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Pesto and Potholes

Page 15

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Put your hands on here like this and this.” Adaline’s hands met at the thumb. “Now I’m going to trace around your hands and keep the thumbs connected, watch.” Adaline giggled each time the marker touched her hand. “Now, if you will cut this out for me…follow the lines.” Adaline did as instructed and soon the odd shape was before her. “Now you can fill the fingers and the palm of the hand with the things you want to thank God for today. When you fold them, it looks almost like a turkey, or praying hands, even though the fingers are not together.”

  The children started chiming out what they wanted on their turkeys too. Soon Tony, Sophia, Ginger and Gianna were busy helping trace, cut and write out the words for the little kids.

  Tony asked, “Can’t we do this, too?”

  “I don’t think the paper is big enough for adult hands, at least not for two together like that.”

  “That’s fine, let’s all do one hand. It’s better than nothing.”

  The kids had dragged their parents in to make their own “turkeys.” Even Grandma and Grandpa joined in the fun.

  Renata stood back and watched the laughter and fun as the children and adults talked about all they were thankful for. Her heart swelled. What a difference from Thursday. Tony came and stood behind her, watching the scene. He put his arms around her, and she placed her arms over his. “You are a wonder,” he said.

  Tears formed in her eyes. “It’s Thanksgiving as it should be, spending time being thankful, and with your family, there is much to be grateful for.”

  Tony put his face down by her neck and kissed her, making her giggle. “I am thankful God brought you into my life.”

  Renata rotated in Tony’s arms and put her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her and putting her face in his neck, tickling him as she spoke in his ear. “I’m thankful God brought you to me, too.”

  One of the boys wolf whistled, and the adults glanced up to see Tony and Renata in their chaste embrace. Renata blushed and hid her face in Tony’s chest. He grinned and held her tight.

  A boisterous family sat down for Thanksgiving dinner. Alberto De Luca looked over the brood seated at three tables. Kids and adults mixed and matched so all of the younger children had someone to help them. Renata was seated across from Tony, and she was accompanied by her two buddies, Eliot and David. Tony sat next to Annalise on one side and Faith on the other.

  Mr. De Luca spoke. “We have much to be thankful for this year, Renata. We are glad you could join us and have given Tony back his smile.” Mr. De Luca winked at her. “As we eat, I would like us each to share things we all wrote on our turkeys. We can remember that this day is about thanking God for all his blessings to us.” Mr. De Luca bowed his head in prayer after which the serving dishes passed around the table and plates filled with food. The family started to go around the tables, sharing their “turkeys.”

  * * *

  Renata offered to help with the clean up after dinner, but Mrs. De Luca shooed her out of the kitchen.

  “You’re our guest, Renata. Guests don’t do dishes. Go be with Tony.”

  Renata found Tony on the rug in the great room, underneath a pile of kids. Renata came up where he couldn’t see her and motioned for the kids not to give her away. Slowly, one by one, she picked them up as Tony was tickling them, and she started tickling him herself. He rolled over, surprised, and reached for her to drag her down to the floor.

  Before she knew it, the children attacked both of them. They became horses and pretended to be jousting, using pillows for swords. Soon the fathers came to extricate their children and relieve Tony and Renata from the full responsibility of entertaining them. Renata flopped into the corner of the couch and drew Tony down beside her. She had him lie on his back, stocking feet up on the opposite arm and his head in her lap.

  “I could get used to this,” he said, smiling as Renata played with his hair.

  “It’s been a fun day, Tony. Thanks for letting me be a part of it.”

  “You fit in with my family. They adore you. I think Annalise might be persuaded to step aside in the future if necessary, to make my way clear to choosing someone else as a wife.”

  “Don’t talk nonsense.”

  “Why not? It’s far more fun.”

  “Shhhhhh.” Renata put one finger over Tony’s mouth and moved to close his eyes. “Why don’t you rest? I’m not going anywhere.”

  Tony relaxed into Renata’s lap. His smile indicated he enjoyed the massage she was giving his head as she moved her fingers through his hair. She could tell when he had fully relaxed into sleep. She enjoyed looking down at his face. So peaceful. So handsome.

  About twenty minutes later, after some children left for naps, Alexandr and Peter walked into the room. Renata caught them before they spoke by putting a finger over her lips. Alexandr held up a football and looked at his brother-in-law.

  “Guess Tony’s a little busy right now. I suspect he’s not going to be too sorry to miss the game.”

  Peter grinned and gave a thumbs up to Renata as they left the room to gather up the rest of the players and leave the two of them alone.

  She enjoyed being close to him. It had been an exhausting and fun afternoon. Her back might rebel after the roughhousing on the floor, but she’d deal with that. Renata was saddened to realize she was more accepted here than by her own family. Her heart filled with longing for this man and for more of these kinds of days. Another part of her more practical self reminded her that life was filled with challenges and, even with a good man like Tony, it didn’t guarantee smooth sailing. She smiled, remembering Michael’s talk about his wife, Gianna, the afternoon of the Packer party.

  She had watched each of the couples today. Even with six children, the spouses would give quick hugs and kisses and share secret glances from across the tables. What would it be like to experience love like that? She didn’t know if she even dared to dream about it. She would savor now, because it was all she had. It was better than anything else she had experienced in her life. Coming in second only after the joy and peace she’d had when she had asked Jesus to dwell in her heart.

  * * *

  Tony woke about ninety minutes later to discover Renata asleep with one hand on his chest and another still in his hair. Her head was back, and he could see her neck and the faint scar from her attack in September. He hadn’t noticed it at the costume party, but she might have covered it with makeup. What a journey they had been on together. He reached up with the arm closest to Renata, put his fingers in her hair, and slowly massaged the back of her head. He watched her gradually wake up and become aware of her surroundings. Aware of him. She opened her eyes and glanced around. Tony drowned in an ocean of deep blue. It was a perfect day.

  “You make a wonderful pillow,” Tony said as he continued to massage her neck.

  “Is that a spiritual gift?” Renata responded as she yielded to the wonder of his massage.

  “If it’s not, it should be.” Tony grinned. “You give a great head massage. I think I could get used to that.”

  “Think so?”

  “It seems quiet for a houseful of people.”

  “The kids are napping upstairs, and most of the adults are outside for the football game.”

  “You let me miss football?”

  “Tony, you were exhausted. You needed a nap.”

  “Thanks for looking out for me. I admit this has been far more enjoyable than getting tackled by my brother or brother-in-laws.”

  “Enjoyable is good.” Renata took her hand resting on his chest and brought it up to her lips, kissed her fingertips, and placed it on his mouth.

  “I suppose we need to get up at some point.” Tony kissed her fingers.

  “I suppose. I think my legs have fallen asleep.”

  Tony rose to sit next to Renata and put his arm around her and kissed her hair. “Your family consists of a bunch of idiots. You are a pearl beyond price.”

  “They are swine.”

  Tony laughed. “What?

  “Mary Beth reminded me of the proverb Jesus shared about casting pearls before swine. I refused to cast my pearls on Thursday, so they had nothing valuable to trample but made-up lies and misperceptions.”

  “Wise woman, that Mary Beth.”

  “Actually, the words were those of Jesus.”

  “Oh, well, obviously, being the Creator of the Universe, He would be wiser than anyone. Glad you listened to Him. I concur.”

  “Are you being silly again?”

  “No, there’s nothing silly about telling you how special you are.” He leaned over, kissed her forehead and helped her rise to go find the rest of the family.

  * * *

  On Monday night, Renata decided to be brave and check out the worship rehearsal at church. With various volunteers and new music for many of them, this time to gather to practice as a team was essential to being able to lead the congregation on Sunday mornings, hopefully without the distractions of too many missed entrances or wrong notes.

  The sound check was in progress when she arrived. Pastor Dan greeted her and introduced her to Amy, this week’s worship leader. Amy took her over to the piano and had Renata sing a common worship song followed by some scales to get a feel for her vocal range.

  “You have a natural and pure voice, Renata. Can you read music?”

  “Not well, but I can follow notes up and down and am good at hearing something and being able to sing it.”

  “Good, I think you’ll fit right in. I have an empty space on the team for tonight, would you like to try it? If you want, you could sing with us on Sunday. We’d love to have you.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt. I’m already here.”

  “Good. Pastor Dan will be doing a devotional for us in a few minutes. Let’s go get a mic set up for you and sheet music or lyric sheets for you to follow. The songs should be familiar.”

  Later that evening, Renata walked in the door to her apartment building with a spring in her step. She’d had a great Sunday with Tony, relatively good sales at work today, and couldn’t believe how much fun it was to rehearse with the worship team. She felt like a valued member, and even when she had questions or suggestions, they warmly received them. She thought Sunday wouldn’t be too bad, even if she wouldn’t get to sit with Tony for worship.

  “Dearie! Oh, dearie!” called a voice from the stairs. It was Edith.

  “Good evening, Edith. Are you having more ninja troubles?”

  “No, no ninjas tonight.” Edith started down the stairs with her unsteady gait which made Renata fear she might fall. “I’ve been getting messages from Obama.”

  “Really? What’s he been saying?”

  “He wants to leave Michelle for me. He proposed!”

  “How do you feel about that, Edith? You are more, um, mature, than he is.”

  “True, he calls me a cougar. I should be flattered, but I’m not sure.”

  “Well, if you’re not sure then I think you should push for a long engagement.”

  “Why, that’s a wonderful idea. I knew I could count on you, dearie. How’s studmuffin?” Edith asked with a purr.

  Renata’s face grew warm. “He’s doing fine, Edith. He had some work to do today.”

  “He has a job. That is an important consideration.”

  “It is a good thing.”

  “Well, give him a kiss for me when you see him next.”

  “Don’t you think Barack might get jealous if you are handing out your kisses to other men?”

  “I don’t have a ring on my finger yet, dearie.” Edith winked at her and turned to go up the stairs. “Good night!”

  Renata shook her head and smiled, even as she watched Edith navigate the stairs looking like she would come tumbling down any minute. “Good night, Edith.”


  December 2009

  It was Wednesday morning, and Tony sat with his accountability group. Simon had talked about his holiday and the struggles that had ensued with a prodigal son. Nick had concerns again about his wife’s health issues. Pastor Dan was in a good place. It was now Tony’s turn.

  “How was your holiday with Renata?” Nick asked. “Inquiring minds want to know.” Everyone chuckled, including Tony.

  “Well, first of all, her family was worse than I could imagine, and it took everything within me to not pummel the lot of them.”

  “That shows growth, Tony. You controlled your temper,” said Dan.

  “Growth or wisdom or both. One of her brothers is a police officer. I suspect one wrong move and I would have been in handcuffs. As it was, I got us out of there early. It had to have been the most evil, vile place I’ve ever had the misfortune to visit. We did stop for coffee and pie in Fond du Lac, and that was good.

  “How did she handle your family on Sunday?” Dan asked.

  “She was amazing. She had nineteen children eating out of the palm of her hand within twenty minutes of entering the house. She’s a natural with the kids. She assisted two at dinner with cutting their food and seeing to their care. She played on the floor with the kids and me afterward and enticed me into a nap which, I hate to say, I needed.”

  “Sounds promising.” Simon smiled.

  “Yeah, I even missed football with my family. She managed to keep them away so I could sleep. She’s a treasure, and I cannot imagine life without her in it.”

  “Sounds like you are getting serious, Tony,” said Nick.

  “I love her. What more can I say? It’s different from what I had with Stacy. I wanted to protect Ren from her family and their slander. I love to see her laugh and smile, and I so wish the pain and hurt could disappear from her eyes. My family adores her.”

  “Have you told her how you feel?” asked Simon.

  “Not yet. I’ve been too afraid to. We’ve only known each other three months.”

  “Some marriages are based on far less and succeed,” said Dan. “Pray about it, Tony. We’ve all met her and have been impressed. Listen to your heart, and don’t run because of Stacy. Renata is nothing like her.”

  “I’ll pray about it.”

  “You might want to let her know how you feel. It’s not wise to keep that information from her. You might regret it if you do.”

  “Wise words, Simon. Thanks.”

  * * *

  Renata woke up on Thursday in pain. She could hardly move due to pain up and down her back. She had unpacked boxes the night before and set up the Christmas tree. After Mick had beaten her the last time, she had suffered periodic issues in her back. The doctor had warned her, but she had hauled boxes from the storage area. It was foolish because Tony would have gladly done it for her if she had only waited to ask him.

  She called in sick to work and arranged for an appointment with her chiropractor. She was stiff and couldn’t turn her neck, and doubted the advisability of driving herself. Stephanie was working. She called Gabby to see if she could help.

  “You need a ride to the chiropractor? What time?”

  “Appointment is at eleven.”

  “I’ll be there at ten-thirty. Until then, take care of yourself, okay?”

  “Thanks, Gabby.”

  Renata lay back down in her bed, fully dressed but in casual clothing. The pain blackened her mood. She didn’t want to cancel out on group tonight, but realized there was no way she could go roller skating with her back in such agony. She picked up the phone and called Tony.

  “Hey, Renata. What’s up?”

  “I have to cancel out on tonight. I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” Tony sounded worried.

  “I moved boxes last night and put up the tree. My back is killing me. Gabby is coming to take me to the chiropractor. There’s no way I can skate.”

  “Do you want to come and watch? I don’t mind sitting with you and chowing down on nachos and razzing the other guys.”

  “I don’t know, Tony. I may need to resort to pain medication, and it leaves me groggy and depressed.”

  “Will the chirop
ractor help?”

  “He will, but sometimes it hurts more before it gets better. He can adjust the spine but the muscles may spasm, which can be agony.”

  “Why don’t you see how you are later and let me know? I would love to see you tonight, but understand if you are in pain.”

  “Thanks, Tony, I’ll text you later.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  “Oh, and Tony?”


  “I went to rehearsal on Monday, and I’m on the worship team for Sunday.”

  “I’m proud of you, Ren. I’ll miss sitting with you, but I’ll get to look up on stage and see the most beautiful girl in the church and know she’s mine.”

  “Am I yours, Tony?”

  “You’d better be. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve developed a decided preference for a little brown wren with deep blue eyes.”

  “I know, I’ve got a decided liking for a certain Italian chef-cowboy-pirate who wears garlic and melts my heart with his chocolate eyes.”

  “You make me want to come over right now.”

  “I wouldn’t let you in.”

  “I know. You’re alone. Not a safe thing.”

  “I’m not sure our conversation is either.”

  “Yeah, maybe the phone is safer in this instance.”

  “I’m in too much pain to be physically interested in anything right now.”


  “Don’t take offense, Tony. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me.”

  “No offense taken.” He paused. “Renata, I want you to know you have become someone special to me.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  “What I mean to say is...I love you, Ren.”

  “Oh, Tony—”


  “I wanted you to know, Ren, that’s all. Text me later to let me know about tonight.”

  “I will. Have a good day at work.”



  He loved her? He said the words. Renata sat back in shock. Her heart warmed. Tony loved her. The handsome man...who didn’t push her for sex, who treated her like a lady, who made her laugh, and who would jump to protect and defend her. He loved her.


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