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Times Escape : Book One in the Adventures of Bobby Regal Space Commander

Page 14

by Michael Berg

  The life then exercised control through slow motions as it tested its appendages, moving each one deliberately in circular rotations exploring this new found sense of freedom. By no means did Valeena adore the apparition before her in the large spherical vessel – it was ugly even to a human let alone a Vindor whose pride would accept nothing remotely seen as ugly. They were an attractive race after these years of seeking perfection, yet their intentions belied their truths.

  When the moment came and the foetus opened its eyes to stare straight at her, Valeena knew this process was done and it was time for dinner. Immediately thereafter, it would take all her care to extract the foetus from the vessel and lay it upon the stainless steel table beside her with life control mechanisms attached. Then Bobby’s cellular infusion would take place and so the foetus would truly be brought to sentient life.

  “How is our project proceeding Valeena? From the look on your face, it appears to be going well.”

  “It is Beth. The time will soon come for its extraction. I must find Bobby tonight.”

  “What if we cannot bring him here?”

  “Then we have another day but it will mean re-insertion of the foetus back into its growth medium causing a degree of stress. It will cope though, but only once.”

  “Then we must sit together for we have shared the most intimate of moments and now these times are again where we need to be close.”

  “I could kiss you Beth. There is something alight in me and it stirs me deeply.”

  “You can kiss me if you like. I too share your feelings. Maybe it is the seed being born arousing us.”

  “Maybe.” Valeena walked to her and Beth embraced her as they met with a kiss. They had shared this with Bobby so neither of them balked at the opportunity now. As Vindors, they needed to express themselves when taken to such heights in feeling. They saw it all as normal in order for their way of living – they were beyond sex and beyond lust, for their drive to each other was a primal urge and as it was for Vindor people. Such urges were the expression of pride where oneself made manifest those desires and needs coming from a heightened self appreciation. After a few minutes they broke away from their passion, content now to have satiated their hunger and intent on satiating another.

  “This meal is sumptuous. I am so glad you are here with me Beth.”

  “I am very happy to be here with you Valeena. Soon we will both experienced what it is to be of Vindor pride in its fullest, and oh, what a lovely time it will be.”

  “It already is my dear.”

  “Will you need me to assist?”

  “Yes Beth. We are to be at each other’s side as the foetus is seeded from us both and so it will look to its two mothers for awareness of self as it is brought into this world.”

  When dinner had passed and it was time to tend their seed, both women walked hand in hand to the room in which it was situated. At the last, Valeena stopped Beth from entering, telling her to wait by the open door ass she did the work. Neither Beth nor Valeena had ever heard a noise similar to the noise emitted by the foetus as it was extracted from the growth medium. Its removal brought forth its first ever utterance – a moan followed by a loud exhaling breath of both gas and mucus. Its first inclination then was to turn its head so it could look upon the two women. By no means was it a baby like either a Vindor or human infant. It was much more than a helpless newborn, yet it was entirely at the mercy of circumstance and dependent upon the next stage of propagation with infusion of genetic material from Bobby.

  In so much as it appeared infantile, its gaping maw strewn with filaments of mucus as it attempted to communicate with its mothers, exhibited qualities more attributable to the beast it actually was. This was not an endearment to its mothers. It was no baby looking for comfort as any newly born Vindor or human would, nor was it seeking to suckle – there were elements of itself missing and so it cried out in silence seeking them.

  “We have to nurture it for this time to save any stress. The seed is yearning for Bobby, so we must placate its needs until we can give them.”

  “I will bathe it now Valeena.”

  “Yes Beth. Be careful as it will try to attach to anything it sees to feed its hunger for genetic material, but we must keep it pure for human genetic infusion. I will make sure its crib is at the right temperature settings whilst you go and wash. When we are finished and have settled it into its first sleep, I can then go and find Bobby.”

  Two hours passed before the foetus finally went to sleep. It had been an arduous time as it struggled with itself and the two women fought off their motherly inclinations – this was not their baby, yet in part it was and so they could not help but experience nature taking its course. When at last Beth looked to Valeena knowing it was time for her to find Bobby, a sense of both relief and urgency took hold. A strange mix of emotions invaded their senses and it took them a time in each other’s arms at close contact before they were able to break apart and tend to the next stage of the process.

  “Stay and watch over Beth. I will return as soon as I can.”

  As Valeena travelled silently over the snow towards Jonstown, Bobby’s empathic signature grew stronger and stronger. She had been close enough during their intimate sexual liaisons to establish this link with him whenever she was within a reasonably distance. Covering the miles at great speed, the sphere hovered effortlessly three feet above the surface as it made its way at a constant rate, up and over terrain, and down into the hollows. When she saw the dim light of a candle in a window a quarter mile ahead, Valeena brought her transit to a stop as she engaged the scanner.

  Bobby’s profile appeared and within a few seconds the device had locked on to an approximate area for his location. Only when Valeena approached nearer, would it be able to provide a more definitive position. Taking only her thoughts to control her craft, the sphere immediately took Valeena on the course towards a property out of town as the scanner honed in on her target. The automatics plotted a route around the outskirts of Jonstown ensuring the sphere remained inconspicuous. Again distance was swiftly covered, and again she brought the sphere to a stop – this time at a left turn half a mile out of town.

  Scanner readouts showed a proximity alert to within half a mile focusing on a region to the left. Valeena took the turn this time after disengaging automatics. She wanted to approach covertly, leave the sphere, and take the last distance on foot. Around her the forest was sparkling white under the half moon filtering through the trees and she felt a few moments of pleasure for a brief time, forgetting her objective. The scene was desirable to her inner self in an almost magical sense reminding her of the beautiful forests of Vindor with its three moons.

  Valeena loved this pleasure as it tingled her physically and emotionally, sending forth gushing feelings of how good her life was and how intriguing she had brought it to such heights coming from such simple pleasures. Vindor people constantly sought external stimulation adding to their pride in adorning themselves and for the machines so beautifully complimenting Vindor life. In a moment more, she regathered her thoughts for finding Bobby, and amidst this visual splendour of the snow crystal forest, she would realise her way and soon their seed would be of him and of her and of Beth. A slight whimper of excitement sent her on her way for in fact she desired sex with him now more than ever.

  Bobby could sense something was occurring and would become apparent at any time. He had spent the entire afternoon and evening with Miss Candice and Mister Weston, discussing how he would require specific supplies in order to construct a time travelling device of his own. He had been able to take enough notice and then cognate now obvious solutions from his time when Beth had taken him into the ring of stones for his personal passage through time. To align the energies of the already time shifted house and forest around, Bobby had to undergo the process as a means to fully immerse him into the new present time he was now experiencing.

  Miss Candice and Mister Weston had been most compliant in their undertaking to ass
ist him in whatever endeavour his call beckoned. Both took to Bobby’s ideas without question, eager to see the marvels he so promised, materialise before their very eyes. They had exchanged glances akin to those of enthusiastic apprentices keen to make a good impression on their new boss, yet Bobby was by no means behaving as such, as he had insisted they all be equal in this adventure.

  Miss Candice was enthralled at the suggestion Bobby might take them with him on his travels back to the nineteen sixties, and Mister Weston refused to ignore the virtues of such an offer. Both were single amongst a mostly married populace in Jonstown. They had no relations close after having both lost their parents at different times in their lives thus far, and saw no real reason to decline invitation to the most wondrous of things Bobby had described to them.

  The afternoon was spent discussing all his plans to build a time machine and they each knew of their role to play. Bobby told them he had covertly observed the tactics of the two women leading up to his time travel, revealing what he could piece together as the required technology for them to make their own device. Despite instilling such confidence, Bobby was sure one detail remained for him to attend and so it would require a return journey on foot to the bordello as Bobby was certain they would possess an instrument to detect his vehicle.

  “Be sure to take sufficient clothes and supplies to make it back here on foot Mister Bobby. We would not want to hear of your demise by the weather.”

  “I shall heed your words well Miss Candice. Mister Weston, is there anything here I may use to aid my return journey of twelve miles through the snow?”

  “I have already attended to your needs Mister Regal. The moment you mentioned the idea, I was thinking of my own stocks here. There is an extra coat and some woollen socks in the closet with a bag of edibles should you become delayed.”

  “Thank you Mister Weston. Now please go and find yourselves otherwise located, for I am feeling there will soon be an event at your door step for which it is best both you and Miss Candice remain hidden.”

  “I get your...drift? Mister Bobby.”

  “Yes Miss Candice, drift is the correct word. You have learned my twentieth century colloquialisms quite quickly.”

  “I do attend in noticing everything you say Mister Bobby. Now come Mister Weston, it is time we were scarce.”

  Valeena knew Bobby was at the farm just ahead. Her scanner was undeniable proof as it flashed repeatedly indicating an area one hundred feet in diameter. It would be easy to establish his presence in the house she could make out nestled among the moonlit snows. She would not storm in and make demands, though her motivation was precisely the same. She preferred the comforting manner as she had played out at the bordello, allowing others to feel at ease so she could lead into her persuasions. From a distance she could make out someone standing in the light beyond the glass – everything in her empathic senses told her it was him, and he appeared to be waiting for her.

  “Come in Valeena, I have been expecting you.”

  “So by now you realise our motives.”

  “I have come to know how you operate and have considered why. I can imagine you are only here to take me back with you and I am willing. I am intrigued sufficiently to want more of this circumstance and know more of you.”

  “You can know me Bobby. We can be lovers again.”

  “I would like it Valeena. I have also thought of your ‘seed’ need as well. I can see now you are trying to become pregnant to me, as is Beth. You will want to breed new cross race for a supply of servants to Vindor and in effect, dominate Earth.”

  “Your vision is clear Bobby, but I am not what you think.”

  “In what way?”

  “In the manner of how distant we really are apart Bobby. There is no means by which you can fertilise my egg. It is simply inconceivable for our race to allow any such event.”

  “Then your seed?”

  “It is empathy Bobby. We want it for empathy. Our race is growing and advancing to realms we could never have dreamed of a mere fifty years ago in your time. With this growth comes hunger and our hunger is for this growth. We cannot have this without empathy – an ability to feel what others are feeling. It will make us supreme amongst the races of sentient beings in this galaxy Bobby.”

  “Your quest for yet more self pride.”

  “Indeed, and it is where your seed comes in. You are the first and from you we can develop our abilities so rapidly and widely, we can then take what is ours.”

  “Yours? What of humans?”

  “When we rule Earth, you will all live in peace giving us seed and from this seed we extract the stem cells of emotions. They will develop like yours are now, to give us an infinite source from which we can grow our empathy and from there, further into telepathy as you serve us.”

  “So you want to speak to each other without using words?”


  “Why is it special?”

  “You of all must know Bobby for you are Steward of Earth Defences and have the mind many may never achieve. You can sense and feel and you can analyse without ego. These are traits of a supreme mind and in all wisdom, one knows growth is eternal and as such, achievements we cannot fathom at this time will become apparent.”

  “Then with you I must go back to the bordello.”

  “I know what you are thinking. You cannot deny your seed Bobby, for if you do there might be a lot more experimental time travel arriving here from Vindor.”

  This last statement from Valeena convinced Bobby he had to go with her. Such a threat could undermine all of humanity, driving it into slavery at the hands of Vindors attacking in an Earth time where there was nothing to use in defence against them. He indicated he was through with this conversation using his eyes to indicate away from the farm. She had shown no sign she knew of Miss Candice or Mister Weston being present, so they left without further word and walked the one hundred feet to her sphere. Over the next ten minutes, they sped on through the forests not talking for Bobby was more interested in studying the workings of this craft before arriving back at the bordello.

  Chapter 11

  Miss Candice and Mister Weston knew what they had to do whilst Bobby was away. Discussion with him had detailed his requirements and he had left them with a written a list of supplies they were to acquire before he returned the next day. Despite it now being evening with the cold snow suppressing movement for them and the others about Jonstown, there were preparations to be done before they would venture out early the next morning.

  Mister Weston had some of what they would need in various places around the farm after Bobby had described a list of parts for the time device all three of them were now destined to create. Simple metals and wires were in most demand, so he went out to one of the outer buildings near the house to dismantle parts from an old piano well beyond its playing years. Inside were enough wires to manufacture a coil and to attach this coil to the main device for transferring a charge. He took all but the last wire from the lowest note.

  Miss Candice set about gathering any metal objects and bowls to be shaped into spheres. She had been directed to numerous cupboards and rooms by Mister Weston, from which she was able to find mixing bowls, a soup ladle, a set of three iron balls painted with oriental art, some tins, a few metal bowls she tested with her bare hands to see if they could be bent, and a stack of metal plates numbering five. By chance, she exclaimed with delight when after searching a room full of many bits and pieces Mister Weston used in pursuit of his inventing hobby, she found a reasonably sized magnet coated in metal shards and objects gradually attracted to its magnetism over time.

  “Mister Weston, I have searched and found all I think I shall find in respect to metal objects. Mister Bobby did mention we would need something ceramic as an insulator. Now I wonder where I might find something...”

  “Search the bedrooms and the sitting room Miss Candice. There are sure to be some old ornamental items I am positive are made of porcelain. If there is noth
ing, then check the bathroom for there is a stand there with a porcelain jug.”

  “I will gather them all Mister Weston in order Mister Bobby may assess which items are most appropriate.”

  “Good thinking Miss Candice. I must say, I feel a bit like a young lad again out on an adventure of invention.”

  “It is similar to how you speak Mister Weston. I cannot recall a time where I have felt so excited.”

  “Me either Miss Candice. It is like our lives have been invigorated with a sense of purpose beyond our wildest imaginings in such a short time. The acceptance has a natural feeling to it as if we are merely following truth.”

  “Indeed Mister Weston. I feel exactly the same way. Mister Booby invokes a deep sense of trust and knowing.”

  “He makes for fine company Miss Candice.”

  “I am sure he will Mister Weston.” She felt drawn to Bobby, wanting to know him more.

  As the evening wore on, Miss Candice and Mister Weston gathered all they could, amassing a pile of parts now stacked upon the kitchen table. When at last they met in conclusion of the evenings requirements, Miss Candice offered to make a nice pot of tea and to fix some bread and cheese as supper.

  “I fear there is little Mister Regal can do to generate a charge for this device Miss Candice. It is not as if we are in possession of an engine...”

  “Are you sure Mister Weston? I have heard you speak of your desire to re-build small steam engines.”

  “Yes you do make a point Miss Candice and I do have an engine we could restore to working order in a day perhaps. It comes from an old milling factory where it was used to drive the wheat mill. It is not so fast as to generate sufficient electrical energy Mister Regal described as necessary for this time device to work. I suppose he could use his car for some power, but even with doing so, from what he indicated, we will still require more charge to make this time machine work.”

  “Then we are in need of a solution Mister Weston. Perhaps if you consider anything else you may have to increase the energy. Maybe a grinder will do the work. I know from using one in my kitchen. More revolutions are performed through its gears than what a person may do turning the handle.”


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