Happily Never Forever

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Happily Never Forever Page 15

by Sarah Peis

  He stilled, suspended above me and searched for his pants on the floor. The crinkle of a condom wrapper was a welcome sound and if there was a record to be had for putting on a condom with one hand in under three seconds then Rhett would have won it.

  When he entered me, time seemed to stand still, both our bodies welcoming the connection. Our bodies were moving in sync, and our breaths becoming one.

  Everything felt like it was the way it was supposed to be. I just hoped reality wouldn’t rear its ugly head and tell me it was all just a fluke.

  “This looks amazing, Emmi. I don’t know what to say,” Cassie gushed, grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Don’t sound so surprised. I am capable of stuff, you know.” I was in a foul mood, even though the party had come together better than I could have imagined. But all my newfound skills couldn’t cheer me up when I hadn’t seen Rhett since Thursday night. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was everywhere. We had been texting and calling, but our schedules never seemed to line up, especially since he’d gone to New York on Friday.

  I left to go back to Butler after work on Friday, so I wouldn’t have to do the drive early Saturday and didn’t see him before I left.

  And now I was left wondering if this was it. All I was going to get. All this was going to be. A one night stand. The thought made me feel stabby.

  “You need to change careers. This is your thing. It looks absolutely perfect. You took everything I told you I wanted and made it so much better. I love it,” Cassie said, looking around her backyard that resembled a secret fairy garden.

  Despite my grumpiness, I smiled at my friend. I’d managed to turn her vision into reality. And I’d enjoyed every minute of doing it. Even though the event tonight was an official work do, I was determined to make it a night to remember.

  Fairy lights hung across the huge backyard. The plants, swings and pink flamingos I’d rented dotted the lawn. I’d hired a kick ass bar that made themed cocktails in all colors and flavors. There were hammocks and cushions everywhere, and for those who preferred boring, old seating, I added picnic benches.

  The band played music that wasn’t intrusive and allowed for normal conversation. Cassie was happy and that was really the only thing that mattered. I had screwed up enough already to really want to do something right. She deserved it for putting up with my disorganized butt that apparently managed just fine when it came to parties. Who would have thought?

  We only had ten minutes until everyone would arrive but the only thing I could think about was Rhett. The way his body felt against mine. How he kissed me senseless, and how I couldn’t wait to do it all over again. How I’d had the best sex of my life yet I didn’t know if it would ever happen again.

  “You don’t look happy. What’s going on?” Cassie interrupted my thoughts. She studied me, knowing something was wrong. But I couldn’t say anything. Couldn’t tell anyone. Rhett had hired us. Was her client. She could never find out I had screwed up by literally being the one to do the screwing.

  “Nothing’s going on. I’m super happy. Ecstatic, really. It’s going to be a great night. And I’m glad I could do one thing right for once in my life.”

  I turned to check on the food to make sure everything was ready to be brought out but Cassie stopped me. “Emmi.”


  “You are not a screw up. Don’t let Anna get into your head. She is miserable and wants everyone around her to feel the same way. But you’ve done an incredible job with your life. You are taking care of another human. Successfully so. You might not be the most organized assistant but despite the double-bookings, all our clients love you. I’m proud to be your friend.”

  How I loved this woman. And to show her, I did the only thing I could do and threw myself at her, squeezing tight. “I love you, Cassie.”

  “Love you, Emmi. And it’s Cassandra.”

  I chuckled and kissed her cheek. “Sure. Now I have to go check on the food. See you later?”

  “You bet. And thanks again for putting everything together.”

  The first guests started to arrive as I made my way to the house. The caterers were set up in the kitchen and would bring the food out as soon as there were more than three people present. Everything smelled amazing and looked even better, and I relaxed. It was going to be a great night. I’d done it.

  Satisfied that everything was under control, I went back outside. A lot of the guests had already arrived, the space filling up faster than at a sausage sizzle. Considering all the food and drinks were free, this was no surprise. Now everyone just had to love the theme as much as Cassie did and we were in the clear.

  Cassie threw a party every year and invited industry contacts and clients. She always made great connections and simply used it as a tax write off. Not that she couldn’t afford to pay for it but there was a reason why she had so much money.

  I circled the yard, righting decorations and tasting the cocktails while sipping on my water.

  I had just tasted a gorgeous twist on the classic daiquiri when my eyes were drawn to the entrance. Rhett walked in, looking incredible in a suit and tie, his presence giving me goosebumps all over. I swallowed and put the glass down to greet him when I choked on my own spit. Attached to his arm was his fake/wannabe/possible fiancée. No way. This was not happening. No. I fell asleep after organizing the party and was having a nightmare. There was no way this was real. The things he did to me spoke of an undeniable attraction. The things he said to me of more than just a fling. Yet here he was with Malibu Barbie. Was she the reason I hadn’t heard from him today?

  They looked like the perfect couple. It made me sick. I was helpless to do anything but stare at them, my limbs no longer under my control. My cocktail-muddled brain told me to yell at him. Make a scene so everyone knew what a cheating bastard he was. The rational part stopped me, making sure I knew that this was Cassie’s night. She didn’t need little crazy old me to go all Mean Girls.

  Rhett’s eyes met mine and the corners of his mouth lifted into one of his rare smiles. His whole face lit up, and all I wanted to do was smile back. Malibu Barbie followed his gaze and when she saw me, she looked like she was going to shoot lasers out of her eyes.

  I blinked. Once. Twice. And then I willed my feet to come unstuck and turn around to run away like the grown woman I was. I ended up in the bathroom, hiding for nearly half an hour. I was too stunned to talk to anyone, too upset to go back out and face Rhett. But I would not let him get me down. I was going to be an adult about this and move on. I could do this. Yes, the person I had loved my whole life was here with someone else after having sex with me. Didn’t matter if he didn’t feel the same way about me as I did him. That’s life. And if I’d learned anything being a McAllister, it was how to pick myself back up and move on. And that’s exactly what I would do.

  I made sure there was no evidence of my short but intense crying fit. I put any wayward strands of hair back into the intricate braid the stylist Cassie had hired had put it in, I straightened my dress and went back outside.

  As luck would have it, I ran straight into Malibu Barbie. First she looked me up and down, assessing and very obviously not liking what she saw if her scrunched face was any indication. Admittedly, there wasn’t much scrunchage since botox was doing its job eliminating most movements. Her lips were painted a dark red, the color flawless even though she was holding a champagne glass that she had almost emptied.

  “Stay away from him,” she hissed, stepping into my personal space. What did she think would happen? I’d start fighting her?

  “Excuse me,” I replied and pushed past her, ignoring her outraged gasp as champagne spilled on her disgustingly perfect-looking dress.

  I didn’t look back or say anything else, not willing to deal with her annoying, high-pitched voice or overly-perky boobs.

  I went back to checking the food, tasting a few things but not really enjoying them as much as I usually did when it came to good food. If I wasn’t needed to cl
ean up afterwards, I would have gone home. Salvaging the rest of a shitty night with lots of junk food and watching soaps with Oma.

  A hand on my waist startled me enough to drop the chocolate truffle I was about to stuff into my mouth. I didn’t need to turn around to know who had cost me my sugar fix. Rhett’s presence was unmistakable. I instinctively leaned into him before I remembered he was here with someone else. I pushed away and crossed my arms. My eyes narrowed and my mouth pressed tight.

  He looked surprised by my reaction but not discouraged. He stepped closer, his intentions clear. I panicked and grabbed a crab ceviche from a serving tray that was sitting on one of the tables and pushed it at him.

  He looked down at the entrée that was hovering dangerously close to his suit. “I’m allergic to seafood,” he said, confused as to why I was offering it to him. I knew he was allergic because I had called an ambulance for him before when he accidently ate a shrimp at one of his dad’s extravagant birthday parties.

  “Even more of a reason to eat it,” I muttered and left him staring after me. I knew because I couldn’t resist the urge to turn around to catch one last glimpse of him. Bastard.

  When one of the waiters passed me, I stopped them and pointed in Rhett’s direction. “The gentleman with the grey suit and light blue tie over there needs a glass of wine. He loves sweet whites so make sure he gets a glass and keep it going all night.”

  Rhett hated wine. Especially sweet whites.

  My next stop was Cassie, who was standing at the bar, sipping a lime green cocktail. “Where did you go off to?” she greeted me. When I got closer, I saw that her face was flushed, her eyes shining and she smelled like a mint factory.

  “I was checking on the caterers. How is everything going out here?”

  “Fabulous. I have to repeat what a wonderful job you did. You should become a party planner. Your talents are wasted in my office.”

  She swayed to the side and giggled, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glassy. “How many of those have you had?” I asked and pointed at her nearly empty cocktail glass. She seemed to think about it, but when she was still thinking after a minute it was clear that however many was too many.

  I was about to hunt down some food for her when Rhett materialized by my side again. He was persistent; I had to give him that. At least he didn’t seem to care much about his botox queen/date/maybe fiancée since I hadn’t seen them together since they’d walked in.

  “I need to talk to you,” he said, standing once again entirely too close.

  “Cassie,” I said, my voice too loud. “You said you really wanted to dance. Rhett enjoys dancing. He can take you.”

  Rhett hated dancing with a passion. Not once in all the time that I knew him had he willingly stepped onto a dance floor.

  Cassie put down her glass, smiling big. “What a wonderful idea. You would make this night perfect, darling,” she said and linked her arm with Rhett’s. “I didn’t take you for the dancing type.”

  She dragged him to the dance floor, his body stiff, his eyes on me the entire way, promising retribution. I waved at him and disappeared into the anonymity of the crowd. I managed to stay away from him for the rest of the night, my task made easier by the never ending number of people who wanted to talk to Rhett. By the end, I almost felt sorry for him but then I remembered he came here with a date that wasn’t me and all sympathy turned to ash.

  I stayed until everyone had left, helping clean up and put Cassie’s beautiful backyard back together. She was passed out on the couch, having had ‘the best time since she’d crashed a Rolling Stones party’. Her words exactly and a big compliment.

  Rhett had also disappeared, and even though I was disappointed, I was also glad I didn’t have to dodge him again. I was dead on my feet and drove home in a daze, Gunner following me closely. At least I could count on him.

  “Emmi. Wake up.”

  I smushed my face into the pillow and grumbled. “Go away. It’s still dark outside.”

  “Well duh, it’s two in the morning, of course it’s dark. Just open the window so lover boy can get himself some. I’m trying to sleep,” Freddie complained.

  I shot up in bed, staring at the window. Sure enough, Rhett was standing there, waving at me with a boyish grin on his face that was so unlike him I was too stunned to move.

  “Are you going to open the window or try your Jedi mind powers on it instead? Because if you are, I can just go and sleep on the couch until you’re done being weird,” Freddie said.

  If I knew anything about him, he’d stand out there all night if necessary. Better to nip this in the bud before he woke everyone up, which meant I had to heave myself out of my nice, comfortable bed. I pushed the window open and leaned out so he wouldn’t get any ideas of coming inside. What I didn’t count on was that this would also make it a lot easier for him to lift me up. And that’s exactly what he did. I found myself standing outside, face-to-face with Rhett.

  “Good move, Casanova. Some of us have to get up tomorrow and need to sleep,” Freddie said and closed the window. Closed. The. Window. Abandoning her sister outside to face who knows what fate. Rhett looked at my flimsy pajamas and took off his suit jacket.

  “It’s freezing out here,” he said and draped his jacket across my shoulders. It was still warm, and I liked his gesture entirely too much. Because we were over. Done. No coming back from this one. So I couldn’t like anything that he did. Or said. Or tried to do. This included jacket sharing.

  He took my hand and led me around the house to his car that was parked on the curb. “Come on. Let’s get you out of the cold.”

  I stopped and tried to step back. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  He cocked his head and studied me. “Why not?”

  “Because we’re over.” This I stated with more or less conviction. I didn’t want it to be over. Just because he was a cheating son of a bitch didn’t mean I suddenly stopped loving him. The only thing I could think of was to get some distance. From him, from Malibu Barbie and really just from life. It wasn’t fair. What did I do in a previous life to deserve this shit?

  “No, we’re not.” He, on the other hand, stated this with absolute conviction. There was no hesitation, no wavering. He was sure about us.

  “I’m not going to be your dirty little secret.”

  He turned to face me and tugged on my hand to bring me closer. “What made you think that I would want that? When I hired a lawyer to help you? Or when I told you that I wanted to be with you? Or when I was so sick with worry of what Anna would do to you that I hired a security firm to watch out for you? Which of these things gave you the impression that I wasn’t serious about this? About us? The only one who seems to want to keep this a secret is you.”

  Well if he put it that way. “You came to Cassie’s party with Malibu Barbie.” There was that.


  “You slept with me. As in your parts joined my parts and did a happy dance together. Not the other sleeping were we close our eyes and nothing happens. Because things definitely happened. Important things. Great things. Things that you obviously forgot about as soon as they were over.” My voice was rising and I tried to get it back under control. The neighborhood patrol was only a scream away. No need for them to get all up in my business.

  How did he not get that he couldn’t just go out with both of us? What world did he live in?

  He studied me and took my hand. “I did. And it was the best night of my life.”

  I deflated and looked at the ground. “Then why did you go out with someone else?”

  “Emmi. Look at me.” I did. He released my hand and cradled my face instead. There was regret in his eyes, and I think he finally understood. “I made plans to take Violet weeks ago. I couldn’t just back out. I’m doing a lot of business with her father. If I’d stood her up that would mean I’d lose out on a lot of big deals. She doesn’t mean anything to me, never has, not even when we were dating. Taking her to the party was just out o
f obligation. I don’t know if you noticed, but the only one I have eyes for is you.”

  Which also meant that at some stage they were together. I knew this already from my stalking days but to have it confirmed made my heart clench.

  “You do?” Hope crept up like a pesky weed that couldn’t be stopped.

  “You are the only one I want. How do you not know this already?”

  I bit my lip and shook my head.


  “It’s not that simple. You ignored me for years. Not only do I have trust issues, you’ve also abandoned me before. It was a minor explosion when I just had a little crush on you. Now it’s going to be a full-blown nuclear bomb if you drop me. You need to decide what you want. Don’t use me.”

  He crushed me to him, his whole body trembling. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner? I thought we were okay after the other night. There is nobody else for me. You’re it.”

  Holy swoon, he couldn’t have said that any better. “You’re it for me too,” I said and tightened my arms around him.

  He pulled back and kissed me lightly on my lips. “Come with me?”

  I nodded and let him lead me to his car. He opened the door for me and once I was in my seat, he kissed me again and got in on the driver’s side.

  Neither one of us spoke, but he took my hand as soon as he was buckled in and didn’t let go until we reached the only motel in Butler. It was clean but dated, the owners as old as the buildings and stuck in the era of flowery curtains and shaggy carpets. They also liked to gossip—it was Butler’s national sport after all—and word would quickly spread about a McAllister coming back here with the golden Cormack son.

  Rhett knew this. He grew up here. He knew how it worked. And by taking me with him, he made a statement. A big one. One that I liked a lot.

  He got the best room they offered. It was big, had a Jacuzzi that I was eyeing longingly and the carpet was new, not a fluffy bacteria heaven.


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