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The Pirate's Heart

Page 21

by Bethany M. Sefchick

After finding Reginald’s body, she needed to feel a connection with another human body – preferably Daniel’s. Damn it all, she just needed him! She needed him more than she could find the words to say and that frightened her far more than having Daniel’s men gaze upon her naked body as he fucked her.

  “She is a feisty wench, gentlemen.” There was a sparkle of mischief in Daniel’s eyes. “I don’t want her fleeing as I disrobe her. For I intend to do as I please with her delectable body.”

  At a flick of Daniel’s wrists, Hayes grabbed one of her hands while Davis took the other, and together they hauled Katherine to her feet, removing her shirt as they did so. Not that peeling the bit of cloth from her body was difficult since she had never bothered to fasten it this morning in the first place. Removing her breeches and boots was a bit more difficult of a task, though Daniel made quick work of things when his men lifted her off the deck as if she weighed nothing.

  Katherine thought about kicking and flailing as Daniel stripped her naked, but she decided against it. If anyone questioned her, she could claim that she was paralyzed with fear, but in truth, the idea of having these men watch in the full light of day as Daniel plunged his swollen cock into her tight cunt made the blood race in her veins.

  Already wet from having Daniel’s cock in her mouth, Katherine felt her cunt begin to drip with wetness as she imagined her sprawled beneath Daniel as the warm autumn sun beat down upon her naked body. She knew Daniel could sense her excitement as well, for when Davis and Hayes lowered her back to her feet, her naked body on display for all to see, he leaned into her cunt and sniffed in an extremely exaggerated fashion.

  “God, men, she’s sopping wet for me and my cock!” Daniel leered at her and Katherine remembered just in the nick of time to shrink back and pretend that she did not desire what he was about to do with her. “I can smell her scent and her willingness to spread her legs for me.”

  “Fuck her hard, Cap’n!” someone yelled, and a general cheer went up from the assembled men, some of them beginning to push and shove for a better view. Before Daniel had only fully bared her arse for his men to see, but now she was completely naked and obviously aroused.

  “My pleasure.” Daniel grinned and gestured for Davis and Hayes to lower her to the ground. “But remember, gentlemen. No tasting. Not even a tit. Those are mine.”

  An image of all three men’s hands on her body flashed through Katherine’s mind and she moaned despite her vow to pretend she didn’t want this.

  The sound caught Daniel’s attention and he turned, his head cocked to the side. “Or did you like that idea, Duchess?” he teased loud enough for his crew to hear. “I might be inclined to share.” He paused as he studied her intently. “Well, your magnificent tits, anyway. Especially if it makes you more aroused and far more ready to accept my seed.” Once again, he leered at her and it was all Katherine could do not to cry out with release right there and then. “For I will get a child on you, Duchess. Make no mistake. I want you swollen and round with my child. And even when you are growing large with the babe, I will still spread your legs and have my fill of you, my cock in your cunt. Over and over again, spilling my seed within you, Duchess, until you surrender to me. For you are mine, Duchess. Mine. And I will never let you go.”

  Katherine’s knees buckled at Daniel’s words and once more she moaned, this time the sound so full of longing that there could be no mistake what she desired.

  Daniel’s eyes grew dark and he grabbed at his cock as if he was in pain. He might have been. Lord knew, she was.

  For a long moment, they stood there, their gazes locked and neither one daring to move. Then Katherine risked looking down to where Daniel still held his cock in his own hands and her legs trembled at the idea of him pleasuring himself while she watched.

  He smiled then, the smile of a pirate and not the gentle young man she had once known back on Barbados. She liked this smile better. This was Daniel. And Jack. Two men in one body. And he, both parts of him, was everything to her.

  “Bind her!” Daniel snapped at his men as he tossed them that same bit of red silk that had been tormenting her since the first day she had been brought aboard. “Then I want her on her back, her legs spread and that delightful cunt of hers open for me.” He flashed another smile, this one more wicked than the last. “And, as a reward, you may each taste one of those magnificent tits of hers. My treat. And, of course, the lady’s pleasure.”

  His words were crude but they ignited Katherine’s body into a flaming passion in a way no sweet declaration of love ever could.

  Katherine watched Daniel as he stripped away his own clothing, until he was as naked as she. In the brilliant light of the sun, she could see all of his scars now, including the ones that had been mere shadows in his cabin. Some were faded while others were a dull, but still angry red. Each one of them told a different story in the book of his life that, stories she knew nothing about. But she wanted to know – desperately.

  “Make it good for him, my lady,” Davis whispered in her ear as he bound her wrists while Hayes gripped her shoulders hard, preventing her from fleeing. As if she would anyway. “And Hayes and I will do our best to please you, as well.”

  From the man’s comments back on the cay, Katherine suspected that Davis liked the company of both men and women and Hayes seemed to prefer men. Or perhaps Hayes went both ways on the matter, as well. Either way, that was likely why Daniel had chosen them to pleasure her tits, so that there would be no temptation to do more or to take more than was on offer.

  Katherine offered the man a quick nod and swallowed hard, well aware that she was still playing a role, one where she should be protesting and screaming. Except that she didn’t want that. She wanted this. Whatever “this” entailed, she wanted it with the whole of her very being.

  She didn’t protest as Davis and Hayes forced her first to her knees and then lower still – to her back. She could feel the warm, smooth wood of the deck beneath her bare body, the sun’s heat having spread through the wood like a living thing until she swore it pulsed beneath her with a life of its own. Or maybe that was her own body pulsing with need.

  Nor did she protest when they looped the end of that blasted red silk length through one of the deck rings, her arms now raised above her head and her tits arched high into the air, drawing more whistles of approval from the crew. She had to imagine that every crew member aboard The Darkness was now here. Watching her. Gazing at her naked body. Waiting to watch Daniel slide his cock into her wet, tight cunt and fuck her until she screamed.

  She grew wetter still at the idea that these men were watching her, likely becoming aroused as well. That they would watch her fuck and get themselves off. That they would watch as Hayes and Davis suckled at her tits like babes. Like the babe she might already be carrying even now. Daniel’s babe. The only thing she had ever truly wanted.

  Katherine whimpered this time, her need to find a cock inside of her growing so great that she could not bear it. All from men simply watching her be stripped naked and bound for Daniel’s pleasure. No, for Jack’s pleasure. For just then as the captain loomed over her, now as gloriously naked as she, he was no longer Daniel. Once again, he was purely Jack.

  And she adored him all the more for it.

  “Mine,” he proclaimed as he waved Davis and Hayes down to Katherine’s side. “All mine.”

  Then he dropped to his knees and, just as the other two men each latched on to a tit, Daniel nestled his head between her spread legs and began to lap at her soaking wet pussy.

  Katherine screamed. She couldn’t help it. Her body, already tightly coiled was now awash with sensations that seemed so powerful that she feared they might overwhelm her. In response, she arched upward, though because she craved more or because she could already take no more, she didn’t know.

  Her already sensitive breasts began to ache even more as the men bit and tugged on her nipples, sending bolts of pleasure rushing through her body. When one of them cupped her t
it so that he might draw the tip more firmly into his mouth, she would have shot off the deck if not for the hands holding her legs open. Hands that did not belong to Daniel, for his hands were at her cunt, one holding her open wide while the other slid inside to finger fuck her as he suckled at her nub of pleasure.

  She must have started kicking at some point, she realized, given the snippets of words that she heard floating around her.

  Hold her down for the captain. Don’t let go. Not until his cock is in her cunny. Or her arse.

  Around and around the words swirled, each phrase painting a new picture in Katherine’s mind while her eyes continued to try to process everything she saw. Hayes at her tit, his head bent as he suckled her as if he was nursing, while his hands cupped her soft globe of flesh as if she was made of delicate spun glass. Davis at her other tit, his mouth hungrier as he bit and played with her nipple, sending sparks of pain mixed with the most delicious of pleasure right to her cunt.

  Someone kissed her, though they were gone soon enough, a warning growl from Daniel all it took to chase the man away. His. She was his and he would allow no other to taste her other than whom he dictated. Though what and whom he dictated now was enough. Almost too much.

  Katherine’s body was alive with sensations. She felt wet and hot. Achy by turns. Pain mixed with the sweetest of pleasures rushing through her veins until she was moaning and crying out, a performance likely worthy of the stage, though none of her actions were faked.

  This was pleasure beyond anything she had ever known, the feel of all of those male hands on her body, searing her skin with their touch while mouths fed on her hungrily. All of it making her ache and desire more.

  She knew a series of small releases. Just a taste of what was to come before the hands and mouths on her body would pause, pulling her desire back down for a moment before she spiraled too far over the edge into pure bliss. Before she found her own release and spent, something she had never even imagined possible before this man had first touched her.

  And there, through it all, was Daniel, his head between her legs as he lapped at her hungrily, his fingers moving in and out of her slickness until she was arching up again, her body unable to endure more, but forced to do so as rough male hands held in her place, her legs spread wide until finally, Daniel pulled away.

  Daniel. Jack. One and the same in her mind. For she had loved them both – desired them both – long before she had ever learned the truth.

  And then he was there, his cock at the entrance to her cunt. She could feel his wide, blunt tip bump her, lightly at first before he drove into her hard and fast. Taking her. Claiming her. Indicating to all that she was his.

  Katherine screamed as the first wave of true orgasm hit. She had been so worked up that the moment Daniel entered her, she had found her release, her hot feminine core tightening around his cock immediately. But he didn’t release.

  Instead, Daniel took her hard and fast, his hips pumping into her so quickly that had she not been held down, she likely would have slid across the deck. She heard the sound of his balls slapping against her arse as he fucked her, the feel of her arousal mixed with his as the stickiness coated her inner thighs.

  She could feel the warm wood burning into her naked back. She could feel hands on her arse, caressing her cheeks, exploring that forbidden area, and lifting her hips higher at the same time. Jack’s hands. Daniel’s hands.

  And deep inside, Katherine could feel another release begin to build. This one was more, though. More intense. More powerful. More of everything.

  With each hard, deep thrust, Daniel pushed Katherine higher until she was moaning and screaming again, the sounds almost torn from her throat. But she welcomed them. She didn’t fear them as the crew likely assumed she did. For she was being consumed by Daniel from the inside out and she was enjoying every moment of this carnal possession.

  Then, Daniel was grunting hard and his hips moving so fast between her spread thighs that she worried she might burst into flames, her own desire spiraling up and up, so fast that she could not contain it.

  When she felt the first splash of Daniel’s hot seed inside of her, Katherine screamed. In her ear, Daniel bellowed. Their voices mingled and, in that moment, Katherine did as Daniel had silently been asking all along.

  She surrendered to him, body and soul. She was his. She always had been. She always would be.

  Daniel couldn’t remember exactly how or when he and Katherine had moved from the deck into the privacy of his cabin, but he was glad that they had. The way he had fucked her in front of his crew had unnerved him in a way he had not thought possible.

  When he was with his men, he was guarded. Always. He never allowed them to see any weakness or any part of the humanity that still lived inside of him. He couldn’t risk that.

  Except that today when he had spilled his seed inside of Katherine, he knew he had shown his crew – well, any of them that were watching him closely anyway – a part of his very soul.

  Taking Katherine as he had, even though the manner of their fucking had been so crude and so public? It had changed something inside of him, something that only confirmed that he was making the right decision by walking away from this life.

  He was not Midnight Jack any longer. Or at least, not the Midnight Jack that had first emerged from the shadows on Barbados all of those years ago. He was different now. Because of Katherine. Because of the child that he was beginning to hope that she carried.

  The Darkness was his past. Katherine was his future. He was more certain of that now than he ever had been before. But first, they had to live through the next few days and that wasn’t a sure thing.

  Therefore, he would take what pleasure he could from her body while he could. For who knew what tomorrow would bring?

  “Duchess,” Daniel whispered softly. “You need to wake up.”

  Beside him in bed, Katherine moaned, though that was likely because she was all but exhausted. After their near-frantic coupling on the deck, he had somehow managed to return them both to his cabin and lock the door before pouncing upon her again, this time mounting her from behind as she climbed onto his bed and rutting with her like an animal.

  Which was how Daniel felt sometimes. Like an animal. His need for her was that strong.

  “Duchess,” he tried again when she rolled over onto her back, exposing her bare tits.

  He hadn’t particularly wanted Davis and Hayes to suckle her, but he had seen the flash of excitement in her eyes at his comment and had been unable to refuse her. In truth, though it bothered him a bit, he was more agreeable to the idea than he would have assumed. That would not become a habit, certainly, and no other man would have her cunt but him. Still, on occasion, if it brought her pleasure to have her tits suckled by others, then there was no harm in it. And in truth, it had excited him a bit to see his men feasting upon her in that manner.

  “Don’t want to wake up.” From beneath the covers, Katherine finally managed to string together a coherent sentence.

  “I understand, Duchess.” Daniel nipped at her ear and she gave a soft yelp. “Nor do I particularly wish to leave this bed, but we must. We have a show to put on for the spy, remember.”

  Katherine mumbled something again that sounded rather like “I know,” but Daniel could not be certain.

  Rather than prodding her with words again and given the increasingly aroused state of his cock, Daniel simply rolled over until he was straddling her hips with his thighs. “Open your eyes, Katherine, and look at me.”

  He was pleased when she did so, though she was clearly still in a drowsy state from their last fucking session. She squinted up at him and sighed. “Must we?”

  “We must.” He leaned down and sucked hard on her nipple, making her gasp and bringing her back to full attention. “I do need to at least pretend to care about this ship and her crew.”

  Lazily, Katherine drew her fingertips down his arm and over an old, faded scar that she had likely only noticed in the
light of day. She now traced that same scar with her finger. “I understand.” Her gaze flicked back to his. “Though I would also love to simply stay here in bed with you.” She shook her head as if trying to clear it. “What you do to me, Jack. I can’t understand why I can’t have my fill of you.”

  He noticed that she was careful to use his pirate’s name rather than his real name. No sense in taking chances, he supposed, though he did love it when she referred to him as Daniel.

  “So are you telling me, Duchess, that you crave still more of my cock?” He punctuated his question with a quick thrust of his hips as he slid easily into her waiting heat. He could not get his fill of her either, it seemed. “Fuck it all, Duchess. You feel so damn good around my throbbing cock.”

  As he had anticipated, Katherine gasped. “I…I think…”

  Another thrust from him and another gasp from her and suddenly, Daniel decided that perhaps his crew could wait another ten minutes for dinner.

  “Yes, Duchess?” he asked again, this time thrusting so hard that he was fully seated inside of her.

  “Jack. I need you.” She was nearly begging him to take her now. “Please.”

  Once more, Daniel wanted to hear Katherine speak his real name but for now, that would have to do. And given the way her body was tightening around his, he did not think he could last long enough to tease his proper name out of her anyway.

  “As you desire, Duchess,” he replied as he shifted his weight onto his arms and began to fuck her in earnest again, the slap of their bodies coming together echoing through the small cabin. “As you desire.”

  Katherine gave a keening cry when he drove into her hard and fast again, the weight of his body pressing her down into the mattress so that she could not move, but simply had to take all that he gave her and more.

  He wanted her. He wanted this. He wanted a child with her. And he was damn certain he would do his best to make that happen. And enjoy every moment of the process as well.

  And when Daniel and Katherine finally did emerge from their cabin, they were more than ten minutes late for dinner. It was more like twenty, but given the good mood of the crew and the promise of more fucking to come, none of them seemed to care. For which Daniel was extremely thankful.


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