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Uninvolved Page 10

by Carey Heywood

  "My parents are having a party." Kyle grinned.

  Dave looked at Becka, eyes wide. "Meeting the parents?"

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  Dave didn’t say anything but knew Becka well enough to understand what a big deal this was to her. Kyle's parents lived in an established well-to-do neighborhood. As they walked up the front path, Becka saw a basketball hoop above the garage door and tried to picture a younger version of Kyle shooting hoops. Their front door was a vibrant red with a large wooden wreath. Kyle gave a courtesy knock before opening the door and shouting hello. They were greeted by an attractive middle-aged couple who Becka could only assume were his parents.

  "Mom, Dad. I'd like you to meet Becka Sherwood," Kyle said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  "It's so nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Wyrick," Becka said, shaking their hands.

  "Please call us Beth and John. Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you too, Becka. We have heard so much about you. And you're just so darn pretty too," his mother gushed.

  "Come on in. Can I get either of you something to drink?" his dad asked, ushering them in.

  Becka accepted a glass of wine while Kyle opted for a beer. They mingled while Kyle's parents greeted more guests.

  "Want to see my old bedroom?" Kyle asked excitedly.

  Becka had barely gotten "sure" out before he was tugging her up the stairs.

  Becka was almost out of breath by the time he pulled her into a room and shut the door. His lips and hands were on her before she could even look around. This was the most aggressive she had ever seen Kyle, and Becka liked it. They were a jumble of half on half off clothes in no time. The noise from his parent's party downstairs and the fact that at any moment someone, maybe even one of his parents, could walk in on them only increased the intensity. Afterward, Becka slipped into the hall bathroom to straighten her dress and check her hair and makeup. Kyle had kissed off all of her lipstick, and her neck was a bit red from where he was kissing it. She reapplied her lipstick and was no worse for the wear. Grinning, she walked back into his room. Kyle was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

  "Hey, everything okay?" she said, walking over to him.

  "I am so sorry I just attacked you like that," he said, taking her hands.

  "Are you kidding?" Becka laughed. "That was fucking hot."

  "Really?" he asked relieved.

  She nodded, leaning in to give him a long kiss.

  "It's just that I never had sex with a girl in my room. I had always fantasized about it. The second we walked into this house, I wanted it to be you so bad."

  "I like the idea of making your fantasies come true," Becka said, biting his ear.

  "I am literally the luckiest s.o.b. on the planet," Kyle said, pulling her closer.

  Becka tried not to wince. She felt like such an asshole. He had not said it yet, but she was pretty sure Kyle was falling in love with her, whereas she was just accepting the fact that she might like him. He gave her a quick tour of his old room before they headed back downstairs. Once downstairs, she excused herself to the bathroom to check her phone. Nate had texted her back that there should be a national day of celebration devoted to the awesomeness of her ass. Biting back a laugh, she texted him back, asking what types of celebrations he had in mind.

  Rejoining the party, Becka got a chance to speak one on one with Kyle's mom. She was so sweet and wanted to hear all about Becka and her whole life story. Mrs. Wyrick also told her all about Kyle when he was younger and all the trouble he used to get into. Kyle met her gaze across the room and shot her a curious look as she giggled at him.

  Later, coming over to steal her away from his mother, Kyle asked her what she had been giggling about. Becka explained that his mother had told her all about the time he had proposed to his fourth grade substitute teacher after she had walked him down to the front office to see the school nurse because he was feeling sick. What he hadn’t known at the time was the school secretary was giving the morning announcements, and his profession of love was heard by the entire school.

  Kyle flushed and looked at his mother like, “I can't believe you just told her that.”

  "My mom must really like you if she is already telling you all my secrets," Kyle said, nuzzling her ear.

  Even though Becka was still nervous about making a good impression that evening, she was surprised by how easily she fit in with Kyle's family and their friends. After dinner, they stayed to help out with clean up. Kyle's mom made him promise to bring Becka to their next get-together as well.

  On the drive back to Kyle's apartment, he kept telling Becka how much his parents liked her. It should have made her happy to hear that, but instead in a way, it scared her. It was as though Kyle was on a relationship path that she didn’t know if she was ready for. Part of her really wanted to slow things down, but she knew that would only hurt Kyle, and she didn’t want to do that.

  Becka knew this would end badly. She wanted Nate but couldn’t have him, so she was keeping herself busy with Kyle. She made excuses for her behavior by saying she really did not want to hurt Kyle's feelings, but his feelings really had little to do with her actions. Kyle made her feel good about herself. He adored her and, as long as he continued to do that, she would string him along until Nate either came around or she met someone else. In her mind, he was getting awesome sex in the mean time so he really had nothing to complain about.

  Kyle's schedule took pressure off of having to see him all the time. Becka wondered if they had more time together if she would have ended things with him by now. That's not really something she could have ever brought up to him. Like, hey, if you worked during the day maybe I would dump you. That probably would not go over well. This week, Becka was cool with it. Dave and Kyle did not have the same nights off, so she had someone to hang out with four nights.

  When Kyle was off, other than the occasional party at his parent's, they mainly stayed in. Dave on the other hand was always game to go out. Since Becka had been neglecting Dave, she let him decide what they were doing that night. He wanted to meet girls, so they strayed from the normal places he usually liked and went to Jillian's. That way, if Dave did not meet any girls on the club floor, they could still play in the arcade section.

  Becka had been dying to go out. Lucy was still all shacked up with Curt, and Crystal had been busy. Becka loved an excuse to get dressed up and had a new skirt that was too short for work. It was black with little blue polka dots. She paired it with a black tank top and blue wedges. Dave was waiting on her, so she went with wet hair and almost no makeup. Dave drove, so Becka used the mirror in the visor to put on some powder and plum lip gloss on the way.

  Becka dragged Dave up to the club floor first since that was where, in her experience, most girls tended to hang out. He was not much of a dancer, but Becka was so she did her best to dance around him and make him look good. It was so worth it, considering how uncomfortable she could tell he was. The look on his face was priceless. After a couple of songs, Dave followed Becka off the dance floor to the bar. While they waited for their drinks, Becka pointed out a couple of girls that had checked him out while they were dancing.

  Taking his drink with him, Dave went over to introduce himself. Becka hung out at the bar watching him. Dave was really good at talking to girls in bars. It was talking to them the next day that he had no interest in. Dave seemed to be good so after Becka finished her drink, she went a danced for another couple of songs. A couple of guys tried to dance up on her, but Becka wasn’t a fan of random guys grinding on her so she did her best to push them off. Unless Becka was out with a date, she liked space when she danced. Feeling hot and wanting another drink, Becka went back to the bar.

  "Can I buy you a drink?"

  Becka turned to the source of the voice. It was Mike, Nate's roommate.

  "Ah, Mike, right?"

  "I was wondering if you would recognize me."

  He bought Becka's next round, and Becka went back with him to
his table. Nate was not with him, and Becka did not ask where he was, even though she wondered. There were two other guys and a girl named Jess at Mike's table. The girl seemed annoyed when Mike brought Becka back with him. Mike and Becka talked while she sipped her drink. He seemed curious about her, which made her wonder what, if anything, Nate had said about her.

  Dave came over not long after to check on her, joining them after a bit. This seemed to please Jess, who in no time was all over Dave. Becka wondered what her deal was. It was getting late, and Mike asked if they all wanted to go back to his house and get in the hot tub. Dave was down, but he had no idea Mike was Nate's roommate. When Dave wasn’t paying attention, Becka asked Mike if Nate would be there.

  Turned out he was out of town. Becka couldn’t help but feel bummed that she wouldn’t get to see him. Part of her was trying to figure out why Mike was inviting them over if Nate wasn’t going to be there. For someone who was currently cheating on her boyfriend, going home with another guy should not have been a big deal, but it was. Also, Becka could not figure out if Mike was just being friendly or hitting on her. If he was being friendly, Becka was cool with that. If it was the alternative, Becka could not help but wonder why?

  Mike was really good looking. He, like Nate, clearly worked out. Mike could easily have any girl in this place. It was strange to her that he seemed so intent on her. Becka didn’t think it would be a good idea, but Dave really wanted to so she agreed. Dave went ahead and rode with Jess while Becka took his car and swung by their house first to get a bikini. Mike had mentioned he had some spare suits but using a spare suit sounded pretty skeevy to Becka.

  Becka sent Nate a text telling him she ran into his roommate and was heading over to go swim in his pool. She was shocked when her phone rang almost instantly from him.


  "Becka don’t go over there."

  "What? Why not?"

  "Just promise me you won't go over there."

  "I can't do that. Dave was with me and rode over with some girl. I have to go. I'm his ride."

  Nate was quiet on the other end. For a moment, Becka thought their call was disconnected.


  "I'm here. I just wish you wouldn’t go."


  Nate took a deep breath before he replied, "My ex and I broke up when I found out she had been cheating on me with another friend that lived with Mike and I."

  "Oh my God. I'm so sorry."

  "I guess I just feel weird about you being there without me. Mike's pool parties can get crazy."

  "I wouldn’t have texted you if I was planning on doing anything stupid."

  "You're right. I don’t know why I freaked. If you end up going and stay the night, you can sleep in my room if you want. Preferably alone."

  "Dork. Where are you anyway?"

  "My grandmother died. I'm home for the funeral."

  "Whoa, Nate. I'm so sorry for your loss."

  "Thanks. Well, I should probably get going. You can, um, text me a picture of you in a bikini if you want to cheer me up."

  "Deal. Talk to you later."

  Becka changed into a jade colored bikini and snapped a couple of pictures to send him. Nate's text response was DAMN! Wish I was home. Private pool party when I get back? Becka giggled and, after grabbing her toothpaste, a towel, and a change of clothes, headed over to his house. Becka could hear splashing and noise from the pool when she pulled up so, instead of walking through the house, she grabbed her bag and headed to the side gate.

  There were at least ten extra people in the pool that had not been at the club. Dave saw her walking up and boomed a “HEY BECKS” in her direction, causing everyone else to look at her. Thanks Dave, Becka thought silently as she set her bag on a chair. Mike got out of the pool and walked over to her. Becka did her best not to ogle his chest as drips of water ran across his abs. Becka felt awkward taking off her clothes in front of him but did it as gracefully as she could manage.

  Once he saw her in her suit, Mike murmured, "Nate is one lucky guy."

  Becka gave him a look like “did you really just say that?” and laughed.

  Mike shrugged and offered her a beer.

  It was March in Phoenix, which can be pretty cold once the sun has gone down. Normally, it would be pretty crazy to be night swimming, but Mike's pool was heated, and he had these outdoor space heaters set up around the pool deck. All in all, it was almost balmy. Becka spied an open pool float with a drink holder armrest and waded over to it. Once she was in, a couple of guys who had not been at the club came over to flirt with her.

  Becka looked around for Dave and found him in a grotto type cut up under the waterfall making out with Jess. Bummed she wouldn’t be able to have him run interference with this unwanted attention, Becka was about to get out when Mike swam over and told the guys she was taken. That seemed to be enough for them, and they swam away. Mike stayed though and talked with her, which made Becka wonder if he meant taken by him.

  Becka doubted it, considering Mike had to know what had happened with Nate's last girlfriend. He was probably just looking out for Nate. Becka then told him that she had talked to Nate and told him she was coming over. This seemed to surprise Mike, who asked what Nate had said when she told him that. Becka blushed, telling Mike that Nate had told her their pool parties could get crazy and to behave. Oh and that she could sleep in his room if she wanted.

  "If you wanted?" Mike asked surprised. "Where else would you sleep?"

  "He didn’t mean that," Becka could guess what Mike was implying. "He meant if I didn’t go home. Like his bed here or my bed at home."

  Mike laughed and nodded and went to grab both of them another beer. Becka was getting pretty drowsy considering it was late and she was all comfy floating in the pool. Becka went to check on Dave and could not find him. Mike looked down and mentioned that Dave had gone inside with Jess like thirty minutes ago. He then laughed as Becka started fuming that the whole reason she was still awake was to make sure he didn’t drown.

  "Oh that’s the only reason? That hurts," Mike said somewhat suggestively.

  "Um Mike. I'm not sure what you are thinking, but I like Nate so I hope that's cool ‘cause I'm just going to go in and go to sleep."

  Becka was not expecting him to pick her up and hug her. She went to push him off, but he just laughed and, setting her down, explained that he had been trying to hit on her all night to see if she was a jerk and would cheat on Nate or not. Since she wasn’t, Becka had passed some sort of random test she had not been aware was happening. Which made Becka wonder what Nate would think if he ever found out about Kyle?

  Grabbing her bag, Becka went up to Nate's room and got settled. Part of her wanted to be nosy and poke through his things, but she didn’t. Once settled into his amazingly soft bed, surrounded by his scent, Becka fell asleep. Becka slept soundly and was snuggling one of Nate's pillows when she woke up. It took her a moment to remember where she was. After going to the bathroom to check her hair and the condition of her makeup, Becka crawled back into Nate's bed with her phone.

  Taking her shirt off and pulling the sheet and blanket firmly up to cover her chest, Becka took a picture of her making a kissy face and texted it to Nate with a message. Wish you were here. She didn’t expect for Nate to call her right back.

  "Are you naked in my bed right now?"

  "Halfway. I still have bottoms on."

  "Why don’t you take those off and sit tight. I'm driving home right now."

  Becka may or may not have squealed before saying, "How far away are you?"

  "Maybe an hour."

  "I might shower. I smell kinda chloriney."

  "Don't. I want you looking just like that picture when I get home."

  "Alright. I won't shower, but I am totally brushing my teeth."

  "Fair enough."

  "Drive fast."

  "Are you suggesting I break traffic laws?"

  "Yep. I want you so bad right now."

," Nate groaned. "If I get pulled over I do not want to have to explain my hard on to a cop."

  "You're hard?"


  "I like that I make you hard."

  "I'm sure you do. Now I'm going to hang up before I wreck."

  Grinning, Becka got up to brush her teeth and double check her hair and makeup, putting on some powder and lip gloss anyway before getting back into Nate's bed, sans bottoms.

  Nate burst through the door only thirty minutes later, making Becka jump then giggle. He solemnly closed and locked the door behind him before slowly approaching the bed. Becka sat back against his pillows with his sheets and blankets pulled up around her.

  "Hey, kid," he said, stepping out of his shoes.

  "Hey, Nate."

  "Did you sleep well?" This time he took off his shirt.

  "I did."

  "Wearing anything?" Now he was taking off his pants.

  "Why don't you come and find out for yourself?"

  Then he was on her. His mouth and hands were all over her. Becka clung to him as Nate seemingly worshipped her. Afterward, as she lay in his arms, Becka looked up at Nate.

  Catching her gaze, he said, "Yes?"

  "So, um, no pressure but are you, um, ever going to want to uh, well, you know?"

  "Ever going to want to what, kid?"

  Becka buried her face into his chest.

  "Becka, come on look at me."

  Blushing furiously, Becka raised her head to look into his beautiful hazel eyes.

  "Nate, are you ever going to want to have sex with me?"

  "Becka, I want you so bad, all of you. I just am not ready to have a girlfriend so I think we should wait."

  "Do you, um, know how long that might be?"

  Nate pulled her closer and admitted that he didn’t. Why did that bother her so much? Clearly he was into her, but a seed of insecurity festered within her. Maybe if she was more this or that he would want her. Why did she have to be so hung up on sex? Becka tried to stop the internal monologue in her head, but it seemed stuck on repeat. Why couldn’t she just enjoy the moment instead of worrying that she was wrong with her?

  Later in the day, Becka texted Dave to make sure he was okay. It turned out that he had left with that Jess girl. This kinda pissed Becka off because she knew he did not know that she knew Mike or that Nate lived here. It was kinda of sucky for him to take off, leaving her at a stranger's house without checking in. Dave texted back that he was home safe and was wondering where she was considering how late it was. Becka didn’t respond, and they never mentioned that night again.


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