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2084 The End of Days

Page 25

by Derek Beaugarde


  Earthdate: 06:00 Monday September 22, 2081 CST

  Around the same time as Jack Crossan had set out on the train from Bath to Gillingham over in the south of England, Lex Crossan had just signed himself on for his first shift back at Houston Control after completing his extended sick leave and passing through the mandatory Alcohol Recovery Program. He had been fully exonerated of the murder of his wife Marna by the Houston PD and the DA’s office and his Shift Commander Irene DuPré had been incredibly supportive throughout the whole period. While preparing himself for his first shift back in the Men’s Locker Room, Lex reflected on the sad loss of his wife Marna and the terrible night that her Uncle Lennart Nilstrom had come to his home at Robindale Drive. It turned out the Dallas PD had flagged up Nilstrom as a possible suspect in Marna’s killing on the basis of multiple unproven allegations that had been made against him for sexual offences with underage girls stretching back almost 30 years. What struck the investigating detectives was that in many of the allegations quite a few of the girls stated that the offences were committed in or around Fair Park, Dallas where Marna had apparently been shot dead by Lex. Around about the same time the New Orleans PD had fortuitously arrested the black hooker named Cupola Dome trying to pass off Lex Kosloff’s credit card in a bar in the French Quarter. Cupola Dome was taken back to Houston where she started singing like a baby on the basis that she was considered for some leniency. She admitted she had been hired by Lennart Nilstrom to hook up with Lex, to show him a good time for a couple of days. She was to get Lex so drunk and stoned on drugs supplied by Nilstrom that Lex would not know when and where he had been for those lost days spent with the hooker. Cupola stated that Nilstrom told her it was just a prank that he was playing on Kosloff in return for upsetting his beloved niece and that she had no idea that any murder was involved. The detectives up in Dallas had asked Marna’s parents Lars and Freda Nilstrom if they would agree to a search of Marna’s things at their home, based on new leads arising in the case. Lars and Freda had no objections if it helped find their daughter’s killer. The investigators quickly turned up a secret journal which had been kept by Marna since she was around ten years old, which detailed that she was a victim of a campaign of sexual abuse by her Uncle Lennart. Lennart’s abuses on Marna had stopped when she reached fifteen. In the journal she had detailed all the various alleged sexual assaults which had taken place in Fair Park, particularly where Lennart Nilstrom was the suspect. She wrote many times that she hoped that maybe this time that her Uncle Lenny would go to prison but her hopes were always dashed. Her last and most recent entry, dated a week before she had left Lex, read:

  I can’t take it anymore. I have made up my mind that I am going to confront Uncle Lenny. If he does not go voluntarily to the cops and confess then I am going to go to them and spill the beans on what he did to me!

  On showing the journal to Marna’s shocked parents, Lars and Freda told the Dallas detectives that Lennart Nilstrom had flown up to get some documents and jewellery from Lex Kosloff in Houston. Lars and Freda had been in a state of shock and grief. They were not even thinking of getting these things but Lennart insisted that it should be dealt with sooner rather than later. Dallas PD immediately contacted Houston and fortunately for Lex the Houston boys in blue arrived just in the nick of time. After his arrest and release from hospital Nilstrom confessed that Marna had confronted him and that he had asked her for just a few days grace to think things out before he went to the cops. However, he used those few days to fly up from Dallas to Houston to steal Lex’s gun in order to implicate Kosloff. Nilstrom also discovered Kosloff had been on a bender and frequenting the red light district down at Hyde Park and Crocker and Nilstrom sought out a gullible hooker looking for an easy couple of thousand bucks. He found Cupola Dome very amenable to taking his easy money just to get Kosloff smashed out of his face for a couple of days. Nilstrom refused to confess to any of the alleged sexual misdemeanours and stated that Marna had been threatening to blackmail him for abusing her as a girl, which he denied ever doing. He alleged that he had not meant to kill Marna at Fair Park but that she had asked to meet him there where he was to pay her for keeping her mouth shut. He stated that the gun had gone off accidentally during an argument about the agreed amount of money. Nilstrom was charged with first degree murder and he was now awaiting trial in Dallas. Detectives Magruder and Madsen had come to speak to Lex. They told him the whole blackmail deal was a crock of bullshit concocted by Nilstrom to try and lessen his sentence but that Lex would still have to listen to it all come out at the trial.

  Lex’s recovery from the alcohol and grief was a long and tortuous road, but with each passing week he felt himself getting stronger and stronger within himself. During his recovery Lex came to know who his real friends were, including his boss Irene DuPré. Lars and Freda Nilstrom flew up from Dallas to say how sorry that they were that they could have ever thought that Lex would murder their daughter. They told him that he would always be welcome at their home in Dallas. Jimmy Soderline came by a few times and kept Lex updated with all the office politics and goings on at Houston Control and Jimmy let Lex know that the old place was Dullsville without him. Jack Crossan also came down one time from his farm in Lexington while he was on leave after getting back from Mars. Jack hinted to Lex that he was having his own problems with Peggy Sue and that she had run off with some English flyboy. Irene DuPré had to visit him regularly on official appraisals, usually with one of the HR guys, to check on his progress. However, sometimes she popped round to Robindale Drive unofficially to bolster Lex’s confidence and gradually Lex saw a friendship developing between them. It turned out that Irene had been a recovering alcoholic herself and that she had started to see the signs in Lex too. She had planned to offer him as much help as she could muster when they were supposed to meet for Lex’s regular performance appraisal, but, of course, Marna’s murder changed everything. When Lex’s doctor signed him clear to return to work he became a little anxious, but it was Irene who convinced him he was ready to go for it. Lex sighed deeply and pushed himself off the changing bench in the locker room and headed towards the Control Room. It was now time for a fresh start, Lex thought, as he walked along the corridor. As he marched briskly along the brightly lit glass panelled corridor a familiar smiling face beamed back at him with his arms open wide.

  “Well look what the cat dragged in – if it ain’t ma big bro’!”

  “Soderline! God, you don’t know how good it is to see a friendly face.”

  Lex hugged Jimmy Soderline and tears welled up in the two men’s eyes. They quickly shared pleasantries but it soon became clear that Jimmy was a messenger.

  “Lex, a message from Irene. She needs a quick word before you go on station. Nothing for you to worry about she said, but sounds pretty damn urgent. On you go in then, ah gotta go pee!”

  “Uh, Jimmy, you coulda given me better news than that –“

  Jimmy shouted back as he sprinted towards the men’s restroom.

  “Don’t shoot the messenger!”

  Lex left Jimmy and headed straight to Irene’s station overlooking the main Houston Control Room. Irene ushered him to sit down beside her and she gave him the briefest friendly wink. It signalled to Lex that Irene was acknowledging their growing friendship but in here at Houston Control she was still boss and it was business only.

  “Lex, you don’t know how good it is to have ma best controller back on the panels.”

  “Gee, thanks, Irene, it’s good to be back – I think. Ya wanted to have a word before ah went on shift?”

  Irene leaned forward towards Lex and lowered her voice in an almost conspiratorial manner. She was almost whispering.

  “Lex, ah need a favour from ya. We’ve been trying to contact Jack Crossan as a matter of national importance but we’ve been unable to reach him. Ah know that you and Jack have been friends for years -”

  Lex nodded.
  “Pretty good friends, although we don’t see each other much, what with Jack up on Mars most ah the time. However, he did come to visit me down in Robindale about three weeks ago. See how ah was doin’, ya know?”

  “Well, Lex, the thing is this, Jack’s not actually due to be back on duty for another two days. He’s due to launch for Alpha in four to take the new Oceanus II on its maiden voyage to the Big Red. But Brass have asked me to get him back right away. Apparently the White House want to see him – Trueman himself!”

  Lex’s eyebrows arched up and his face showed surprise, but also that he was impressed.

  “Wow, Irene! The President wants to see Jack? Maybe he just wants to pin another medal on the big guy’s chest?”

  Irene’s brows furrowed deeply.

  “No, it’s not that. There’s something big brewin’ Lex. Ah don’t rightly know what yet, but Brass are running round with real tight asses at the moment. We’ve had Aaron Eckler and Beth O’Donnell crawling all over us for the past two weeks, making sure that Control’s running smoothly, do we need any new investment and all that kinda stuff – “

  “Eckler and O’Donnell – ah thought they were involved with the Nimrod SH2 program?”

  Irene shrugged her shoulders.

  “They are - but at the moment they have been given carte blanche to look across the whole organisation. They’ve also pulled some Israeli astrophysicist over from INSACC and two young hot-shot Scottish kids onto their team. While you have been away the NASA production budget passed through Congress has gone through the roof. The build budget on the Oceanus program makes the old Apollo program look like peanuts in comparison. Contracts have been let out here in the States, but also in Russia, China, Japan, Europe and India. You name it, Lex, everyone is getting’ a slice of the pie. Christ, even the Israelis and Iranians have got involved in a joint construction partnership contract. Ah ain’t never seen anythin’ like it!”

  Lex looked at Irene in confusion.

  “An’ you think that’s why the President wants to see Jack?”

  “Probably. Aw, Christ, ah don’t know. All I know is that Eckler has been crawling up ma ass constantly for the past coupla days askin’ why the hell Jack ain’t in DC yet! Thing is - we just can’t get in touch with him.”

  “He’s in England, Irene. Jack told me he was goin’ over to try and patch things up with Peggy Sue. He probably didn’t take his NASA cell with him.”

  “Aw, Jeezus, that’s all ah need!”

  “He’s probably got his personal cell with him. Ah know he doesn’t give that number out much, but ah’ve got it on mine.”

  Irene leaned even closer to Lex and beamed a huge smile with relief written all over her face.

  “Lex Kosloff, ah could jest kiss ya! Can you get down on your station an’ see if ya can get Jack to report directly to the White House Chief of Staff. A-S-A-P!”

  A few minutes later Lex had set himself up on his controller’s station and after checking all his systems were operative he took out his cell phone and called Jack Crossan’s personal number. However, it just kept on ringing out and it did not even go to voicemail. Lex swivelled around on his chair and looked up at Irene. He shrugged to let her know that he was getting no joy. Lex saw a look of panic cross Irene’s face. He swivelled back to his panel and just as he was about to hang up the cell clicked.


  It was Jack. He sounded cautious and his voice sort of echoed tinnily.

  “Jack, thank God it’s you. It’s Lex Kosloff here!”

  Lex stretched his free arm back towards Irene and signalled a thumbs up. He thought he might actually have heard a muted squeal of delight coming down from Irene’s station.

  “Lex? Is everythin’ okay buddy?”

  “Everythin’s cool, Jack. Ah’m back at work on station just in the last few minutes and Irene DuPré had me call you ASAP. Brass has been trying to get a hold of you in the last coupla days – apparently the President wants to see you?”

  “Trueman? You gotta be kiddin’ Lex? God, ah’m still here in England tryin’ to sort ma life out!”

  “Well, you better get your ass on the first flight to Washington or your life won’t be worth livin’ Jack.”

  There was a moment’s silence then Lex heard Jack laughing loudly but again with that tinny echoing sound.

  “Jack, what in hell’s name’s funny?”

  “Irony, Lex, pure irony. Ah’ll maybe tell ya about it one day. Look, email me the details about DC an’ ah’ll get outta here and get back Stateside as fast as ah can.”

  “Roger that Jack. Mind me askin’ Jack, but ya sound kinda funny. Where in hell exactly are ya?”

  Jack laughed again.

  “Lex, believe it or not, but ah am in a little ole empty church!”

  Jack flipped his cell off and stuck it back in his pocket. He had literally just entered the church a few seconds before Lex rang. Twenty or so minutes before, as he sat in the stubbled field with the black market gun at his head, something inside screamed at him not to pull that trigger. Somehow he felt that it was just not his time to go. He got up and walked back towards the village and Bainley Lane Farm. Before he reached the farm he noticed the little church up the rise to his right and he felt drawn towards it. He walked up to the large board in front proclaiming that it was Cucklington Parish Church of England and continued up the stone-flagged path. The vicar and his wife were hoeing weeds as Jack walked past and they both looked agog at the uniformed American astronaut as he strolled past, still unconsciously carrying the gun in his hand. Now Jack was standing in the entrance way of the little old and musty smelling church with its rows of cracked wooden pews and ancient Bibles mulling over what Lex had just told him. He happened to cast his eyes up on to the wall of the church facing the doors that he had just entered. Jack looked at a large carved marble plaque on the wall which read:



  AGE 26



  25 FEBRUARY 2031


  A wry smile cracked Jack’s lips and he thought again, irony, Lex, pure irony. That was one poor Crossan who did not make it through that terrible day, but Jack decided that he was another one who was going to make it through on this particular day. He spun around on his heels and headed out the church doors and down the stone path. Half way down the path the vicar stood motionless leaning on his hoeing tool with his wife half-cowering behind him. Jack stopped at the couple with their jaws dropping. He unclipped the magazine from the gun and handed the gun and clip to the vicar.

  “Parson, could you lose that thing for me? Where ah’m goin’ ah won’t be needing it!”

  Chapter 18

  Earthdate: 14:10 Wednesday September 24, 2081 EST

  Space Commander Jack Crossan was shown into the Oval Office and after being personally greeted and introduced by President Josh Trueman, a select band of attendees all introduced themselves too. To Jack’s amazement the meeting comprised of various world leaders, including some of whom Jack could never have envisaged in the same room together. In the centre at the Oval Office desk sat President Josh Trueman flanked by British Prime Minister John Ralston representing the European Union, UN Secretary-General Ravinder Gupta-Chaudry, Israeli Prime Minister Moshi Shalomon and sitting next to Shalomon was the Secretary-General of the LOIN, Mullah Abdullah Suleiman. Facing the President on the other side of the desk in a semi-circle sat Aaron Eckler, Beth O’Donnell, Ari Schenkler, Ewan Sinclair, Gary Mackintosh and lastly Jack too. Trueman quickly called the meeting to order.

  “Okay, guys, apart from Commander Crossan here, ya all know why this top secret meeting has been called - right?”

  Everyone apart from Jack nodded assent. Jack quickly re
alised that this meeting was more than just a commendation and bon voyage from the President on the upcoming maiden voyage of the Oceanus II in a few days’ time and there was more to this meeting than he had envisaged. Trueman continued.

  “Jack, in two days you’re a passenger on the Jupiter Galaxy V shuttle up to Alpha Base, is that correct?”

  “Yes sir, Mister President.”

  Trueman hated the formality of being called Mister President but with all the great and the good surrounding him he could not tell Jack just to call him Josh.

  “And, uh, a week later you launch the new Oceanus II on its maiden voyage to Mars?”

  “Yes sir, she’ll be carrying the regular supplies and the changeover teams for the MGals, Mars bases, ice miners, that kinda thing –“

  President Trueman cut in.

  “Ah here those ice miners can be a real handful, Jack?”

  “They can be, sir, what with a 15 week trip in a tin can with nothing much to do. Ice miners tend to drink a lot on these voyages. To dull the senses, so to speak. Although, one thing they never put in their drinks is ice – just waters down their booze an’ they don’t like that!”


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