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Cam (Hollywood Binge #1)

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by Julia Bright

  Cam grabbed a glass for water and filled it from the front of the refrigerator. He glanced over his shoulder, watching Zach read something on his phone. His brother was a good person, but Cam had changed. Maybe changed was too strong of a word. He’d grown up, matured. “I hope I don’t have to come back with an ‘I told you so,’ but it’s your party and your life.”

  “Oh yeah.” Zach lifted his hand to give Cam a high five.

  Their hands slapped together and he cheered, though Cam wasn’t feeling anything good. He worried about Zach, the party, his future, and now this girl. He shouldn’t be worrying about her, but he had a suspicion that Zach was wrong about her, even if Chip had confirmed she’d agreed to be a party girl.

  “You’re coming, right?” Zach lifted his brows, giving him a look that always made Cam cave no matter the situation.

  “I shouldn’t. It’s a sex party. I can’t hook up. I can’t have any photos of me boozing while having sex. No girls, no partying, no fun—agent’s orders.”

  “Dude, you should totally forget that lame movie and just live. You have plenty of money.”

  “It’s not about the money. I want to do something more than empty kegs and screw forgettable women.”

  “Forgettable women are the best. No ties, no dates. God, I hate dates. Fuck ’em and forget ’em. That’s the perfect girl for me.”

  Cam smirked. He hadn’t actually been on a date in months, maybe a year or more, and neither had Zach—not a real date. Going out to eat dinner and catch a movie was impossible. If he went to a movie, it was for a premiere. Dinner with a woman was a business move. Even when he was in a relationship with another star, everything was arranged with nothing spontaneous. Dating was about two people coming together, but his little trysts were about power plays and money. He hated that he couldn’t be natural, find someone the way other guys found girls. It sucked, but that was the nature of the beast, and he wasn’t ready to give up the beast yet.

  “Be at the party. Get it? I don’t want to have to send anyone to hunt you down.”

  Cam chewed on his thumbnail. “What about photos? I can’t have any photos of me there.”

  “Don’t worry, the girls will have their phones checked in with security and the guys know better. No one will have cameras and no one will take pictures. I also have some primo security set up. They’ll confiscate any cameras, phones, tablets. If they see someone flashing a photo, they’ll take care of it. We’ve got it covered.”

  “I’m not going to fuck around with any of the women.”

  “Sure, and if you do, no harm, no foul. These girls know what they’re getting into, and we have a case of condoms just waiting for you to show them a good time.”

  Cam’s stomach twisted. “That waitress doesn’t know.”

  Zach chuckled and tossed him a bottle of water. “Give it up, bro. She’s a ho. She said she would be a party girl and was happy to come get dirty with us.”

  A cold chill raced through Cam. There was no way that sweet girl at the diner had agreed to get dirty with them. “Trust me, brother, she’s going to be a problem.”

  Zach balled his hands into fists, his nostrils flaring as anger flashed in his eyes. “No, trust me. Get over it. She’s excited to party with us. She’s just like all the other girls we know. There will be no issues.”

  Cam squelched the misgivings still swirling through him and left the kitchen. He moved to his room though he knew he should go back and force Zach to uninvited her. But he’d never forced Zach to do anything before, and right now wasn’t the time.

  He and Zach still lived together in a small house on the edge of a posh neighborhood in Hollywood. They’d made it big enough for him to afford his own place, but he liked living with Zach, at least he usually did. Since he’d been trying to change the focus of his career, living with Zach had become a little annoying. Cam didn’t want to party all night like they had when they’d been teens. His brother hadn’t grown up since moving into this house four years ago when Zach had been twenty-one and he’d been nineteen. Nineteen and twenty-one, owning a fully paid-off house in Hollywood wasn’t unheard of, but for them it had been one crazy ride they’d never expected. Of course, it helped that the house had been a foreclosure and cheap as dirt. They’d had to do work, putting up drywall and replacing flooring, but the work had been worth it.

  He still had a poster of the movie that changed it all for them hanging in his room. The film had been a remake of a horror flick where they’d been cast as twins, though Zach was two years older than he. Cam had missed the last two years of high school, doing some weird mix between home school and tutors on the set. Then the money came and another movie with more money was filmed. They went from horror to some sexy beach thing where he learned how to have sex on the set without actually having sex. He and that actress did hook up off set and make their own home movies, but he’d deleted those last year. Heat washed over him as he thought of her and the wild things they’d done. There was only so much rubbing privates against someone you could do without wanting to fuck them.

  For now, the movies were coming in for him and getting better with each film, but the parts Zach got were getting smaller. Directors and producers wanted him if he cleaned up his act, but living with Zach seemed like they were only one debauchery-filled weekend away from disaster. Maybe it was time for him to branch out and find his own place, but he and Zach were more than just brothers, they were friends.

  Cam tossed his shirt into his laundry basket and grabbed his shorts. He needed to lift some weights if he was going to be partying on Friday night. Not that he would drink much, but he may enjoy a few beers. Going to Zach’s party was risky. He’d have to make sure he found a quiet corner to hide in so few of the women there remembered him later and told stories of how bad he had been. His agent’s rules did feel a bit like a noose, and he’d been good so far. Heck, he hadn’t even gone out drinking once in the last month. How much damage could one night inflict? Guilt hit him hard. He shouldn’t go, but the party was for his brother.

  Chapter Three

  Rose wrapped her hair in a towel and pulled her robe tight before opening the door and moving to the kitchen. Their apartment was small, only two bedrooms. If she had the money, she would live alone. Not that she’d ever lived in an apartment by herself, but she was willing to give it a go just to have her own little island of peace and quiet.

  It was nice having the room to herself. Sharing with Amanda had been good in the beginning but the girl wasn’t stable. Presley, who was currently sharing a room with Kady, was still friends with Amanda so she had to watch what she said about her, but Rose was glad Amanda was gone. With those fresh hundred dollar bills sitting in her bank account, she was feeling even less like getting a new roommate. The money wouldn’t last long, so they needed to find someone soon, but it wasn’t as important today as it had been even twelve hours ago.

  “Rose, oh my God, did you actually see the Harris brothers?” Kady asked as she rushed out her bedroom door, following Rose into their little kitchenette. “What were they like? I want to meet them. You have to call me the next time they’re at the diner.”

  Rose turned and rested her hip against the counter, knowing if she told Kady about the party, it would be all over social media. Not only was Kady into gossip, she did it professionally, or she tried to do it professionally if she could only get her foot in the door on a real assignment instead of being someone else’s research monkey.

  “Sorry, I didn’t even think about it. We were busy and I was shocked to see them.”

  Kady huffed and then rolled her eyes. “Okay, but next time, send me a text. Seriously, I need stories like this. Well, I actually need bigger stories, but I need them.”

  They all needed a break. Too many of their friends had ended up broke, near homeless or homeless, and they had to leave the city or sell something illegal just to pay bills. Guilt twisted through her, and she had to look away, covering her feelings by drinking some water. No way
could she tell Kady about the party. That type of news would make Kady’s career, but it would ruin her chance of getting a second date with Zach. Once it was over, she could tell Kady everything…maybe.

  “You might want to hang out at the counter if you’re not busy.” The diner had a counter with stools that stayed empty most days—well, they had stayed empty until the Harris brothers had shown up.

  Kady’s eyes sparkled as they widened. “Any more famous people show up?”

  “No, but they could start coming in.”

  “Are you working tomorrow?” Kady asked as she grabbed a bottle of juice out of the refrigerator.

  “Until one unless it’s packed like today then I’ll get off when I get off.”

  Kady shook her head and tsked her tongue. “That had to suck.”

  “Yeah, but I made enough extra tips to pay rent, so it was worth it.” No way in the world would she tell Kady or Presley she’d made five hundred extra from the Harris brothers in addition to the money from added customers trying to get a glimpse of someone famous. They’d want her to splurge and take them out, but that cash was her seed money to get better head shots or buy new clothes for an audition.

  “Shit, rent is due tomorrow, right?” Kady moved to her purse and pulled out her wallet. Being poor sucked.

  “Do you have enough?” Rose didn’t want to have to cover her roommates with the extra money she’d made. Not that she didn’t like them, but some months, she barely made enough to survive and she couldn’t get in the habit of covering for them, not even Presley who was struggling more than the rest of them.

  “I’m good this month. I need a big break though. Something amazing to light the world on fire with. If you hear of anything, you have to tell me. Maybe I’ll pick something up if I go to the bars tonight. Want to come?”

  “Not tonight. I’m beat.” Rose grabbed an apple and headed to her bedroom, planning on napping. Instead, she plopped down on her bed, opened her laptop, and pulled up a browser to search for photos of Zach and Cam. They were so freaking hot she had to fan herself. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. There was no way Zach Harris was interested in her, but she couldn’t say no to the invitation because what-ifs blazed through the back of her mind.

  The next day, work was terrible, and she wasn’t able to leave the diner until a little after three. Her car was out of gas, and she made the mistake of stopping at a station near work instead of driving almost all the way home before filling up. By the time the attendant finished filling her car, traffic had grown exponentially. Two wrecks marred the roads, closing down every major street. She didn’t get home until almost five and rent was due, unfortunately. Rent wasn’t actually due until the next morning, but the asshole who ran the place didn’t always count rent paid on Saturdays as on time even though it was turned in and he’d accepted the money.

  After gathering the other girls’ checks, she headed down the stairs, and walked over to the office, noticing the bushes in front of building number six had died. The place where they lived was shabby, but they could afford the rent here, and no one had died from a gunshot wound in the parking lot—it wasn’t something she should be proud of, but she had to pick her victories. They also all had parking for free. Someone had told her about an apartment complex not too far away where each resident had to pay for their spot. They were already paying too much for rent, paying for parking would be ridiculous. Across the street was a place that served a good cup of coffee for those few days she had enough extra cash to buy a cup instead of drinking what they could afford to buy for the apartment or waiting until she got to the diner for some of the dark brew. She would get a cup tomorrow, and maybe a donut.

  Before stepping in the office, she drew in a deep breath, which may have been a mistake because there was a noxious smell wafting around the building. Though she wished one of her other roommates were with her, she couldn’t wait for them to accompany her inside the hell-mouth that was the apartment office.

  Rose braced herself before opening the door and stepping into the office. She cringed when she saw Chester the Molester sitting at the desk instead of the lady who answered the phone for all of his properties. His real name was David, but the nickname had stuck because of what he’d done when Sue, the original renter of the apartment, had first moved in. She’d almost broken his hand because he’d touched her boobs twice. Creepy didn’t even begin to describe the jerk.

  “Ah, if it isn’t one of the ladies from 7B. How are you doing?”

  She gave him a half smile, hoping he didn’t want to talk. “Here’s the rent checks.”

  “Let me see.” Chester came close and snatched the envelope from her. They took turns paying rent, and they always paid it in person. Chester somehow managed to find crazy excuses to charge them late fees when they shoved the money in the slot instead of putting it directly in his hand. Basically, he was a total ass and a jerk. Up until two months ago, they’d chosen the loser who delivered the money by drawing straws, but after Kady pulled the short straw three times in a row, she claimed they had to be cheating. Now they rotated who had the unpleasant task of coming to this office.

  Unmoving, like a statue, Rose watched Chester inspect the three checks that made up their payment. He pulled out his calculator and started adding as he leaned over the desk. Slowly his gaze rose, traveling up her body like thick, slimy sludge, making her stomach turn.

  “You’re off.” His lips twisted into a smile, showing a bit of spinach he must have eaten at lunch.

  She wouldn’t allow this jerk to intimidate her, not today. “No, we’re not.”

  “You could just work—”

  She wasn’t having any of his crap. Too many times she’d not defended herself, and she wasn’t going to be screwed over again. “Stop right there. Add those numbers up again.”

  Chester’s eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. His gaze moved back to the checks, and he started typing the numbers into the calculator. After a short moment, he grunted in disgust. “I must have mistyped a number.”

  She gave a quick nod, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “I’m sure. So we’re paid up.”

  “You know, you girls could always stop by more. I wouldn’t mind maybe giving a discount.”

  Rose clutched her fists so she didn’t haul off and punch him in the face. She turned quickly, stalking away before she did something crazy like beat the crap out of the guy with a potted plant. She slammed the office door when she left, not at all sorry for being so rude. Chester pissed her off, and she didn’t have time to deal with getting arrested.

  She had calmed little on her walk back to their apartment and up the stairs. The door flew from her hand, slamming as she gave it a little too much of a push as she closed it. Presley was in the kitchen and turned to frown at her.

  “Who crapped in your pants?”

  She shivered, letting loose and waving her hands as disgust rolled through her. “No one. I just paid rent.”

  Presley’s nose turned up and she shivered. “Gross.”

  “He offered us a discount.”

  Kady stepped into the room and lifted one arm, pumping it. “Yes!”

  Rose rolled her eyes and made a face, sticking out her tongue. “He wants us to work off the discount.”

  “Work off, how?” Kady asked as she danced around their small den.

  “On your knees,” Rose deadpanned.

  Presley’s lips turned down, and she looked like she’d just smelled something disgusting. Rose knew it wasn’t a real stench, only the thought of having to touch Chester.

  “Yuck. No way,” Kady screeched as she clutched her chest. “He’s not touching me and I wouldn’t touch that man with a—I don’t know. I just wouldn’t touch him.”

  “I said no thank you.” Rose moved to the kitchen and pulled a head of lettuce, tomatoes, and some mushrooms from the refrigerator.

  “There has to be something we can do about him,” Kady said.

  “What? He owns the place. It’
s not like we can report him to upper management,” Presley said.

  “No, but he’s so gross. If he touched me, I would call the cops. No molesting for me.”

  Kady had a point, but Chester didn’t touch them anymore, not after a woman in 3C had knocked the snot out of him for touching her. Now, he just said really creepy things.

  “Do you want to watch a movie tonight?” Presley asked. “I can’t stay up late since I’m heading out in the morning.”

  “Going home again?” Rose asked.

  “Yeah, just for a bit, I need to. I’m leaving early, like four in the morning.”

  “Be careful. I would watch with you, but I have something to do.” She was nervous and her stomach flopped hard. Being Zach Harris’s date at his own party made her want to throw up a little. The man was exceptional and she wasn’t. How could this have happened?

  “Whatcha doing?” Kady asked.

  “It’s nothing. I was asked to attend a party.”

  “Really?” Kady perked up, her eyes going wide. “Who is having a party and can I come?”

  “I don’t think you can. It’s not a big deal.” Inside, she was humming with excitement because it was a big freaking deal. Zach Harris was the biggest deal she’d ever had and she was his date.

  “Are you sure I can’t come?” Kady asked. “I mean, it could make my career.”

  She’d been told no publicity, no mention of the party. It would break Kady’s heart if she didn’t tell her, but Zach had his right to privacy.

  “It really is no one, just a little party, but I’m not really close friends with the person, otherwise I’d let you come.”

  “I get it. Okay. If you say so. I’d rather watch a movie with Presley anyway.” Kady left the room, and Presley rolled her eyes.


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