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Vampire Dating Agency II

Page 9

by Rosette Bolter

  “You’ll know it when I’m mad, sister.”

  “Is that when you go running to Mommy and Daddy?”


  Cyrus turned slightly towards Haley. “Just the usual fun and games here.”

  “At half three we take a drive into the city and start stalking people,” Avril exclaimed.

  “We are?” Magnus mused.

  “We’re not going out tonight,” Cyrus said calmly. “Besides it would be rude of us to participate in vampire-only activities when in the company of humans.”

  “Oh not on my account,” Haley said sarcastically.

  “What’s that?”

  “Please do go off to the city and start murdering people. Please do.”

  “I’m sorry, Haley,” Avril said from the floor. “I was only joking you know.”

  “I have my doubts about that.”

  “So you think you know us then? You think you know vampires?”

  “I know killers when I see them.”

  Cyrus leaned in towards her. “Take it easy,” he whispered. “We’re all friends here.”

  Haley nodded.

  She felt his hands moving in to pry hers apart.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  She looked at him.

  “You’re on an adventure here,” he said. “Try and have some fun.”

  Haley tried to smile. “Depends what kind of fun.”

  Cyrus raised his eyebrows.

  Behind him, just within Haley’s line of sight, the tall figure of Edmond Rance emerged from down the hall.

  “She’s here then,” he said. “Well done.”

  Cyrus turned and opened his hands, showing he was pleased with himself.

  “Where’s Melanie?” Avril asked.

  “She’s coming,” Edmond said. He peered down the hall behind him. “Hurry up, dear.”

  Melanie soon appeared at Edmond’s side.

  Haley immediately saw Melanie’s flamboyant spirit had been trampled.

  Behind the clothing, and the makeup, and the hair dye.

  Behind all the changes to her appearance to make her look just like Haley.

  Melanie was crying out for help.


  Magnus put his hands together in applause, kicking whatever part of Avril was touching him out of the way and standing from his chair.

  “Go on,” Edmond said, ushering Melanie into the centre of the room.

  As Melanie staggered forward, her body weak at the knees, Haley stood up to meet her.

  “Extraordinary,” Cyrus remarked. “They could be sisters.”

  “Are you okay?” Haley asked. “Did he hurt you?”

  Melanie wouldn’t look her in the eyes.

  Haley could see her hands were trembling.

  “Cyrus,” Edmond said. “I think we could use some music.”

  “What sort of music?”

  “Something … atmospheric.”

  Cyrus moved round the side of the room towards the stereo system in the right hand corner.

  Edmond walked by Haley and into the kitchen. He shut off the lights in there and then switched on a series of green light globes mounted into the ground around the central carpet.

  Haley approached Cyrus who was pushing buttons on the stereo.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked.


  She turned round again to find Melanie on her knees. Both Magnus and Avril were standing over her.

  Edmond had left the room.

  Cyrus found something with a light techno beat and adjusted the sound to minimal level. He turned around to stand with Haley.

  “Where’s Edmond?” Cyrus asked.

  “I think he went to fetch something,” Magnus replied.

  “I don’t think Melanie’s well,” Haley said. “Maybe she should lie down somewhere.”

  “I don’t want to lie down,” Melanie said. “I want to go home.”

  Edmond stepped back through the archway. He placed a tripod he was carrying at the edge of the carpet and mounted a camera to it.

  “Whoa, whoa,” Haley murmured. “What’s that for?”

  “Yeah, what’s it for?” Avril asked cheekily.

  “I’m so glad you asked,” Edmond said standing up from the camera. “You know despite the room being full of them here, vampires really are quite a rare beast. If one does not wish to automatically dispose of such folk, they usually expect to be entertained by them. Blockbuster movies, bestselling novels, hit TV shows – everyone wants to get in on the action.”

  “And what sort of entertainment for this evening do you have?” Cyrus asked.

  “Well, I’ve been thinking there’s an untapped market for Vampire pornography.”

  “Pornography?” Avril laughed. “You want to make porn?”

  “I don’t see why not. I mean even if doesn’t make any money, we’ll still have fun making it.”

  “Fuck the porn,” Magnus said. “Let’s just kill her.”

  “Kill who?” Melanie asked.

  “Yeah – kill who?” Haley demanded.

  “No one’s killing anyone,” Edmond said. “Really that’s a rather vulgar thought to be having, Magnus on such a dignified occasion.”

  “Dignified?” Cyrus remarked.

  “We could be making history here.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but I’m sure there’s already some sites out there doing this.”

  “There isn’t. I checked.”

  “Well, check again.”

  Edmond sighed. “Let’s not all think about this. I’ll just turn this on… And then whatever happens in front of it, happens.”

  Edmond got on the carpet next to Melanie and began fondling her up.

  “Stop it,” Melanie cried, writhing in his grasp. “No!”

  “I don’t know how much fun you’re going to have if she’s unwilling,” Cyrus said.

  Haley rushed over and grabbed hold of Melanie’s arms. She tried to force her up off the ground whilst Edmond held her in place.

  “You can’t do this!” Haley shouted. “I won’t let you!”

  Avril and Magnus latched onto Haley and pulled her away.

  Edmond began undressing Melanie whilst continuing to fondle her.

  “NOOO!” Haley shouted trying to break free of them. “LEAVE HER ALONE!”

  Cyrus walked over to where Edmond was. “Cut it out.”

  Edmond’s hands moved up to Melanie’s breasts. “You should join in.”

  Something long and metallic appeared in Cyrus’s hands. He swung the rod into Edmond’s face, striking him with a bloody spray.

  He then stepped back while Edmond released Melanie who crawled across the ground in terror.

  Edmond looked down at the blood spewing from his nose.

  “Seriously, Cyrus,” Avril said dropping her hold of Haley. “Was that necessary?”

  “I’ll fetch you a bandage,” Magnus said hurrying off into the kitchen.

  “I’m sorry I had to hit you,” Cyrus said. “But there’s a degree of behavior I won’t tolerate.”

  Edmond chuckled to himself. He got to his feet. “I so hate it when people come between me and my friends.”

  “Cyrus you’re trying way too hard to impress her,” Avril said.

  “No, I’m not,” Cyrus said. He pointed the rod at Haley. “You think I care about her?”

  Edmond took a step forward. “Don’t you?”

  Cyrus grinned. “Meet me outside in five minutes.”


  Cyrus walked past him.

  Avril tried to grab his arm but he shrugged her off.

  Magnus waited for Cyrus to pass out the backdoor then walked over to give Edmond the bandage. Edmond held it against his nose.

  “I don’t understand why you wanted to hurt Melanie,” Haley said.

  The three of them turned towards her.

  “If you want to fuck someone and make a sex-tape, it shouldn’t really be that hard to fin
d someone who’s in to that shit. Taking advantage of someone who isn’t is just wrong. It’s abhorrent. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.”

  Haley forced her way past them and walked a few paces down the hallway to where Melanie was sitting.

  “I’m sorry,” Melanie whispered.

  “What?” Haley said crouching down.

  “I should have just gone through with it.”

  “Don’t say that. You have a right to decide.”

  “I know.” Melanie pressed her head against the wall. “He did things to me. Things I wanted … but then didn’t want. I think … I …”

  “Look,” Haley said. “I’m going to get us out of here. Cyrus is on our side. Or at least … he seems to be.”

  “I’m such an idiot. Why have I done this? Why, Haley? Why couldn’t I just –”

  She closed her eyes.

  Drifting from consciousness.

  Haley saw there were bite marks on Melanie’s neck. But there was no blood.


  Cyrus was standing in the centre of the tennis court near the gate where they’d come in. He was standing sideways – not facing the house, or the forest behind him. As Haley hurried across the court towards him, he remained frozen.

  “Just tell me now,” Haley said. “Whose side are you on?”

  Cyrus didn’t reply.

  “I think Melanie’s lost a lot of blood. I’d call an ambulance, but I don’t know what your address is.”

  “That isn’t necessary,” Cyrus said.

  Haley put her hands to hips. “What makes you so sure?”

  “Edmond wouldn’t have made her so weak that she can’t appear in this film of his.”

  “That’s it? Sorry, but that does little for my confidence.”

  Cyrus exhaled. Haley could see the air in front of him.

  “Look, in my book there’s common sense and common decency, and if you don’t have either then you’re fucked in the head,” Haley said. “So is that what you’re telling me? You’re just a fat lot of useless?”

  “Both you and Melanie will be out of here in half an hour.”


  Haley could now hear traffic behind her.

  The others were about to join them out here.

  “Just stand back so you don’t get hurt,” Cyrus said.

  Not knowing how to respond, Haley put up little resistance as the menacing trio made their entrance onto the court.

  “I take it there’s a reason you’ve dragged us out here,” Magnus said. “Or do you plan on spending the rest of the evening staring into nothing?”

  “I know why we’re out here,” Edmond said. “You want to duel, don’t you, cousin?”

  “I think it would be befitting now that we have a disagreement,” Cyrus replied.

  “And what’s at stake? Specifically?”

  “I’ll take that Melanie girl off your hands. Find someone else to torment.”

  “And if I win?”

  Cyrus turned to Haley. “Then you can have her.”

  Edmond rubbed his palms together.

  “You’re having none of me,” Haley boasted.

  Avril stood beside her. “If Edmond wins, there’ll be no one to protect you.”

  She stuck her hand in Haley’s hair.

  Haley ripped it out and pushed her away.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Magnus said rushing over. “One fight at a time, girls.”

  Haley backed away from the vampires. Meanwhile in the centre of the court, both Cyrus and Edmond had out their metal rods.

  “Are you ready?” Cyrus asked.

  “Why don’t we count to three?” Edmond replied.

  Cyrus bowed.

  “ONE,” Avril hollered.

  Both Cyrus and Edmond took a step forward.

  “TWO,” Magnus called out.

  The Rance cousins raised their weapons above their heads.

  Eyes began to turn in Haley’s direction.

  “Three,” she said.


  They both ran into the air at the same time, and missed each other entirely. Cyrus wound up on the right side of the court, Edmond the left. Once there Cyrus stared climbing his side of the fence with lightning precision. Haley caught Edmond smile a moment, before ascending the fence nearest to him. Soon they were both on top, ready to pounce again.

  “Let’s actually try and make some contact this time,” Edmond berated.

  Cyrus jumped into the air, this time defying gravity.

  He kept going up and up and up…

  Till Haley couldn’t see him anymore.

  When she turned to where Edmond had been, he was gone. She’d missed his jump.

  Her eyes darted into the sky looking for them.

  She stepped out into the middle of the court.

  “Where the fuck are they?” Magnus asked, walking towards her. “Can you see them at all?”

  Haley strained herself. “No.”

  “They’ll be up there for ages,” Avril said.

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth, both Cyrus and Edmond crashed back to the ground between Haley and Magnus, radiating a wave of cracks in the surface.

  Speechless, Haley backed away almost falling over.

  Neither had the upper-hand at the moment, but the rods were all over the place, blows being struck everywhere.

  Cyrus was yelling. Edmond was yelling. Blood sprayed right and left, and the dust on the ground rose up to their knees.

  Without warning, Edmond dropped his rod and grabbed hold of Cyrus’s shoulders. He smashed his forhead into his face, knocking Cyrus off his feet.

  Edmond’s hand moved in fast, seizing up his rod again. Cyrus held his out in defense, swatting Edmond’s fierce lashes with one hand.

  “BREAK!” Edmond shouted. “FUCKING BREAK!”

  Cyrus managed to grab hold of one of Edmond’s leg and ripped away his footing.

  As Edmond fell, Cyrus got back up and took a few paces away from him. He looked at Haley momentarily, his face bruised and bleeding, yet ever-ferocious.

  Edmond then charged at Cyrus, his face seemingly more ferocious.

  Cyrus sidestepped his attack causing Edmond to crash face first into Haley against the fence.

  He started to get up as she pushed him away, but then he got caught up in looking at her.

  Smiling, he stuck his finger out and put it in Haley’s mouth.

  Stroking her insides.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  Cyrus’s shadow loomed over them. “Sick fuck.”

  Edmond stopped, his eyes darting to their corners.

  Cyrus’s rod slammed into Edmond’s skull.


  A small black bird – a raven perhaps – perched itself on top the tennis court’s fence-line as the blow was struck, and Edmond fell. Haley got to her feet, unable to take her eyes off the raven. Unable to get rid of the finger’s taste.

  Avril and Magnus rushed over pushing past Haley and Cyrus to get to Edmond.

  “Quickly,” Avril cried. “Roll him on his back.”

  Magnus rolled Edmond over.

  Blood was pouring out of his face. His eyes had turned black.

  “Jesus,” Magnus muttered. “He might not make it.”

  “You motherfucker,” Avril said under her breath. “I can’t believe you went and –”

  Cyrus grabbed her by the throat and shoved her up against the fence. “So it’s him over me, is it?”

  “What? No,” Avril hissed.

  “Cyrus,” Magnus said.

  Cyrus looked at him.

  “Let go of her.”

  Cyrus turned back to Avril. He gave her a violent shove, and then released her.

  He marched on back to the house.

  Haley hurried after him. “Why did you do that?” she wanted to know. “Cyrus? Cyrus, listen –”

  “What?” he shouted, turning.

  They both looked at ea
ch other. Reality was shifting.

  “I just wanted to help your friend,” Cyrus said. “And … I wanted to help you.”

  “Cyrus,” Haley whispered. “You’re… You’re…”


  “You’re not the one I’m after, are you?”

  “Well, you’re not the one I’m after,” Cyrus shrugged. He turned back to the house and moved a few more paces. Then he looked back at her. “I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry. Next time I try and date someone remind me to do on my own.”

  Haley grabbed his hand.

  Cyrus squinted, unsure.

  “You’re not the killer, are you?” she asked him.

  “Killer?” Cyrus replied. “What killer?”

  “The one who…” she stopped herself.

  “Who what?”

  “You … you don’t go round killing girls, do you?”

  Cyrus grimaced. “That’s a very nasty stereotype. If you think that about all vampires, then why the hell are you signing up for a vampire dating agency.”

  “Why did you sign up?”

  “Cause I’m alone,” Cyrus exclaimed. “Ever since I’ve been like this. Look – look at how my own brethren treats me. How they treat others. I … Every night I hope I’ll met her…”

  “Meet who?”

  “The one who ends my darkness.”

  He stepped through the backdoor into the house.

  Haley followed him.

  They went round to Melanie’s side.

  “Hello,” Cyrus said, shaking her. “Wake up.”

  “Whaaat?” Melanie stirred.

  “Come on, we’re going,” Cyrus said. “We’re taking you home.”

  “No, no, nooo.”

  “Come on. Stand.”

  Melanie refused to move.

  Cyrus stood back up. “I have a stretcher in the toolshed outside. Can you wait here with her? Keep her conscious.”

  Cyrus went to leave.

  “Wait,” Haley said.

  He turned. “What?”

  “I … I underestimated you.”


  “Thank you for helping us.”

  “No problem.”

  Haley bit her lip.

  “Any last thoughts?”

  Haley had plenty. But none to share.



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