Pesto and Potholes

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Pesto and Potholes Page 24

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “What? It’s you, my little Ren. Some kind of date, huh? Take you out, throw up, and decide to take a nice trip to the operating room and leave you stranded.”

  “I’ll be here, Tony. Do you want me to call your family?”


  “Why? They would be concerned for you.”

  “Yes, and they would hover and suffocate me with their care. Right now, all I want is you, Ren. Only you, please don’t leave me—” And, with that, Tony’s eyes closed and the grip on her hand slackened. She held on anyway and prayed for him. A nurse escorted her out of the room.

  * * *

  Renata sat for the next two hours in the waiting room, half asleep. Worried about Tony. She paced, rested, prayed, and longed for her journal to write in. She needed to call someone. She called Pastor Dan and Sharon when she knew group would be over. They came over to the hospital to wait with her and arrived fifteen minutes before the doctor came out to report on the surgery.

  “Miss Blake?”


  “Mr. De Luca came through the surgery just fine. He’ll be out of recovery in about thirty minutes, and they will take him to ICU.” He handed her a slip of paper. “If you want, you can go and wait for him there.”

  “He’s going to be fine?”

  “Yes, but if he had waited to come we might have had a less than satisfactory outcome. You made a good call.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  * * *

  Tony was groggy from anesthesia when they wheeled him into the room. Renata rushed over to his side as the nurse hung up his IV and got everything settled. Renata held Tony’s hand, staring at his face until he looked up at her with a silly grin.

  “Are you sure you won’t marry me, Renata? I definitely would keep life interesting for you.” Tony started giggling. He sounded like he had just spent an evening in a local bar without restraint.

  “Tony, we can talk about it when you are out of the hospital and healed up. Can I call your parents now?”

  “No, call them in the morning. Let ’em sleep. I have you with me, and that’s all I need.”

  “I’ll stay, Tony, if that will make you happy.”

  “You always make me happy, Ren.”

  Dan and Sharon stayed for a little while longer, praying with Tony and Renata before leaving. Renata slept in the leather recliner in the corner of the room, ready and able to help Tony or talk to him through the night should he need her.

  He had needed her. She advocated and comforted. She got little rest as she finally moved a chair to be right by his side, holding his hand through the quieter portions of the night.


  Morning dawned, and sunlight poured into the hospital room window. Tony was groggy. He looked about and began to recall what had happened the previous evening. The pain. Renata trying to drive his stick shift one-handed and arriving at the hospital. She had stayed. He still held her small hand, relaxed and resting in his much larger one with the IV in it. He thought he remembered her helping him during the night. He squeezed her hand. Her head was laying on the back of her arm with her face away from him. All he could see was her beautiful, long, dark hair. She looked uncomfortable.

  “Ren, wake up.”

  “Hmm?” She rubbed her eyes against her sweater and looked up at him, unfocused. “How are you feeling?” She moved to take her hand away but he held it fast, even though it didn’t make the port feel any better.

  “I don’t feel too bad, but I suspect that’s due to pain meds. Renata, it’s getting close to seven, and you are due to work at eight, aren’t you?”

  Renata nodded and reached for her phone with her left arm. He noticed the sling was off, and she had gained more range of movement. She hit her speed dial and left a message for her boss, stating she would be unable to come in due to an emergency and would call back later to explain.

  “There. Thanks for reminding me, Tony. For some reason I think I could sleep all day.”

  The doctor came in to check the incision.

  “You’ll be here for a few more days. This was major surgery,” the doctor informed him.

  “No. I just want out.” Tony tried to sit up and moaned in pain.

  “Sorry, Tony. Doctor’s orders. Rest and heal.” He flipped his laptop down after typing in his notes and left.

  “You need to regain your strength. Here’s some broth,” Renata urged.

  Tony drank the lukewarm, tasteless liquid just to placate her. She managed to get a cup of coffee from the nurses’ station. She had skipped breakfast to stay by his side.

  “Tony, shouldn’t we call your family?”

  “I don’t want them here. You were right. They would suffocate me with their love and attention, and I wouldn’t get any rest. I’ll be out of here soon and will tell them later.”

  “I suspect they won’t be happy. The doctor said you have to be off work for several days, even after you get out of here, to make sure the incision heals well. You cannot be standing for hours on your feet prepping food and cooking.”

  “Call Stephanie for me a little later. She’ll get people lined up to help out.”

  “Okay, will do. She’s probably worried I didn’t come home last night. Oh my, I should at least text her now to let her know.”

  She once again grabbed her phone and called her friend.

  “Hey, I just wanted to call and let you know Tony’s appendix burst, and he had surgery last night.”

  Tony couldn’t hear Stephanie’s response.

  “He’s doing fine now but he’s not going to be able to work for a while. Can you find replacements?”

  “I’m fine.”


  “I’ll tell you more later. Thanks.” Renata hung up the phone and looked back at him.

  “All right, Tony. She’s not worried, and she’s going to take care of your replacements.”

  “You are efficient.”

  “Rest now. It’s all taken care of.”

  “You won’t leave me?” He was like a little boy, afraid to be alone.

  “I’ll stay here with you.” She smiled as he squeezed her hand and fell back asleep.

  * * *

  Renata flipped channels on the television to pass the time. Sitting in a hospital was boring. She reflected on how things had once again changed between her and Tony. The anger and distance, the heartbreaking “talk.” She was surprised he had taken her suggestions and acted on them. It had only been a few weeks, and yet she still found there was no one she would rather be with than him.

  Was this love? How would she know? She was physically attracted, sure. Who wouldn’t be? He was a handsome specimen of the male species. But it was more than that. He was patient with her, gentle, considerate. He treated her like a lady, gave her respect, and listened.

  He was everything her husband had not been. Or her father and brothers. It was surreal, except she had seen his downside. His temper, pride, jealousy, and single-minded determination. Could she live with that? He was loyal and faithful to a fault. She watched him sleeping and stood up next to the bed to run her fingers through his hair. How she had longed to do that again. She smiled, gazed into his face, and it hit her.

  I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with this man.

  To go through the joys and the hardships that would come with him by her side. As she toyed with his hair, she realized he was warm. She put the back of her hand to his forehead. It was hot, and his face flushed red. She went to get a nurse who came in to check on him.

  “He’s been sleeping for over an hour, but I noticed he is burning up.”

  “We’ll check him out,” said Laura, the nurse on duty, a nice, matronly woman of indeterminate age. She took his temperature and frowned.

  “Laura, what is it?”

  “His temperature is high. I’ll have to call the doctor.”

  “What does this mean?”

  “It could mean he has an infection at the incision, an
d we would need to treat that right away with antibiotics.”

  “That’s not serious, is it?”

  “Probably not.” Renata could see the doubt behind that statement and grew more concerned.

  Laura left, and Renata continued her bedside vigil. Tony became restless, and she sang to calm him down.

  Laura returned with a bag for the IV antibiotics and hooked him up. She checked the incision. It was puffy, red, and hot. She changed the bandage.

  “Is there anything else we can do to make him comfortable?”

  “You are doing fine. Tender loving care is sometimes the best medicine a patient can get.” Laura smiled at her and left, calling out over her shoulder, “Call or come for me again if you need me. I’m here till three.”

  Renata settled in next to the bed and prayed.

  * * *

  Pastor Dan and Sharon came by to visit around lunchtime. Tony was still sleeping and feverish. They stayed and visited with Renata for a while, prayed with her, and left, giving her hugs.

  “Are you going to need anything?” Sharon asked.

  “I could use a change of clothes. Tony doesn’t want me to leave.”

  Sharon offered to go to her apartment and bring her something back.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. Make sure you bring my fleece sweatshirt, too. It felt cold in here last night. I might need it later.”

  “I’ll gather up a care package and be back later, Renata.”

  “Thanks, Sharon.”

  Later Sharon returned with a bag full of treasures, including Renata’s Bible and journal, and a few other books, in addition to her clothing. And chocolate.

  “Sharon, what a dear you are. Will you stay with Tony while I go freshen up and change? There’s a bathroom down the hallway I can use. I don’t want him to wake up and fear I left him.”

  “Sure, not a problem.”

  * * *

  Renata changed into the comfortable clothes Sharon had selected for her. She brushed her hair, pulled it back into a ponytail, and was able to brush her teeth. Oh, that feels good. She came back into the room feeling like a new woman. Sharon offered to go to the cafeteria and brought her up a large coffee and some food. It was now close to twelve-thirty, and Tony had not awakened.

  After eating lunch together in Tony’s room, Sharon left, and Renata sipped her coffee. Amazing that they had some flavored coffees. Butternut Rum, yum. She sat back in the recliner, intending to read, and was soon asleep herself.

  Before three o’clock, Nurse Laura returned to the room. Tony remained feverish, but his temperature had dropped. The doctor arrived and looked concerned.

  “Is he going to be all right, Dr. Reynolds?

  “He’s a strong, healthy man. I suspect this infection won’t kill him if that’s what you’re asking. But we will have to keep a watch on him.”

  Renata drew comfort from that. She liked Dr. Reynolds, as he was patient and willing to answer her questions without making her feeling foolish for asking.

  Tony’s cell phone had beeped many times indicating text messages, and it even rang a few times. Renata had checked it, and felt bad that his family was trying to reach him and he didn’t want them to know about his surgery. She turned off the phone. She mulled it over and called Gabby.

  “Gabby, it’s Renata.”

  “Hi, Ren. What’s up? Are you at work?”

  “No. I wanted to call you, and I’ll get in trouble for this, but—”


  “Tony and I went on a date last night downtown, and he experienced severe pain. I got him to the hospital, and he had an emergency appendectomy last night. He didn’t want me to call his family because he doesn’t want anyone to come and visit him.”

  “Whoa. Tony’s in the hospital? Is he all right?”

  “He came through surgery fine, but he has a fever and infection that is being monitored. He’s expected to recover.”

  “He didn’t want us to know? He’s been acting strange lately, Ren.”

  “I know, and it’s my fault. You can all hate me for it. I don’t want to try to explain right now. But you can let everyone know, so they can at least pray for him? He wants no visitors.”

  “That De Luca pride can be so frustrating, or so my husband tells me. But okay, I will pass it along. What hospital is he at?”

  “I can’t tell you, Tony might be angry enough I even called you.”

  “The De Luca temper. I can totally understand. I’ll respect that. Thank you for going against his wishes and calling.”

  “I hope he will forgive me when he finds out.”

  “He loves you, Renata. You’ve been staying with him?”

  “Yes, he begged me not to leave.”

  “Well, that’s promising. I’m sure the family will rest more easily knowing he has you by his side.”

  “Thanks, Gabby.”

  “Let me know if there are any changes in his condition.”

  “I will.”

  * * *

  Tony finally awoke at six. His fever had broken. Renata helped him eat his meal of soup and Jell-O, as he was weak.

  “Come on, studmuffin, I know this isn’t up to your standards, but you need to eat something.”

  Tony chuckled, opened up to accept the spoon, and swallowed. “So you agree with Edith, huh?”

  “She’s one sharp cookie. It got you to cooperate.”

  “So you are only trying to manipulate me with sweet words.”

  Renata nodded. She set down the spoon and empty Jell-O bowl and pushed the tray away from Tony’s bed. She rubbed his shoulder. “You probably won’t be discharged from the ICU for a few more days now.”

  “I feel like I got hit by a semi.”

  “You had a high fever, and they gave you antibiotics.”

  “Lovely.” Tony grinned. “Well, as long as you are with me, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll stay.” She paused and brought her hand back to play with the cuff of her fleece sweater. “I need to confess something.”

  “What could you have possibly done in the past few hours you need to confess?”

  “I called your family.”

  Tony closed his eyes and rolled his head away. “I thought I asked you not to.” She could hear the anger held in check.

  “I know, but, Tony, they are your family. I didn’t let them know where you were and told them you did not want visitors. The front desk knows only Dan and Sharon can come up. They won’t give your room number or even acknowledge you are here. And, as a precaution, I unplugged your room phone. Your cell phone is also turned off.”

  “I don’t get you. You tell me I’m too involved in my family, and you push me back to them?”

  “Come on, Tony. You can take things too far, you know. You’re blessed with a family who dearly loves and values you. I don’t think you need to make every move under their microscope. They care, and they needed to know you had surgery.”

  Tony looked at her, and she saw his shoulders relax. “I’ll trust your wisdom on this. But if they start pouring through these doors—”

  “Hopefully you will be in a regular room tomorrow, before anyone starts to search in earnest for you. At least they won’t be worried or thinking you’re dead.”

  “I’ll forgive you.”

  “Thanks, Tony.”

  “Why did you call Pastor Dan and Sharon last night?”

  “That was more for me. Waiting and worrying over you, I needed someone here. Stephanie was working. I hope you are not angry?”

  “No, I’m glad you weren’t alone, and that you stuck by me.”

  “What else could I do, Tony? I love you. I couldn’t leave.”

  Tony grinned. “You love me?”

  Renata nodded and smiled.

  Tony reached for her hand. “I have loved you for so long now.”

  “And when did you first realize you were in love with me?”

  “Maybe as I sat by you, shivering and scared that first night. Or was it when you rode with
me on my bike and lay your head down on my back? Oh, but the Packer game when you sat and massaged my head until I fell asleep in your lap, that was good. Or how about when you stood up to me in the office at De Luca’s Cucina, and dared to tell me I was working too hard?” He smiled. “Need I go on?”

  “No, that’s fine.” She leaned over and kissed his now cool forehead.

  “Well, now that we have declared once again we love each other, what do we do about it?”

  “Do? Who says we have to do anything? Right now we need to get you well, out of the hospital, and back in football shape for spring.”

  “You don’t mind if I play football with my family sometimes?”

  “No, but I do think you should let the girls play, too.”

  “What heresy is this? Girls playing football?”

  “Might be kind of fun to be tackled by you, Tony.” She gave him a wink as she wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Well, when you put it that way—” He grinned wickedly at her.

  “For now, I think you need to rest. When you’re ready to leave I can drive you home.”

  “I have to endure more?”

  “Well, if I practice, I’m sure I won’t be quite so jerky.”

  “Why can’t I drive myself?”

  “I think you might be restricted.”

  “I’ll talk to the doctor. Please don’t let me have to endure you driving my car again.” He was exaggerating his dismay, and they both laughed.

  The night went better. Renata was able to stretch out in the recliner, and Tony slept most of the night. They released him from ICU the next day. Tony spent two uneventful days in a regular hospital room before they discharged him with strict instructions to follow up with either his family doctor or the surgeon if he had any problems.

  Pastor Dan drove Tony’s car home. Sharon gave Tony and Renata a ride to his apartment, left his car, and took Renata home. Renata worried about him being alone in his apartment, but she knew it would be dangerous to stay and watch over him. He was a big boy and would be fine.

  * * *

  The next Sunday Renata insisted on picking up Tony in her truck to go to church. His incision was tender, but he agreed to the plan. He needed to be near her. And after moving around, sitting, standing, and walking at church, he was glad he had her by his side. He was weak and sore. After the service, Renata stayed by his side as he sat in a chair and greeted friends and told them about his surgery. As the friends were consoling him, the group split to allow a woman in. It was Stacy. When she took note of Renata’s hand on his shoulder, her eyes filled with venom.


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