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Straight Up [Frostbite Falls Christmas 4]

Page 5

by Willa Edwards

  Sam tossed the shirt aside and tugged her close again. His bare chest pressed against hers. The rasp of his chest hair across her nipples sent bolts of need swirling through her. And she didn’t have a choice. She had to touch him. It wasn’t just a want. It was a need. Not that there was anyone stopping her.

  She coasted her hands over his chest, exploring every inch to the edge of his pants. He was hard, and so hot beneath her hand she almost thought he might burn her. And damn did it feel good. Every touch, every brush of her fingers across his skin, exploring the stringy hairs and the bumps of his nipples had her feeling better and better.

  She was so focused on the work of art before her, she almost jumped when his hand touched her cheek, drawing her gaze back up his eyes. “Like what you see, honey?”

  She nodded. “Oh yeah.” She liked all of it. The feel of his warm skin beneath her palms, the way his breathing picked up speed the lower she went. It was all amazing. And it was all hers.

  “There’s more where that came from.” His eyes shifted toward the edge of his pants.

  “You read my mind.” Leaning back, she released his belt buckle despite her trembling anxious fingers. She tugged the leather free. The hiss of the leather sliding through his belt loops sent a shiver through her body. Fumbling, she unhooked the button of his fly and yanked the zipper down.

  After six months of dreaming, anticipating, and planning, she was finally here and she couldn’t get enough. Not enough of their bodies against hers, or their smell or the way they kissed her with so much emotion she could feel it down to the bottom of her pinky toe.

  Yanking Sam’s pants open, she slipped her hand beneath the waistband of his boxers. It wasn’t ideal, but it gave her enough room to play with. Her hand fisted around his cock, squeezing lightly and pulling a long groan from Sam. He was already hard. His cock throbbed in her hand, hot and pulsing with life.

  God, that sounded good. And she wanted more. Stroking her hand along his length, she explored every ridge and bump with her fingers. His breathing picked up speed, throwing his head back against the arm of the couch. His hips thrust up, moving into her grip, sliding across her palm.

  “You are a hot little thing, aren’t you, baby?” Trevor whispered against her nape as he pressed more kisses to her throat.

  She really was, and she wasn’t ashamed of it. She never had been. Victoria Willis wasn’t the sort of woman who regretted going after what she wanted. Sex was just another item on that list. Not that there was a woman alive who wouldn’t be hot for these two. The way they held her, kissed her, touched her, every cell in her body was on fire.

  A tortured moan escaped Sam seconds before his hands wrapped around her wrists, holding her hand still. His hard grip sent a shiver of need sizzling through her. She’d never had anyone hold her so tight. His strength only had her already high temperature flare to bonfire proportions. His eyes looked directly into hers. “That feels fantastic, Vic, but…I don’t…know how much…more I can…take,” he spat out between panted breaths.

  She tried to pout at him, but it was hard to look upset completely naked and aroused on someone’s lap. Though she still tried. “Spoil sport.”

  “If you want any more, honey, we’ve got to stop.” The shadow of a thought crossed his mind, dropping his easy grin. For one frightening un-Willis-like second, she wondered if she’d done something wrong. Something that might push him away, or them, away. “Fuck. I didn’t bring condoms.”

  His eyes looked over her shoulder to where she presumed Trevor was. His hands stilled on her hips, holding her steady. “Fuck, I didn’t either.”

  Sam’s scared frantic look had her fighting back a laugh. The nervous energy radiating from behind her only made it harder to keep back her grin.

  “What?” He looked up at her, surprised. “We weren’t expecting this to happen tonight.”

  She could appreciate that, even if she was surprised. Most men lived in a constant state of optimism. Especially when it came to sex. Though it was their first Christmas Ball. They had no idea how many people ended up fogging up their car windows before the night was over, or getting busy in one of the dark corners or darker offices downstairs.

  “Top drawer.” She pointed to the stand beside the couch. “Every modern girl comes prepared.” Especially when they’d been planning this evening for months.

  “Thank god,” Sam groaned. “Just when I think there’s no way you can get any better, Vic, you find a way to surprise me.”

  Trevor grabbed two foil packages from the drawer and placed them both on the coffee table, easily within reach.

  A deep happy glow expanded in her chest. No one else would be surprised she was prepared in every way for this night. Most people would expect her to handle everything. And it normally didn’t bother her. She liked to be in control. But to be appreciated, or even better, to have someone excited and amazed by such a fundamental part of her, had a lump forming in her throat.

  She didn’t say anything, and they didn’t appear to expect a response. Which was good, since she wasn’t sure she’d be able to speak if she could find the words to voice how she felt.

  Sam grabbed one of the wrappers, ripping it apart with his teeth. He pushed her back slightly, making room for his hands between them. With quick efficiency—and more composure than she possessed—he shoved the latex over his cock.

  Grabbing her hips, he hauled her forward until she rested just above his cock. She moaned at the brush of his dick against her aching flesh. His hands tightened on her waist so hard the muscles twitched beneath his touch, but she couldn’t pull away. His hold felt too good to break away, even if it meant she’d be bruised tomorrow. “Are you ready for more, honey?”

  She fought for breath as she nodded her response. Damn right she was ready for more. She’d been ready for six damn months. It was about time they stepped up to the plate.

  “Thank god,” he groaned, holding her steady as he slowly stroked back and forth, setting her pussy alive. She gripped his shoulders as the torturous sway flared through her so overwhelming she had to remember to breathe, or take the chance she might pass out right here.

  Which would be a real shame. They hadn’t even started yet.

  But as sweet as the sensation was, it wasn’t anywhere near enough. With each new stroke, the anticipation—and subsequent frustration—twisted around her insides, tying her in knots.

  “I hope this isn’t the more you were asking for. Because I had a different idea of how this night would go.” She dug her finger into his flesh to show she meant business. And she did. If he didn’t get focused soon, he might lose that appendage he was so interested in tempting her with. “If you’re just interested in playing with me, I’m sure I can find someone else who’s up for the job.”

  “Damn, cous, our kitten has claws.” Trevor nipped at her shoulder, which would have felt good if she wasn’t so pissed.

  “Yes, she does.” Sam shifted her across his groin to just the right spot. “And we better satisfy her. Because there’s no fucking way I’m letting anyone near her but one of us.” The possession in his voice had every sensitive spot in her body throbbing. The urge to scratch him, to mark him in turn surged through her. To claim him as hers, just as deeply as his voice had her.

  She settled instead for spreading her legs a little wider around his waist. With a hand on her hip, he thrust up at the same time as he pulled her down into his groin, driving into her in one smooth stroke. Filling her completely.

  She screamed out. The stretch of her muscles around his cock jolted through her, stealing her breath away. It had been far too long. She’d definitely be sore tomorrow, but at the moment she couldn’t find any will to be upset about it. Not one little inkling. At least she was fairly sure—or at least hoped—those days were behind her. With how well things were going tonight, it felt like a good bet.

  “Is that more what you had in mind?”

  It took her a few minutes to process what he said. Her brain
too focused on the feel of his body pressed into hers, his hard muscles rippling beneath her, to process anything else. But once she could think again, the answer was an easy one. “Fuck, yes.”

  Male laughter surrounded her. “That’s our girl,” Trevor mumbled against her nape as he pressed kisses across her shoulders. And that warm feeling returned to her chest. She really liked that idea. Their girl.

  Sam shifted his hips, thrusting his cock a little deeper inside her, and her every thought vanished beneath the brush. All her energy focused on the man shifting beneath her. She slid down, meeting his next plunge with her own. The added motion brushed her clit across his pubic bone, sending a lightning bolt of need racing through her. A moan echoed from deep in her chest.

  “Like that?” He wrapped his hand around her waist to pull her closer, increasing the pressure against the bundle of nerves and sending showers of sparks through her lower body.

  She didn’t bother to respond. The bastard already knew the answer. He didn’t need to hear it from her. Instead she picked up speed. His ability to toy with her vanished with the increases tempo. Which worked just fine by her. She much preferred he be too consumed with her to throw any more quips her way. Orgasms beat out jokes any day in her book.

  He threw his head back. A deep husky growl roared from him. The sound shot through her. Her whole body burned like she was on fire. Her muscles twitched—from exertion or need, she didn’t know, and it didn’t matter. Either way, she kept moving, the pleasure overpowering any complaints her body might have.

  “That looks real pretty, baby.” Trevor’s voice was a rusty growl in her ear. All male and desperation, calling to a place inside her she couldn’t deny. Even while fucking his cousin. She turned toward him, forcing herself to keep breathing at the sight that met her.

  He’d shed all his clothes at some point in the last few minutes—she couldn’t be completely sure when, she’d been pretty occupied. Now he stood beside her naked as the day he was born. Her eyes roamed across acres of rippling muscle and tan skin, down to his very hard and erect cock.

  “But I wouldn’t mind some attention, too.” His cocky grin downplayed some of the sulking.

  He stepped closer, so his cock was only inches from her face. The fact that it was almost as close to his cousin as he was to her had a secret smile turning to her lips. Luckily they both seemed too concerned with her to notice.

  “What do you have in mind?” She batted her eyes up at him. She knew exactly what he had in mind, but it was too much fun to play with him. With both of them really.

  Sam was an easy mark. He never saw her coming. She loved the way his eyes would go wide, his mouth flapping open like a fish. It was the cutest thing. But Trevor was different. Trevor always got the joke, He played along, encouraging her. Which could be just as much fun.

  “I was thinking you could use that pretty mouth on me,” He wrapped his hand on his dick. The brush of his fingers along the shaft drew her attention. Not that it needed his support. His cock was already so hard it could stand up on its own.

  “I might be able to do that.” She extended her tongue to brush across the tip. The salty masculine taste danced across her tongue, almost drawing another moan from her.

  Trevor spread his legs a little wider, pushing his feet into the ground for support. Fascinated, she watched the twitch and quiver of his abdominal muscles as she licked his cock. Each swish of her tongue incited another panting breath from him. Beneath her, Sam’s hands tightened on her hips, maintaining his own rhythm with her in his lap, picking up so easily on what she needed. It was hard to believe he’d never done this before. Then again, neither had she.

  “More.” It wasn’t an order, but a plea, which she enjoyed far more.

  She opened her mouth, sucking the head between her lips. Trevor’s hands fisted in her hair as she slowly swallowed more of him into her mouth. Her lips stretch wide around his girth, it took her a few seconds to focus enough to remember to breathe, let alone consider doing anything to please Trevor.

  She never received any complaints in her blow job skills before, but she’d never had another dick thrusting in and out of her at the same time before either. The combination shot liquid pleasure through her every cell. But a glance at Trevor, with his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut, had most of the nerves settling in her stomach. It didn’t look like she’d be getting any objections this time either.

  The muscles in her cheeks ticked from the effort, but she kept going. Licking along his shaft before she swallowed him down. Her eyes never left his, gauging her every motion against the response on his face. The way he gripped her hair harder, groaned deeper, panted faster. Determined to do anything to please them both.

  But even she had her limits.

  Sam shifted his hips just before he thrust deep, applying pressure to brand-new nerves, stimulating places she hadn’t known existed before. She whimpered around the cock in her mouth, slamming her hips down to meet the other. The world whirled before her eyes. She gripped the couch cushions so hard her knuckles hurt. But she needed the pain. She needed the stability. Or else she was in danger of spinning right into outer space.

  Trevor eased back. His cock slipped from her lips, still hard and pulsing deep red. He brushed the hair back from her face, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “Come for us, baby.” He brushed his hand along her side, skimming the side of her breast. Her skin tingled beneath his touch as Sam continued to pound into her. “Show us just how sweet you are.”

  She didn’t need the direction. A few more thrusts and it wouldn’t be a choice anymore. Yet the encouragement still had her heart thumping faster. The warmth spread through her body until it wrapped her from head to toe, almost like Trevor’s request brought it further forward.

  She couldn’t hold back anymore. Not even if she wanted to. And she absolutely didn’t want to.

  She cried out as she broke apart. Every muscle in her body clenched. Her fingers clung to anything she could find to keep her rooted in place as pleasure shattered through her. At some point she’d tangled her hand in Sam’s hair, but she couldn’t remember exactly when. And she didn’t really care. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was the sensations running through her body, the feel of their bodies moving together.

  Through it all, Sam didn’t pause. He didn’t stop. He continued to thrust into her, slamming into her over and over as she shook above him. Keeping her soaring until she was almost afraid she’d never come down again.

  An arm clamped around her waist, holding her steady as Sam buried his face in her neck. He groaned deep as he thrust into her one final time, before letting go. A second later his entire body went slack, pulling her down with him. She went easily, propping her head on his shoulder, safe and secure in his arms.

  “That was fucking gorgeous.”

  She smiled, stretching like a cat in the sun beneath the heat of his praise. She’d received a lot of compliments in her life. Being the mayor’s daughter had everyone wanting to be on her good side, but she liked to think she deserved a lot of them, as well. Though she never knew for sure. But nothing made her feel as good as their compliments that were intended for her alone.

  She glanced up at Trevor. The hunger in his eyes had her drawing in a deep breath. His gaze slid over her so hot she could feel in on her skin. “I don’t think I can wait much longer to have you after that performance.”

  She would have liked to say that had been the point, but it hadn’t been. She hadn’t been thinking of seducing either of them in that moment. All she’d been concerned about was the pleasure rushing through her, more amazing than ever before. Though she rather liked that he’d gotten off on it, as well. She liked it a lot.

  But before she could consider saying a word, he picked her up off Sam’s lap and carried her to the coffee table. The wood was cool against her back. A stark contrast to the man holding her tight. His mouth fell on hers, nipping and sucking her lips, before he thrust his tongue between them.r />
  There was nothing seductive or sweet about his kiss. It was hard, fierce, demanding. Just like it had been back on Fourth of July. And she rose to the challenge.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck and hauling him close, fighting back with her own lips and tongue and teeth. She tangled her fingers in his hair, jerking him to just the right angle to reach even more of him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. Already naked, every inch of his skin brushed against hers, sending rivers of heat through her body, settling deep in her pussy.

  But nothing set her shaking as much as the desperation staring back at her. Like she was the most important thing in the world. This didn’t feel like just sex. Sure, desire was there. How could it not be, with their naked sweat-covered bodies rubbing together? But the need in his eyes called to something more than just lust.

  “This is going to be a rough ride, baby.” He grabbed the remaining condom off the table. The rip of the package set a shiver down her spine, followed by a white-hot heat as he rolled the latex over his cock in one smooth, fast motion.

  Rough or sensual, slow or fast, there was no doubt in her mind this was what she wanted. She wanted him. Now.

  She squeezed her thighs around his waist, lifting her hips to meet him. “Bring it on, cowboy.”

  * * * *

  At the first press of his cock inside her, Trevor’s eyes rolled back in his head. Warm, wet, tight. It was pure heaven. But even that wasn’t as good as the look on her face as he pushed a little deeper. The way she threw back her head. The press of her heels into his ass, encouraging him forward.

  For a redhead, Vic was always reserved and in control. She didn’t act wild. Except for here. Except while his cock tunneled into her body, each new inch tugging at his already limited control. Here, right now, she was every ounce the passionate firecracker her hair claimed her to be. Giving and taking in equal measure without guilt or hesitation.

  She moaned beneath him and the sound shot straight to his aching balls. He’d thought she was hot up against the barn wall, moaning and rubbing against his leg. When the fireworks exploded over their heads, it had taken him hours to realize they’d really happened and they weren’t just a trick of his mind. But that night was nothing compared to her now. Moaning and squirming beneath him. Her warm body clenched around him, her nails stabbing into his shoulder, as if she never wanted to let him go.


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