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Forever and a Night_A Vampire Romance

Page 19

by Lana Campbell

“No. You have a point.”

  “I text and call all my kids at least several times a week. Had Nathan not brought my phone tonight, I’d planned to ask you to go get it from him tomorrow. I can’t imagine how worried they’ve been. That’s why they’re flying here now, to track me down. They weren’t suppose to arrive for another week. I’m wracking my brain for excuses to give them for why I haven’t answered any of their texts or calls, but they’re in short supply.”

  He nodded, his expression thoughtful. “How about the ol’ dropping the cell in the toilet scenario?” He chuckled.

  That caught her off guard. Mia started laughing. Maybe it wasn’t all that funny, but she was glad for the emotional diversion.

  All in all, Christian was an amazing man; a very dedicated doctor and a wonderful, generous-hearted person. This last week with him had tempered her view on his kind. As much as she hated this new life and the vampires responsible for thrusting her into it, Christian had shown her that decent, honorable vampires existed. It gave her hope she too could lead a decent, honorable life.

  “Cute, Christian, but it doesn’t take a week to replace a ruined cell. I need a better excuse. Oh, and my phone is about two minutes from dying. I don’t have my charger.”

  He glanced at her device, an I Phone. “I can’t help you with that. I have an Android. I can take you to your apartment if you want.”

  “Yes, please and as soon as possible. Once my phone dies, I’ll have no way to contact them. They might try the restaurant, but if they can’t find me either place, they’ll be so freaked out.”

  “You don’t know their numbers by heart?”

  “I’m a victim of modern technology. No.”

  “Do this. Write their numbers down and use my phone on the way if you need to.”

  Mia offered him an appreciative smile, then took off to execute his advice. A short time later they were on the road in his huge Hummer, obviously not a factory model because the paint job was camouflage and so were the leather seats inside.

  “Tiffany would be drooling if she saw this thing.”

  “Which of your daughters?” he asked, glancing away from the road briefly with a curious look.

  “My oldest. She loves to hunt.”

  “Sounds like we’ll get along, then.” He gave her a winsome smile.

  Mia released a heavy breath and rubbed her cheek. “I rather doubt that. Tiffany doesn’t take a shine to many people and men least of all. If you’re there when the girls arrive, it’s going to stir up a major pot of crap, Christian. They’re going to suspect something is going on between us and that will be compounded by the fact I haven’t called them in nearly a week. Plus if you have to babysit me while they’re here because of this feral vampire thing…” She lowered her gaze to her lap and groaned. “How can I possibly explain that to them?”

  Christian remained silent for a while, staring at the dark country highway stretching out in front of them. Finally, he said, “Then why not let them think there is something going on between us? It might be the perfect excuse you need to explain why you’ve been negligent in contacting them. I’m sure when they had boyfriends, they must have been a bit recalcitrant in keeping in touch with you.”

  “Believe it or not none of them except for Chelsie has ever had a serious boyfriend. She recently broke up with him. Long story and not important at the moment.” Mia glanced at him, contemplating the idea. It had merit. However, there was one major flaw in the plan, if it involved her staying with him. “Christian, will I be able to stay at my apartment with them alone? Maybe you could just stop by and check on us every day?”

  He shot a frown her way. “No, Mia. You wouldn’t be safe there and neither would your girls with Isabella still after Nathan. I’m glad you broke the bitch’s nose, but you made an enemy for life. A woman like her thrives on revenge. You will encounter her again. Tomorrow maybe twenty years from now, but she isn’t going to forget about you. Plus, if she thinks you mean something to Nathan, which I suspect she does—”

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it. She’ll come after me so she can use me to blackmail him.”

  Christian glanced at her and nodded. “I’m sorry, darlin’. Sorry for everything that caused you to end up a part of our world. It will get easier in time. I promise.”

  Mia turned her head and stared out the window. Christian was right. She’d lived long enough to know change often sucked, but the resilient survived.

  “Anyway, you still need daily transfusions, but I have plenty of room for all three of your girls. I have no patients ready to house this week. I have a number of appointments at the city clinic, but they’re just routine check ups. If necessary, my partner, Asa will cover for me.”

  What a mess. She sucked in a fortifying breath and stared out the windshield. The bright city lights of New Orleans glowed in the sky a good distance ahead. Time ran out and with it ideas. “Look, if I’m staying with you, they’re going to assume we’re intimate. As crazy as this might sound in this day and age, I raised them all in church with the belief sex is reserved for marriage. They all adhere to that philosophy and so do I. Tiffany is a little rough around the edges, but deep down, she’s very moral. All of them are. If they think I’m shacking up with some guy, everything I’ve ever stood for, everything I taught them would be a sham. I can’t do that. We need a plan B.”

  “Why not tell them we’re married?”

  She glared at him, certain her expression mirrored the shock she felt. “They’ll be furious to think I eloped and never bothered to tell them I was involved with someone, or invite them to my wedding.”

  Christian hunched a shoulder. “Not necessarily. Given your principles, tell them in some fashion it happened quickly and you didn’t want to wait, but that a big wedding is coming in the future, when both our families can be present.”

  Mia shook her head. “That would be serious subterfuge, Christian. When the lie is exposed in the future, it might be worse than them thinking I’m shacking up with you.”

  “The truth is the only other logical option I can see. Are you ready to tell them you’re vampire? I’ll help you every step of the way if that’s the decision you choose.”

  Mia remained silent, contemplating the alternatives. She recalled vividly how abhorrently she’d reacted when she learned herself to no longer be a member of the human race. She was in no frame of mind to explain this new life of hers to her children, because she didn’t even understand it all herself. Given time, maybe she would have come up with some better excuse. She simply didn’t have time.

  The marriage scenario seemed the lesser of the two evils. “Okay, Christian, let’s pretend to be hitched. I don’t know how the heck we’re going to pull this off, but I hope you’re as good an actor as you are a doctor.”

  He offered her a confident grin. “I’m a fairly good actor. However, we’re going to need some props for this improv.”

  Mia stared at him, unsure what he meant, until they entered the city and he pulled up in front of a jewelry store. A short time later they were sporting gold wedding bands.

  She’d thought they’d be able to beat her kids home, but unfortunately, the detour cost them more time than she’d anticipated. When they arrived at her apartment, the door was ajar and she heard all three of her girls inside chattering with worry to her whereabouts. She walked in, Christian by her side. Miss Penley, her landlady stood in the midst of her girls wearing a tattered, blue, terry clothe robe, holding her favorite cat, a tom named Buttons.

  All gazes riveted on her and Christian. Silence reigned but moments, then questions began to fire from them like a major military assault. Mia lifted her hands and shouted, “Enough, girls! I know you all have concerns and I’ll address them one by one. Now settle down and take a seat. I’d like to introduce you to someone very special to me.” She smiled up at Christian, then to Miss Penley, she said, “Thank you for letting my daughters in. I’m sorry for the disturbance.”

  “Of course, dear. You’re children
were worried sick and so was I. I haven’t seen you for over a week and that’s not like you. You’re all right, I hope?” She glanced curiously at Christian, then stroked the feline in her arms, which hissed at the two of them. Apparently, their scent, different from a human’s, disturbed the animal.

  “Fit as a fiddle, Miss Penley. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have much to discuss with my girls.”

  The old lady left and Dannie and Chelsie seated themselves on the couch, their expressions curious. Tiffany still stood, her gaze locked on Christian with hard suspicion.

  She sucked in a deep breath, to center herself and glanced over them.

  Dannie her middle daughter had a new, becoming hairstyle, straightened and highlighted with gold and red. Tiffany, her oldest, looked the same as usual, sporting her worn Ropers, Levis and a black tank top. Her long, auburn hair, thick and curly like her own, was pulled back in a ponytail. Chelsie wore a cute, yellow sundress and sandals. Her hair also auburn, but thick and wavy, was braided; the tail hit the curve of her waist.

  “I like your contacts, Mom,” Chelsie commented, smiling.

  “Thanks. It was time for some,” she lied and forced a smile of her own. “It’s the forties thing. The eyes go and everything after that.”

  Christian chuckled. “You aren’t over the hill yet, darlin’.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “Who the hell are you?” Tiffany demanded.

  Christian glanced at Mia with a look that said, `I’ll field this if you want.’, but she had to handle this herself. Christian would be getting enough backlash once their lie came out.

  “Listen, I’m sorry I’ve been out of touch this week, but I have good reason. I’ve been on my honeymoon.” She smiled up at Christian, then added, “This is Dr. Christian La Mond. My husband.” She took his hand and threaded their fingers together. Finishing introductions ground to a halt due to her girls’ reactions.

  Dannie and Chelsie gasped then bolted to their feet. Their expressions bore shock and a bit of betrayal. Tiffany just shook her head and let out a derisive snort.

  “How long have you known each other?” Chelsie asked, then took her forefinger and pushed the brim of her glasses up her nose.

  Mia glanced at Christian and affected a misty smile. “A while. The marriage was sort of a whirlwind thing, but we’re very happy and I hope you’ll be happy for us. I apologize for not discussing this with you, but when Christian asked me to marry him…” She shrugged. “We didn’t want to wait. We eloped last week. It was never my intention to leave any of you in the dark. I just didn’t want to say anything before I knew something definitive. However, we have plans for a big wedding later when we can arrange it around your schedules and his family’s.”

  “Why the big hurry?” Tiffany asked, giving Christian a thorough once over. “Did he knock you up?”

  “Tiffany Jane! You know me better than that. Shame on you!”

  Christian let out a muffled chuckle. Mia poked him in the ribs with her elbow and he gave her an apologetic look. All in all, he fared quite well under her prickly daughter’s interrogation and there would be far more to come from all of them, she was sure.

  Tiffany snorted and continued to glare at Christian. “Never would I have guessed you to be a cougar, Mom, but right on, provided he’s okay. So what’s your stake in this, dude? Can’t be money, so it sure as hell better be love. If not, if you do my mom wrong, I’ll make you sorry. Trust me, that’s no idle threat.”

  Christian grinned at her. “Not a problem, darlin’. I would expect no less.”

  “What happened to your neck, Mom?” Chelsie asked, frowning at the gauze bandage.

  Mia swallowed hard, thinking. Then it came to her. “A horrible burn. Stupidly, I got in a hurry and tossed some frozen fish into a hot pan and the grease exploded.”

  “Ouch. I’m so sorry,” Chelsie said.

  “Do you think it will scar?” Dannie asked.

  Although, Mia had never seen the wound, she knew from the pain it had to be very bad. “Most likely,” she allowed.

  “You’re lucky it wasn’t any worse,” Tiffany added, her expression concerned.

  Mia drug in a ragged breath and considered the irony of how much worse things really were. Someday she would have to share the truth with her girls. She could only pray when that day came, they wouldn’t view her as a freak and that she could convince them she was still the same person, just in a slightly altered body.

  “How did you two meet?” Danielle asked, suspicion simmering in her dark brown eyes.

  Mia bit her lower lip, cruising her thoughts for an answer. She hadn’t had enough time to field these simple, very normal questions. Luckily, Christian picked that one up.

  “I met her at my clinic, here in New Orleans. She’s a patient of my partner, Asa Bradley. She came in one day for a routine check-up and we ran into one another.” He shrugged, but said no more, apparently allowing them to fill in what they may.

  Good one, Mia thought. She hadn’t met his partner yet, but Christian had spoken of him several times fondly. They had been best buddies since childhood.

  “What sort of medicine do you practice?” Chelsie asked, smiling.

  Her big, brown eyes behind her thick glasses blinked curiously at him. Her expression was the warmest of all her daughters, Mia noticed. One reason being, Christian was a doctor and Chelsie’s life goal was to be one too. Plus she possessed such a sweet, gentle soul, unlike Tiffany and her fresh mouth, which would scathe anyone for any reason when the mood struck her. She had good reason after her father betrayed all of them by jumping the fence with Tiffany’s best friend. That mess had been a double whammy for the poor girl and Mia didn’t know what to do for her. Time had not fixed a thing. The girl was so sour, especially toward men, Mia feared she’d wind up like Miss Penley, a seventy year old spinster with thirteen cats.

  “I’m an OB/GYN.”

  Chelsie’s eyes widened with interest and she stepped toward him and held out her hand, which he shook. “I’m Chelsie Peebles. This is Dannie or Danielle.” She glanced back at her sister who offered him a nod and a smile which didn’t quite make it to her eyes. Then she turned to Tiffany and said, “This is Tiffany or T.J. and my apologies for her mouth just now, which I’m sorry to say will likely only be a taste of what you’ll endure from her in the future. She’s horrible, but we love her anyway.” She shot a wicked grin her way.

  Tiffany stuck her tongue out at her.

  Christian started laughing. “I like her already. All of you.” He winked at Tiffany, a friendly gesture, yet it gained him another hateful look, which didn’t seem to ruffle him in the least. “You girls have a great mother and I look forward to getting to know all of you.”

  “You don’t talk or look like any doctor I’ve ever met,” Tiffany said, studying his black t-shirt with white, elongated skulls on both sides running from the shoulders to the waistband. “Where you from?”

  “Texas. San Antonio originally. I settled in New Orleans a number of years ago and opened a practice here with my partner Asa, whom I mentioned.” He glanced at Mia. “I know you’re girls must be hungry after their flight. Wanna go get a bite to eat?”

  Mia smiled at him and nodded. Good thinking on his part. The outing would give them all time to simmer down, talk and transition her three children into the news they would be staying at Christian’s place during this visit.

  “I know you guys have to be hungry.” She shared a smile between the three. Chelsie nodded and Dannie and Tiffany added their own verbal agreements.

  Mia knew exactly where she wanted to take them for their first outing in the city. A short time later, they were at Tavania’s. Delanie, greeted her with a big hug and a few questions about her new job, which Mia skated, then she seated them at a large table near the front of the restaurant.

  “I’d think this would the last place you’d want to eat, Mom,” Tiffany said, glancing around.

  “Don’t worry about me. You knew I’d wan
t all of you to try the food here. I’ve been telling you about it for four years. But I have to be honest with you. I’m not working here any longer. Hopefully, I will again soon.”

  What’s and why’s followed that statement, but Mia merely held up her hand to silence them. She’d known before she’d arrived, staff would be questioning her about her job with Nathan. She was okay with that. Mia had many outings planned for her kids this week and knowing Nathan, at some point, she’d be running into him or he’d be back pounding on Christian’s door. She would need a reason as to why for her girls. In this particular instance, the truth was perfect.

  She placed her menu on the table and tried for a focused smile. “I took a job as a private chef recently. The pay was amazing, but long story short, it just didn’t work out with the man who hired me. Joe, my ex-boss, will probably take me back. After dinner, I’ll need to go to the back to speak with him, but I promise I won’t be long.”

  “Darn. I’m sorry to hear that, Mom,” Dannie said, her expression troubled.

  Tiffany scowled at her. “Some rich dude, I suppose? You ought to know better than that. All rich people are bad news.” Her gaze slid toward Christian. “I reckon as a doctor, you probably aren’t starving. Seems Mom has been making a few impulsive choices lately. I hope to hell you ain’t one of them.”

  Christian sat his own menu on the table and stared at the girl, his expression patient, but firm. “Look, Tiffany, I understand you’re concerned about your mother, but I promise you, I would never hurt her. I don’t have to tell you what an amazing person she is or the wisdom and intelligence she possesses. You’ve known her far longer than I have. She made an unfortunate choice regarding a job, yes, but we’ve known each other for some time. She didn’t jump into this marriage with blinders on anymore than I did.”

  Dang! He was a good actor, Mia thought blinking at him. She wouldn’t have been able to sport such a clever answer on the fly. It worked because Tiffany shut up, picked up her menu and perused the contents. Chelsie and Dannie did the same.

  Minutes later, Brittany arrived to take their order. When she saw Mia, she gasped. “Oh my God, Mia! Look at you. Rocking contacts and you’ve had some work done. Microdermabrasion? Botox?”


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