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Goodbye is a Second Chance (Sons of Sin Book 1)

Page 27

by Nola Marie

  She backed down again, but this time Angel pushed it farther. He had the paternity done and he had proof she was lying and trying to exploit him. The next day, his dad filed suit against her for slander and defamation for both of us. Together, we issued a statement discussing Erica’s bullying of me throughout my life and promised that any money won from the suit would go to Kind Campaign, a nonprofit that is focused on ending bullying of young girls and helping those girls overcome the trauma.

  The band also issued a statement opposing bullying of any kind. Then, to my surprise, announced that all profits from the tour and song sales would go to Kind Campaign as well.

  I asked them why with teary eyes of gratitude. They all shrugged, telling me they didn’t need the money anyway. The music was never about money.

  All this has been great for the band but terrible for my sanity. I haven’t been able to walk out my door because the paparazzi stay camped in front of my building. I am hoping that it will soon die down since my father’s sentencing was yesterday.

  Even if it doesn’t, I know I can’t hide forever. They will never completely go away. Not with the success the band is finding, and we can all only hope they continue to grow in popularity.

  So here I am, walking into a bar where the guys are very well-known that looks to be packed to capacity.

  “I never want to be anywhere but in bed with you. The real world doesn’t stop spinning though,” Angel answers my complaint while maneuvering me through the crowd. “Besides, your trip to Chicago and all the assholes with cameras fucked the plans I had two weeks ago. And this is our place. Me and the guys. This is where Jake first introduced me to them so it’s special to us.”

  “Speaking of,” I wrap my arms around him as we make our way through the crowded bar. “When do I get to meet the famous Jake?”

  “Right now,” he says with a half-smile and a nod toward where I see the faces of the band – the guys I have come to love, Cami, a few other tattooed guys, and Tori and Zane, who have been up visiting Dane.

  “You sure you want me around the MVP of the year,” I tease.

  “Baby, I’m not even worried,” he smirks. “I know you only have eyes for me.”

  “Always have,” I shrug nonchalantly, “but my eyes like to admire the scenery around me.”

  A low growl tumbles from his chest, making me giggle. Jealous Angel is hot AF.

  “Bout time you showed up,” Maddox shouts with his arms tossed over the shoulders of two very giggly girls. He looks like he is well on his way to a bad time. Ryder stands next to him looking just as gone with two girls of his own.

  I am pretty sure the two of them are getting worse with their little habit. I’ve even noticed the worried looks they’ve been getting from Dane. Tonight, I even notice Zane giving them worried looks. Angel too, for that matter, casts a quick concerned look their way, but nothing is said.

  “Practically had to drag her out of bed,” Angel responds to Maddox’s comment with a cackle.

  I look up to him with a scowl on my face and my arms folded over my chest. “You did not.”

  He quirks an eyebrow. “Seriously? Were you not just complaining about that very thing?”

  My frown deepens. I can’t argue with the truth, so I try to excuse it. “No one can blame me when there around dozens of strangers with cameras who have decided the front steps of my apartment is their new home.”

  “My sister doesn’t like the attention either,” Zane tells me with a wink.

  “You must be Josie,” an unfamiliar face says to me. A very freaking hot unfamiliar face with full pouty lip, brown hair, and eyes similar to my own says to me with a sexy grin. I almost have to check to make sure my mouth isn’t on the ground and that I’m not drooling.

  Where do all the hot men keep coming from and how in the hell did they all manage to become friends? I’m pretty sure it’s not normal for this many beautiful men to all be associated unless they’re models or movie stars.

  “Now that I see you,” he breaks through my admiration, “I have to wonder what you see in this asshole.”

  “Fucker,” Angel mutters under his breath. “Where’s my princess?”

  “Mom has her, but I can’t make any promises for how long.”

  I watch Angel’s brows furrow. The atmosphere shifts into a more somber one for a breath. “How is your mom?”

  “Better since the last surgery, but still tired. Does physical therapy a few times a week now.”

  “Do you need -?” The air is thick with Angel’s worry for his friend.

  “I need you to stay your ass with your girl,” Jake says with such a genuine affection that my chest clenches. This man, who became Angel’s closest friend after he no longer could give me that title. The man who was there for him when he needed someone.

  “Josephine,” Cami calls to me as she drags a tall, dark-haired man with cold blue eyes my way. I instantly recognize him as the tight end for the New York Mustangs. One that I know has a reputation for being arrogant, hot-headed, and aggressive on and off the field. I can’t help but wonder what in the world she is doing with someone like that. I’d heard Travis Donahue had a long-time girlfriend, but I had no idea it was Cami. I damn sure didn’t expect him when Cami said she had a football player boyfriend. I still don’t understand why she’s only just bringing him around. “I wanted you to meet -.”

  “Travis Donahue,” I finish for her while focusing on keeping my expression light and friendly.

  He gives me a slippery smirk while his eyes travel the length of my body in a very obvious way. He licks his lips as they finally make it back to my eyes. “A fan?”

  Not so much, but I don’t say that, of course.

  Angel puts a possessive arm across my shoulders. “She’s a huge football fan.”

  The tension is in the air becomes heavy and tight. The testosterone filling the small space where we’re gathered is nearly palpable. The other guys must sense it because suddenly everyone is interested in our conversation especially Dane who looks like he wants to rip the very large man’s arms off.

  “Who’s your favorite team?” The asshole blatantly ignores Cami as he continues to ogle me and ignores the lightning bolts Angel is shooting him.

  “The Raptors,” I tell him politely, trying to be nice and defuse the tension.

  Zane laughs loudly with his head thrown back, his blond hair dancing across his shoulders. “That girl is a smart one,” he says with a panty dropping smile, earning him an elbow from Tori. He laughs some more. “What was that for, Baby?”

  “You know what that was for,” she pretends to scold but I see the corner of her lips twitch as she fights a smile.

  He kisses the top of her head as his cocky charm falls off him in waves. “How many times have I told you it’s just my face?”

  Dane groans audibly while Maddox coughs out, “Asshole,” from behind his fist. It only makes Zane smile wider.

  “You fellas ready?” Ryder asks with his own wide grin.

  “Ready for what?” I look to Angel for answers.

  “Just a few songs,” his grey-blue eyes shine with affection and mischief.

  All of them, including Jake, begin to make their way to the stage. Dane stops long enough to say something to his brother-in-law who nods to whatever he’s saying.

  Tori is grabbing Cami and I, dragging us to the front. I can feel cold, aggressive eyes and on us, but I don’t turn around.

  The guys each pick up an instrument. Jake grabs the bass, leaving Angel to the third guitar. “Just like Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Eagles,” I say to absolutely no one.

  “What did I do this time?” Zane belts out loudly.

  I turn to see him rubbing his stomach with a wide smirk. “She has good taste in music. Why don’t you?”

  “You know I like all music,” he laughs, dragging her into his chest. “Not my fault country is music, and you hate it.”

  “I like country music,” I inform them. “As long as it’s from the last m
illennium. Actually, my playlist is completely from the last millennium.”

  He gives her a cocky grin that makes her slap him for the third time. He lowers his mouth to her ear. I watch as she turns red and practically melts into a puddle at his feet.

  “How are you beautiful people tonight?” Maddox’s voice comes out clear through the speakers. I’m not sure how he can go from looking so completely stoned to looking perfectly sober, but he does it with a perfection that’s almost scary. “God we fucking missed this place. No matter where we play this will always be the band’s home.”

  That gets him whooping cheers. He gestures his hands in a lowering motion to get them to quiet all the while smile that megawatt smile. “We’re just going to play and have fun tonight. Do some covers. Do some originals. Does that sound good?”

  The crowd yells and whistles their agreements while Angel starts the familiar first notes of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Sweet Home Alabama.

  “Gonna start with a song from my part of the country if y’all are okay with that?” Maddox’s southern drawl stands out as introduces the song.

  “You’re not from Alabama, asshole,” Zane razzes with a grin and an arm slung over Tori’s shoulder.

  Maddox laughs and flips him a middle finger. “Best I can do jackass.”

  Then he starts singing. As electric as they are in arenas and stadiums, this intimate setting with their friends and fans from before they became so popular, is even more so.

  They easily transition through several songs by Audioslave, Kansas, Led Zeppelin, Alice in Chains, and a few others, not to mention singing a few songs of their own. Unlike their concerts where vocals are nearly entirely Maddox with the rest singing backup, they all sing according to their vocal strength.

  Then there is a shift in the air. A magnetism that flows from the stage throughout the crowd. Almost tangible, the feeling that something important is about to take place fills the space. The crowd becomes completely silent as they wait and watch as each of the men on stage take a moment to get into whatever headspace they need to be for the next few minutes.

  Ryder Strums the first few notes of my all-time favorite Beatles’ song while Jake thumps out that distinctive bass line. The five men begin to harmonize the lyrics to In My Life. The audience is completely entranced by the beauty of their cover. It’s one of the best covers of the song I’ve ever heard. The emotion they pour into the song is raw and bold and deep.

  My heart hammers in my chest a I sense the purpose of this song. It is for me. It is a message to me. Without looking at his face, I know that it is being sung specifically and especially for me.

  I can feel him. I feel with every rasp and note that passes his lips, the words he’s singing, envelop me. I can feel him wrapping me in his love. I can feel him handing me his bleeding heart and raw soul.

  Then the next song starts. My hammering heart starts beating at the speed of a hummingbird’s wings.

  He restarted our routine of showing me new music - new for me - that first night we were together. He was jokingly appalled my musical tastes didn’t grow once he wasn’t around.

  Tears fall down my face as the song he showed me just a week ago starts playing. I feel the earth beneath me move and shift. A crackle of something indescribable flows around me then right through me as Maddox and Angel both take the lead, and the words of Easy to Love You by Theory of a Dead Man falls from their lips. Angel’s eyes are on me alone as he sings. It feels like the world around us has disappeared. Like we are the only ones in the room. Only ones in the universe.

  The band keeps playing as Angel jumps from the stage, walking to me. The flames flicker and electricity sizzles between us with each step he takes. Until he’s standing right in front of me, dropping to one knee, and sings “Baby, will you marry me?”

  I slap a hand over my mouth when he pulls out a tiny red velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a beautiful princess cut solitaire on a simple platinum band.

  The saying you could hear a pin drop has never been truer. The band has stopped, and every single person is silent and unmoving, all eyes on me as they wait for my response.

  Tears continue to flow turning to sobbing, ugly cries as I am so overwhelmed with emotion. With love for this man in front of me. Not the boy from all those years ago. He was a different person then. We both were. I said goodbye to that boy.

  But I am saying forever to this man, and this second chance we’ve been given.

  Of course, I can’t answer him in the romantic way he asks. All of this attention on me makes me want to deflect. I pull him to his feet hoping everyone will stop staring.

  “What are you stupid?” I laugh at him. “Of course, I’ll marry you, Angel.”

  He slips the ring on my finger with a kiss. “Yeah?”

  “Yes, you dummy. I love you. I love you so damn much.”

  “You know,” he grins wide. “I’m trying to be sweet and romantic here, and your name calling is kind of ruining it.”

  “You gonna spank me?” I tease him.

  He lowers his mouth to my ear. His voice turns husky and deep. “What kind of punishment would that be when you like it so much?”

  I feel myself flush at his words then, without warning, he has me thrown over his shoulder, climbing back on the stage. He sets me to my feet but keeps me close. “In case you didn’t hear, she said yes,” he tells the audience.

  They erupt into cheers and whistles. The guys and the rest of our friends surround us with so much love and joy. My face is nearly splitting my face.

  I turn in his arms that still enclose me. I look into those stormy eyes that makes my heart shudder. I throw my arms around his neck and reach up placing a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

  “Not as much as I love you, Josie. No one will ever hold my heart but you.”

  He leans down, placing his lips back to mine and everything but the two of us fades away.



  “So, what do you think about all this?” Cami asks me with a laugh.

  “I think the poor bastard needs her far more than she needs him,” I return her laugh.

  She and I have really hit it off. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that Cami is fast on her way to becoming one of my best friends. I’ve never had a woman that I’ve been able to talk to or just relax with as easily as her.

  She shakes her head vehemently. “Oh, hell no. You did not experience the full Josephine bitch fest like I did. She definitely needs him. I haven’t met Eden, but I’d like to compare notes with her.”

  I take a sip of my beer while I look toward my two friends who look so stupidly happy as they dance together. They don’t even seem to realize the rest of the world moving around them. Reminds me a lot of my sister who is dancing with her husband that I love to hate and hate to love.

  I also notice Cami’s football player boyfriend, a look of pure disdain pouring off of him in my direction. Tough shit. Cami is my friend and I’m not letting some steroid filled jughead stop me. Not to mention I just don’t like him. I don’t like the vibe he puts off. It’s why I asked Zane to watch them while we were on stage.

  I may not be able to be with her all the time, but I watch out for my friends. I take care of my family. Even if it’s against NFL football players and well-trained mafioso.

  Long story. Don’t ask.

  “So how long you thinking it’s going to take them to make it down the aisle?” I ask her.

  “A girl needs to plan. Josephine is a simple girl, but she also comes from luxury. She’s going to want the whole fancy wedding thing. Those things take time. I say six months. At least.”

  I laugh and point my bottle in their direction. “Care to make a wager?”

  Her dark brows perk up and her cute little pointy nose scrunches. “What did you have in mind?”

  I waggle my brows in a tease. When she slaps my chest, I laugh. “How about fifty bucks? I say those two get married in less than six months. Hell, I don’t thi
nk they’ll make it six weeks.”

  “You are so on, Big Boy,” she smirks with an outstretched hand.

  I take her hand with a scowl. “And when I win, no more of that boy shit. I am a grown ass man. Have been for a while and will continue to be even longer.”

  She tosses her head back with a laugh. Her long dark hair dances across her shoulders until it falls down her back. Her dark eyes sparkle with mischief. She really is something else.

  “Come dance with me, Muñeca,” I say affectionately because she reminds me so much of a little doll. She doesn’t even reach my chin.

  “Do I look like I would know what that means?” she asks in that ball busting way she has.

  I laugh again, as I throw my arm over her shoulder, leading her to the dance floor. The music is upbeat and we’re laughing and having fun.

  I look around to see Jake talking to Tori and Zane. He looks like he’s having a good time, and God knows he deserves it. I see Maddox and Ryder both dancing with multiple girls making me shake my head with a smile.

  “What’s so funny?” Camilla asks with a perched brow. I nod my head in their direction. “They’re just a couple of players, aren’t they?”

  “It’s a little more complicated than that,” I tell her without elaborating. Their stories are not mine to share, but those two are definitely the definition of damaged goods.

  “What about you Dane? I’ve seen you with girls just like them.”

  The song slows and she throws her arms around my neck as we sway with the music. “I’m more complicated too.”

  “Okay, we’ve known each other for a few months now. Want to elaborate?”

  “That, Muñeca, is a long story, so I’ll give you the cliff notes version. I adopted Cara, as you know. Kind of hard to date when you have your teenage little sister living with you. The few women I tried to date weren’t interested in sharing my time with her, so I adjusted. I only had one night to give so I never looked for more.”

  She tilts her head up at me. Her eyes searching, pondering me. “I am going to set you up, Dane Pierce. I am going to find you a girl.”


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