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Breakaway: A New Adult Anthology

Page 28

by Jay McLean

  "No." I wrapped my arms around him, but he was heavy.

  He levered himself upright. "I can't believe I wasted the whole week."

  My heart stopped. Did that mean this was over now that vacation had ended? I was afraid to ask. Already, I wanted him again.

  Especially when he turned sideways, straddling the bench to face me. He pulled me up so I sat cross-legged, my knees touching his. I looked down, and wanted to touch him again.

  He touched his forehead to mine and stayed still for a long moment before pulling back and looking at me. "I didn't want you to be special, Susanna." He sighed. "But you are."

  A glow spread through me. "Does that mean we'll see each other at college?"

  He wrapped his arms around me. "Try to stop me."


  Claire and the bling ring gang had a narrow escape at Juanita's house on the night I left them. Apparently, the cop had toyed with them. As they approached the alley, he got out of his car and hollered at a cat slinking around a neighbor's house. Foolishly, the gang hadn't taken fright, but had continued into the house.

  When they emerged with their stuffed suitcases, the cop got out of his car again, strutting, one hand resting on his gun. They'd tried to brazen it out and walk off, but he'd ordered them to halt.

  "We've got video of someone robbing this house a couple nights ago," he said, except his English wasn't that good. "Looks like you all are the same people on the video."

  Apparently, Tiffany's bravado had deserted her.

  They'd argued a bit, but the evidence was right there in the suitcases they were hauling. The cop had waved Donte off. "Make yourself scarce unless you're dying to see our jail tonight."

  Donte had scuttled off like the rat he was.

  Then the cop had faced the three terrified women.

  "I thought he might shoot us right there in the street," Claire reported to me. "I've never been so scared in my life."

  Instead, he played a cruel game.

  "One of you chicks is gonna give me a blow job," he said with an evil grin. "I wonder which one."

  Claire gathered up all her courage. "That's rape," she said.

  He stared her down before he said, "You're thieves. You gonna go down to the police station and file a report?"

  Claire bit her tongue.

  "I should choose you," the cop said, "just for being mouthy. But I like my game."

  He proceeded to count out a rhyme, pointing at each girl in turn as she quaked and wondered if she'd be his victim. Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch a tiger by the toe, If he hollers let him go, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

  Ultimately, he chose Tiffany.

  Although I was horrified by the story, I felt that if it had to be one of them, she was probably the best choice. She'd been the ringleader. Maybe she'd learn that a person who chose to live on the wrong side of the law could easily be taken advantage of.

  As for Joaquin and me, we returned to campus and our math class.

  And one crazy day, I acted out his fantasy for him.

  We had a blast.



  Thank you for reading Bling Ring in Mexico. I hope you enjoyed it!

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  If you'd like more information about my books, please check below.

  Eclipse of the Heart (Novel):

  Baby, It's Cold Outside (Novella): Amazon:

  Short Stories by Carly Carson in the Love Charm Series:

  Love Charm for Ashley:

  Love Charm for Brenna:

  Love Charm for Carlotta:

  Love Charm for Dakota:

  If you'd like to read a short excerpt from Eclipse of the Heart, please continue.

  Excerpt from Eclipse of the Heart

  "I’m not attracted to you!" Amanda's breath strangled in her throat as she fought a moan. She'd known it was a mistake to allow her new boss, Logan Winter, to book them into the same hotel room, even if it was a two-bedroom suite.

  "Are you sure about that?" Logan asked.

  His tongue licked her lips and her mouth fell open, without any decision on her part. He swept in, and this time he kissed her hard. So hard she had to kiss him back. So hard that their tongues couldn't avoid tangling. So hard that it was only natural for his arms to sweep around her and crush her to him.

  She tasted whiskey on his tongue, smelled heat on his skin, and heard murmurs of approval in his throat.

  No, she wasn’t sure about anything. Except the fact that she couldn’t do this. She couldn’t be thinking about twining her legs around his waist, or falling back on the plush sofa and turning it into a bed.

  His mouth moved down her neck as he pressed kisses both hard and tender to her. He bit her where her neck met her shoulder, just as his roaming hands feathered over her breasts. Her purse fell to the floor, and the thump registered a wake-up call.

  "Logan," she said, struggling to repeat the words. Lie or not, she had to say them to stop this dangerous madness. "I’m not attracted to you."

  He released her just enough to look down at her. "So why are your nipples hard?"

  "Because you’ve been manhandling them!"

  His half smile showed, though his face looked a little strained. "Yeah, technically I suppose they have been handled by a man. With great pleasure."

  "I've had a long day." If she didn't get out of this room, she might grab him. "I'd like to retire to my room. Will you need me tonight for work?"

  He raised his brows. "Yes, I will need you," he said firmly. "Perhaps you’d like to change into something more comfortable?" He glanced at his watch. "Shall we say half-an-hour?"

  "Fine." She suppressed a sigh. He had told her this would be her first night on the job. "Though I don’t need to change," she added. "What will you want me to do?"

  His gaze, which had been lingering on her breasts, snapped to her face.

  "Amanda, you’re a sharp woman. Right from the beginning I liked that about you."

  She took a step back. "Your point is?"

  "Look, unless you’re wearing a plaid skirt and knee socks, the ingénue approach isn’t my thing."

  "The ingénue approach?" He’d reduced her to a parrot.

  "The dumb, innocent act. Even in the right outfit, it wouldn’t be my first choice."

  "I …" She opened and closed her mouth. Words failed her. Had she taken a job with a pervert? Damn! It had seemed so perfect! "What are you talking about?"

  "Are you new at this?" he demanded, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at her. "Because I’ve told the agency I want only experienced women. And no games."

  "You know exactly what my experience is. And if you don’t like to play games, then stop speaking in riddles. Just tell me plainly what you want."

  "Fine." He jerked his hand toward her. "Get undressed."

  Buy Eclipse of the Heart here:



  Liam rubs that impossible spot between my shoulder blades. His warm hands are rough against my skin, impatient. “That better?”

  I mumble an affirmative and bend over to pick up my tablet that fell to the floor when he started massaging my shoulders. As I reach for my tablet, he pulls my sweater up farther, then over my head. My glasses almost slip off my nose.

  “Liam,” I protest
softly, hardly at all, really. “You’ve got to get this paper in before five tomorrow.”

  “I can’t focus around you,” he murmurs as his fingers stroke my breasts. I feel that electric shock of pleasure that bolts from my nipples to my crotch, making me all hot and excited. “All I can think of is surviving a week without you.”

  “It doesn’t have to be that way,” I remind him in a whisper.

  “I want you.” Liam’s arms are suddenly around me, pulling me closer as his lips kiss down my spine.

  I can refuse him nothing. It’s always been that way. He was my first. My only. A late bloomer, an utter wallflower, I couldn’t believe my luck that he--an all varsity athlete and golden god-- had actually noticed me in high school, let alone insisted I go to the same college. I still can’t believe it sometimes.

  His fingers move down my ribs, pass my hips, and seek me. Forcefully, they slide into my flesh. With a moan I spread wide, accepting him. He finger-screws me for nearly a minute before I hear his zipper.

  “Come on,” he nudges me as he stands. “Turn around.”

  Knowing this routine a little too well, I take off my glasses and slide off the couch to my knees. With a frustrated sigh, I pull my hair back. Liam barely gives me the chance to get any loose hair strands out of the way before he’s pulling my head down on him. His hard cock slides into my mouth.

  “Ah yeah,” he encourages. He thrusts as he grasps the back of my head, forcing my mouth wider. He smells musky, having just come from the gym. He hasn’t bothered to shower, either. “Take it. Take it all in.”

  I do. Every inch of him. Just tasting him makes me so crazy. Every time. Liam grinds against me, pushing my jaw back against my neck, barging his way into me, as deep as he can go. I’m so horny, feeling him slide against my tongue.

  “Suck it harder,” he orders. His fingers twist into my hair and tug painfully as his thrusts speed up. “Do it, bitch.”

  I’ll do it for you, Liam. I’ll suck you so hard. Desperate, I reach my hand between my legs, seeking out my own pleasure and release. I touch my clit, stroke it, and then rub it vigorously, intent on catching up to Liam’s climax.

  A shudder ripples over his legs, warning me he is closer than I am. I pull my head back, but Liam grips the nape of my neck and holds me still to receive his cum. As a groan rumbles out of him, he ejaculates, spurting hot liquid against the back of my throat.

  “Swallow,” he orders. Then, “Open your mouth.”

  Obediently I open for his inspection. Satisfied, he zips up and steps away. I lift to my feet, as he grabs his backpack and hauls it over his shoulder. “You going to be around tonight?” he asks me.

  I shrug, reach for my glasses and put them on. I shove my hands into my back pockets. My sex is throbbing in frustration but I still the strong urge to rub between my legs right there where I stand. “Probably.”

  “Good.” He leans down and kisses my lips. He fogs my glasses and laughs as I swear at him. “If I have to spend a whole week with Carrie, I’m gonna need another dose of my nerdy girl before I go.”

  A sharp twinge shoots through my heart. I look down to hide my reaction as I clean my fogged lenses. “Like I said, it doesn’t have to be that way.” I lift my glasses up, my lips turning downward. “I should get contacts.”

  “Why?” Liam counters, his voice suddenly harsh. I look up to meet his narrowing eyes filled with suspicion. “I like you with glasses. You know that.”

  I know why. He likes me bookish and plain, floating under the radar of most men. I am his secret discovery. He wants to keep it that way. And believe it or not, I’m okay with it. I’ve survived three years and five trophy girlfriends.

  “Okay, okay,” I lift my hands palm up in a show of acquiescing. “Forget I said anything.”

  He’s still suspicious. “You sure you’re not going anywhere for break?”

  “I pinky swear,” I answer, mocking him with a bent pinky finger. I have no money, few friends, and too much homework. He knows that, too.

  “I’ll stop by after my last class.” He pauses at the door. “You think you’ll have my paper done by then?”

  I roll my eyes. “Want me to send it in, too?”

  “Of course not,” he admonishes. “They check IP addresses.”

  He closes the door before I can throw something at him.


  Eleven o’clock is my absolute deadline for hitting the pillow. Well, most of the time. Well, for all those nights when I’m not waiting up for Liam, that is. Like tonight.

  It’s midnight when my roommate Rickie trudges in dragging her overfilled backpack behind her. I’ve told her at least half a dozen times that the rip in the bottom of it is getting bigger. I’m glad to see she’s sewn a pink patch over the gaping hole.

  Rickie flounces down on the couch and gives me one of her knowing side-glances. “No show again?” She doesn’t need to ask that. Maybe she likes to rub my nose in it.

  “Guess he got busy,” I switch the channel to science fiction because I know she hates it. It’s my TV. She pilfers through her backpack and yanks out her ear buds. Plugs them into her tablet. Midway to putting them in, she hesitates. “You didn’t send in his paper though, right?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good.” She twists her lips into a smirk. “Delete it.”

  I gasp. “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Why not? Fucker totally stood you up.”

  “I’m not like that,” I explain carefully. I glance down at the tablet and scan Liam’s paper for repetition.

  Rickie sticks in only one ear bud. “And what exactly are you like?”

  I shrug. “I’m not jealous.”

  She snorted. “No. You’re grateful.” She glances at the TV and winces in distaste at what she sees. She shifts to face me on the couch.

  I put up my hand to ward her away. “I don’t want to have this conversation again.”

  “Brooke, I saw him outside the Lantern tonight.”

  “What were you doing at a bar?”

  “I wasn’t there. I was over at Riccardo’s having a burrito. Anyway, I walked past and Liam was outside, making out with some sophomore.”

  I swallow as my stomach tightens. I don’t say anything. Everyone knows Liam is sick of Carrie already.

  “You deserve better than him,” Rickie finally sneers out her declaration and flounces back against the cushions for extra emphasis. I smile. I know she’s had a girl crush on me for at least a year.

  “What the heck is this anyway?” She nods toward the tube.

  “The Human Worm.”

  “Yuck.” She wrinkles her nose. “Why do you watch this crap?”

  “I don’t usually.” Usually I’m in bed.

  “Are you going to be stuck here, watching garbage like this through spring break?”

  I shrug.

  “Come with me and Dex to Port Aransas.”

  I adore Rickie’s brother Dex but…

  “I would but I can’t.”

  “Why not?” she demands. She knows why. I give her a look.

  A growl strangles out of her. “Girl! You are driving me nuts. Why do you care what Liam thinks?” She throws a couch cushion at me. “He doesn’t care about you. You know what you are to him? Not a girlfriend. Not even a back-burner friend. Worse--You’re… You’re his off night backstreet.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I know what she means. The fact she quoted Joni Mitchell means she’s almost boiling over. The words sting. They hurt, but I know she is saying them out of love. And frustration.

  “His last resort?” she snaps, getting angrier. “His Anne Frank?”

  “Fuck, Rickie, that’s nasty!” I shout in warning. “Shut it.”

  I’m trembling. Something pulls free, something I’ve buried for three years, since the day after Liam and I first made out, and I walked into Senior Graduation, all smiles, and Liam didn’t even meet my eyes. When I was smart enough to know right away with his reacti
on that it had been a fling…

  That’s all it should have been. But then it hadn’t turned out to be a one-time thing at all. He sought me out the next night. He nearly screwed my brains out. I returned home so sore but so stupidly happy.

  “You know,” I whisper to Rickie. “You’re right.

  “I’m sorry, Brooke.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “If you say ‘yes,’ I’ll take you on a real spring break. We’re driving to Port A, and there’s plenty of room. My brother and I will dress you up like a frick’n celebrity. Everyone will notice you.” She laces her fingers with mine. “They’ll see what I see in you.”

  Her brother is studying fashion design. Rickie is studying costume design and just aced her History of Makeup midterm. I’m still undecided, in more ways than one.

  I poke Rickie in the side with my finger. Ticklish, she buckles. “Cut it out.”

  I do it again, and again, until she breaks into a giggling fit. She pins me down on the couch. “Promise you’ll go,” she demands breathlessly.


  A sharp knock sounds on the door. A second later, Liam saunters in. He throws his backpack on a nearby chair. “Can I join in?”

  Rickie pulls away from me and gets off the couch. She flips Liam off before she leaves for her room.

  “Aw thanks, Cockblock. What’s her problem?” Liam leans down to kiss me. He smells of perfume. Not mine. Or Carrie’s. Suddenly I realize how pathetic this is--that I know which perfume is new today. I know which brands usually linger on him, including one that isn’t even mine. And I just accept it. Rickie’s right. I’m grateful for his attention, however I get it. When did I lose my self-respect?

  I pull away from him. “I’m really tired.” I turn off my tablet. “I just sent your paper to you.”

  “Thanks.” He leans down to kiss my neck.


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