Pesto and Potholes

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Pesto and Potholes Page 25

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  “Tony, I missed you Thursday night. Where were you?” Her voice had an underlying tone of petulance.

  “I had a special date”—he reached up and squeezed Renata’s hand—“and decided to end it with a burst appendix for dessert. Renata saved my life.”

  “Really? Has he told you that I am his fiancée?” Icicles could have formed off her words. Her eyes took in Renata’s modest outfit and smaller stature, traveling up and down. She gave a shiver of distaste.

  Tony sensed Renata stiffen as she moved from behind him to stand at his side. She squared her shoulders and looked Stacy in the eye, which meant she had to look up. He saw her lower jaw move back and forth. He reached for her hand and loosened the fingers to hold it in his.

  She spoke with an intensity he had never heard from her before. “I am aware, from various sources, of your previous engagement to Tony, and how you jilted him for easier prey. Your loss has been my gain. Thank you, Stacy.”

  Tony looked back and forth between the two women. Renata’s hands clenched, including the one he held. His little wren had just become a Bantam hen.

  Tony suppressed the urge to laugh. The rest of the group stood back in surprise as Renata challenged Stacy’s claims. Stacy’s eyes narrowed and she took a step closer to Renata.

  Renata stood her ground. Tony squeezed her hand.

  Stacy got close and spoke in a low voice only Renata and Tony could hear above the noise in the atrium around them.

  “You dare to take him from me?” Poison could have dripped from her perfect red lips.

  “Is that a threat, Stacy?” Renata didn’t lower her voice. “You made a choice two years ago to abandon a wonderful man and now, when you want him back, you can’t stand the thought he has moved on with his life.” Renata snapped her fingers in Stacy’s face. “Reality check, girlfriend. Not every man wants a girl with a short skirt and loose morals.”

  Several in the circle around them gasped.

  Stacy was speechless, but he could tell she was mounting an attack. Tony spoke up.

  “Renata is right, Stacy. You made a choice two years ago. I’ve moved on.”

  “That makes no sense whatsoever.” Stacy pouted.

  “Maybe you need to abandon a lost cause and go find some other prey,” Gabby chimed in from the sidelines.

  Stacy glared at Gabby and looked again at Renata and Tony and, without saying another word, she stalked off.

  Renata sighed. He relaxed his hold on her hand and saw her shoulders relax and her head bend forward. She tried to pull away. To leave. Tony held tight.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know if that was the right way to handle this.”

  “I think you handled it about as well as anyone could have,” Pastor Dan said.

  “Thank you, Dan.” Renata looked at Tony. “I think your family is waiting to see you. Gabby and Paul said they would give you a ride over there and back home later.”

  “You are not going with me?” Tony rose and took her apart from the group. She would fight for him so fiercely and then walk away?

  “Tony, you need time with your family. I need some time alone, to rest and prepare for the work week ahead. It’s fine. Just make sure you don’t overdo things this week and rip out those stitches.”

  “You’re worried for me.”

  “Of course I am. Because I know what you’re like. And I care.”

  “When will I see you?”

  “I don’t know. Thursday, I suppose?”

  “Okay, but don’t be surprised if you hear from me before then.”

  Renata smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Tony leaned over to kiss her on the cheek and allowed Gabby to drag him off to their car so he could be fawned over by his family for the afternoon. As nice as that would be, he would have preferred to have her there, running her fingers through his hair while he rested in her lap. As it was, with as many nieces and nephews he had, he was going to have to fight to be able to rest from their desire to play. No monkey piles today.

  Gabby sat behind him in the car as Paul drove. She was tickling Jacob. “Tony, I think you’ve been given a second chance with Renata. I hope you don’t muck it up this time.”

  Tony sighed, leaned his head against the headrest and closed his eyes. “Pray I don’t. I don’t know if I could handle losing her again.”


  February 2010

  Tony was on the mend and met with his accountability group, where he recounted his adventures before heading back to the restaurant on Wednesday afternoon. He chafed at not being able to cook.

  He knew he was healing up well, though, and was with pleased the steps he had taken with the business. Because of Renata’s challenges to him, it had freed him up to recover without the anxiety over how things would go. He had some great chefs running the kitchen, and he was able to absent himself without worries about food quality.

  The past few days at home, however, he had been experimenting in his own kitchen. He enjoyed the challenge and creativity of experimenting with new creations for the menu. He had hoped one in particular would please Renata.

  * * *

  Thursday evening involved karaoke. Tony picked up Renata. With her egging him on, he even dared to get up to do a duet with her—Sonny and Cher’s “I Got You, Babe” which ended with cheers and applause. Renata had been able to ditch her sling, although she was still being careful about how much weight she lifted with her left arm. He enjoyed the fact she could hug him now with both arms, which she did after their performance. Yes, it was worth it to get up and make a fool of himself in front of an entire pub to get that hug.

  * * *

  Renata’s heart was light. The world was a brighter place. Her commissions had been huge at the bank, in spite of time she had taken off for illness and to be with Tony. She was not going to worry about the future but enjoy the present, with him, as much as she could. She had been miserable while they were apart. God had allowed them both to grow during their short separation, and she was grateful for that. They were back to being “an item.” Upon returning to her apartment complex, Tony escorted her inside the building and Edith greeted them.

  “Studmuffin, dearie, can you come and help me?”

  Renata and Tony looked at each other and smiled. Renata answered, “Sure. What seems to be the problem?”

  “I’m sure one of those ninjas is back, up on the roof, waiting for an opportunity to attack me.”

  Tony spoke up. “Do you want Renata to come up and check your apartment?”

  “Yes, and could you go outside and look up at the roof? Be careful though, they specialize in stealth. I think you have special vision for that, though. You look like a man who eats his carrots.”

  Tony smiled and headed back outside while Renata ascended the staircase. She checked out the apartment and came back to the hallway as Tony came up the stairs.

  “Nothing on the roof, although there is a tree branch hitting the wall and overhang above your porch. If you call your landlord, maybe they can cut that off so it doesn’t strike the building in the wind. It’s heavy with ice.”

  Renata smiled and took Edith’s hands in hers. “I checked your apartment, too, and you are ninja-free. I think they will stay away but, if you want, I’ll call Mr. Ross in the morning about that tree limb for you.”

  “Oh, thank you both. What would I do without you two to help me?”

  Tony bent over and kissed Edith on the cheek. “Good night, Edith. Rest well knowing you are safe.”

  “Good night to you both, and thank you.” Edith went into her apartment, and they could hear the bolts slide home. Tony and Renata went downstairs to her apartment door.

  “Thanks for a fun evening, Tony. See, you weren’t a bad singer.”

  Tony laughed. “Well, I can pretty much assure you Pastor Dan is not going to ask me to join a worship team any time soon.”

  Renata giggled. “You have gifts in other areas. You need to find a way to b
less the church with those.”

  Tony was uncomfortable. “I’m not sure what you mean, but I’ll think about it. It’s late, and we both have to work tomorrow.” He reached his hands up to rest on both sides of her head and tilted it up towards his, and their eyes met. He bent and gently kissed her forehead. He released her. “Good night, Renata. Sweet dreams.”

  “Sweet dreams to you too, Tony.”

  She entered her apartment and clicked the locks into place. She watched from her patio window as he walked to the car to head for home. Her hand went to her lips. She longed to be able to allow him to kiss her there. Someday. Maybe. Lord willing—

  * * *

  Super Bowl Sunday was coming up. Even though the De Lucas were disappointed, along with all of Wisconsin, that the Packers had not made it that far in the playoffs, this was still the game to watch. Almost as much for the commercials as for the competition between two great teams.

  After worship, Renata joined Tony for a visit to his family. She had not seen the entire group for almost a month. She was ready for the fun.

  The food was great, and the time with the kids before the game was free of some of the grief she used to experience. Renata was even charmed when little Jacob, now a fully-fledged toddler, walked up to her and climbed into her lap to give her a hug.

  She cried. Not so much for what she had lost, but for all she had gained since she had moved. She blew on Jacob’s belly and delighted in his giggles and squeals. Some of the older kids came to play with her and Tony as well, but there was no monkey pile on the floor this time to allow for Uncle Tony’s healing.

  * * *

  Tony glanced over at Renata. Her hair was all messed up, and she was smiling as she was besieged by all the children. He was struck by a thought. She would be an amazing mother and is the only woman I could imagine having a family with. He smiled. He already knew what his next step was, and he was more than ready.

  * * *

  Later that night, Tony walked Renata to her door. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

  She leaned up against the wall beside the door and smiled one of those sweet smiles of contentment. “I did. Tony, this is the first time I’ve been able to interact with Jacob and not feel as much grief over the loss of Angela. I’m sure, when the anniversary comes around and other similar dates, I’ll be sad again, but still. Tonight…there And deep peace. Thanks for helping make that happen in my life.”

  “I don’t think I did much to foster it, Ren. I think that was the work of the Holy Spirit, working in and through you. He’s used many people on your journey.”

  “True, but you have been the most constant one. Accept my gratitude with grace, or else.”

  Tony smiled. “Or else what?”

  “Hmmm, you may have to wait and find out.”

  “A woman of mystery. I like that.”

  Renata smiled, pushed herself up on her tiptoes, and kissed Tony on the cheek. “Good night, Tony.” She turned and went into her apartment.

  “Good night, Ren.” His hand went to his cheek as he heard the locks click. He smiled to himself. She was going to be his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  * * *

  Renata had worship rehearsal on Monday night. She was on the team that would sing on Sunday...Valentine’s Day. It was a fun time with the band and other singers, and she wondered if this day would be any different from those in the past.

  Last year she had been recently widowed and under a cloud of suspicion in the death of her husband, and facing the condemnation of her family. Now, her physical and emotional scars were healing because of the people around her who helped her feel loved and safe. Safe from abuse of any kind. She had been blessed.

  * * *

  Tuesday, she had to take a flight to Arizona for training in some new mutual funds she would be selling. She smiled to herself at how easy her job proved to be when she did things like this. She missed Tony. She had upgraded to a nationwide plan, and they texted often. Her all-day training sessions, and his work, left her missing him even more. She didn’t get back until Friday evening, so she didn’t even get to see him at group on Thursday night.

  * * *

  Tony had attended group, even though Renata was out of town. He was dismayed to find Stacy present. She flirted with many other men in the group, and that suited Tony fine. But she came and sat by him when it was time to dig into their study. Tony grew uncomfortable, almost tainted, by having her so close. After group, Stacy tried to attach herself to him, but he pulled her arms off him, placed them by her sides and looked in her eyes.

  “Don’t you ever touch me again. I am not yours, and I never will be. Let it go, Stacy.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

  He knew others watched. She struggled, and he let her go. Tony stepped back, turned on his heel, and walked away to place himself in a group with Pastor Dan and some other men.

  “She’s still after you?” asked Christopher.

  Tony shook his head in disbelief at her persistence, glad Renata was not here to witness what had happened.

  Dan smiled. “I think you handled her well. I will have a talk with her. Where’s Renata tonight?”

  “In Arizona, on business.”

  “Any Valentine’s Day plans, Tony?” asked Dan.

  “I have something planned.”

  “Anything you care to share?” Dan raised his eyebrows.

  “Nope. It’s a secret.” Tony grinned.

  “For Renata?”

  “Who else?”

  “Okay, I’ll leave you alone,” said Dan with a smile. “I’ve got my own plans for Sharon as well. Challenging with it being a Sunday, but I’m determined to celebrate on that day. Does it make it hard financially that the restaurant is closed for such a holiday?”

  “Most people come out Friday or Saturday, and we’ll be busy. But for me, it’s to my advantage it’s on a Sunday.”

  “Of course…because you don’t have to work, you can actually devote time to Renata.” Dan nodded.

  Tony grinned.

  * * *

  Renata found Tony a special gift while in Arizona. She spent Saturday afternoon handcrafting a special card for him and writing a note in it.

  Knowing she was singing, Tony wanted her to rest a little after church. He had texted her that she would be picked up at four for a special dinner.

  She was excited. She didn’t know what he had planned but, after their last dinner out and those days in the hospital, it would be nice to sit together and visit. Renata had even purchased a new dress for the occasion.

  She was up early on Sunday, and rehearsals went well. As she stepped onto the stage at the start of the service, she saw Tony but was dismayed that Stacy sat next to him. He looked at Renata, shrugged, and shook his head. She smiled. She knew he couldn’t make a scene at the beginning of worship. She guarded her heart against jealousy. She feared this woman was a continued threat to her happiness with Tony.

  * * *

  Tony was frustrated Stacy persisted in pursuing him. She was dressed in a tight-fitting, hot-pink dress, wholly inappropriate for church. Her short, white-blonde bob hosted a matching headband, and she wore hoop earrings. He was finding everything about her to be garish and, well, trashy. How can anyone stand in those heels? He preferred Renata’s style, conservative yet fashionable. Longer skirts and sensible shoes designed for comfort. They left her at her petite height, which aroused his protective instincts.

  She was his little wren, singing sweetly up front and letting her joy lead all of them before the throne of the King of kings and Lord of lords. He quickly forgot the outlandish woman beside him and was lost in worship.

  After the service, Tony had a hard time extricating himself from Stacy.

  “I have someplace to go. Leave off, Stacy.”

  “Well, your girlfriend”—she said this with such disdain it roused his anger—“is unavailable for a while yet. Why not spend time with someone who can warm your heart, and other things, on this Valentin
e’s Day?”

  “I don’t need your kind of warmth.” He turned and walked away as if fleeing fire. He no longer found her physically attractive. Her offer repulsed him. A kiss on the cheek from Renata was more desirable than the offer of sex from Stacy. Yup. He was making the right choice, and he had work to do. As he threw on an apron in the lonely kitchen at De Luca’s, he smiled in anticipation. Please Lord, make this is an evening she’ll never forget.

  * * *

  Renata came home after church, set an alarm, and lay herself down for a nap in her warm, fuzzy, comfy clothes. She cherished the thought she would see Tony tonight, and they would celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together. The anticipation made it hard to go to sleep, but soon she was dreaming. The alarm roused her way too soon, but she awoke, dressed with care, and freshened up her makeup.

  She gazed at herself in the mirror in her new dress ending above her knees. She had never worn one that short, but Stephanie had assured her she had nice legs. The ruby-and-black-colored dress had a sweetheart neckline. She accented it with ruby-colored earrings and a dainty necklace. She could see shadows of scars from her past around her neck and on her chest, but she was done hiding. The dress emphasized her womanly figure rather than camouflaging it, as had been her habit.

  She had come a long way since her marriage where she hid in baggy clothes to hide bruises and escape the notice of anyone, especially men. This dress was not provocative, but it was pretty and far more feminine than the clothing she wore to work or church. It felt good to be a woman, and she giggled as she actually enjoyed being one now, as for years she had cursed herself because of all the pain her gender had brought. She sprayed on some new perfume. A luxury she had never before indulged in. She slipped on new shoes with a heel. Not high enough to hurt her back, but it gave her an extra inch and emphasized her slender legs. It all brought excitement and hope. She waited for Tony to arrive.


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