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Uninvolved Page 9

by Carey Heywood

  Once back inside, he made her a rum and Coke with an extra shot per her request of rum on the side. Becka downed the shot feeling a bit overwhelmed and needing a bit of liquid courage. Taking her drink, Becka followed him upstairs to where all of the bedrooms were. His bedroom was right at the top of the stairs, and he playfully tugged her into it closing the door behind her.

  "Now I have you all to myself," Nate smiled wickedly, making her giggle as he locked the door.

  Taking her drink from her and setting it down on dresser behind him, Nate eased her onto to his bed. He room was pretty big considering it probably was not the master. Becka could see through an open doorway that he even had his own attached bathroom. The room was also big enough for a love seat and an office desk in addition to the normal bedroom furniture. Even with all of this stuff, it did not feel crowded.

  Becka kicked off her shoes and inched further back to lay her head on his pillows. His bed was crazy soft, almost as though he had multiple feather beds on top of his mattress. She sank down into it, thinking of how comfortable it felt. His comforter was dark green and also very soft, almost like suede. Nate took off his shoes and lay down next to her.

  Becka tugged at his black polo until he sat up and pulled it and the white tank he wore under it off. She loved his chest and abs and, leaning over him, trailed her hands up and down them. She had never been so physically attracted to someone before. What scared her about it was it wasn’t just his body she liked. Nate lay back on his pillows and watched her touch him. She looked up at him and smiled, leaning back to him to kiss him.

  Why did Becka feel like she was cheating on Kyle? Ignoring that feeling, she said "Now that you have me here, what will you do to me?"

  Nate decided it would be best to show rather than tell her. It was fun, very fun. But, again, they did not have sex. What the hell, she thought to herself. Risking a giant bruise to her ego, she finally asked him why.

  "It's not that I don’t want to. I do. I just know that it would complicate things," he said bluntly.

  Ouch, Becka thought to herself as she sat up to find her thong. Where the hell was that thing? All she wanted to do was go home at this point. Didn't want to complicate things? Becka didn’t think she had ever been told so clearly by a guy that he had zero interest in sleeping with her. It was even more awesome to be told this while she was stark naked lying on his bed.

  "Becka, you don’t have to leave," Nate said, sitting up.

  "I would not want to complicate things," Becka huffed, slipping her dress back on.

  "Don’t be pissed."

  "Who said I was pissed?" Becka said, even though she was absolutely pissed.

  "Come on. Don’t go, Becka."

  She sat on the edge of his bed and slipped on her shoes, grabbing her purse. She went to stand by the door. She gave up on finding her thong, hopeful the next girl Nate brought up there would find it at an awkward moment.

  "Should I walk myself out?" Becka asked, seeing as how Nate had not moved from the bed.

  Nate seemed really annoyed. "You want me to fuck you, Becka?"

  Her mouth dropped open, her head saying “um, yes” while her pride said “shut up and never talk to Nate again.”

  He rose from the bed and charged her, sliding his hands under her dress to pull her to him and grind his hard on against her.

  “’Cause I've only ever fucked the girls that I don’t like, Becka."

  How do you respond to that, she thought? It seemed like he was saying he liked her, but she still really wanted him. God, and the fact that his hands were all over her right now and his sexy mouth was right in front of her.

  "I just really like sex," Becka groaned then giggled.

  Tension broken, he grinned at her. "I'll bet you do you, dirty girl. Get your fine ass back to my bed. I'm not done with you yet."

  Becka felt like making him work for it. "Make me."

  He could probably bench press her so, before she knew it, Nate swooped her up into his arms and carried her to his bed. Instead of setting her down on the edge as he had before, he stood her in front of it and, with one hand on each side of her, slipped her dress off over her head.

  "Weren't you wearing a thong when you got here?" he asked, blinking at her.

  "I couldn’t find it," she mumbled, feeling silly.

  "You really were in a hurry to get out of here." Nate said as he stepped away from her for a better view.

  Becka stood there, naked in her cheetah print wedges with her somewhat tangled locks falling just past her shoulders. She felt so exposed. What was he going to do? What did he want her to do? It didn’t take long for her to find out. He pulled her to him and, wrapping her legs around his waist collapsed, onto his bed. Her body responded to his every touch and kiss with intensity that she had never experienced before. Maybe part of it had to with how little control she had. It wasn’t that he was doing anything she did not want him to, but he was completely taking the lead.

  Becka was used to being the one that drove the boys crazy. She felt a sense of power in being able to make a guy do what she wanted. The faster she could do it, the more powerful she felt. With Nate, it confused her in how he put off his own pleasure. She had never known a guy to behave this way. There were guys that loved to go down on her all the time, but they also knew she would return the favor.

  Since they were being pretty blunt with each other tonight, Becka dove right in. "Nate, I get you don’t want to have sex, which is your loss by the way, but is there anything else I could do to you? For you?"

  "What'd you have in mind, Becka?" Nate asked.

  Becka thought it would be better to show him rather than tell him at that point. In the end, he was pleasantly surprised, and Becka finally felt some level of control in their interactions. Laying there in his arms, Becka wondered if he would hint at her leaving because he had never spent the entire night at her house. Nate didn't, though, which was a great relief.

  When she woke, she really had to pee, but Nate's arms were still tightly wrapped around her. With the exception of really having to go, Becka had to admit she wouldn’t mind laying in his arms all day. Funny, she thought. Normally, she hated cuddling. She slowly wiggled against him trying to free herself without waking him. He grumbled and turned over. After using the bathroom, she grabbed her dress and went back to the bathroom to get dressed. She finger combed her hair and pulled it up in a low pony. She washed what was left of her makeup off and using her finger and some of Nate's toothpaste and mouthwash to brush her teeth and rinse her mouth

  She grabbed her purse, which had some powder and lip gloss in it. By the time she was done, she looked alright, considering her lack of sleep the night before. She sat on the edge of Nate's bed and gently shook his shoulder.

  "Hey, Nate. I just wanted to let you know I'm taking off."

  "Huh?" Nate said, lifting his head and opening one eye.

  He looked so cute with his sleepy eyes and messy hair.

  She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then yelped when he pulled her on top of him.

  "Do you have to, kid?" he said, kissing her neck.

  Becka had zero willpower. She kicked off her shoes and crawled back into bed with him.

  Much later that morning, she headed home after Nate made her breakfast. As Becka drove, she really wondered about him. He wouldn’t stay at her house but wanted her to stay over at his house. He told her he didn’t want to have sex with her because he liked her. Plus, he made her breakfast. He was so confusing, and it didn’t help that she was feeling some serious guilt towards Kyle. What was she going to do?

  Part of her knew she should break up with Kyle before she hurt him, but she didn’t want to. She also knew that she did not want to stop seeing Nate either. She pulled out her phone, which she had not looked at all night. She had the sweetest text from Kyle on it. He must have texted her while he was on break at some point the night before. His text said he hoped she was having a fun night out with her girls. She felt like such a

  She called Lilly from her Bluetooth and gave her all the highlights. Lilly thought she should stay with Kyle. She personally could not figure out what Becka's attraction to Nate was in the first place. Besides, Kyle really liked her, and Nate, in her opinion, was a commitment-phobe. Becka argued Nate's case, trying to tell Lilly how sweet he had been the night before. What drove her crazy was she didn’t know if he was seeing other girls.

  What he had said the night before about fucking girls he didn’t like, did that mean he was actually having sex with random girls? Becka also felt like an ass for being so concerned about what he might be doing when she somewhat had a boyfriend. How this whole situation might hurt Kyle was what Lilly seemed most annoyed about, and she hadn’t even ever met him. Becka was stressing that she had let things go this long with Kyle at all. Normally, by now she would have broken things off. What did that mean?

  Lilly was right, and Becka knew it. But, Nate had been so sweet the night before. She did want him more than Kyle, but she still did not know what to do. Was it so bad to want to keep them both? Once she got home, she took a show and then texted Kyle back. She knew he didn’t have to work that night so she asked if he wanted her to go over there or if he was going to come over to her house.

  Becka took a shower, pulled on some comfy clothes, and lay down on her bed. She just could not get why no one, not Lilly or Lucy or even Dave, could understand why she lusted after Nate so much. Was it the thrill of the chase? Maybe, she supposed, but that would not explain how her attraction for him started the moment she saw him. Becka wondered if he felt the same way to a certain extent. Nate sure seemed to like her but also wanted to keep her at arm's length. He had more than one chance the night before for Becka to leave, but he made a point of wanting her to stay. Maybe if she could just get it over with and sleep with him, she could stop obsessing about him.

  Last night had been fun, but Becka could not help but wonder two things; first, last night would not have happened if she had not run into him and second, how long it would be until she heard from him again? Becka was reading a book when she got a text from Kyle a couple of hours later. He wanted to know which would work better for her. He was such a sweet guy. Since she knew he was up, she went ahead and called him.

  "Hey, babe," he answered. He sounded sleepy.

  "Are you still in bed?" Becka asked.

  "Un huh," Kyle mumbled.

  "Why don’t you stay in bed, and I'll just come to you. I can come crawl in with you." she was over doing the flirting because she felt guilty.

  "That sounds awesome."

  "Okay. I just have to throw a couple things in a bag and then I'm on my way. Do you want me to pick up some beer?"

  "Nope. I got some."

  "Okay. I'll be there in a few."

  She changed, putting a skimpy nightie on under her clothes for fun. Grabbing a bag, she tossed an outfit for the next day in and her eReader. Going into the bathroom, she packed some toiletries and put on some makeup. She did not think they would be going out that night but packed some jeans and a cute top for it just in case. After she left a note for Dave letting him know where she would be, she left.

  It was a short drive to Kyle's apartment. On her drive, Becka kept telling herself that what had happened with Nate didn’t count as cheating because they didn’t have sex. It was a weak argument but, since she was currently both judge and jury, Becka was happy with the moral loophole she had created.

  Pulling into Kyle's complex, she punched his code into the security box at the gate. The fact that she knew his personal code made her feel crappy again. His front door was unlocked. He must have gotten up and unlocked the door after her call. She locked it behind her. Setting her bag down by the door, she slipped off her shirt and jeans and fluffed her hair. Becka then quietly made her way to Kyle's bedroom.

  He was watching TV and did not see her walk up. When she cleared her throat, his jaw dropped. Not taking his eyes off of her, he picked up the remote and turned the TV off.

  "I must be the luckiest guy on the planet," he said.

  Becka's smile faltered a bit, but she did her best to ramp it back up as she walked over to his bed. Maybe this was her answer, she thought. She felt really bad about ever hurting Kyle. Maybe that meant he was who she should be with after all this time.. Becka slid under the covers, and Kyle pulled her to him, kissing her urgently. He must have brushed his teeth when he got up to open the door. Kyle was just so thoughtful, she realized as her tongue skimmed his minty fresh one.

  Much later, still snuggled up in his bed, Kyle asked her if she wanted to go out that night. Becka admitted that she would rather stay in but would go out if he wanted to. It turned out his parents were having a party, and he knew it was last minute, but did she want to go…meet…his...parents? Becka stared at him.

  "You want me to meet your parents?" she asked.

  "Of course. I've told my mom all about you. She has wanted to meet you for a while," Kyle replied.

  "I don’t know. I just uh…" Becka faltered, alarm bells going off.

  "You don’t have to be nervous Becka, but if you don’t want to, I understand."

  "It's not that I don’t want to. It’s just that we would have to go back to my house for me to change," Becka explained.

  "Why don’t you just wear what you wore over here?" he asked.

  "Dumbass, you don’t even know what I wore over here," she said, pushing him.

  "You always look amazing. They will like you no matter what you wear," he said, pulling her to him.

  "Tell me about your parents. What are their parties like?" Becka asked.

  "Okay. Well, my mom and dad were high school sweethearts. We moved to Arizona when I was still in school. They still live in the same house. It’s in Paradise Valley. My mom is a realtor, and my dad is a high school English teacher. They're laid back and pretty cool overall. My younger sister has been driving them crazy recently. She isn’t doing that great in college. Partying too much, not going to class."

  "Will your sister be there tonight?'

  "No way. She’s going to school in California."

  "I'll go, but I want to get ready at my house because I don’t like the clothes I brought."

  "That's cool. From your house, it will probably take thirty minutes to get there, and it starts at seven. How long do you think it will take you to get ready?'

  "I have my shower and makeup stuff with me so I can do that here. I just want different clothes, and that might take like twenty minutes," Becka said, running her finger across the front part of his Celtic tattoo.

  Kyle was so happy she had said yes. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her thoroughly before getting up to call his mom. Becka lay back on his bed, wondering if the universe had it out for her. She would be meeting his friggin parents. The more she thought about it, she guessed it made sense. They had been seeing each other for almost two months now. When Kyle got off of the phone, he jumped back into bed and kissed her some more.

  Becka was doing her best to put on a brave face. The idea of meeting his parents made her really nervous, and other people would be there too. This was the exact opposite of not letting things get too serious. Kyle got up to take a shower, so Becka pulled out her cell to text Dave and Lucy. She was surprised to find a text from Nate. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. He had found her thong and texted her a picture of it with the following message-

  I have in my possession one skimpy ass thong (no wonder you could not find it. I think my dental floss is thicker). If you ever want to see it again, you will reply to this text with a pic of that fine ass.

  Kyle was still in the shower, so Becka walked over to full-length mirror in his bedroom, lifted her nightie, and snapped a quick pic, happy she was wearing some cute boy short-styled underwear. She quickly sent it and then deleted his text and her response. Turning her phone to silent, she went to the bathroom to take her shower.

  Kyle had a towel wrapped around his
waist and was shaving in the mirror. His dark brown hair was still wet and falling into his eyes. Becka undressed, wrapped her arms around him from behind, and kissed the Calvin and Hobbes tattoo on his shoulder. Kyle set down his razor and turned around to pull her into his arms. Lifting her up onto the counter, he stood between her legs and kissed her, running his hands up and down her back. Becka wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  When he started kissing her neck, Becka whispered, "If you don’t stop, we'll never get to your parents’ house on time."

  Kyle tried his best to look guilty and bent down to kiss her once more before straightening back up, lifting her off the counter and gently setting her back on the ground. Becka swatted him on the butt before stepping into the shower. Once out, she let her hair air dry and did her makeup at Kyle's before they headed to her house.

  Chapter 9

  Kyle was wearing grey slacks and a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His shaggy, dark brown hair was forever falling into his eyes, but overall she had to admit he looked really good tonight. Kyle glanced at Becka, catching her gaze. He reached out to hold one of her hands. She mentally cataloged her closet, trying to decide what would look good but appropriate.

  Becka decided on a fitted salmon dress that hit just above her knee, paired with a charcoal short-sleeved cardigan, and grey Mary Jane heels. She quickly curled her hair and put on some perfume. Becka switched her wallet, keys, cell phone, and lip gloss from her purse to a simple silver clutch.

  "We clean up good," Kyle said, coming to stand behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist, checking out their reflection.

  "Are you sure they are going to like me?" Becka asked quietly.

  "Positive, babe. Unless we're late." Laughing at her panicked look, he went on, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

  Dave had to work that night and was eating in the living room when they walked out.

  "Where are you guys going all dressed up?" he asked.


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