Pesto and Potholes

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Pesto and Potholes Page 26

by Baganz, Susan M. ;

  Tony did not appear, however. In his place was a black limousine. The driver came to her door and escorted her out as if she were royalty. She entered the limo and was dismayed to find herself alone. But there was a rose for her. She settled back for the ride and held the rose to her nose. Inhaling the scent, she wondered what other surprises Tony had in store.

  The limousine pulled up to the door of De Luca’s Cucina. Renata was confused. It was Sunday, and the restaurant was closed. She saw Tony’s car parked in the side lot. Without a word, the driver helped her exit and walked her to the door. It was unlocked. She thanked the driver and went inside. The limo left.

  The restaurant was dark, with the exception of candles lit everywhere. Soft tulle hung from a ceiling above a table set for two at the center of the restaurant, with more candles. Renata was in a fairy tale dream. Someone had pushed the other tables to the side. Classical music played, not the Italian music that was the norm here. Without her hearing him, Tony had come up behind her.

  “May I take your coat, miss?”

  Renata turned and looked. Tony was dressed in a suit and tie. She had never seen him like this. His hair was brushed back, highlighting the angles of his face and making his eyes appear more striking.

  “Yes. Thank you, kind sir.”

  Tony took her coat, hung it up, and returned. He stepped back to look her over from head to toe. She saw him smile, and his eyes darkened. “You look stunning.” She warmed inside at his perusal and affirmation. Tony held out his elbow for her to hook her good elbow through and escorted her to the table. He pulled out the chair and had her sit. There were plates on the table with warmers. Tony sat down across from her and smiled.

  “You look more beautiful than ever, Renata. That dress suits you.”

  “I’ve never seen you look so handsome. You can really work a suit, Tony.”

  Tony smiled and reached out his hand to grasp hers across the table. “I want to pray before we eat.”

  They held hands and bowed their heads, and he prayed a simple blessing over the meal and their time together. When he finished he looked up, and their eyes caught. She saw a twinkle there.

  They enjoyed a salad and warm, freshly baked bread. Both were delicious, and the salad had an unusual warm dressing on it like nothing she had ever had before. There was a small bowl of soup. Unusual flavors, creamy and delicious.

  “Tony, I could eat an entire meal of just this.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Are these new items on the menu?”

  “They could be. I created them for you. If they help provide the magic for this evening, I might not be as willing to share them with anyone else.”

  “You came here after church and prepared all this for me?”

  Tony nodded. “I wanted this to be a special night for us both.”

  Renata smiled back. “You are succeeding admirably.”

  Tony deftly cleared away their dirty dishes and set them out of sight. He never had to rise out of his seat. He refilled her water.

  He revealed the main course and Renata was enchanted. A creamy pesto and a combination of lobster and snow crab. Renata ate every bite.

  “You have taken pesto to a new level, Tony. I don’t know if I have ever had anything this delicious. You could win awards with this.”

  “I only want to win your heart.”

  “Well, if the way to my heart is through my stomach, you have it.”

  When they were finished, Tony stood up and came over to her. “Would you like to dance?”


  “Are you opposed to dancing?”

  “No, it’s just that, well, no one has ever asked me. I don’t know if I have ever danced.”

  “Just a basic waltz. I lead, and you follow. You’ll pick it up.”

  Renata placed her left hand in his and rose. She found herself embraced by his right arm around her waist and pulled close, but their bodies did not touch anywhere else. They slowly started to move in time to the music. After a few stumbles she relaxed into Tony’s firm but gentle lead. She gazed up into his eyes and drowned in molten chocolate. He didn’t smile or grimace. His face was gentle, serious, and intent. She found herself entranced with this button-down version of her Italian pirate-cowboy. Her heart filled with love.

  The song ended, and Tony escorted her back to the table and helped her sit. He sat across from her.

  “Before I bring out dessert, I wanted to ask you something.”

  Renata nodded that she was listening.

  “I have found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with you and desire nothing more than spending the rest of my life with you by my side. Laughing, worshipping, working, raising a family. Would you do me the great honor of accepting my hand in marriage?” Tony reached into his coat pocket, extracted a small jeweler’s box, opened it, and placed it before her.

  Renata was speechless. The ring was beautiful. It was a simple design and not large, which would have overwhelmed her petite fingers. A pear-shaped diamond. She touched the ring gently, looked up at Tony, and saw the fear and uncertainty in his eyes as he awaited her answer.

  “Oh, Tony. I would be honored and delighted to be your wife and share all of life with you. The good, and the bad. As long as I have the Lord, and you, I would want for nothing else.”

  Tony came around to her side of the table and knelt. He took the ring out and placed it on her finger. It was a perfect fit. He lifted her hand and kissed the knuckle above her ring.

  Renata’s tears fell. She had never had this kind of happiness before. She took both her hands and grabbed the lapels of Tony’s coat, dragged him closer and put her forehead against his. “Tony, I don’t know if I could ever explain how happy you have made me tonight.” She kissed the top of his head and removed one hand from his lapel to run it through his slicked-back hair.

  Tony looked up at her and smiled, showing his white, even teeth and a dimple in his cheek. “You don’t know how happy you have already made me.” He pulled her closer and hugged her to himself. Releasing her, he settled her back in her chair and stood up.

  “Time for dessert.”

  Renata placed her hand on her stomach. “I don’t know if I can eat anymore.”

  “Not even if it is chocolate?”

  “Well, I might be persuaded.”

  Tony left for a brief minute and returned with a platter containing a fondue pot, fruit, and angel food cake.

  “Tony, how delightful.”

  They enjoyed feeding each other across the small table. As they sat back, fully satiated, Renata remembered her gift for Tony. “It’s not as special as a ring, but I got you some things that made me think of you, and which I hope you like.”

  Tony smiled and opened up the box. The lid lifted off easily. He found an apron that said ‘Studmuffin’ on it and laughed. He opened and smelled every one of the Tex-mex spice containers and smiled. He also found some new utensils for cooking. “Thank you, Renata. I will treasure these. Would you like to dance again?”

  Renata nodded and enjoyed several more waltzes in the arms of her fiancé.


  Tony had made an appointment for Tuesday, after Renata would have been off work, to meet with Pastor Dan for premarital counseling, which was part of the requirement for getting married in their church. They had both agreed that, while Pastor Andrew was great, Dan had personally invested in both of their lives and they wanted him to perform the ceremony.

  “Congratulations to both of you,” said Dan.

  “Thank you,” said Tony.

  “Well, let’s start here. When would you like to get married?”

  Renata startled Tony by answering, “As soon as possible.”

  Tony’s eyebrow went up. “Why?”

  “Because I want to be able to kiss you on the lips.”

  Dan asked, “Why can’t you do that now? Are you saying that all these months you have never kissed each other on the lips?”

; Tony spoke up. “She’s not allowed it. I’ve tried to respect that.” He had never really understood why and had been afraid to ask.

  “Why, Renata?” Dan went there.

  She got up and wandered over the window overlooking the snow-covered grass. “I’m afraid.”

  “Afraid?” asked Dan.

  “I desire Tony. I have from the first time I met him, and I decided I couldn’t even kiss him on the lips unless it was on our wedding day. I’m afraid if I start with a kiss, I won’t be able to stop from going all the way.”

  Tony’s face grew warm. He had always desired her, but hadn’t realized she felt the same way. Any fears about her previous abuses and the marriage bed evaporated. “Okay, so how soon could we be married?”

  Dan grinned. “We have several counseling appointments we need to have before a wedding. If you think you can schedule those in a short time, I would say May.”

  “May is a nice time to get married,” said Renata. “Are there any openings on the calendar?” The date selected was May fifteenth.

  “You do know there are a lot of things to decide on between now and May. Where you will live, how you will handle money, as well as the details of the wedding itself.” Dan was checking these things off on his fingers.

  “I want a simple wedding, nothing fancy. But I want all our friends to be able to come, and Tony’s family, of course.”

  “What about your family?” Dan asked and then remembered. “Oh, sorry, of course you will not be inviting them.”

  “I have one grandmother and aunt I would like to invite. But, beyond that, no one else.”

  They discussed more details, made plans, and set future counseling dates. Tony smiled. This time was going to be different. Renata was not another Stacy. This love between them. It was the real thing.

  * * *

  May 2010

  May fifteenth was a bright, sunny day. The wedding was set for three in the afternoon in the atrium filled with trees and flowers. They had set the ceremony in the center of the room so people could sit all around. They wanted love to surround their day, and this symbolically did that. A small raised platform would make it easier for guests to witness it all. Renata was attended by Stephanie and Sharon. Amy sang. Tony was attended by Alexandr and Nick. The day was nothing like her first wedding years ago. She felt like she was taking a purity to the altar that had originally been stolen by Mick. God and Tony had restored it and given her back her dignity. She smiled in anticipation of the next few hours.

  Mr. De Luca walked Renata down the aisle at her request and charged his son with loving and cherishing his bride. He held both of their hands and prayed over the couple before kissing them both on each cheek and joining their hands together. Amy’s song of dedication and love made many in the church cry. Pastor Dan gave a beautiful message of the redemption of pain found in the love of Christ and in His family.

  Renata had wanted to write her own vows, and Tony did as well.

  “I, Renata, pledge myself to you, Antonio. You have shown me love and protection, and I place myself under your spiritual headship in our home. I promise to submit to your leadership and your love. I know that part is scary because of my past, but you have never given me reason to doubt you would be anything but a wise and compassionate leader of me and any children God would see fit to bless us with. I promise my faithfulness to you, regardless of health or wealth. I promise to love, honor, and respect you for the rest of my days.”

  “I, Antonio De Luca, have found a treasure beyond price in you, Renata. It is with great joy in my heart I stand here before you and all our friends to give witness to the love God has bestowed. I promise to cherish and protect you. To make it my primary ministry to love you. To place you second only after my devotion to our Lord, Jesus Christ. I promise to seek your wisdom as we navigate the life before us and to love and celebrate any children God should bless us with. I promise to be faithful to you in body, mind, and soul, with God’s help. I desire to make you never regret your choice to put your love in my hands, for the rest of your life.”

  The pastor spoke words of commitment and they exchanged rings.

  “I pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss the bride,” announced Pastor Dan Wink.

  Renata stared into Tony’s eyes and, as his hand came up alongside her face, he leaned down. Her eyes never wavered as he came near and her arm slid up to behind his head to pull him down to her lips. They kissed, and the room erupted in applause.

  * * *

  The receiving line was long, and Tony could not help but be amazed that the lovely woman by his side was now his wife. He accepted the congratulations of their friends and didn’t resent the kisses men gave Renata’s cheek. He smiled. Her lips belonged to him alone. He looked forward to the honeymoon, but it was several hours away. They still had the reception to get through. He sighed, smiled, and shook more hands.

  Edith toddled up to them, dressed in a silver dress with sequins and sneakers. She wore a red, sequined cap and had on more rhinestone jewelry than Tony he had ever seen before. Texas must be dark tonight.

  The little woman clasped Renata’s hands. “You’ve done well, dearie. I’ll miss seeing you and studmuffin around. If it weren’t for you, I would still be having trouble with those ninjas.” She took a step toward Tony. He leaned down and, with her gloved hands, she pinched and patted his cheeks. “She’s been waiting for that kiss for a long time.” She cackled and leaned in to whisper, “I wish it had been me.” She patted his cheek again and kissed it. Tony smiled and kissed her on her cheek and watched her blush as she teetered and tottered away.

  Renata pulled him down to her, put her own hands alongside his cheeks, and kissed him on the lips.

  “Studmuffin is mine. All mine,” she growled at him and winked.

  Tony couldn’t help but grin in anticipation.

  They planned the wedding dinner at De Luca’s. Renata had talked Tony into sharing his wonderful Valentine meal with the guests, and they closed the restaurant to any outsiders for that day in honor of the nuptials. Although many still had to work to serve the guests, Tony had invited all employees to join in the wedding service. After the receiving line in the Atrium, guests departed for the restaurant. Tony and Renata were riding in a separate limo. Tony had spied Renata speaking to the driver before he was able to assist her into the limousine.

  “What was that about, Mrs. De Luca?” He helped her into the back of the limo and entered himself, with the driver shutting the door.

  “Oh, nothing much, husband of mine.” He wasn’t sure he trusted that grin. She was up to something. He was sure of it.

  “Can I get another kiss before we greet our guests again?” He was settling next to her in the seat, and the vehicle started to move.

  Renata smiled. “You are going to get more than that, dearest husband. We are going to be a little late for our wedding dinner.”

  Tony’s eyes went wide, and the air in the limo sizzled with electricity. “What is it you have in mind?”

  “Remember what I told you at our first counseling appointment?”

  “You told me a lot of things.”

  “Why I was afraid to kiss you on the lips?”

  Heat rose up Tony’s neck. “I remember.”

  “I was right.” Renata leaned over and kissed Tony.

  He was glad she was no longer afraid.

  * * *

  The crowd cheered and made good-natured jokes about the eagerness of the groom when they showed up at the restaurant over an hour and a half after everyone else. Tony’s tie was undone, and he couldn’t stop grinning. Renata’s hair, which had originally been up for the wedding, now flowed down her back, free of adornment. Her eyes were alight with teasing when she glanced at him as he received pats on the back. Tony didn’t mind the clinking glasses, as he preferred kissing his bride to eating the delicious food his staff had prepared. They danced a waltz together before leaving in the evening for their honeymoon at a location undisclosed to their fam
ily and friends.


  May 2011

  Tony walked into the front door of the ranch style home they had recently purchased in Germantown in one of the older neighborhoods. Renata came to greet him at the door. She was wearing a t-shirt, capris, and flip-flops, as it was already a warm spring.

  “How was your day, darling?”

  “Hectic. I think I’m beginning to have a greater appreciation for how hard it is for you to keep feeding so many people all the time.”

  Tony chuckled as he put his arm around her waist, and they walked down the hallway to the living room. On the floor was a blanket, and laying there, cooing and wiggling, were their twins. Two-month-old daughters with identical dark brown hair and eyes, Rosalinda and Rochelle.

  Tony got down on his knees beside his daughters and kissed each one on their cheeks before managing to scoop them both up in his arms and settle on the sofa. Renata joined him.

  “I never knew I would be so blessed,” he said.

  “You are overrun with women.”

  “I’m not complaining, my most lovely wife.”

  * * *

  Renata snuggled up to him and looked down at the two beautiful babies. God had redeemed her pain. She was sure there would be more hardship to come but, for the moment, she was content to be the revolving mommy restaurant, and lover of her man. She turned her head to see her husband gaze at her. He leaned over to give her a kiss. She smiled. She so enjoyed kissing this man. It was worth having waited for.


  When a friend read the rough draft of this book, she thought Renata had gone through too hard a time in her first marriage. The reality is there are many women suffering in marriages filled with physical, emotional, verbal, and financial abuses, and these women walk in the doors of our churches every Sunday and to our Bible studies. They are silently suffering because they need to respect their husbands and fear more retribution if they talk. Abuse leaves them believing they are helpless and worthless. In many cases, leaving is more dangerous than staying. They feel trapped.


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