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Uninvolved Page 8

by Carey Heywood

  "But you're so comfy," he said, standing up.

  "You suck ass my friend," Becka said, sitting up.

  "Don’t go changing the subject. Besides, I will never toss anyone's salad."


  "You brought it up."

  "If I am going to talk to you any more tonight, I need another drink," Becka said heading to the kitchen.

  Following her, Dave sat on one of the breakfast bar stools. Chin perched on his hands, he sat waiting for her to make her drink.

  After taking a deep gulp, she admitted, "I feel a little sucky for not being that into Kyle. It's just that right now I'm more attracted to Nate."

  "When was the last time you even heard from that guy?" Dave asked.

  Becka turned red and took another gulp. "He, um, came over last night."

  "And you did not tell me? I'm hurt. Seeing as though there was no extra car in the driveway, I'm guessing he beat feet in the middle of the night again. So what? He just hit it and bailed?"

  "See that's the thing. We still haven’t done it. In fact, he comes over, gets me off, and then leaves. I have never been with someone who does that. Come on. Tell me as a guy. Is that normal?"

  "Wait. You’re asking me if that's normal? Come on, Becks. You and I both know that is not normal."

  "Don’t get me wrong. I am okay with what he is doing, but it still feels weird. I mean it's not like I haven’t tried. At this point, I'd be happy giving him a hand job."

  Dave gave her a look like TMI. "Tell him that."

  "What if he said no?"

  "No guy says no to a hand job."

  "But what if?"

  "He's not interested."

  "I don’t want to know that."

  "You girls are seriously mental."

  Becka put her head down on the kitchen counter and groaned. Why did wanting Nate make her feel pathetic? Dave patted her on the head and told her to give Kyle another shot and cut her losses with Nate. It was good advice. She knew it, and while she may go out with Kyle again, she knew she was not done with Nate.

  Becka slept in the next day and moped around the house doing laundry then painted her toenails. She felt like a loser. Part of her really wanted to text Nate to see what he had going on even though she knew if he wanted to talk to her, he would call or text himself. She surfed the Internet, spending way too much time looking at pictures posted online of dogs with signs explaining how they had been bad. It was hysterical, almost as funny as the website with text message auto corrects.

  She felt guilty for the wasted day around dinner time. It seemed like a waste to shower since she would be going to bed soon but, feeling like it would lift her mood, went ahead and took one anyway. It worked, and she decided she would see if Dave was awake, pop some popcorn, and watch a movie a co-worker had lent her a million years ago. That would be very productive she thought, to be able to return it the next day. Dave wasn’t awake yet, so Becka started the movie without him.

  Dave strolled out of his room not to long after and headed to the back patio for a smoke. Pausing the movie, she went out back to pick his brain some more. She already basically knew what he was going to tell her. She just enjoyed over analyzing situations to torture herself.

  "I just woke up, Becks," Dave mumbled, trying to stall Becka from any opinion-giving until he was more awake. Finally frustrated he said, "Look, we both know you aren’t going to listen to me anyways, so please just let me smoke."

  "You're such a bitch when you first wake up," Becka complained.

  "I love you too. Now go away."

  Becka slammed the patio door behind her a bit more forcefully than she had intended, causing it to pop back open and Dave to laugh at her while she had to delicately reclose it. She sat on the sofa and waited for him to finish his cigarette.

  Once Dave came back in, he said, "Alright, what do you want?"

  "Well, even though you don’t think I'll take your advice, it is still important to me to know what you think. Plus, I haven’t forgotten that Crystal did not leave when I did, so I was curious what happened there."

  "I'll never kiss and tell."

  "Bullshit. You’ll kiss and scream."

  "True. So we hung out, but she had to take off before I could get very far. I didn’t even get her bra off."

  "Oh, is that a goal?"

  "She has great looking tits, way better than that Lucy chick, but it's hard to tell for sure ‘cause bras can be deceiving and make a chick with no rack look like she has one."

  "You are such an ass," Becka groaned.

  "Yes, I am," he replied quite proudly. "So what kind of advice do you want?"

  "Should I text Nate or wait for him to text me?" Becka asked.

  "If I were you, I would not text him."

  "Why not?" Becka whined, clearly hoping he would have said it was okay to text him.

  "You just have been really available to this guy, and I don’t think that sends a good message."

  "Well, what if he doesn’t text me?" she asked.

  "If he doesn’t text you, that is your answer."

  What sucked so much was Becka knew that everything Dave told her made sense and was exactly what she should do. She just didn’t want to. Either way she knew she wouldn’t text him that day. She would just obsess about him instead. Turning her movie back on, she barely paid any attention to it. Instead, she wondered what Nate was doing, or who he was with, and if he was thinking of her.

  Chapter 7

  As much as she wanted to hear from Nate, it was Kyle instead who seemed to be everywhere. He would come by to hang out at the house with Dave or randomly be out the same places that she was. Kyle really seemed to be a nice guy, Becka saw other girls hit on him, but he always turned them down. Is he doing that for me, Becka wondered. Considering all of the wallowing she had been doing over Nate, who had all but disappeared outside of work email, it felt good to feel somewhat wanted.

  While it would embarrass her to tell anyone this, her attraction for Kyle grew mainly out of wanting him to stroke her ego. They were all out one evening when she pulled him to the dance floor. Becka shamelessly grinded her body against him, putting her arms around his neck. After a couple of dances, she felt his breath hitch as she began kissing his neck.

  She pulled back to gauge Kyle's reaction and, seeing he looked thrilled, she pulled his face to hers and kissed him. Kyle did not need any further pushing and greedily kissed her back. It felt awesome to be wanted. God, this feeling is what she had been missing. Exhausted from dancing, she led him off the dance floor and back to where they were all sitting.

  Dave gave her a look as she approached hand in hand with Kyle. Finishing her drink, Kyle offered to get her another. That felt good too, having a boy to buy her drinks. Even though she was still lukewarm in her feelings towards him, Becka didn’t really care. Becka wanted Kyle for how he felt about her, not for how she felt about him.

  She rode with Kyle back to her house. Dave had stayed at the bar and would probably just cab it home. Once back at her place, she reveled in his attention of her, her confidence increasing with every compliment. Becka pulled him to her room. Kyle seemed nervous and even shy. She was not having any of that. It had been months since she had had sex.

  Something about Nate had made her doubt herself. While not the best reason to ever have sex with someone, Becka thought Kyle was a nice guy, and she needed to feel wanted. She was aggressive, and Kyle liked her so much that, even though he may have thought they were taking it too fast, wanted to please her. He was sweet and gentle when she really wanted him to be rough and passionate. Afterward, she still felt somewhat unfulfilled.

  Becka had expected sex with Kyle to fill the holes that had formed in her self-esteem and it hadn’t. If anything, Becka felt more vulnerable because the act had not lived up to the picture she had in her head. Getting up and putting on her robe, she went to the kitchen to grab them some water. Kyle pulled on his boxers and followed her.

  After handing him a bot
tle of water, Kyle wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. Feeling his excitement through the thin material of his boxers, Becka thought maybe round two would be better. He followed her back to her room, Becka shutting the door behind them. Kyle seemed surprised but happy to comply.

  The next morning, Becka did her best to untangle herself from Kyle without waking him up. He was a spooner. She did not mind some cuddling right after sex but after that she liked her space to sleep. She put on some yoga pants and an old t-shirt and went to the kitchen to make some cocoa. She was feeling really tense, which was annoying the shit out of her. Spying Dave's pack of cigarettes on the patio table, she suddenly craved one.

  Becka had never been much of a smoker. Most of the time, she thought it was disgusting. It was because of her that Dave smoked outside. She hated the smell. For whatever reason, Becka was craving one so bad, but she made herself a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream instead. Not long after, Kyle came out of her room.

  Plopping down next to her on the sofa, he nuzzled her neck and whispered. "Good morning."

  She offered him a bite, which he took. She was a bit messy with the spoon and a bit escaped onto the side of his month. Laughing, she pulled him to her and kissed it off of him.

  "You are so fucking hot," he groaned.

  That was exactly what she needed to hear. Taking another spoonful of ice cream, she moved to straddle him. Ice cream still in her mouth, she went to kiss him and pushed the ice cream into his mouth. Molding his hands to her hips, his tongue dipped into her mouth. Ice cream did wonders for morning breath. Bowl forgotten next to her, she started kissing his neck, and he moved his hands under her shirt to cup her breasts.

  They both stilled at the sound of movement from Dave's room. Meeting each other's eyes in silent agreement, Becka grabbed the ice cream in one hand and his hand in the other and pulled him back to her room. Pushing him onto her bed, she pulled his shirt off of him. Then straddling him, bowl of melted ice cream in hand, she held the spoon out over his chest letting drips pool onto him. He tensed at the coolness of the ice cream. Setting the bowl down and twisting her hair up into a bun, Becka leaned over him to lick the ice cream off his chest.

  Becka gasped when Kyle flipped her over onto her back, lifted her shirt up, and started dripping ice cream onto her. She flinched and felt her skin erupt in goose bumps with each drop. The contrast between the chill of the ice cream to his warm breath and tongue as he licked the ice cream off of her was intense. She burst out laughing, though, when he followed one drip over the side of her hip.

  "Oh my God, that tickles," Becka gasped, pulling him back towards her.

  Finding his mouth with hers, she climbed into his lap as his hands cupped her ass. Becka paused her kiss long enough to pull her shirt off and press her chest to his. He laid her onto her back and moved from kissing her mouth to her neck and lower.

  Kyle gently kissed and bit her as he moved down making her groan. "I want you right now."

  He jumped up and took off his pants while she shimmed out of hers. He put a condom on in record time. Each time their chests touched, she could feel his chest sticking to hers from the ice cream. His weight was heavy on her as he reached his hands down to cup her ass, lifting her. Kyle's face was buried in her neck, his stubble rubbing there and the top of her shoulder. They were both panting by the time they were done. Kyle collapsed beside her, pulling her against him.

  "Think we'll make it out of bed today?" Becka joked.

  "I hope not," Kyle grinned, nuzzling the back of her ear.

  "Well, at least long enough to change the sheets and shower ‘cause I feel all sticky," Becka complained.

  "You feel amazing," Kyle whispered, trailing his fingertips up and down her arm.

  Yes, Becka thought to herself. Kyle was just what she needed for a confidence boost, and if he kept fucking her like that, she would have no problem forgetting Nate. Becka managed to get him out of bed by suggesting a joint shower. The hot water felt so good. She put a generous dollop of body wash onto a washcloth and began washing Kyle's chest. He was nowhere near as muscular as Nate was, but he was definitely cut.

  When he knelt down in front of her and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder, she had to brace her hands onto the shower walls to keep from falling down. Holy shit, this was hot, she thought, looking down at him. Becka dipped her head back into the stream of hot water, intensely feeling each drop run down her body.

  Her knees buckled, and she sank down into Kyle's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. He chuckled as he kissed her neck. They sat there for a few moments until Becka was sure her legs would support her weight again. Afterward, as Kyle used her apple blossom shampoo, she thought of ways she could return the favor. Kyle got out of the shower first and was waiting for her with a towel wrapped around his waist as she got out. Wrapping one towel around herself and twisting her wet hair into another one, she went to kiss his shoulder.

  From that point on, Becka and Kyle were somewhat of an item, nothing official though. She was just looking for a distraction. His schedule sucked, though, for going out. He basically had two nights off, sometimes in a row, but otherwise worked every other night from 9 pm to 5:30 am. Plus, there was no guarantee he would have a night off on a weekend. Because of this, when they were able to hang out, they mainly stayed in. Kyle had his own apartment, which was a perk, and it was in a nice gated complex.

  Becka had caught Lilly up on the whole Nate versus Kyle drama. While Becka had not seen Nate since the last time he had come over, they were still emailing. Becka did feel a bit guilty that she phrased all of her responses in a way to avoid any mention or even hint of Kyle. Lilly seemed to approve of Kyle, and her advice was to stop emailing Nate altogether. For whatever reason, she just could not bring herself to do that. Becka wished she could see Kyle more often to take the edge off of still lusting after Nate.

  On weekends when he was working, she would sometimes sleep at his place, so they could see each other at all. He would shower and then crawl into bed with her around six in the morning. If he wasn’t that tired, he would wake her up in very inappropriate ways. On days he was beat, he would quietly get into bed without waking her, and she would wake hours later and snuggle up to him.

  That Friday night he was working, but she had plans to go out with Lucy and Crystal so she probably would see him Saturday. Lucy was still seeing that guy Curt, so there was a chance she would bump into Tyler. She had zero interest in him but took extra care getting ready. She ended up wearing a short mini halter dress with cheetah print wedges. They all went downtown to a club. It felt like it had been forever since she had been out dancing.

  Lucy mainly stayed back at their table with Curt, but Crystal and Becka spent most of the night dancing. On her way back from the bathroom, Becka heard a familiar voice in her ear.

  "Hey, kid."

  She stopped in her tracks then turned to face him. Nate.

  "What's up, Nate?" Becka sighed.

  God, why did he have to look so good? At least she knew she looked great too.

  "Just out with some people. What about you?"

  "Remember Lucy? She works in my department? I'm here with her and some other people." Becka replied.

  "I saw you dancing earlier," Nate admitted.

  "You should have come and danced with me."

  "Is that so?" he teased.

  "Why not?" Becka asked.

  "I'm not much of a dancer."

  "Then why come to a club?"

  "My friends wanted to."

  "Never took you for a follower," Becka said saucily.

  Nate pushed her up against a wall, putting one hand under her skirt, his other hand lifting her chin.

  "You like it when I lead, kid?" he breathed into her ear as he nipped at her neck.

  Becka instinctively put her arms around his neck and in response his lips urgently met hers. What am I doing, she thought to herself. Even though Becka and Kyle had never discussed being exclusive, she felt a pan
g of guilt. Even knowing this, she didn’t want Nate to stop.

  Nate stopped when someone came over and tapped him on the shoulder. Nate looked a little embarrassed and introduced her to his roommate, Mike. Mike had come over to let him know that their group was heading to another bar. Alright, Becka thought to herself, is he going to ditch me like last time or want to stay with me? Nate seemed to be making that decision as he paused to regard her.

  "My place isn’t that far away from here. Want to come over?" Nate asked.

  Yes! "Um, I guess so. Did you drive? I drove, and I don’t want to leave my car here."

  "I rode with Mike. We can take your car back to my place," Nate began and then turning to Mike said, "You guys go ahead. I'm good."

  Becka went to find Lucy and Crystal to let them know she was leaving. Crystal gave her a look like “are you crazy?” but then got an eyeful of Nate and didn’t say anything. Once they were at her car, Becka asked Nate if he would drive. She was not comfortable driving to unfamiliar places at night. She fidgeted nervously while he drove, Nate must have picked up on it because he reached a hand over to put his hand on top of hers. Why was she so nervous about going to his house? Better yet, why was she so nervous about everything around him?

  Chapter 8

  They pulled up to a pretty swanky house in Scottsdale. Becka's mouth dropped as Nate parked.

  Nate caught her eye and explained, "Mike is rich."

  "Must be nice," Becka said, trying to take it all in.

  He parked and, after they were both out, he locked her car and dropped her keys into her purse. Taking her hand, he led her up the stone walkway and into the house. It was a classic Spanish-style home with beautiful wood trim and arched doorways. Instead of a traditional dining table in the first room, there was a giant wooden pool table.

  "This place is gorgeous," Becka gushed.

  Nate grinned as he pulled her further into the house. It seriously could have been featured on MTV cribs. They must have had a maid, Becka thought, because she knew she had never seen a bachelor pad this clean. Nate took her out to show her the backyard. There was a beautiful pool with a rock waterfall and hot tub. This house was ridiculous.


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