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Happily Never Forever

Page 21

by Sarah Peis

  Freddie let go of him and fake pouted. “Fine. Be like that. But I’m going to tell everyone at school that I’m going to be a Cormack.”

  He sat her back on the floor and ruffled her hair. “That you can do. Because that’s what you are already.”

  Freddie beamed at him, and if I wasn’t mistaken her eyes went glassy for a minute. Oma was next in congratulating us but made us get up off the floor first. Josie was clapping excitedly, not sure why everyone was so happy but gladly joining into the celebrations.

  Rhett caught my hand and slid the ring on my finger. “Just to make it official.”

  Six months ago, I didn’t think my life would turn out this way. But princes are apparently real and my fairytale had just come true. Here’s to my happily never forever. And two kids. Not four. Because there’s no way. Maybe three. But no more.

  The End.

  German sayings explained

  Spatz—Sparrow—term of endearment

  Schatz—Treasure—term of endearment

  Das leben ist kein ponyhof—Life is not a pony stable—Life is not a walk in the park

  Wie ein Schluck Wasser in der Kurve—Like a sip of water in the corner—worn out

  Hat nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank—not having all mugs in the cupboard—has a screw loose

  Apfelstrudel—Apple Strudel

  Nusshoernchen—nutty puff pastry

  Insulted sausage—beleidigte Leberwurst—being offended

  Den Buckel runter rutschen—slide down someone’s back—telling someone to get lost.

  Gute Nacht—Good night

  Geh hin wo der Pfeffer waechst—go where the pepper grows—get lost/ to bid someone good riddance

  Wer zu spaet kommt den bestraft das Leben—Those who are late will get punished by life—If you are late you’ll miss out

  Dickschaedel—Fat head—stubborn

  Sturkopf—stubborn head—thick headed

  Einen Vogel haben—to have a bird—being crazy

  Honigkuchenpferd—honeycake horse—the cat that ate the canary

  Washlappen—flannel—useless person

  Die Nase voll haben—To have a full nose- to have enough

  Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei—Everything has an end, only the sausage has two—All good things must end.

  I love the written word in all forms and shapes and if I’m not glued to a book I’m attempting to write one. I’m a frequent blonde moment sufferer and still haven’t figured out how to adult. Lucky google always has an answer, so I don’t have to.

  I live in Perth, Western Australia with my two dogs, small demon spawn and husband. If you want to accompany me on my path to enlightenment check out my publications or get in touch!

  You can find me on

  Facebook @sarahpeisbooks

  instagram @sarahpeis


  Sign up for my newsletter

  Thank you for reading this far,

  A legend is what you are.

  There are so many people to thank,

  But when I get to this part I usually draw a blank.

  Let’s start with the beautiful Natasha who helped me once again to make this book the best it can be,

  seeing your suggestions always fills me with glee.

  Ginna, I’ll be forever grateful for your amazeballs support, you are simply the best,

  your friendship makes me feel blessed.

  Robyn, there aren’t enough words to tell you how much I adore you,

  One day we have to get a matching tattoo.

  To my friends and family who support me in all that I do,

  I f*ing love you!

  Thank you Stacey from Champagne Book Design for once again lending me your formatting expertise,

  Your graphics are the bee’s knees.

  Sim—I could never have done this without you, you are the love of my life,

  I’m so proud to be your wife.




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