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Lady Julia Grey Bundle

Page 78


  It was a compendium of Egyptian hieroglyphics, and rather an advanced one from the look of it. Miss Allenby smiled. "My sister is a devotee of Egyptian history," she explained. "It is not a very ladylike pastime, but so long as she does not read her books in front of Mama, no one troubles her."

  "Indeed," Portia remarked kindly, "Julia's literary tastes are far more shocking, I assure you."

  I pulled a face at her, but Miss Allenby said nothing. She was already moving to the fireplace where a fire had been laid in the cold hearth. A warming pan was procured, and Morag heaped it with coals from the kitchen fire and thrust it between the sheets. Within minutes clouds of steam were billowing from the bed, and Miss Allenby had the grace to look abashed.

  "It is difficult to air things properly. It can be rather damp on the moor," she murmured. She left us then, and it was just as well. I would have hated a stranger to hear the imprecations uttered by Morag when she inspected the tiny adjoining room and realised she would have to share with Minna.

  "Do be quiet, Morag," I instructed. "I am far too tired to listen to you tonight. Finish the unpacking and I promise you may abuse me as long as you like in the morning."

  She yanked a gown from my trunk and spun slowly on her heel, surveying the near-empty room. "And where do you suggest I unpack to, my lady?"

  I sighed. "Very well, I take your point. Not so much as a peg to hang a hat upon. Just fling me my nightdress and go to bed. We will sort it out in the morning."

  She snorted and did as she was bid, banging the connecting door to register her displeasure. Minna had already retired, having done twice the work in half the time, and Portia and I were left alone. We made our preparations hastily and scrambled into bed.

  "It reminds me of the Great Bed of Ware," Portia observed in ominous tones.

  "Not quite so large, but certainly as forbidding," I agreed. "At least the bed curtains are still in evidence. We should freeze otherwise."

  She looked around the room, shaking her head slowly. "Steaming beds, no paraffin lamps, and I do not like to look under the bed to make certain, but I believe that is a chamber pot."

  "Do not speak of it, I beg you," I said faintly.

  We stared at each other a long moment. "It is like something out of the Middle Ages. I had no idea people actually lived like this anymore."

  "Hush," I warned. "I should not like Miss Allenby to hear you. She has been most hospitable. Clearly, their means are reduced. I am certain it is not their fault."

  She pressed her lips together. "Just because they are in res angusta doesn't mean the rest of us have to endure it."

  There was no possible reply to that, so I did not attempt one. Portia blew out the candle and I drew the bed curtains, shutting out the pale, tattered remnants of moonlight. We huddled together for warmth, careful to keep our toes well clear of the steaming bed warmer.

  "Are you going to tell me what he said?" my sister whispered into the darkness.

  "No. But we are staying."

  "For how long?"

  "I cannot say. As long as he needs me, I suppose. Or until I grow tired of bashing my head against the wall."

  She reached out and took my hand, saying nothing. We had not slept in the same bed since we were children, and I had forgot what a comfort it could be to have a hand to hold in the dark. Just as I was dropping off to sleep I heard a door close nearby, and female voices—one raised in impatience, the other low and soothing. Ailith was telling her sister of the new arrivals, I surmised. At length they quieted, and I heard nothing more.

  The next morning I rose early, feeling better than I had since I had left London. True, Brisbane was bedevilled, and the accommodations were far from comfortable, but the sun was shining, Brisbane had not sent me away, and I had slept surprisingly well. I woke feeling rested and a little stiff from the chill of the room. Portia slept on and I slipped through the curtains, careful not to rouse her. The fire had died, but sunlight was streaming through the window. I pushed it open, breathing in great gusts of fresh moorland air. The moor stretched as far as the eye could see, green and brown, and purpled with heather in a few brave patches. There were dark shadows where the bogs lurked, but the moor had lost the sinister feeling of the previous night. Tufts of grasses spotted with tiny flowers rippled like waves, beckoning me out of doors, and I longed to explore. But first there was breakfast, and I was happily anticipating a hearty meal—my first proper sustenance since we had left London.

  The hygienic arrangements were primitive at best. I daubed a bit of cold water about my person and dressed in a warm costume of soft tweeds edged in crimson braid. The skirt was full enough to make walking easy, and there was a divine little pair of low-heeled kid boots—just the thing for scrambling over the moor, I thought. I felt very smart as I descended to breakfast, following the delectable smells to the kitchen. Mrs. Butters was bustling from stove to table, bearing bowls of porridge and hot stewed fruits, racks of toast, and plates of hot, crispy sausages. Behind her scuttled a fey little creature, barely as tall as Mrs. Butters, with an untidy nest of black hair and wide, childlike black eyes. She took one look at me and scurried to the corner where she sat on a tiny stool, peeping over the corner of her apron.

  Mrs. Butters leaned close, pitching her voice low. "Pay her no mind, my lady. Tha's Jetty, tha is. She's a halfwit, but a harder worker or a quicker hand you'll never find. Her father is a farmer over Lesser Howlett way. She comes to do the rough. She'll not speak to you, not at first. I pray you'll not take offence, for she means none. She's tha afraid of strangers, she is. But she is blessed in her own way, for the Lord does tell us that the meek shall inherit the earth," she finished firmly.

  "Certainly, Mrs. Butters." I glanced at the quivering girl, still staring over the edge of her apron. I gave her a small smile, but she merely threw the apron over her head entirely. I surrendered my efforts to encourage Jetty and turned my attention to breakfast.

  "How delicious it all smells, Mrs. Butters," I offered.

  She smiled at me, wiping her hands on her apron. Dressed in a striped skirt and an old-fashioned cap, she looked like something out of a picture book. Her cheeks were flushed pink with the heat of the stove, and her little curls were tight from the steam.

  "I would offer thee coffee or tea, but we've only tea, so tha must do."

  "Tea is perfect, Mrs. Butters. Thank you."

  She motioned me to take a chair and I obeyed, charmed by the contrast between this humble kitchen breakfast and the elaborate morning meals I customarily took in London. The kitchen itself was tidy and well-organised, with a neat larder tucked to the side. Through the open door I could see row upon row of bottles, jewel-bright with fruits and vegetables put away against the winter. Although it was nearly spring, there was still a good supply of the previous year's harvest which spoke of good housewifery, in spite of the condition of the rest of the estate. It was a place to be proud of, and I wondered idly what the pantry in my London house had looked like before the place was burned down. It had never occurred to me to inspect it, and I made a mental note to be more diligent with my next home.

  Mrs. Butters brought a tray with pots of jam and little plates of butter, and a few other delights. "Thee'll be thinking this is very different from London."

  I reached for a piece of toast. "I begin to think you must have a touch of the witch about you, Mrs. Butters. I was indeed pondering that very thing."

  She gave a little start. "Say no such thing, my lady! Witches indeed, such a thing is not to be borne. Has tha not read the Bible?"

  I hastened to make amends. "It was simply a jest, Mrs. Butters," I soothed. "This jam is quite delicious. Did you make it yourself?"

  Her ruffled feathers settled themselves quickly. "No, bless you. Her ladyship always saw to her own stillroom. Comfits and preserves, a great one she was for those. Bottling fruits and mushrooms and brewing wines. Miss Ailith helps her with it, now she has grown frail. Ah, here is my lady."

  She nodded towa
rd the door where Ailith Allenby was following an elderly lady into the room. But Lady Allenby was unlike any elderly lady I had seen before. She was every inch as tall as her daughter, and even in old age her face bore traces of great beauty. She carried herself with the bearing of a queen, and I rose to my feet to greet her.

  "Lady Allenby, I am Lady Julia Grey."

  She smiled gravely as she approached the table. A single glance at her hands revealed why she had not offered one in greeting. They were gnarled like old vines with odd lumps and swellings, the marks of lingering rheumatism. There were lines etched by pain at her eyes, but those eyes were warm with welcome. "My dear, I am so pleased to make your acquaintance. Please sit. Do not allow your breakfast to get cold."

  Miss Allenby and I exchanged nods and innocuous remarks about the weather. She looked a little embarrassed as she accounted for her sister's absence.

  "Hilda is tending the chickens, and Godwin is out near Thorn Crag this morning. One of the rams has gone missing," she told me. She did not speak of Brisbane and I did not ask. I should see him soon enough, and I was buoyed by the thought that now I had ensconced myself at Grimsgrave Hall, I should have all the time in the world to settle matters between us. As far as Hilda was concerned, a girl who was more interested in her chickens than in visitors from London was not likely to offer much in the way of conversation, I mused. There would be plenty of opportunities yet to make her acquaintance.

  Lady Allenby settled herself into a chair as Ailith plumped a cushion behind her. "You must forgive us for clinging to the old customs here, my lady. We are not so fashionable as you southerners. Here we eat in the kitchen, and do our needlework and reading by the fire. We must have our economies," she added with a solemn sort of dignity. A lesser woman would have apologised for her poverty, but not Lady Allenby.

  I hastened to reassure her. "I am not fashionable in the least, I promise you, Lady Allenby. I do not dine with the Marlborough House set, and it is years since I went to Court."

  She shook her head at the mention of the Prince of Wales' companions. "Disgraceful. A pack of German upstart prince-lings. They are not of the old blood. Not like your family," she said approvingly. "I had a peek in Debrett's before you awoke. A fine old English family, yours is."

  I tried not to think of all the French and Irish scapegraces who had married into the Marches. "Yes, well, I suppose we have been here rather longer than some folk."

  Lady Allenby smiled benevolently. "And not as long as others. There have been Allenbys here since the time of Edward the Confessor."

  "Indeed? I shall be very interested to hear the history of this place."

  She gave me a gracious nod. "Whatever you should like to know, you have only to ask. Of course, it is not my place to show you the house. You are Mr. Brisbane's guest, and the honour will fall to him."

  It seemed an awkward patch in the conversation, and I hastened to smooth it over. "I am certain Mr. Brisbane cannot possibly do justice to its history compared to yourself, Lady Allenby."

  She inclined her head again, putting me greatly in mind of a queen granting a boon to a serf.

  "It is very nice for Mr. Brisbane to have visitors. One worries about the bachelors of the species, they are too often solitary creatures," Lady Allenby said with an effort at delicacy, I thought. Clearly she wondered about our presence, and I felt compelled to at least try to be forthright with her.

  "I am afraid the situation is not quite as we thought," I began cautiously. I was not entirely certain how much to reveal. I was deeply conscious of Ailith Allenby hovering nearby as she prepared her mother's plate. I had no desire to make my private affairs fodder for Allenby family gossip, but we were living cheek-by-jowl with them as it were, and it seemed silly to ignore the situation altogether.

  "My sister and I were rather precipitous. We thought that, as a bachelor, Brisbane was in need of some feminine assistance in ordering his household. We did not realise you and the Misses Allenby were in residence."

  Lady Allenby spread her hands. The joints were thick and swollen, but still elegant, and on her left hand she wore a thick band of gold, braided with baroque pearls and old-fashioned, lumpy rubies.

  "My dear lady, you must not think Ailith and I will be in your way, and Hilda is positively useless at domestic matters. We are simply guests of Mr. Brisbane's while he kindly oversees the refurbishment of one of the outbuildings for our use. He has been exceedingly generous to us. There was no provision under the terms of the sale of Grimsgrave Hall for my daughters or myself. What he does for us is solely out of his own sense of charity."

  As there seemed no possible response to this, I did not attempt one.

  While I finished my toast, I darted glances at Ailith, attempting to make out her character. I realised that in spite of her remarkable beauty, Ailith Allenby's life had likely not been an easy one. I felt ashamed of my first impulse to dislike her, and determined to make an effort to befriend her.

  I smiled at her briefly, then turned to her mother. "I do hope you are quite recovered, Lady Allenby. Miss Allenby told us last night you were suffering from a rheumatism."

  "The last year has been a trial," she said softly. "My rheumatism is grown much worse now. My hands, my hips. Some days I can scarcely rise from my bed. Still," she said forcefully, "we are given no trials over which we cannot triumph with the aid of the Divine." She touched the chain at her belt, and I realised it was a rosary. I suppressed a sigh. Between Lady Allenby's devoutness and Mrs. Butters' fondness for Holy Scripture, I feared I would find their company a trifle tedious. My father had once famously stated in Parliament that religion was as intimate as lovemaking and ought to be as private. The thought was not original to him, but it reflected his views quite accurately. While we had attended church, it was seldom with any true regularity, and God was seldom discussed in our family except in a very distant sort of way, rather like our cousins in Canada.

  Lady Allenby lifted a crooked hand to her daughter. "Ailith, dearest, I find I am in need of St. Hildegarde's ointment." Lady Allenby turned to me. "We are fortunate at Grimsgrave to have a Gypsy woman who lives in a cottage out on the moor. She is a skilful healer and a most interesting woman. Perhaps you would care to make her acquaintance?"

  "I will go this morning and fetch more ointment," Ailith said. "If Lady Julia would care to accompany me, she would be most welcome." She darted a quick, birdlike glance at me from under her dark gold lashes. She spooned out some fruit for her mother and broke a piece of toast into manageable bits. "You must keep up your strength, Mama," she murmured.

  Lady Allenby gave her daughter a fond look. "Thank you, child. Yes, I will eat it all, I promise."

  They made a game of it, with Ailith filling her plate slowly with tempting morsels, and Lady Allenby finishing it a bit at a time until she had at last eaten a full breakfast. She managed quite well so long as she used both hands to steady her utensils. Ailith herself had merely nibbled a piece of dry toast, and I wondered if she cared for her mother at the expense of herself.

  After I finished the last of the rather excellent fruit compote, we excused ourselves, and I went to look in on Portia. She was still slumbering peacefully, one arm thrown over her face as she slept. I did not bother to pause at Val's door; I could hear the snores reverberating through it well enough. The maids were making their way down to breakfast, Morag muttering all the while about the laxness of some establishments that did not even provide morning tea. I might have pointed out the laxness of maids who did not rise in time to attend their mistresses, but it was far simpler to ignore her and gather my things to meet Ailith in the hall as we had arranged.

  Just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Brisbane emerged from his rooms, impeccably dressed and carrying a small portmanteau, his greatcoat draped over his arm. He caught sight of me just as he pulled the door closed.

  "Good morning," he said smoothly. He nodded toward the shawl in my hand. "You will want something warmer than that if you mean t
o venture out on the moor. The sun is out, but it is deceptively chilly."

  I swallowed hard, my fine breakfast suddenly sitting like a stone in my stomach. "Don't let's talk about the weather when you are clearly leaving. Did you even mean to say goodbye?"

  He shrugged. "I am bound for Scotland for a few days upon business."

  "Business! I thought you had given up your inquiries."

  "Never. I have merely closed my rooms in Half Moon Street for the present. I am conducting my investigations from Grimsgrave unless circumstances demand my presence. Such is the case I have undertaken in Edinburgh."

  "Why cannot Monk look to this investigation?" Monk was the most capable of his associates, acting as confidant, valet, and majordomo for Brisbane as circumstances demanded. He was also a skilled investigator in his own right, and I had wondered at his absence from Grimsgrave. As a former military man, he ought to have had the place wholly organised and functioning smoothly in a fortnight.

  "Monk is already engaged upon a case, and I cannot spare him," he replied, tidying his already immaculate cuffs. "I must see to this myself."

  "And you thought to creep away whilst I was upstairs," I observed coolly.

  His nostrils flared slightly with impatience. "I thought it would be rather easier if I left without a formal leave-taking."

  "Easier upon whom?" I asked, wincing at the touch of acid in my voice.

  Brisbane noted it as well. "You're playing it quite wrong," he advised. "You ought to be disdainful and remote and tell me that you plan to go back to London and if I wish to see you, I will have to follow you there."


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