. Me and your mama messed up our lives, but I didn’t want that for you,” Lamar argued.
“I’m still going to college daddy. Having a baby won’t stop me from getting a career.”
“You say that now Mia, but I know how this shit plays out. College is going to be a distant memory once that baby gets here. I knew it was something about that lil nigga that I didn’t like when I saw him at Von’s house,” Lamar fussed.
“What lil nigga? What are you talking about daddy?” Mia asked.
“I’m talking about that lil nigga Ricky that you had at Von’s house a while ago. Don’t play dumb with me girl.”
“Ricky doesn’t have anything to do with this. I don’t even talk to him anymore,” Mia replied.
“So it’s somebody else that got you pregnant? What’s the nigga’s name, Mia? Tell me who it is so I can a put a fucking bullet in his head when I get out of here,” Lamar fumed.
“So you gon’ kill my son nigga?” Von smirked.
“What? This ain’t got shit to do with Tank,” Lamar replied angrily.
“It has everything to do with Tank. That’s the lil nigga that got her pregnant,” Von replied.
Lamar didn’t respond right away. He looked back and forth between Tre and Mia and then back at Von. He was at a loss for words, but it didn’t take him long to find his voice.
“I knew it!” He jumped up and yelled. “I told you that some shady shit was going on between them, but you said I was talking crazy.”
“Well, obviously you were right on point. I was the only one too dumb to see what was right in my face. It’s too late to point fingers now. Their sneaky asses done went and made us both grandpas,” Von said.
“Man, I wish y’all would have hit me with this shit a few weeks ago when I was still getting high. Y’all make a nigga wanna relapse,” Lamar said making all of them laugh. He sat back in his chair and shook his head.
“I don’t get high, but I damn near drunk a whole bottle of Crown when I found out,” Von confessed.
“And nigga why you sitting over there being so quiet? I should beat your ass right along with Mia’s. As good as I look y’all want to make me a grandpa,” Lamar fussed.
“That’s the same thing I said,” Von laughed.
“Does Moonie know?” Lamar asked.
“No, not yet,” Mia mumbled.
“She really might have a fit. You know she still thinks she’s sixteen,” Von replied.
“It’s probably her fault that my baby is pregnant anyway. She never even wanted to take her to the doctor to get her birth control pills.”
“Let me tell you just like I told Tank and Mimi. Them having a baby is nobody’s fault, but their own. They knew she wasn’t on birth control, and they should have used condoms. Two whole years they’ve been doing this, so they should have known better,” Von spoke up.
“Two years?” Lamar yelled. “Y’all been fucking for two years?”
“Daddy!” Mia gasped.
“Don’t daddy me. It ain’t like you no damn virgin. I knew something was going on, but just like Von, I brushed the shit off. Tank running around here fighting people over you and shit. And Rainey tried to tell us, but nobody believed her. Y’all were sneaky as hell, but that’s why y’all got caught up with a baby,” Lamar argued.
“It’s all good, though. She’s going to school no matter what happens. I’ll keep my baby at home with me until she finishes,” Von said.
“Your baby?” Tre asked with raised brows.
“Yeah nigga, my baby. I was pissed, but you already know that’s gon’ be my heart,” Von smiled.
“I keep trying to tell y’all that nothing is going to change. I’m still starting school in August just like I planned to. I’ll only be five months pregnant by then. School will be out in December when I have the baby, and I’ll be ready to go back by January. Most of the accounting classes are done online anyway,” Mia concluded.
“And what about you and Tank?” Lamar asked his daughter.
“What about us?”
“Are y’all together or just having a baby?”
“We’re most definitely together. She’s not ready to get married right now, but I ain’t going nowhere, and neither is Mia,” Tre assured him.
“What do you mean she’s not ready to get married?” Lamar yelled. “She’s already pregnant, so why not?”
“You don’t want to marry my son Mimi?” Von smiled.
“I never said that I didn’t. I just told him that I thought we were too young, and we need to wait a while,” Mia answered.
“Y’all weren’t too young to make a damn baby, though. Help me understand how that works. You would rather walk around being his baby mama instead of being his wife?” Lamar asked in confusion.
“I never said that daddy. I don’t even know why you mentioned anything about marriage around him,” Mia frowned at Tre.
“It’s nothing to get upset about Mia. I told you that we’ll do it whenever you’re ready,” Tre replied.
“Fuck that! Her ass better get ready. Two whole years and now you want to start having doubts,” Lamar fussed.
“Who said I was having doubts?” Mia asked.
“I know you better not be,” Tre said seriously.
“Don’t listen to him boo. I’m not having any doubts. If you want to get married then we’ll get married,” Mia smiled at Tre. He leaned over and kissed her lips as their father’s looked on in shock.
“Ain’t this some shit,” Lamar said as he looked at Von and laughed.
Von laughed right along with him at the public display of affection between their kids. It would take some getting used to, but both of them knew that they really had no choice. They had to accept the fact that not only were their kids going to be together, but they would also be sharing a grandchild. Von was bubbling over with excitement, but he wasn’t ready to let them know that just yet. Both of his babies were having a baby, and he couldn’t wait for his grandchild to arrive.
Chapter 3
Moonie walked around the party supply warehouse picking up a few last minute items for Mia and Brandis’s graduation party the following day. She had Tootie and Anika with her while Mitch and the boys went to the barbershop. Moonie loved to decorate for any occasion, and she was going all out for the party. She wanted to do summer colors, but Brandis’s boring ass mama had already set the theme in blue and gold which were the school’s colors. It was still cool with her, though. She would make it pop no matter what the colors were.
“I’m about to go off and curse somebody out,” Tootie said out of the blue.
Tootie was a teenager now, but for some reason she thought that gave her the okay to say and do what she wanted to do. Moonie had to fault herself for that because she never corrected her kids when they said or did something wrong. Mia was always the one who chastised them. Mitch had been fussing at Moonie about being stricter with the kids, but she really didn’t know where to start.
“What are you talking about Tootie?” Moonie asked.
Moonie got her answer before her daughter had a chance to reply. She looked up right as Mitch’s ex-girlfriend Melissa was strolling down the aisle in their direction. She had a shopping cart, but there was nothing in it. Melissa had a smirk on her face that Moonie wanted to slap right off.