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Vampire Dating Agency II

Page 2

by Rosette Bolter

But then so should they.


  All there was, was darkness. Darkness and trees. Darkness and puddles of filth Haley kept diving her feet in. All she wanted was a birds-eye-view of where she was. So she could see where the forest ended. So she could see where the road began. At some point out here, they would eventually reach the end. They would come out somewhere. But neither she or Jason new what angle they were running at. They didn’t know exactly where they would end up.

  “We can stop running,” Haley said, almost out of breath. “They’re not chasing us.”

  Jason allowed her to slow him down.

  They stopped where they were, surveying all directions.

  “Did you see a map or anything?”

  “Briefly,” Jason said. “We should reach a road eventually. But it’s probably still under guard.”


  “You don’t have your phone or anything on you?”

  “No,” Haley said. “You don’t have your ear-piece-thingy –”

  “No,” Jason said. “They ripped it out.”

  “How are we going to get through this?”

  “Not sure. Guess we just keep pressing ahead.”

  “Yeah. It’s our only option.”

  They walked on for a few minutes in silence.

  “So you and the vampire…?”

  “You mean Brock?” Haley murmured. “I think I lost control for a bit there.”

  “You guys kissed.”

  “We went all the way before that.”

  “All the way? You – you fucked him?”

  “Just happened.”

  Jason shook his head in disbelief. “Wow. Just … wow.”


  “Well. Looks like Kendra fucked up big time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sending you in there tonight,” he said. “I don’t know what she was thinking.”


  “Because you obviously aren’t cut out for this.”

  “In what way?”

  Jason ground his teeth together. “In the way that, you don’t go jumping into bed with potential serial killers.”

  “He’s not the guy.”


  “You saw. He helped. We got away because of him.”

  “That proves his innocence does it?”

  “Alright,” Haley gushed. “I made a mistake. I’m … I’m not cut out for this. I’m just … He seemed to get me.”

  “Get you? What’s to get Haley? I suppose I’ve only known you for a few hours as well, and I’ve figured you out.”

  “Why are you being such a dick?”

  “Because I was standing up for you,” Jason said. “I was the one who saw what they were doing and knew it was wrong. I was angry with myself for not speaking up sooner. But now, now I sort of realize that you put yourself in this place. If something had happened to you it would have been your own damn fault.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re so upset with me.”

  “I’m not upset. I just – Do you realize how dumb you are to trust a guy like Brock?”

  “You weren’t there. You didn’t see how he –”

  “Look, maybe he’s not our guy. Maybe he really is a good person. Despite being an evil undead vampire – but so what. He gets you. You get him. But what about all those murdered women who suffered at the hands at someone they trusted? What about all the people we’re here for in the first place?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “So, maybe – just maybe – he’s completely fucking with you. You don’t know what goes on inside his head. All you know is maybe, he could be a fucking serial killer –”

  “It’s not him,” Haley said defiantly. “There’s got to be at least fifty other vampires who were there tonight, that could have been the killer. You say, well, why didn’t they come up to you? Who the hell knows? Maybe they spotted me as an undercover and walked away. Or maybe – maybe they weren’t even fucking here tonight –”

  Jason suddenly put his hand over her mouth and dragged her to the ground.

  Haley struggled, taken by surprise – until she realized that a flashlight was making its way through the darkness towards them.

  Haley kept still and Jason removed his hand.

  The beam hadn’t crossed them yet, but the holder was getting closer.

  “I don’t hear anything,” a voice said a short distance away. “I don’t see anything neither.”

  “It was them, I’m sure,” a second man said. “They’ve gone into hiding.”


  The beam was right beside them.

  Haley looked down at the ground and saw her hand was in the light.

  “We better go back,” one of the men said. “We need to watch the gate.”

  “Stop waving the light around, I thought I saw something.”

  Footsteps, closer.

  Haley closed her eyes.



  She turned towards Jason. He was shaking his head.

  Metal pressed against Haley’s skull.

  “Found you.”


  The Count’s right arm was at his ear. “Yes. Yes, bring them back here. Thank you.” He put the phone in his pocket and turned back to Brock who was kneeling on the floor in his study. “They’ve been picked up, as I knew they would be. So your action against me has turned out to count for nothing.”

  Brock pressed his lips inward. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  “You risked a lot for that young woman,” the Count remarked. “You understand that, don’t you?”

  “It wasn’t just for her. It was for me. And … you as well.”

  “Go on.”

  “The facts as they are presented to me, are that Madame Nightshade attacked Haley, and Haley disposed of her in self-defense. Now, I’ve never been a parent, but I would hope you could put that fatherly-ness out of your mind long enough to realize that Haley isn’t to blame for your daughter’s death.”

  “Thin ice, Brock.”

  “It’s not as though Haley jumped her by surprise. I imagine it was quite a struggle they were both involved in. The stronger of the two, emerged victorious. Who would have thought?”

  “So you think I should forgive her?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” Brock said. “Your daughter died honorably. When you go after Haley, who is merely a pawn of a larger organization - an organization of commendable intentions – what sort of character does that paint you as? Are you weak? Are you petty, like a spoiled child –”

  The Count smashed Brock across the side of the face, breaking his nose.

  Brock looked up at him, the blood pouring everywhere.

  “Is it me now, you wish to blame? Master?”

  “You call me Master, and yet you have been utterly disobedient,” the Count said.

  “What I know, is that something held you back from killing them on the roof,” Brock said. “Or would have me believe they managed to escape you via their own skills?”

  “They are both very skilled,” the Count said. “But … I may have held back. Initially I intended to kill the young man. I thought he would protect his companion.”

  “Haley is mine,” Brock said. “So now I’m protecting her.”

  The Count laughed. “Haley is not yours. Her life resides with me, not you.”

  “You will find me a lot more cooperative if you can convince me that you’re willing to set your grievances with her aside.”

  The Count’s eyes darkened. “I may have underestimated you, Mr. Ferns.”

  “It’s always possible. In any case, with Madame Nightshade gone you need someone to step in to take her place. I would like to offer my services to you. I assure you that my loyalty only comes into question when you threaten the life of a woman I’ve fallen for. The rest of the time, you will find me a most adequate ally.”

  “Is that so?”

rock nodded.

  “Stand up then.”

  Brock climbed to his feet.

  “I have an assignment for you,” the Count said. “Are you following me?”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “There’s someone I want you to see. A woman who is a friend of mine. You are to…” the Count moved around to his desk. “…bring her this.”

  “What is it?”

  The Count walked over and handed Brock a USB stick.

  “There’s some sensitive information on this drive,” the Count said. “It’s all backed up, so if you turn on me again, you won’t stop anything –”

  “I’m on your side, dear Master. I look forward to gaining your trust and approval.”

  “We’ll see. In the meantime, you are to visit this woman as I’ve said.”

  “And where might this woman be?”

  “That I don’t know,” the Count smiled. “It will be your job to find her.”


  “You’re lucky we found you when we did,” one of the guard’s said once they were in the car. “Kept going the way you were, and that would have led you right out into one of the farms here. Word has it, farmers in these parts don’t take too kindly to trespassers on their property. I believe the saying is, shoot first – ask questions later. If you catch my drift.”

  The guard looked back to see that they were secure in the backseat.

  “Isn’t that what you’re going to do to us anyway?” Haley fired back.

  “Not us,” the guard said. “No, the Count wants you alive. For some reason.”

  He turned back to the driver and muttered something under his breath.

  Haley looked across to Jason.

  He looked back, concerned.

  It seemed neither of them had a plan to get out of this.

  The car came to the end of the road, and the driver hit the indicators to show they were turning left.

  “Back to the Agency then?” Jason asked.

  “That’s what the Count wants,” the guard in the passenger seat said. “Personally I think we’d rather –”

  He was cut off midsentence as another vehicle crashed into the side of the car, ramming them off the road.

  Haley was flung across onto top of Jason, while one of his hands smashed through the window beside him.

  “Jesus Christ,” the guard choked. “Dave – Dave are you alright?”

  Haley clutched her chest leaning forward, feeling as though she was about to faint.

  “Oh Jesus, he’s fucking dead.”

  The guard started getting out of the car before a shot was fired outside of the car, striking him in the head.

  Haley screamed.

  “Okay, okay,” Jason murmured. “Just calm down…”

  “What the fuck,” Haley gasped. “What the fuck – what the fuck – what the –”

  The door behind Jason opened and a bulky arm reached in to grab him.

  “Oh God!” Haley bawled. “Get off him! Leave him alone!”

  Once Jason was out, the burly man went inside for her.

  “No!” Haley shouted, kicking him. “Stop it!”

  He was too strong to resist.

  He pulled her out and dumped her on the side of the road next to Jason, who was just finding his feet.

  “It’s okay, Haley,” Jason said. “It’s Dino.”


  The big man looked down at her. “Maurice said you needed help.”

  “Thank fuck,” Jason mumbled.

  Another van pulled up alongside the road, and a figure quickly got out.

  “Jason? Haley? Are you guys, okay?”

  Jason helped Haley up. “That’s us.”

  “Wait,” Haley said, her feet staggering. “What just happened?”

  “We just saved you,” Riley said. “What about you, Dino? Are you okay?”

  “Fine,” Dino said. “You should all clear off.”

  “No arguing there,” Jason said opening the back of the van. “Come on, Haley.”

  Riley joined them inside.

  Once the doors were all closed, Maurice put his foot down and soon the road, the car crash, and the entire Dating Agency were all just a memory behind them.

  If only, that’s what it all was.

  If only…

  It really was over.


  Haley wasn’t exactly sure where they were going. Riley had said something about ‘debriefing’ and ‘safe location’ but neither term really spelled it out for her in black and white. Whereas part of her wanted it to all be over – for them to send her on her merry way home – Haley was aware of the dangers. She hoped wherever they were going there would be answers for her there. Assurances. Of course, if Haley dropped out of her placement with the paranormal police, it seemed doubtful they would care what happened with her…

  The journey took around half an hour. Getting out of the van she asked Riley what time it was and learned that just after ten pm. Haley was a little surprised as she’d imagined it would have been later.

  The concrete ground in the car park was wet, but at least the wind had died off and it had stopped raining. Haley moved around the side of the van and discovered they were parked outside a bowling alley for some reason. There were plenty of lights and movement about the entrance suggesting it was still open.

  “Feel like throwing a few balls?” Jason remarked standing next to her.

  Haley glanced up at him. “You’re kidding right?”

  He shrugged.

  Maurice exited the driver’s seat and stepped out to meet the three of them.

  “Best none of us gets into conversation with anyone here,” he said. “So let’s just keep it to ourselves going in.”

  “Like we need you to tell us not to launch into conversation with strangers,” Riley said with sarcasm.

  “Where trouble can be avoided, we should avoid it,” Maurice replied. He turned to Haley. “Are you alright?”

  “Not really,” Haley replied.

  He nodded, his eyes wandering tiredly around the car park. “Alright. Let’s head in.”

  The group entered the bowling alley without incident. Maurice led them out to a back room at the end which he opened with a key he had on him. Inside the room the air was dank and musty. Ms. Armistice was sitting at the end of a long table, calmly awaiting them. She stood up.

  “Jason,” she greeted. “Haley. I suppose I should congratulate the both of you for not getting yourselves killed.”

  Jason looked at her, obviously annoyed. He pulled a chair out for Haley and they sat next to one another. Maurice went up to where Kendra was while Riley sat on the opposite side of the room.

  “So it has come to my attention,” Ms. Armistice continued, “that not only did you fail to achieve the prime objective of our operation, but also you failed at the secondary objective –”

  “Kendra, please –” Jason interrupted.

  “Let me finish. You’ll have your turn. Yes, so you failed both objectives, and managed to not only put your lives in danger, but also gave up your identities within the paranormal police, rendering you both forever useless.”

  “Well, we’re not going to get anywhere if you make exaggerations like that,” Jason countered. “I get your angry the missions weren’t completed, but really there wasn’t enough opportunity for either of us to achieve anything – and as far as putting our lives in danger, I’d say your whole mission outline did enough of that for us already –”

  “Alright, alright,” Ms. Armistice said waving her hand at him. “I guess there’s no point arguing. What about you, Maurice? Anything to add?”

  “I would say we’ve achieved some progress in regards to the suspected killer.”

  “How so?”

  “Two of the vampires approached Haley directly. It’s reasonable to assume one of them is the killer. Of course, there are no certainties –”

  “I dispute that,” Haley volunteered.

t?” Ms. Armistice questioned.

  “We don’t have any clue who the killer is,” she said. “He may not have even been there tonight.”

  “So who pushed that woman off the balcony?” Riley asked.

  “What?” Haley mumbled.

  “Yes, what woman?” Ms. Armistice asked.

  “Haley found a woman who’d been pushed off one of the balconies,” Riley explained. “She was dying. She tried to warn Haley about someone. Should we pull up the footage?”

  “Let’s not focus on any one detail,” Ms. Armistice said dismissively. She turned to Jason. “What’s your excuse?”


  “How did you get yourself caught?”

  “It was the Count,” Jason said. “He saw through my disguise. Knew I wasn’t a vampire.”

  “You just ran into him then?”

  “No – he must have cameras in the basement area.”

  “How far did you get?”

  “In the basement? Not far at all. Only through the first area. I didn’t see anyone being held against their will.”

  “I wonder…” Ms. Armistice muttered. “I wonder if she’s down there…”

  “Anyone we’d know?” Riley asked.

  Ms. Armistice ignored her. “We’ll have to leave it for another time. We should get back to focusing on the current objective.”

  “Which is?” Jason asked.

  “Finding our killer.”

  “To the hell with that,” he said getting up. “I’m going home.”

  “You most certainly will not be going home,” Ms. Armistice thundered.

  “Watch me.”

  He walked out of the room.

  “I’ll go talk to him,” Maurice said standing up.

  “Please,” Riley said, also standing. “Allow me.”

  Maurice nodded and sat back down.

  Riley exited.

  Ms. Armistice peered across the table at Haley. “I hope you’re not having second thoughts.”

  “I’m sorry?” Haley murmured.

  “You’re still in this with us, aren’t you?”

  Haley stroked her chin. “About that…”

  “We haven’t finished with you,” Ms. Armistice explained. “Your cover may be blown in the agency but that doesn’t mean you can’t still investigate our two main suspects.”


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