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Shadow Walker (Revenant’s Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Elissa Daye

  Her hands moved down his chest and felt his tight nipples under her thumbs. He sucked in his breath as her hands went lower. When she closed her hand around the length of him, he bucked against her. She could feel him pulse beneath her touch, and it made her heart race. Her head felt dizzy again as he moved against her hand. He ran kisses down her throat again but did not stop until he reached a breast. Lyssa thought she would faint when he sucked on her nipple and massaged the other breast in his hand. Yes, this was dangerous. There was no hiding the emotions raging through their bodies. His other hand started massaging between her legs, and she was lost again. She could no longer tell up from down. The world was spinning, and all she could do was hang on to him.

  The wave of passion overtook them for what felt like an eternity. When he pulled away from her, she mourned his absence. He returned quickly, but she knew he was trying to be practical among this madness that coursed through them.

  When she expected him to enter her, he did not. Instead, his hands continued their previous assault as he slid them into her core. Lyssa felt the fires burning to a feverish pitch as she rode his skillful fingers to bliss. She could barely catch her breath before the next wave hit, but the crash after that one took the rest of her reserve. Lyssa pushed against him, and he rolled to the bed. When she climbed on top of him and caught him between her legs, she felt his shaft pulsing. Lowering herself onto him, she caught her trembling bottom lip in her teeth and let her body rise slowly up and down. Before long, she couldn’t contain herself. Like a skilled rider, she took every inch of him through his paces. When she thought she could handle it no longer, the world exploded around her. She fell forward, and Hunter caught her with his hands.

  Hunter rolled her onto her back and pushed her legs apart. He lifted them up and rested them on his shoulders. A dangerous light filled his eyes, for while she had been completely sated, his blood boiled beneath the surface. As he lifted her bottom off the bed, he started to pump into her slowly as he attempted to rekindle the fire in her. While Lyssa thought exhaustion would claim her, she was wrong. The faster he pumped, the harder she craved him. She mimicked each movement, his rise, her fall, until both of them were moving so hard that not an inch of space remained between them.

  When his climax came, Hunter shouted loudly. “Lyssa!”

  She quivered around him at the sound of his release, and the gentle petals inside her ripped open to release around him once more. When he moved away from her, Lyssa tried to slow the beat of her heart, but it simply refused. Hunter returned to her side and pulled her close to his body. Both of them breathed erratically as she lay there on his chest. He stroked her hair and slid his other hand along her spine.

  Lyssa rolled away and faced away from him. She was afraid to look at him. If she turned around and he was gone, she would be devastated. He rolled her back to him and took her face in his hands. Lyssa was unprepared for the gentle kiss he laid on her lips. Curling into him, she laid her face on his shoulder. The time away had felt like an eternity. Her entire soul had missed him.

  “I missed you too, Lyssa.” It was as if Hunter had been surrounded by darkness, looking for a light to lead him home.

  Lyssa sat up and kissed him softly on the lips. “The world is so cold when you’re gone.”

  “Then, we’ll have to make enough warmth to carry us through.”

  Even though both were exhausted from their joining, neither one could get enough of the other. They spent the rest of the night creating their own light around them that burned far brighter than any candle ever could.

  When she awoke in the morning, Hunter was still sleeping beside her. The easy rise and fall of his chest was comforting. She couldn’t help the happiness beaming from every pore. He must have felt it because he opened his eyes and looked at her.

  “Good morning.” He kissed her softly and pulled her close.

  “You stayed,” she whispered to him. “Do you have to go again?”

  “Soon, but not yet.”

  He pulled her close, and she suddenly remembered that neither one of them were wearing any clothes. When her skin moved against his, her heart beat loudly in her chest. Her breath caught in her throat when his hand ran down her spine. One kiss led to another, and soon they were caught up in each other again. Their bodies were dancing to a rhythm they could no longer ignore. When the song ended, they both started to fall back to sleep. Lyssa couldn’t help but wonder what life would be like if she could wake every day like this.

  Chapter 19

  When she woke up the second time, she was not surprised that Hunter was not there. He had stayed as long as he was able to, and she was more than willing to accept that. Lyssa rolled over and snuggled up to his pillow beside her. Images of their night together ran through her mind like footprints in the sand. The fires that burned between them would never be forgotten. She had never imagined that being intimate with another person could leave her feeling so complete. As she closed her eyes, she could feel the satisfying smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

  Letting out a yawn, she stretched her body. She knew it was time to return to her duties. While she wished she could stay in this room forever, Lyssa had to get back to the Watch Tower. They had to discuss their mission last night. She only hoped she was not going to be drilled for not remaining safely within its walls last night. It was not usual for a Guardian to be away after a fight. They usually met briefly to check in with each other. While they may not have been incredibly involved in each other’s lives, they did care about the livelihood of their own.

  After grabbing her clothes, Lyssa put on only essentials and carried the rest, as she was going directly back to her room at the apartment. When she teleported, she dropped her clothes in the hamper and looked around. Everything was as she had left it, but there was something different about it. When she looked closer at her dresser, she saw a silver necklace sitting on top. It was a new locket, and when she opened it, she could see Hunter’s face looking back at her. A note was underneath it.

  All you have to do is call.

  She ran her finger over the locket one last time, then closed it carefully. Lyssa took off the old locket they had found before and pushed it under some socks in her top drawer. This was their past. They had a much different future.

  She showered and dressed in new clothes for the day before heading into the kitchen. She knew she would have questions to answer. Jackson undoubtedly would have worried about her. When she did not find him in the kitchen, she knew he must be at the Watch Tower. Lyssa teleported into the parlor easily and found him sitting on the sofa. An irritated smirk filled his face.

  “You all right?” she asked him.

  “Good. You?” By the way he kept his answer short; she knew he was a little peeved at her.

  “I’m good. I’m sorry you worried. I would hate to say it won’t happen again, but how long have you known me?”

  “Exactly.” Jackson stood up and walked past her with an impish smile on his face.

  Lyssa followed him. When she turned the corner, she was surprised to find Hunter sitting in a chair in the hallway. Lyssa smiled at him and fought the urge to run to him. They had always tried to keep their personal lives separate from the other Guardians. When she almost walked past him, he reached out his hand and pulled her into his lap. She put her face in his shoulder and nuzzled his neck with her nose. Apparently, he was no longer concerned with what the others thought. They stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying the silence of their heartbeats. She broke away reluctantly when the number four on her arm started to light up. It was clear that they were being summoned together.

  So many questions lingered in the light of the day, but she knew now was not the time. They would have much to say if they had time later. When they walked into the library together, she noticed that the curious stares she’d expected did not greet them. Serena smiled at her knowingly, and she
could feel the heat rising up her face. Lyssa cleared her throat and offered a greeting, but almost stumbled over her words.

  “It’s okay, Lyssa. They know where you were last night.”

  “I’m sorry if you were worried.”

  “Hunter told us that he would find you. We thought it best that he see to you for the night.” Was that a bit of discomfort in Julius’s tone? When his eyes met hers, there was still concern etched inside them. He was worried about something, and because his mind was blocked, there was nothing she could do to decipher it.

  Lyssa could only nod at him. What else could she say? While she was glad they were not asking her a lot of questions about where she had been that night, she still felt that Hunter should have told her that they knew where she was. There were a lot of things that Hunter should have told her last night, but those things would have to wait. She sat down at the table and watched as the globe turned animatedly in front of them. A flash of yellow lights illuminated the map. The Guardians all seemed to be accounted for at present.

  The screen rolled down from the ceiling and instantly showed the bones of the demolished building. The news crew explained that a few bodies were being removed from the debris. Reporters were calling the victims inside some kind of miscreants that had taken up residence inside the abandoned building. The bridge leading to the building was closed off for the next few days so that the area could be made safe for anyone passing near it.

  “We’re all okay?” Lyssa could not help but ask. She did not like the sound of silence.

  “Everyone is accounted for. There have not been any counterattacks on the Watch Tower. Chances are the Craven are still trying to figure out who attacked them last night. I’m hoping that Hunter can share some insight into their inner-workings.”

  Hunter nodded silently to Julius. He stood up and put his hand on the globe. The map of the town showed up immediately. “We have only successfully touched one branch of the Craven. They are all across our world. If you cut off one branch, others will swiftly emerge. They travel and thrive in groups of at least twelve. Last night resulted in five casualties. I’ve been dealing mostly with their local leader, The Mole. We are to be relocated until further notice and will be leaving this area. They are planning a major regrouping, but where, I do not know. I don’t have as much useful information as I’d like.”

  “It sounds like getting rid of the Craven will be the hardest part. Can we find out how to deactivate the portals they are opening? If we can at least slow down the emergence of the shadows, then perhaps we can mount an attack on the Craven.”

  “I agree, Julius. We need to focus on the shadows. If their numbers are allowed to grow too quickly, we will be faced with new problems.” Serena shook her head slowly, clearly thinking about what they had seen in the land underneath their feet.

  “If they succeed in producing the new age of shadows we saw, it will be nearly impossible to fix the problem.” Lyssa was still feeling her way into the discussion. She was trying not to let her mind wander. Something was pulling her away from the discussion. Closing her eyes, she started to listen to the silence around her.

  Lyssa. There it was. She knew she had sensed something. Lyssa concentrated on the source, and when the others turned her way, she knew they had caught on to her dilemma. Knowing that their meeting would be over soon, she ignored it. She opened her eyes and focused on the moment in front of her.

  “What’s the plan, Julius?” Serena kept her eyes trained on him.

  “They go deeper in. I’ll set up a safe harbor for you to come to when you have information. We’ll set up a network there for you to communicate with us. We’ve got a lot of work to do. If you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the elders.”

  “Of course. Jackson, you got a minute?” Serena called him over, and Lyssa couldn’t help but wonder what her motives were. When Hunter walked closer to her, Lyssa understood. Serena was trying to give them time and space to say goodbye.

  “I can’t do this.” Lyssa walked away from the room and teleported away. She didn’t even know where she was headed until she landed in her room at her apartment. She needed to breathe. All was not right in her world.

  Hunter didn’t seem to take the hint. When he arrived right behind her, Lyssa shrugged off his touch. “Please, don’t.”


  “I know, Hunter. You have to go.”

  “I have to go, for now, Lyssa. The Craven is calling me. I’ll be back tomorrow, but I can’t guarantee anything after that.”

  “Right. I’ll see you then.” She didn’t even bother to turn around to face him. If she had, Lyssa would not have been able to hide the tears that were flowing effortlessly down her face. Crying wasn’t something Lyssa had much experience with. For most of her life, she’d kept her emotions crammed deep down inside. Now was not the time for them to come bubbling to the surface. She felt the emptiness in the room the moment he left.

  A knock sounded on her door. “Lyssa?”


  “Can we talk?”

  Lyssa left her room and found a worried Jackson looking back at her. “What’s wrong, Jackson?”

  “I don’t know, actually. Something seems off.”

  “I know. I felt it too.”

  The voice that had called out to her screamed her name. Lyssa! Help us! The painful cries sent a shiver up her spine. Lyssa put her hand to her head and shut her eyes so tight she thought they would implode.

  “Lyssa? What is it?” Jackson looked over to her with concern etched in his hazel eyes.

  “I’m being called, but I am having trouble hearing the voice. Someone is in danger. It’s someone under duress. Just give me a minute.” She shut the rest of the world out of her thoughts and concentrated on contacting the voice. Who are you? Do I know you?

  Took you long enough. It’s Lana. I’m trapped down here, and the shadows are coming. Please, you have to set me free.

  Lyssa shook off a niggling suspicion that something was not quite right in this message. If it was Lana, then why did it not sound like the Lana she knew? “Something is all wrong. Somehow they have Lana and are using her to get to me. But, it does not feel like it is actually Lana who is talking to me. How is that possible?”

  “They probably have ways of making her talk. I can’t believe this.” Jackson shook his head in disgust. His eyes started to glaze over as if his memories had taken over his mind. He was also looking away as if he knew something he could not share.

  “Where are you, Jackson? You’ve left me for a minute. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’ve been having dreams, Lyssa. And they’re not the kind that makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you wake up.”


  “The things that are happening to our people in their clutches. Torture, pain, death. You weren’t the only one affected by those souls in the Land of the Shadows. They never left me.”

  “What do you mean?” Lyssa put a hand on his arm.

  “I hear their cries every time I shut my eyes. I’ve seen their deaths.”

  Lyssa felt a shiver run down her spine. She wondered when he had developed this ability. Jackson had always been empathic to a certain extent, but this went far beyond the skill levels she had known about. “How long has this been going on?”

  “Since we’ve been here.” He gestured to the apartment around them.

  “Have you told the others?”



  “Look, Lyssa. You and I both know that the Watch Tower is ten steps behind where we want them to be. Telling them about the souls that are being harvested isn’t going to change the direction they are headed. I’ve been learning how to shut them out.”

  “I’m sorry, Jackson. I didn’t know. “

  “What do we do about Lana?” Lyssa was worried about Lana, but sh
e knew that as a Guardian of the Watch Tower, she had a duty to the entire world. If she ran and tried to save Lana, what would happen? She was sure it had to be a trap. How did she even know if she was still alive?

  “There’s not much we can do, Lyssa. If they have her, then she is already lost to us.”

  “Stop that right now, Jackson. We’re not defeatists. We can do something. I think we should go look for her. Maybe if we backtrack, we can find clues to where she’s being kept.”

  “All right, but I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “It usually isn’t. But it’s better than doing nothing. Let’s go to her room.” Jackson nodded his agreement, and they both took off.

  When they arrived in Lana’s dorm room, Lyssa sucked in her breath. Everywhere she looked, Lyssa saw the destruction. Drawers had been turned upside down. Papers were strewn all over the place. The mattress had been sliced open with some kind of sharp object. They searched through the wreckage, hoping to find a clue as to what had happened. When Jackson handed her Lana’s pentacle, Lyssa saw the blood staining it.

  “Lana would never have left this behind.”

  “Unless….” Jackson never finished his sentence.

  “It’s a warning.” Now that the daylight was fading around them, a frozen air started to form around them. “You feel that, right?”

  “It’s a trap.” Jackson grabbed onto her arm and led her to the closet. He shut the door behind them and put his hand to his mouth. He held up his wand and cast a quick invisibility spell that would mask their presence from sight. They stood there, waiting for whatever was lurking outside.

  “Where are they? Our lookout said they were here.” A tall man stood in the doorway. His shadow cast on the floor almost touched the base of the closet.

  “The Mole will not be pleased. According to the witch, the girl is a shadow walker.”

  Was he talking about Lana? Lyssa felt her heart race in her chest. She fought the urge to jump out of the closet and attack the men in the room. Clearly, they were part of the Craven.


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