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Goodbye is a Second Chance (Sons of Sin Book 1)

Page 16

by Nola Marie

  Of course, the cavemen on this bus are occupying her bunk as well, and I wonder when etiquette and common human decency vanished on this tour. With a huff, a grumble, and a few choice words for the offenders, I make my way back to the sofa in the front of the bus.

  I am totally alone on this orgy on wheels.

  I sit on the sofa and open my Kindle app on my phone. Dance for Me by C. M. Danks fills my pages. It’s a great book. Unfortunately, I’m at a very steamy point in the book and it doesn’t mix well with the noises filling the bus.

  Chase comes to sit beside me. I cast a sidelong glance at his pretty profile. His blond hair hangs haphazardly in his face. His blue eyes are a little hazy from whatever he’s on. There seems to be some truth behind the phrase sex, drug, and rock and roll because it’s all on endless supply.

  After the other night, I am never taking anything harder than aspirin again.

  I wish I could say I don’t remember any of it, but I can’t. I remember all of it. I’m glad Maddox and Ryder were cockblocks. Or were they clam jams? Whatever it was they kept me from doing at least one thing I would’ve regretted the next day.

  What I do wish is that they hadn’t called Angel. I wish he hadn’t climbed into that ice cold shower with me in his arms. I wish he hadn’t said what he said. Told me how much I hurt him. How much he missed me. I wish he hadn’t stayed all night to take care of me. Kissed the back of my head and rubbed my hair practically all night. Because my heart felt as if the shattered pieces were turned to dust.

  I didn’t know what to do with any of it. I’ve always been teetering with him. I’ve hated him for a long time but I’m finally starting to admit to myself that I wouldn’t hate him if I didn’t love him still. You can’t hate someone you don’t care about. You can only be indifferent. I am not indifferent to Angel. Because of him my emotions have been a clusterfuck. They always have been, but after the other night it’s so much worse.

  When I woke the next day, he was gone, and I was glad. I didn’t think I had the emotional capacity to deal with him. I haven’t had the emotional capacity to deal with anyone. It’s why I’ve avoided everyone for the last week.

  Except, of course, for the moment in the elevator. Like I said, clusterfuck.

  “Can’t sleep?” Chase asks me quietly.

  I shake my head because I could probably sleep for days. “Someone decided I didn’t need my bed.”

  “Fucking assholes,” he grumbles. “Do you want to take mine?”

  I don’t mean to but my nose wrinkles in disgust. Fortunately, he laughs at me. “The sheets are clean. I swear.”

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him with an apologetic smile. “I don’t think I could sleep anyway. Too – noisy.”

  “Then how about we play?” he says with a slick smile. My face must be pretty readable again because he laughs loudly this time. “PlayStation,” he nods toward the gaming console.

  I give a shrug. A few hours of mindless games might be just what the doctor ordered.

  “Call of Duty or Madden 19?” he asks with another wide grin.

  He really is pretty. His face is perfectly proportioned. With a well-defined, sharp nose and chiseled jaw line and full lips. He could be a rock star himself if the requirements were defined by looks and not talent.

  “Madden,” my grin spreads wide as I nod toward the game. “I’m River City.”

  “I’m New England,” he informs me.

  “Oh no,” I groan. “You’re a Brady fan?”

  “Of course, I am,” he says with faux shock. “He’s the -.”

  “I’ve already knocked a few points off for being a fan,” I cut him off playfully. “If you call him the greatest of all time, we cannot be friends.”

  “Okay. I won’t say it. It’s something that doesn’t have to be said to be true,” he smirks.

  “Just start the game,” I groan.

  We pick our teams and play. We are finishing our tie-breaker game when the bus begins to slow down.

  “Take that,” I whisper shout at him. “I’m the greatest of all time.”

  “Damn. You really did kick my ass that time,” he laughs.

  I blow on my nails and rub them on my shirt.

  “Can I ask you something?” he says as he angles his body toward mine. I give him a slight nod. “Do you have a boyfriend somewhere?”

  I blow out a breath. That was not what I was expecting. “That should have a simple answer, shouldn’t it?” He nods but stays quiet as he waits on me to clarify. “I had a fiancé. When he was arrested, I left town without a word, so, technically, we didn’t break up.”

  “That sounds harsh. What did he do?”

  I throw my head back with a laugh. “That answer is why I’m glad I’m working on a rock tour right now. You guys don’t give a damn about investment news. He and my father were arrested for fraud and a lot of other things connected to my family’s business. Their trial starts in a few weeks.”

  “Damn,” he breathes. “That’s crazy. After what Angel said on the first day, I figured there was something going on between you two.”

  A shiver ripples through me at his statement. “What did Angel tell you?” I demand a little more harshly than I intend.

  He waves a hand in the air like it’s nothing. “Just to keep these assholes away from you, and to come get him if they touch you.”

  “Why?” I ask more to myself than him, but he answers anyway.

  “I don’t know,” he says as he wraps a piece of my hair around his finger. “But it turns out I’m the one having a hard time with that.”

  I tilt my head in confusion. I’m not usually this dense but I didn’t know I was even on his radar. “Why?” I ask again.

  “Come on, Josie,” he laughs.

  I don’t laugh. My spine stiffens and gut twists with the nickname I don’t allow anyone else to use. Angel was the only one allowed after ‘Grossi Josie’ became the favorite taunt from the kids I knew. “Please don’t call me that.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says sincerely. “Didn’t mean to upset you. But you have to know, right?”

  “Know what?” I ask still not understanding from where this is coming.

  “You’re hot as fuck, Josephine. Not to mention funny, feisty, and smart. Plus, you just kicked my ass on Madden. You’re every guy’s dream girl, and I really want to kiss you right now.”

  He leans forward and places his lips tentatively against mine. The kiss is soft and slow and waiting. Waiting on me.

  I return the kiss with the same softness as he threads his fingers through my hair. His tongue sweeps across the seam of my lips. I part them allowing him entrance.

  The kiss goes on and grows until pale eyes framed by dark lashes enter my mind. I end the kiss abruptly. “I’m sorry Chase. I like you, but my head isn’t here right now,” I tell him guiltily. “It’s probably not a great idea while we’re bunk mates anyway.”

  His face falls for a split second before it’s replaced with an easy smile. “If you’re still available when this is done, I’m taking you out.”

  He places another quick kiss to my lips before he moves toward the bunks. The quiet of the bus causes a chill to wash over me. I’m tired but I won’t be sleeping until my bunk is free and my sheets are cleaned.

  When the quiet loneliness is finally too much, I find a collapsible lounge chair and a blanket to go outside where at least the sounds of traffic can provide some noise. I set the chair next to the bus’s steps and wrap myself in the blanket before curling into the chair. I stare toward the freeway watching the nonstop traffic moving quickly. My eyes are heavy, but it’s freezing out here. There is no way I’m falling asleep unless it’s from hypothermic shock.

  My teeth are chattering so loudly I don’t hear the footstep approaching behind me. “Why are you sitting out here in the cold?” the gruff voice fills the air and heats my entire being. “Get in the bus.”

  “It’s too quiet in there,” I answer without looking up.

�That’s when you should be sleeping,” he commands with a near menacing tone and more of that fiery electrical current moves over my skin.

  “Someone decided they needed my bed more than I did.” I still don’t look up. I’m not sure why, but I can’t look at him right now. Can’t let him see my still swollen lips. Not to mention that looking at him has become exponentially more difficult since Florida.

  “Motherfuckers,” he hisses then begins to make his way up the steps of the bus.

  I grab his arm to make him stop. “Don’t,” I warn. “I’m fine here and I’m not getting in that bed until I find new sheets.”

  He casts those gray blue eyes down to me, taking me in. His eyes zero in on my puffy lips and his jaw clenches. “Someone in there touch you?” he scowls the question, but I refuse to answer him. He looks back to the bus like he wants to kick someone’s ass.

  “Just leave it alone, Angel. All of it. It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is a big deal. They should have more consideration for you. And keep their fucking hand to themselves.” He adds that last part so quietly, I almost miss it.

  I want to ask him why he cares so much now. Why, all of a sudden, is he so concerned with people respecting me and keeping their hands to themselves? But I don’t because I’m too tired to fight and he looks too pissed. “I’m just one of the guys to them,” I sigh.

  “Not if they’re shoving their tongue down your throat,” he mutters, again so low I barely hear anything. “Fine,” he says running his fingers through his inky hair, “then you’re coming back to my bus.”

  I jolt up and go rigid. “No,” I reject what he is saying because it sounds like the worst idea ever. Angel and I in a space that tiny sounds dangerous. The elevator proved that. “I’m not going back to your bus.”

  “It is forty degrees out here, Josie,” he grits through clenched teeth, trying not to yell. “You’ll freeze.”

  “I said no. I’ll be fine. I’m not even that cold,” I lie because I already can’t feel my fingers and toes.

  He stares at me for a beat. That look that has always threatened to turn me to ash flits across his face. That smoldering determination. That look that tells me he doesn’t care what I want or what I say because he’s the one calling the shots.

  He moves slowly, predatorily, until he is standing right in front of me. A devilish, menacing smile forms across his lips. I know what’s coming. It doesn’t take a genius to know what’s coming. “Don’t you dare,” I warn, curling myself back into the chair like it will save me. “Don’t even think about it. I swear to God, Angel, I will scream.”

  His smile falters as pure frustration contorts his feature. “Goddammit, Josie. Why the fuck do you have to make everything so goddamn hard?” he grunts. In a blink, he has me pulled from the chair and tossed over his shoulder.

  I kick and slap at his back as I scream and throw curses his way. I watch as everyone on my bus files out to see what the commotion is. My eyes catch Chase’s. For a moment, he looks sad but when Angel slaps my butt, he starts shaking his head with a laugh.

  We walk past Maddox and Ryder and a blond girl they are putting into a car (geez do they always share?) and Dane who are all laughing exuberantly as I scowl. I’ve stopped hitting and screaming. Instead, my arms are crossed as I bounce.

  All of the men, every last one of them have been placed on my shit list.

  Finally, after we make it to the back of his bus, he sets me to my feet. I move to push him away but the blood leaving my head causes me to stumble right into his chest.

  “Whoa,” he says wrapping his arm around me tightly. Too tight for his purposes. He looks down at me. His pale silvery eyes blaze with something I don’t understand. His grip tightens further before he finally lets me go. “Get in the shower and get warm. I’ll bring you some clothes to wear.”

  I stand there for two seconds contemplating marching right back outside this much, much nicer bus. The end result? I don’t. For two reasons. He will just drag me back and a hot shower sounds incredible.

  I quickly strip out of my clothes then climb into the shower. The hot spray is painful as it thaws my frozen extremities, but the pain soon ebbs, leaving only a soothing warmth. I find some shampoo and lather it into my hair, but when the smell of the ocean and sand enter my nostril, I instantly regret my choice.

  His scent hasn’t changed either. He still uses the same, stupidly expensive body wash and cologne. He still smells like the Pacific.

  My hand, having a mind of its own, makes its way south. First to my tits, squeezing them and pinching my nipples. A low, quiet groan slips from me as my core clenches. My hand continues its path until my fingers circle my clit. I lean back against the shower wall and prop one foot up on the bench. I dip into my throbbing center with the fingers of my other hand while I continue to rub slow circles around my aching nub.

  Angel fills my vision. Those rippling abs. The incredibly intense pale gaze that’s made even more striking against his golden-brown skin and dark hair. That mouth.

  The full, pouty lips that were made to be on a woman’s body, I imagine him kissing my nether lips with expertise while his tongue probes inside of me.

  “Josie,” he calls out from the other side of the door.

  His voice sends me free falling over the edge of bliss as my orgasm has me spasming tightly – tighter than I thought possible – around my own finger. “Yes,” I cry out and I know without a doubt that everyone on this bus knows exactly what I was doing.

  And, frankly, I don’t care. Maybe they can make a game out of it later.

  I turn the water off after I come down from my high, wrap a towel around me, and open the door. Angel is standing there, both hands gripping the door frame along with a t-shirt and boxer briefs. If I thought I saw lust in his eyes before, now it’s ten times more obvious. Especially with the way his chest heaves as if he just ran a marathon.

  He pries the hand with the clothes away from the door frame. “You can wear this,” his voice grates as he hands them to me, “and you can sleep in the bedroom.”

  “One,” I hold up a finger to his face, determined to remain defiant – and a little bit teasing, “I sleep naked.” A low rumble slips from his chest. It’s a lie. I sleep in shorts and tanks, but he doesn’t need to know that. “And two, I am not sleeping in there after -.”

  “Have any of you assholes fucked anyone in the bedroom?” he yells out with eyes still on mine.

  “No,” I hear several voices call out.

  “There. Satisfied?” his voice is carrying so much gravel right now, he may not have one come daylight.

  “No,” I answer with my arms cross over my chest, intentionally causing the towel to slip a bit. “You didn’t answer.” Because the truth is, if he tells me he’s had sex with anyone, anywhere on this bus, I am gone.

  He moves closer to me, backing me up until my butt hits the sink. “I haven’t touched a woman since the night you ran off with the bartender. Can you say the same, Josie?”

  I gulp loudly at his proximity, his words, and his glare. My lower belly warms, and my clit begins to throb again.

  “Answer me, Josie,” he demands to hear it said out loud even though he knows the answer. He saw me with A.J. weeks ago. There was also the guy at the party the other night. The same night he kissed me in the elevator, and he could tell I’d been kissing someone just a little while ago.

  I can’t think with him so close. I can’t breathe. How does he expect me to form words? All I can do is shake my head in response to his question.

  “I didn’t think so,” he snorts sardonically. His phone ringing draws his attention away from me. Well, it doesn’t really. He merely answers while keeping is eyes on me. “Hello,” he answers without glancing at his phone. “Yeah. I can talk,” he tells the person on the other end. “Take the bedroom Josie,” he tells me as he turns to walk away. I may have worked him up, but I’m the one left hot and wet.

  Looks like the bedroom is a good idea aft
er all.



  Careless Whisper

  Thank God for Eden picking now to finally call back. Three days later.

  I’m not sure if I wanted to kill Josie for fucking whatever guy – that fucking bartender – or for kissing whoever she did on that damn bus, or if I wanted to fuck the memory of any other man right out of her.

  Actually, that’s not true. I have never wanted to kill Josie but fucking her right now would be an epically bad idea, if how she’s acted since Florida is any indication. But knowing what she just did in that bathroom has me ready to make epically bad decisions.

  Hence, Eden’s perfect timing.

  “Okay,” I tell her with a rumbling voice as anger and frustration still flood through my veins. “I can talk now.”

  “Did I just hear you tell Josephine to take the bedroom?” Her voice is filled with teasing and entirely too much excitement.

  “It’s not like that,” I tell her. She actually sighs in disappointment. “I caught her trying to sleep outside in a chair. Made her get on my bus.”

  “And she went willingly,” she says skeptically.

  “Fuck no. I had to carry her kicking and screaming. Literally.”

  “Okay, that sounds more like her. Now to this message you left me to call you back ASAP.”

  “Three days later is as soon as possible to you, Edie?”

  “I’ve been pulling doubles at the hospital,” she barks like the hellion she is. “I’m sorry if my schedule doesn’t revolve around the great Angel Martin.”

  “If you told me what I wanted to know years ago we wouldn’t need this conversation,” I snap back.

  “I don’t have time for your attitude, Angel,” her irritation rises.

  I rub my hand over my face trying to scrub away the frustration. It doesn’t work. “What the fuck happened back then?” I ask her once again. She starts to give me her same line, but I cut her off. “I’m not asking Josie. I’m asking you. Now spill or so help me I will be at your front door tomorrow.”


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