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Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Series Books 16-20

Page 65

by Brenda Jackson

  “You will have an answer for me in four days, right, Bella?”

  “That’s my plan.”

  “Good. I’ll be back by the time you’re dressed and we can do breakfast with Dillon and Pam, and then I want to show you what I do for a living.”

  Before she could respond he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. “See you in an hour. And wear your riding attire.”

  She sucked in a deep breath and watched as he walked off the porch to his truck to drive away. The man was definitely something else. She cast a quick glance to where Riley sat in his own truck sipping a cup of coffee. There was no doubt in her mind Riley had seen his brother kiss her, and she could only imagine what he was thinking.

  Deciding the least she could do was invite him in, she called out to him. “You’re welcome to come inside, Riley,” she said, smiling broadly at him.

  The smile he returned was just as expansive as he leaned his head slightly out the truck’s window and said, “Thanks, but Jason warned me not to. I’m fine.”

  Jason warned him not to? Of course he was just joking, although he looked dead serious.

  Instead of questioning him about it, she nodded, closed the door and headed back upstairs. As she entered her bedroom she couldn’t ignore the excitement she felt about riding with Jason and checking out his horse training business.

  * * *

  Jason had grabbed his Stetson off the rack and was about to head out the door when his cell phone rang. He pulled it off his belt and saw it was Dillon.

  “Yes, Dil?”

  “Pam wanted me to call and verify that you and Bella are coming for breakfast.”

  Jason smiled. “Yes, we’ll be there. In fact I’m about to saddle up one of the mares. I thought we’d ride over on horseback. We can enjoy the sights along the way.”

  “That’s a good idea. Everything’s okay at her place?”

  “Yes, so far so good. The sheriff has increased the patrols around Bella’s house and I appreciate it. Thank him the next time the two of you shoot pool together.”

  Dillon chuckled. “I will. And just so you know, I like Bella. She has a lot of class.”

  Jason smiled. That meant a lot coming from his older brother. While growing up he’d always thought Dillon was smart with a good head on his shoulders. Jason’s admiration increased when Dillon had worked hard to keep the family together.

  “And thanks, Dillon.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you. For being there when all of us needed you to be. For doing what you knew Mom and Dad, as well as Uncle Thomas and Aunt Susan would have wanted you to do.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Jason.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Dillon didn’t say anything for a moment. “Then you’re welcome. Now don’t keep us waiting with Bella. We won’t start breakfast until the two of you get here. At least all of us except Denver. He wakes up hungry. Pam has fed him already,” Dillon said.

  Jason couldn’t help but smile, and not for the first time, as he thought of one day having a son of his own. Being around Denver had the tendency to put such thoughts into his head. He enjoyed his nephew immensely.

  “We’ll get there in good time, I promise,” he said before clicking off the phone.

  * * *

  Bella glanced down at her riding attire and smiled. She wanted to be ready when Jason returned.

  Grabbing her hat off the rack she placed it on her head and opened the door to step outside on the porch. Riley had gotten out of the truck and was leaning against it. He glanced over at her and smiled.

  “Ready to go riding I see,” he said.

  “Yes, Jason told me to be ready. We’re having breakfast with Dillon and Pam.”

  “Yes, I had planned to have breakfast with them as well but I have a meeting at the office.”

  Bella nodded. “You enjoy working inside?”

  Riley chuckled. “Yes, I’ll leave the horses, dirt and grime to Jason. He’s always liked being outdoors. When he worked at Blue Ridge I knew it was just a matter of time before wanderlust got ahold of him. He’s good with horses, so are Zane and Derringer. Joining in with the Montana Westmorelands in that horse business was great for them.”

  Bella nodded again. “So exactly what do you do at Blue Ridge?”

  “Mmm, a little bit of everything. I like to think of myself as Dillon’s right-hand man. But my main job is PR. I have to make sure Blue Ridge keeps a stellar image.”

  Bella continued to engage in conversation with Riley while thinking he was another kind Westmoreland man. It seemed that all of them were. But she’d heard Bailey remark more than once that Riley was also a ladies’ man, and she could definitely believe that. Like Jason, he was handsome to a fault.

  “So, Riley, when will you settle down and get married?” she asked him, just to see what his response would be.

  “Married? Me? Never. I like things just the way they are. I am definitely not the marrying kind.”

  Bella smiled, wondering if Jason wasn’t the marrying kind, as well, although he’d given a marriage proposal to her. Did he want joint ownership of her land and Hercules that much? Evidently so.

  * * *

  Jason smiled as he headed back to Bella’s ranch with a horse he knew she would love riding. Fancy Free was an even tempered mare. In the distance, he could see Bella was standing on the porch waiting for him. He would discount the fact that she seemed to be having an enjoyable conversation with Riley, who seemed to be flirting with her.

  He ignored the signs of jealousy seeping into his bones. Riley was his brother and if you couldn’t trust your own brother who could you trust? A lightbulb suddenly went off in his head. Hell. Had Abel assumed the same thing about Cain?

  He tightened his hands on his horse and increased his pace to a gallop. What was Riley saying to Bella to make her laugh so much anyway? Riley was becoming a regular ladies’ man around town. It seemed he was trying to keep up with Zane in that aspect. Jason had always thought Riley’s playboy ways were amusing. Until now.

  Moments later he brought his horse to a stop by the edge of Bella’s porch. He tilted his Stetson back on his head so it wouldn’t shield his eyes. “Excuse me if I’m interrupting anything.”

  Riley had the nerve to grin up at him. “No problem but you’re twenty minutes late. You better be glad I enjoy Bella’s company.”

  Jason frowned at his brother. “I can tell.”

  His gaze then shifted to Bella. She looked beautiful standing there in a pair of riding breeches that fitted her body to perfection, a white shirt and a pair of riding boots. She didn’t just look beautiful, she looked hot as sin and a side glance at Riley told him that his brother was enjoying the view as much as he was.

  “Don’t you need to be on your way to work, Riley?”

  His brother gave him another grin. “I guess so. Call if you need me as Bella’s bodyguard again.” He then got into his truck and pulled off.

  Jason watched him leave before turning his full attention back to Bella. “Ready to go riding, sweetheart?”

  * * *

  As Bella rode with Jason she tried concentrating on the sheer beauty of the rustic countryside instead of the sexiness of the man in the saddle beside her. He was riding Hercules and she could tell he was an expert horseman. And she could tell why he wanted to own the stallion. It was as if he and the horse had a personal relationship. It was evident Hercules had been glad to see him. Whereas the stallion had been like putty in Jason’s hands the horse had given the others grief in trying to handle him. Even now the two seemed in sync.

  This was beautiful countryside and the first time she’d seen it. She was stunned by its beauty. The mare he’d chosen for her had come from his stable and was the one he’d rode over to her place. She liked how easily she and the horse were able to take the slopes that stretched out into valleys. The landscape looked majestic with the mountains in the distance.

  First they rode over to Dillon and Pam’s fo
r breakfast. She had fallen in love with the Westmoreland Estate the first time she had seen it. The huge Victorian style home with a wide circular driveway sat on three hundred acres of land. Jason had told her on the ride over that as the oldest cousin, Dillon had inherited the family home. It was where most of the family seemed to congregate the majority of the time.

  She had met Pam’s three younger sisters the other night at dinner and enjoyed their company again around the breakfast table. Everyone asked questions about the rock throwing incident and Dillon, who knew the sheriff personally, felt the person or persons responsible would eventually get caught.

  After breakfast they were in the saddle again. Jason and Bella rode to Zane’s place. She was given a front row seat and watched as Zane, Derringer and Jason exercised several of the horses. Jason had explained some of the horses needed both aerobic and anaerobic training, and that so many hours each day were spent on that task. She could tell that it took a lot of skill as well as experience for any trainer to be successful and achieve the goals they wanted for the horses they trained.

  At noon Lucia arrived with box lunches for everyone and Bella couldn’t help noticing how much the newlyweds were still into each other. She knew if she decided to marry Jason they would not share the type of marriage Derringer and Lucia did since their union would be more of a business arrangement than anything else. But it was so obvious to anyone around Derringer and Lucia they were madly in love with each other.

  Later that day they had dinner with Ramsey and Chloe and enjoyed the time they spent with the couple immensely. Over dinner Ramsey provided tidbits about sheep ranching and how he’d made the decision to move from being a businessman to operating a sheep ranch.

  The sun was going down when she and Jason mounted their horses to return to her ranch. It had been a full day of activities and she had learned a lot about both the horse training business and sheep ranching.

  She glanced over at Jason. He hadn’t said a whole lot since they’d left his brother’s ranch and she couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking. She also couldn’t help wondering if he intended to sleep in his truck again tonight.

  “I feel like a freeloader today,” she said to break the silence between them.

  He glanced over at her. “Why?”

  “Your family fed me breakfast, lunch and dinner today.”

  He smiled. “They like you.”

  “And I like them.”

  She truly did. One of the benefits of accepting Jason’s proposal would be his family. But what would happen after the year was up and she’d gotten attached to them? Considered herself part of the family?

  They had cleared his land and were riding on her property when up ahead in the distance they saw what appeared to be a huge fiery red ball filled with smoke. They both realized at the same time what it was.


  And it was coming from the direction of her ranch.


  Bella stood in what used to be the middle of her living room, glanced around and fought the tears stinging her eyes. More than half of her home was gone, destroyed by the fire. And according to the fire marshal it had been deliberately set. If it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of her men who begun using water hoses to douse the flames, the entire ranch house would have gone up in smoke.

  Her heart felt heavy. Oppressed. Broken. All she’d wanted when she had left Savannah was to start a new life here. But it seemed that was not going to happen. Someone wanted her gone. Who wanted her land that much?

  She felt a touch to her arm and without looking up she knew it was Jason. Her body would recognize his touch anywhere. He had been by her side the entire time and watched as portions of her house went up in flames. And he had held her when she couldn’t watch any longer and buried her face in his chest and clung to him. At that moment he had become the one thing that was unshakable in a world that was falling down all around her; intentionally being destroyed by someone who was determined to steal her happiness and joy. And he had held her and whispered over and over that everything was going to be all right. And she had tried to believe him and had managed to draw strength from him.

  His family had arrived and had given their support as well and had let the authorities know they wanted answers and wanted the person or persons responsible brought to justice. Already they were talking about helping her rebuild and like Jason had done, assured her that everything would be all right.

  Sheriff Harper had questioned her, making inquiries similar to the ones Pete had yesterday when the rock had been thrown through her living room window. Did she know of anyone who wanted her out of Denver? Whoever was responsible was determined to get their message through to her loud and clear.


  She glanced up and met Jason’s gaze. “Yes?”

  “Come on, let’s go. There’s nothing more we can do here tonight.”

  She shuddered miserably and the lungs holding back her sob constricted. “Go? Go where, Jason? Look around you. I no longer have a home.”

  She couldn’t stop the single tear that fell from her eyes. Instead of responding to what she’d said Jason brushed the tear away with the pad of his thumb before entwining his fingers in hers. He then led her away toward the barn for a moment of privacy. It was then that he turned her to face him, sweeping the curls back from her face. He fixed her with a gaze that stirred everything inside of her.

  “As long as I have a home, Bella, you do, too.”

  He then drew in a deep breath. “Don’t let whoever did this win. This is land that your grandfather gave you and you have every right to be here if that’s what you want. Don’t let anyone run you off your land,” Jason said in a husky whisper.

  She heard his words, she felt his plea, but like she’d told him, she no longer had a home now. She didn’t want to depend on others, become their charity case. “But what can I do, Jason? It takes money to rebuild and thanks to my parents, my trust fund is on hold.” She paused and then with sagging shoulders added, “I don’t have anything now. The ranch was insured, but it will take time to rebuild.”

  “You have me, Bella. My proposal still stands and now more than ever you should consider taking it. A marriage between us means that we’ll both get what we want and will show the person who did this that you aren’t going anywhere. It will show them they didn’t win after all and sooner or later they will get caught. And even if it happens to be a member of your family, I’m going to make sure they pay for doing this.”

  Jason lowered his gaze to the ground for a moment and then returned it to her. “I am worse than mad right now, Bella, I’m so full of rage I could actually hurt someone for doing this to you. Whoever is behind this probably thought you were inside the house. What if you had been? What if you hadn’t spent the day with me?”

  Bella took a deep breath. Those were more “what ifs” she didn’t want to think about or consider. The only thing she wanted to think about right now was the proposal; the one Jason had offered and still wanted her to take. And she decided at that very moment that she would.

  She would take her chances on what might or might not happen within that year. She would be the best wife possible and hopefully in a year’s time even if he wanted a divorce they could still be friends.

  “So what about it, Bella? Will you show whoever did this today that you are a fighter and not a quitter and that you will keep what’s yours? Will you marry me so we can do that together?”

  She held his gaze, exhaled deeply. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Jason.”

  She thought the smile that touched his lips was priceless and she had to inwardly remind herself he wasn’t happy because he was marrying her but because marrying her meant he would co-own her land and get full possession of Hercules. And in marrying him she would get her trust fund back and send a message to whomever was behind the threats to her that they were wasting their time and she wasn’t going anywhere.

  He leaned down, brushed a kiss across her lips and
tightened his hold on her hand. “Come on. Let’s go tell the family our good news.”

  * * *

  If Jason’s brothers and cousins were surprised by their announcement they didn’t let on. Probably because they were too busy congratulating them and then making wedding plans.

  She and Jason had decided the true nature of their marriage was between them. They planned to keep it that way. The Westmorelands didn’t so much as bat an eye when Jason further announced they would be getting married as soon as possible. Tomorrow in fact. He assured everyone they could plan a huge reception for later.

  Bella decided to contact her parents after the wedding tomorrow. A judge who was a friend of the Westmorelands was given a call and he immediately agreed to perform the civil ceremony in his chambers around three in the afternoon. Dillon and Ramsey suggested the family celebrate the nuptials by joining them for dinner after the ceremony at a restaurant downtown.

  The honeymoon would come later. For now they would spend the night at a hotel downtown. With so many things to do to prepare for tomorrow, Bella was able to put the fire behind her and she actually looked forward to her wedding day. She was also able to put out of her mind the reason they were marrying in the first place. Dillon and Pam invited her to spend the night in their home, and she accepted their invitation.

  “Come walk me out to my truck,” Jason whispered, taking her hand in his.

  “All right.”

  When they got to where his truck was parked, he placed her against it and leaned over and kissed her in a deep, drugging kiss. When he released her lips he whispered, “You can come home with me tonight, you know.”

  Yes, she knew but then she also knew if she did so, they would consummate a wedding that was yet to take place. She wanted to do things in the right order. The way she’d always dreamed of doing them when she read all those romance novels.

  “Yes, I know but I’ll be fine staying with Dillon and Pam tonight. Tomorrow will be here before you know it.” She then paused and looked up at him, searched his gaze. “And you think we’re doing the right thing, Jason?”


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