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Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Series Books 16-20

Page 70

by Brenda Jackson

* * *

  Jason wasn’t sure where they needed to begin but he did know they needed to begin somewhere.

  “I was about to have a cup of tea. Would you like a cup, as well?”

  He wondered if she recalled those were the exact words she had spoken to him that first time she had invited him inside her house. They were words he still remembered to this day. And from the trace of amusement that touched her lips, he knew that she had recalled them.

  “Yes, I’d love a cup. Thank you,” she said, sitting down at the table, unintentionally flashing a bit of thigh.

  He stepped back and quickly moved to the counter, trying to fight for control and to not remember this is the woman whom he’d given her first orgasm, the woman who’d awakened him one morning with her mouth on him, the first woman he’d had unprotected sex with, the only woman he’d wanted to shoot his release inside of, but more than anything, this was the woman he loved so very much.

  Moments later when he turned back to her with cups of tea in his hands, he could tell she was nervous, was probably wondering what he wanted to talk about and was hoping he would hurry and get it over with.

  “So, how was your day today?” he asked, sitting across from her at the table.

  She shrugged those delicate shoulders he liked running his tongue over. She looked so sinfully sexy in the sundress she was wearing. “It was nice. I spent a lot of it at the children’s hospital. Today was ‘read-a-story’ day and I entertained a bunch of them. I had so much fun.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “I also ran into Uncle Kenneth’s daughter, Elyse.”

  “The mother of the twins, right?”


  “And how did that go?” Jason asked.

  “Better than I expected. Unlike Uncle Kenneth, she’s not holding me responsible for what happened to her sons. She says they were getting out of hand anyway and is hoping the two years will teach them discipline,” Bella said.

  “We can all hope for that” was Jason’s response.

  “Yes, but in a way I feel sorry for her. I can only imagine how things were for her having Kenneth for a father. My dad wouldn’t get a ‘Father of the Year’ trophy, either, but at least I had friends I met at all those schools they shipped me off to. It never bothered me when I didn’t go home for the holidays. It helped when I went home with friends and saw how parents were supposed to act. Not as business partners but as human beings.”

  Bella realized after she’d said it that in a way Jason was her business partner, but she’d never thought of him that way. From the time he’d slipped a ring on her finger she had thought of him as her husband—for better or worse.

  The kitchen got silent as they sipped tea.

  “So what do you want to talk about, Jason?”

  Good question, Jason thought. “I want to talk about us.”

  He saw her swallow. “Us?”

  “Yes, us. Lately, I haven’t been feeling an ‘us’ and I want to ask you a question.”

  She glanced over at him. “What?”

  “Do you not want to be married to me anymore?”

  She broke eye contact with him to study the pattern design on her teacup. “What gave you that idea?”

  “Want a list?”

  She shot her gaze back to him. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”

  “Is that what this is about, Bella, me not noticing you, giving you attention?”

  She quickly shook her head. Heaven help her or him if he were to notice her any more or give her more attention than she was already getting. To say Jason Westmoreland was all into her was an understatement. Unfortunately he was all into her, literally. And all for the wrong reasons. Sex was great but it couldn’t hold a marriage together. It couldn’t replace love no matter how many orgasms you had a night.


  “No, that’s not it,” she said, nervously biting her bottom lip.

  “Then what is it, sweetheart? What do you need that I’m not giving you? What can I do to make you happy? I need to know because your leaving me is not an option. I love you too much to let you go.”

  The teacup froze midway to her lips. She stared over at him in shock. “What did you just say?”

  “A number of things. Do I need to repeat it all?”

  She shook her head, putting her cup down. “No, just the last part.”

  “About me loving you?”


  “I said I loved you too much to let you go. Lately you’ve been reminding me about the year I mentioned in my proposal, but there isn’t a year time frame, Bella. I threw that in as an adjustment period to not scare you off. I never intended to end things between us.”

  He saw the single tear flow from her eyes. “You didn’t?”

  “No. I love you too much to let you go. There, I’ve said it again and I will keep saying it until you finally hear it. Believe it. Accept it.”

  “I didn’t know you loved me, Jason. I love you, too. I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you at your family’s charity ball.”

  “And that’s when I believe I fell in love with you, as well,” he said, pushing the chair back to get up from the table. “I knew there was a reason every time we touched a part of my soul would stir, my heart would melt and my desire for you would increase.”

  “I thought it was all about sex.”

  “No. I believe the reason the sex between us was so good, so damn hot, was that it was fueled by love of the most intense kind. More than once I wanted to tell you I loved you but I wasn’t sure you were ready to hear it. I didn’t want to run you off.”

  “And knowing you loved me is what I needed to hear,” she said, standing. “I’ve never thought I could be loved and I wanted so much for you to love me.”

  “Sweetheart, I do. I love every single thing about you.”

  “Oh, Jason.”

  She went to him and was immediately swept up into his arms, held tight. And when he lowered his head to kiss her, her mouth was ready, willing and hungry. That was evident in the way her tongue mated with his with such intensity.

  Moments later he pulled back and swept her off her feet and into his arms then walked out of the kitchen.

  * * *

  Somehow they made it upstairs to the bedroom. And there in the middle of the room, he kissed Bella again with a hunger that she greedily returned. He finally released her mouth to draw in a deep breath, but before she could draw in one of her own, he flipped her dress up to her waist and was pulling a pair of wet panties down her thighs. She barely had time to react before he moved to her hips to bury his head between her legs.


  She came the moment his tongue whipped inside of her and began stroking her labia, but she quickly saw that wouldn’t be enough for him. He sharpened the tip of his tongue and literally stabbed deep inside of her and proceeded to lick circles around her clitoris before drawing it in between his lips.

  Her eyes fluttered closed as he then began suckling her senseless as desire, more potent than any she’d ever felt, started consuming her, racing through every part of her body and pushing her toward a orgasm.


  And he still didn’t let up. She reached for him but couldn’t get a firm hold as his tongue began thrusting inside her again. His tongue, she thought, should be patented with a warning sign. Whenever he parted this life it should be donated to the Smithsonian.

  And when she came yet again, he spread her thighs wide to lap her up. She moaned deep in her throat as his tongue and lips made a plaything of her clitoris, driving her demented, crazy with lust, when sensations after earth-shattering sensations rammed through her.

  And then suddenly he pulled back and through glazed eyes she watched as he stood and quickly undressed himself and then proceeded to undress her, as well. Her gaze went to his erection.

  Without further ado, he carried her over to the bed, placed her on her back, slid over her and settled between her legs and aim
ed his shaft straight toward the damp folds of her labia.

  “Yes!” she almost screamed out, and then she felt him, pushing inside her, desperate to be joined with her.

  He stopped moving. Dropped his head down near hers and said in a sensual growl, “No condom tonight.”

  Bella gazed up at him. “No condom tonight or any other night for a while,” she whispered. “I’ll tell you why later. It’s something I planned to tell you tonight anyway.” And before she could dwell too much on just what she had to tell him, he began thrusting inside of her.

  And when he pushed all the way to the hilt she gasped for breath at the fullness of having him buried so deep inside her. Her muscles clung to him, she was holding him tight and she began massaging him, milking his shaft for everything she had and thought she could get, while thinking a week had been too long.

  He widened her legs farther with his hands and lifted her hips to drive deeper still and she almost cried when he began a steady thrusting inside of her, with relentless precision. This was the kind of ecstasy she’d missed. She hadn’t known such degrees of pleasure existed until him and when he lifted her legs onto his shoulders while thrusting back and forth inside her, their gazes met through dazed lashes.

  “Come for me, baby,” he whispered. “Come for me now.”

  Her body complied and began to shudder in a climax so gigantic she felt the house shaking. She screamed. There was no way she could not, and when he began coming inside her, his hot release thickened by the intensity of their lovemaking, she could only cry out as she was swept away yet again.

  And then he leaned up and kissed her, but not before whispering that he loved her and that he planned to spend the rest of his life making her happy, making her feel loved. And she believed him.

  With all the strength she could muster, she leaned up to meet him.

  “And I love you so very much, too.”

  And she meant it.

  “Why don’t I have to wear a condom for a while?” Jason asked moments later with her entwined in his arms, their limbs tangled as they enjoyed the aftermath of their lovemaking together. He knew the reason, but he wanted her to confirm it.

  She lifted her head slightly, met his gaze and whispered, “I’m having your baby.”

  Her announcement did something to him. Being given confirmation that a life they had created together was growing inside her made him shudder. He knew she was waiting for him to say something.

  He planned to show her he had taken it well. She needed to know just how happy her announcement had made him. “Knowing that you are pregnant with my child, Bella, is the greatest gift I could ever hope to receive.”

  “Oh, Jason.”

  And then she was there, closer into his arms with her arms wrapped around his neck. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be happy.”

  “You were afraid for nothing. I am ecstatic, overjoyed at the prospect of being a father. Thank you for everything you’ve done, all the happiness you’ve brought me.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s I who needs to thank you for sharing your family with me, for giving me your support when my own family tried to break me down. And for loving me.”

  And then she leaned toward his lips and he gave her what she wanted, what he wanted. He knew at that moment the proposal had worked. It had brought them together in a way they thought wasn’t possible. And he would always appreciate and be forever thankful that Bella had come into his life.

  * * *

  Two days later the Westmorelands met at Dillon’s for breakfast to celebrate. It seemed everyone had announcements to make and Dillon felt it was best that they were all made at the same time so they could all rejoice and celebrate.

  First Dillon announced he’d received word from Bane that he would be graduating from the naval academy in a few months with honors. Dillon almost choked up when he’d said it, which let everyone know the magnitude of Bane’s accomplishments in the eyes of his family. They knew Bane’s first year in the navy had been hard since he hadn’t known the meaning of discipline. But he’d finally straightened up and had dreams of becoming a SEAL. He’d worked hard and found favor with one of the high-ranking chief petty officers who’d recognized his potential and recommended him for the academy.

  Zane then announced that Hercules had done his duty and had impregnated Silver Fly and everyone could only anticipate the beauty of the foal she would one day deliver.

  Ramsey followed and said he’d received word from Storm Westmoreland that his wife, Jayla, was expecting and so were Durango and his wife, Savannah. Reggie and Libby’s twins were now crawling all over the place. And then with a huge smile on his face Ramsey announced that he and Chloe were having another baby. That sent out loud cheers and it seemed the loudest had come from Chloe’s father, Senator Jamison Burton of Florida, who along with Chloe’s stepmother, had arrived the day before to visit with his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.

  Everyone got quiet when Jason stood to announce that he and Bella would be having a baby in the spring, as well. Bella’s eyes were glued to Jason as he spoke and she could feel the love radiating from his every word.

  “Bella and I are converting her grandfather’s ranch into a guest house and combining our lands for our future children to enjoy one day,” he ended by saying.

  “Does that mean the two of you want more than one child?” Zane asked with a sly chuckle.

  Jason glanced over at Bella. “Yes, I want as many children as my wife wants to give me. We can handle it, can’t we, sweetheart?”

  Bella smiled. “Yes, we can handle it.” And they would because what had started out as a proposal had ended up being a whole lot more and she was filled with overflowing joy at how Jason and his family had enriched her life.

  He reached out his hand to her and she took it. Hers felt comforting in his and she could only be thankful for her Westmoreland man.


  “When I first heard you’d gotten married I wondered about the quickness of it, Jason, but after meeting Bella I understand why,” Micah said to his brother. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” Jason smiled as he glanced around the huge guest house on his and Bella’s property. The weather had cooperated and the construction workers had been able to transform what had once been a ranch house into a huge fifteen room guest house for family, friends and business associates of the Westmorelands. Combining the old with the new, the builder and his crew had done a fantastic job and Jason and Bella couldn’t be more pleased.

  He glanced across the way and saw Dillon was talking to Bane who’d surprised everyone by showing up. It was the first time he’d returned home since he had left nearly three years ago. Jason had gotten the chance to have a long conversation with his youngest brother. He was not the bad-assed kid of yesteryears but standing beside Dillon in his naval officer’s uniform, the family couldn’t be more proud of the man he had become. But there still was that pain behind the sharpness of Bane’s eyes. Although he hadn’t mentioned Crystal’s name, everyone in the family knew the young woman who’d been Bane’s first love, his fixation probably since puberty, was still in his thoughts and probably had a permanent place in his heart. He could only imagine the conversation Dillon was having with Bane since they both had intense expressions on their faces.

  “So you’ve not given up on Crystal?” Dillon asked his youngest brother.

  Bane shook his head. “No. A man can never give up on the woman he loves. She’s in my blood and I believe that no matter where she is, I’m in hers.” Bane paused a moment. “But that’s the crux of my problem. I have no idea where she is.”

  Bane then studied Dillon’s features. “And you’re sure that you don’t?”

  Dillon inhaled deeply. “Yes, I’m being honest with you, Bane. When the Newsomes moved away they didn’t leave anyone a forwarding address. I just think they wanted to put as much distance between you and them as possible. But I’ll still go on record and say that I think the time apa
rt for you and Crystal was a good thing. She was young and so were you. The two of you were headed for trouble and both of you needed to grow up. I am proud of the man you’ve become.”

  “Thanks, but one day when I have a lot of time I’m going to find her, Dillon, and nobody, her parents or anyone, will keep me from claiming what’s mine.”

  Dillon saw the intense look in Bane’s face and only hoped that wherever Crystal Newsome was that she loved Bane just as much as Bane still loved her.

  * * *

  Jason glanced over at Bella who was talking to her parents. The Bostwicks had surprised everyone by flying in for the reception. So far they’d been on their good behavior, probably because they were still in awe by the fact that Jason was related to Thorn Westmoreland—racing legend; Stone Westmoreland—aka Rock Mason, New York Times bestselling author; Jared Westmoreland, whose reputation as a divorce attorney was renowned; Senator Reggie Westmoreland, and that Dillon was the CEO of Blue Ridge. Hell, they were even speechless when they learned there was even a sheikh in the family.

  He saw that Bella was pretending to hang on to her parents’ every word. He had discovered she knew how to handle them and refused to let them treat her like a child. He hadn’t had to step in once to put them in their place. Bella had managed to do that rather nicely on her own. They had opted to stay at a hotel in town, which had been fine with both him and Bella. There was only so much of her parents that either of them could take.

  He inwardly smiled as he studied Bella’s features and could tell she was ready to be rescued. “Excuse me a minute, Micah, I need to go claim my wife for a second.” Jason moved across the yard to her and as if she felt his impending presence, she glanced his way and smiled. She then excused herself from her parents and headed to meet him.

  The dress she was wearing was beautiful and the style hid the little pooch of her stomach. The doctor had warned them that because of the way her stomach was growing they shouldn’t be surprised if she was having twins. It would be a couple of months before they knew for sure.

  “Do you want to go somewhere for tea…and me,” Jason leaned over to whisper close to her ear.


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