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Axel: Desert Vultures MC (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 1

by Sara Crest

  Axel: Desert Vultures MC

  Sara Crest

  Curved Mountain Books



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  Author Note: PLEASE READ

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50


  Don’t Forget To Connect

  Sven’s Ride Preview

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Liked the preview of Sven’s Ride? Read the rest!

  Copyright © 2017 by Sara Crest and Curved Mountain Books

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  “Inmate 43829 please step forward… I said inmate 43829 please step forward.”

  I was moments away from being released and this bastard still had the damn gall to call me by my inmate number.

  “I’m about to be a free man, I’m not answering to that name anymore” I replied. The guard scowled at me as if I just offended him, he made eye contact with the guard behind me and nodded his head.

  The guard behind me took out his nightstick and put it underneath my jaw, raising my head until I was looking at the ceiling.

  “Don’t give us another excuse to hold you in here a few extra days, I know a couple of guards who are practically crying themselves to sleep knowing you’re walking out of here without them getting a chance to whoop your ass.”

  I hated prison guards, they acted tough while you were in chains but if you caught them alone in a hallway they’d practically beg you not to hurt them. Even in these chains I could have him on the ground in a second, I could make him regret even thinking about laying a hand on me.

  I stared at the final metal gate that stood between me and the outside world. I was so close to freedom that I decided to let this slide, it had been a long two years and I couldn’t take another day of this bullshit. I was itching to get back out there, to reconnect with Desert Vultures MC, to finish what I had started.

  I walked over to the guard that called me forward, placing my cuffed hands onto his desk as he took his key and began to uncuff me. I rubbed my sore wrists, they had me waiting in those things for hours, I should have been out of here this morning and it was already past noon.

  “You were incarcerated 757 days ago” the guard said reading my file. “The contents on your person included one wallet with an Arizona state driver’s license and $245 cash.”

  He took out a plastic bag and slid it over to me, I opened it up and pulled out my wallet, counting the money to make sure it was all there. Compared to what I had stashed back at my place it was chump change, always gotta have a safety net.

  The guard hit a red button on his desk and the rusty gate creaked opened, slamming against the wall and echoing throughout the hallway.

  “Welcome to the free world.”

  I looked at him and the other guard, I would remember their faces, I would remember the faces of everyone in here. They better pray to whatever god they believe in that they didn’t run into me on the outside.

  I walked through the iron gates and took a deep breath, stepping down that empty hallway as I got closer and closer to the outside world. With each step that echoed through the hall all I could think about were those bastards that put me in here; my very own club brother and the cop he sold me out to. The cop that put a bullet in me and my best friend Ezekiel, he hit me in the gut and I pulled through, Zeke wasn’t so lucky. Fucking pig was gonna pay for that.

  I was technically in jail on a drug possession charge, drugs that the cops planted on me to be the cherry on top to my arrest. I was arrested for one account of attempted murder, Zeke and I had tried to kill the man that we found were snitching on the brotherhood, police showed up just in time to put a bullet in each one of us. Personally I didn't want to kill that guy, I considered them my brother at one point, but if you cross the Desert Vultures then you have to pay the price.

  They didn’t have any evidence of our intentions, so I got off with nothing more than a bullet in my gut and the possession of the drugs they planted on me. I wish I could say the same for Zeke.

  I stepped out of the prison and felt the hot noon desert sun beating down on me. The gravel crunched underneath my feet as I walked through the final open fence.

  I was free.

  Across the dirt road a bright blue tarp was covering something, I recognized the shape of it immediately.

  I walked over and ripped the tarp off, revealing one of the first Harley’s I ever owned with a note taped to the body. I took the note off and recognized Wyatt’s handwriting immediately.

  “I figured a newly freed man like you deserved better than having me pick you up, I fixed up one of your old rides, if you’re gonna get your first taste of freedom in 2 years then you gotta do it right. Key is already in the ignition, knock yourself out. -Wyatt”

  I chuckled as I crumpled the paper up and tossed it aside.

  “You’re the man Wyatt” I said as I mounted my ride.

  I turned the key in the ignition and wasted no time in revving the engine. Feeling that baby purr underneath me was the best damn feeling I had in years.

  I hit the throttle and sped down tha
t old desert road, leaving the jail behind me as the wind hit my face that flowed through my hair. There was a lot for me to do, a lot of time I had to make up for, but tonight I would celebrate my freedom.



  It was a sight for sore eyes, the Double H bar, the old watering hole for any and all Desert Vulture members. I didn’t even stop home, I came straight here, hell this place was like a second home to me. It was on the outskirts of a dusty old small town called Los Aves, we had the whole town under our thumb but I had far bigger ambitions.

  Only Wyatt knew I got out today, I figured the first thing I should do is stop by and let everybody know that I was back. That their Vice President was back. I had nothing but time in prison to think, I knew where I wanted to take this club, I just had to make sure our President Clay on my side again.

  Even though it was late in the afternoon I could already hear people inside.

  I opened the door to see dozens of people and in a matter of seconds the whole room fell silent, some of the men there couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw me. I had heard rumors while I was inside that some of the club thought I was dead, some bullshit story about the guards getting fed up with me and shooting me down in my cell. I'm sure those guards dreamt about doing it every night.

  I saw someone making their way through the crowd, pushing past people until he finally stood in front of me. A tall yet clearly aging man with long gray hair going down to his shoulders, despite the heat he wore a denim jacket with a Desert Vulture patch proudly sewn into the breast pocket with “DVMC” embroidered on the lapel.

  “You look like shit” he said taking a sip of his beer as the entire crowd of people stood by and watched us.

  I smirked “only because I’ve been away from you for so long.”

  The old man smiled and tossed his beer bottle onto the floor, bringing me in for a hug and patting me on my back.

  “Good to see you Clay” I said as my club brothers came to me and began welcoming me home. “Is Wyatt around?”

  “What you can’t hang out with me for a little bit first?” he said chuckling. “He’s out at his garage but he’ll swing by soon.”

  A brother handed me a beer and I immediately put it to my lips, two years without a drink was rough but that beer put me in heaven after a long ride in the desert.

  “Our vice President is back! Drinks on me!” Clay yelled out causing the whole bar to cheer.

  “First thing we’re gonna do is get you good and drunk” Clay said smiling. “Then we’re gonna get you laid, that is if you still like girls, jail can change a man” he said joking.

  “You know damn well I would never swing that way” I said pushing him away laughing. Not gonna lie, a night with a pretty lady sounded phenomenal right now, and I knew that I could have any girl that I wanted at that bar, it was just that…

  I guess jail changes a man, yeah I wanted to feel a woman but after you spend time in the pen you want something a little more meaningful. A romp for one night wasn’t really for me anymore, I needed something a little more permanent.

  I downed my beer and Clay quickly handed me another.

  I’d have to give more thought about spending the night with a lady, but I definitely wasn’t going to protest getting a few more drinks in me.



  “That son of a bitch!”

  My hands were sweaty, I barely even knew what I was doing. All I knew was that I was gripping onto that steering wheel for dear life as I struggled to keep the car, his car, on the road.

  I had only driven a car once before in my life, it was something I wanted to forget. All I could remember was my punishment for doing it, it had taken me so long to fake my way to gaining his trust and it all went down the drain. I took the first opportunity I could and tried to steal his car and get away. That time I failed, that time I had to start all over, and because of it I had to take more precious time off of my life.

  Now I was free, well, mostly free.

  There was a beeping noise in the car that felt like a hole was being drilled into my skull, that bastard didn’t fill up his tank and now I was running on fumes.

  The car gave a loud sputter and suddenly I found myself riding on nothing but momentum.

  “No no no no NO! Come on! Please!”

  The car answered my cries with nothing but one final spurt as I came rolling to a complete stop.

  I got out of the car, it was 5 in the morning but the desert heat was already starting to rear its ugly head. I walked around to the front and kicked the bumper hard in my high heeled shoes, the shoes that he bought for me.

  No not “for me,” when I say it like that it sounds like a gift. He bought them to be a part of me, for me to be a part of the sick little fantasy that he wanted to fulfill. He wanted me to slip on those light purple shoes, throw on that pink frilly dress, and entertain him. He had waited so many months to get his fix, and he was so close too. That fucking asshole took everything from me.


  I screamed so loud that I almost threw out my voice, and just like every other time I had screamed nobody could hear me. I was practically screaming for the past year and a half and yet nobody was able to hear me. Now I was finally outside and it still didn’t matter.

  I took my high heels off and threw them as hard as I could into the desert, their purple tint stuck out in the tan and yellow sands. I would have taken that dress off too but I was completely naked underneath.

  I had no money, no clothes or real shoes, nobody knew where I was, and now I had no car. Thirst was already setting in, that bastard always withheld water from me to make sure I couldn’t run away and escape into the desert, I should have stopped to take a drink when I got out of there but I was too worried about blowing my chance to get out of there.

  I looked down both sides of the road. There was no way I was going back, I had nothing to go back to. I needed to keep going, but first I needed some money.

  I walked over to the passenger’s side of the car and opened the door, taking a deep sigh before reaching down and grabbing what was on the seat.

  It was a handgun, a fully loaded handgun, his fully loaded handgun.

  I liked to think that none of this was stealing, after everything that he did that bastard owed me.

  I had never used one of these things before, but then again I did a lot of things today that were new to me.

  I looked out down the road, I wasn’t getting my hopes up about a car passing by and giving me a ride. Even if a car did come by they'd see me in this dress and get the wrong idea. I was gonna have to walk it.

  So there I was. The hot road stinging my feet, sweaty palm gripping onto his gun, wearing a hot pink dress, face covered in shitty makeup and dried tears, and the weight of the past two years on my mind.

  I just hoped there was something at the end of this road.



  Just like almost every night I spent in jail my dreams ripped me out of my sleep.

  I let out a loud grunt as I tried to figure out where I was, looking around wildly as I waited for my eyes to focus. For a moment I believed that I was still back in my cell, back in that cramped piece of shit with the three men I shared it with. I took a deep breath and cleared my head, realizing that I was still in the Double H bar.

  My nails dug into the wood bar counter as I tried to shake the remaining thoughts about my dream. It was always the same one, the night when Zeke died. I’d always try as hard as I could to save him, thinking that maybe if I saved him in my dream I’d find peace, but even in my dream I’d fail.

  I felt a burning in my gut, right in the spot where the bullet hit me, I always felt that burn right after having that dream. I lifted up my shirt and looked at the scar, the scar that pierced right through a what used to be one of my favorite tattoos. It just reminded me about how temporary everything really was.

  I leaned over the bar and took an opened bottle of wate
r, pouring it into my hand and splashing it onto my face as I tried to wake myself up.

  “Can’t let this happen again” I said to myself as I stretched my sore neck. I looked around to see the bar completely empty, even at 5 in the morning that was a rarity, before my stint in Jail I had passed out here a few times before and normally I had a few other people here with me.

  The door opened, letting the sunlight in, at least this time my dream woke me up in during the day.

  I put my hand up to shield my eyes from the light, I couldn’t make out who it was but I assumed that it had to be Wyatt or Clay coming in to check on me, possibly even to make fun of me for choosing a bar counter over my bed that’s been calling my name for 2 years.

  “Jeez you assholes couldn’t have dragged me back home?” I said still trying to make out who it was.

  “Shut up!” I heard a female voice shakily cry out.

  The door closed, blocking the sunlight and letting me see who was standing in front of me.

  There standing only a few feet away from me was a girl, couldn’t have been older than 20. She was wearing a frilly pink dress and had sweat running down her body. She was barefoot and now standing in a puddle of spilled beer, in her hands she held a pistol pointed straight at me.

  This had to be some kind of joke.

  “What did you get dumped from the prom or something?” I asked jokingly. I looked at her up and down and began to really take her in. The more I looked at her the more I realized that this girl was drop dead gorgeous. Even through that weird getup that she had on I could see that she had an amazing body, accented by her curves that I’m sure would have looked stunning in a proper outfit. Sweat was rolling down her neck and cleavage, glistening in the little light that the bar windows let in.

  She had this delicate face, a face that looked innocent yet… in her eyes… deep in those emerald green eyes you could see that she had seen things that she wished she could forget. Maybe whatever she saw was the reason why she was standing here in front of me, pointing that hopefully fake gun right at my face.


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