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The Wizard and the Thief

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  "Please!" He arched, lights sparking behind his eyes as he began to jerk, hips rolling furiously, driving himself upon Corm's prick.

  Corm's fingers wrapped around his hips, digging in as Corm tugged him even further back, cock buried deep inside him. A second later Corm was pulling out, setting up a hard, fast rhythm. That heat that flared between them threatened to overtake him, Plum's cries ringing out, letting Corm know how he needed.

  "Plum. Tight." The words were growled out of Corm, the wizard's fingers tightening on his hips -- he'd be feeling them for days.

  "Yes. More." Magick. It had to be.

  Corm made a sound and moved faster, harder. The scent of grains and spices disappeared beneath the sweat of their bodies, the musk of their need. His cock ached, needing only the barest touch to send him over the edge. Corm seemed to know, hand wrapping around his prick and squeezing as his gland was nudged.

  Plum climaxed so hard that his teeth chattered, the world going white.

  The white slowly faded, Corm still pushing into him over and over. Then there was an explosion of heat inside him, Corm collapsing over his back. His arms buckled, both of them panting, moaning low.

  Corm slid out, the wizard making a noise that might have been a whimper. Everything within him shivered, shook, the magick lighting him up within and without. Corm seemed to recover quicker, fingers sliding on his skin as they tugged his leggings back up, only a slight tremor in the wizard's fingers betrayed the fact that he was affected.

  "Come back to my bedroom, Plum."

  "One night." He nodded, swaying, heart pounding in his chest.

  "One night to start with." Corm's arm went around his waist and he was drawn out into the kitchen. It was empty and Corm clucked. "You did a good job in disabling my staff."

  "I am good at what I do." Corm's seed slid down his thigh.

  "At some of what you do. After all, you didn't get what you came for." Corm's hand slid down to fondle his ass. "Or did you?"

  "I... My employer did not, that's a surety."

  Corm's laughter was sweet, filling the hallway he'd crept along several hours ago.

  "My parlor." The door to Corm's rooms was opened for him, Corm escorting him inside. "You remember the way to my bed?"

  "I know where it is, even if you'd knocked me for a loop before."

  Corm grabbed a bottle and two glasses from a table in his sitting room before joining him in the bedroom. "You like chocolate liqueur?"

  "I do." He sat at the windowbox, legs curled up beneath him.

  Corm poured two large glasses and gave him one, sitting in the windowbox across from him, their knees touching.

  "You look good in my home."

  "Do I?" He tugged his blouse closed over the ink on his chest, drinking deep of the sweet liquor.

  Corm's eyes lingered on his blouse for a moment, before returning to his face. "Yes. You do."

  The mark had been given to him by his master years ago, a sign of the pale remnants of magick he had. "I would hope I looked good wherever I was."

  Reaching out, Corm slid warm fingers against his cheek. "I imagine you would at that."

  Then Corm took a drink and looked out the window. The question, when it came, was soft. "Why do you wear the mark of my house?"

  "I don't."

  Corm's head whipped around. "I have eyes."

  "It's not your mark."

  "It is!" Corm grabbed Plum’s blouse and tugged it open again.

  He turned away, hiding the ink. That was his secret, his mark. Proof that he had a hint of magick. "It is a mark from my master. Not your house."

  "Your master?"

  Plum nodded. "When I was trained, tested."

  Corm's eyes narrowed. "You mean as a thief? Who trained you?"

  "Aman of the Three Wands." A long, lean man with a hooked nose and a sharp hand.

  "What? You lie!" Corm leapt up, paying no attention to his drink as it spilled onto the floor. "When?"

  Plum tensed, carefully setting his drink aside. "When I was younger." He had not lied, but he would share no more information. What had he been thinking? When had he become a fool?

  "Let me see it." Corm demanded.

  "I don't believe I shall." It was, unquestioningly, time to leave.

  "It is the sign of my house. Aman was my grandfather." Corm looked at him intently.

  He wasn't sure why that would matter. "Am I supposed to apologize?"

  Corm shook his head. "You didn't put the mark on your skin. I suppose it was to shame my father that he gave it to a thief."

  "That would make perfect sense." The thought that his master used him to shame another burned within him, but he refused the hurt. He was what he was.

  Corm sat again, shaking his head. "I don't understand." One hand reached out to touch him. "How did he know we'd be drawn to each other?"

  "I'm sure it was a coincidence." Aman had paid little attention to him, barring the punishments when he erred.

  "Perhaps. Let me see it."

  "No. It means nothing."

  "Then why won't you let me see? Besides, I'll see it when you lie naked and spread out in my bed."

  "It's just a design." He hadn't considered baring it. Hella's left tit, he hadn't considered much of anything, barring the heat between them.

  "You are a most stubborn and annoying man," Corm informed him shortly.

  "Yes." Most annoying. "I should take my leave."

  "No!" Corm stood, leaning over him. "Our agreement was that you would stay."

  "Why would you want someone stubborn and annoying?"

  "Because stubborn and annoying are not boring. I'm tired of simpering idiots, Plum. I want a man I can talk to, a man I can fight with. Sparks and passion."

  Well, they definitely had sparks...

  Leaning over him, Corm brought their faces together. "You are a challenge."

  He resisted the urge to take a kiss. "What do you want from me, wizard? What is this between us?"

  "You tell me what it is. You're the one who came in here to seduce me, using the sorry excuse of trying to steal my touchstone." Corm's words puffed warm air against his face.

  "It wasn't an excuse. I was well-paid." In advance.

  "Except you didn't actually manage to steal it."

  "Not yet."

  Corm laughed. "You aren't going to steal my stone." His hand was taken, brought to Corm's crotch. "My stones on the other hand..."

  Changeable as the wind. He shook his head, rolling Corm's balls in his hand.

  Corm groaned, pressing closer. "You've fine hands."

  "They're my bread and butter." He was supposed to be storming out, pouting mightily.

  "Show me." Corm put one leg up on the windowbox, legs spread. "Show me."

  "Are you sure you want this? Me?" He didn't quite understand. Honestly, he could feel the burn between them, the coals banking but threatening to flame, but it was unnatural. It must be. He whispered a tiny cantrip, phantom hands stroking Corm's body.

  "I'm not sure of anything regarding you except for this." Corm began to strip for him, stepping back and away again as he pulled the clothes from his body. "I'm sure enough of it, I will bare myself for you. Let you have whatever you like from me in my bed."

  "Why would someone want your stone?" He watched Corm bare himself, watched the fine lines of the wizard's body appear.

  "Why should I know? You're the thief."

  When Corm had disrobed completely, he stood there, head high, letting Plum look his fill.

  "I only steal what I'm hired to steal. What would a poxy lowlife need with it?" The man was fine as any courtesan, lean and needy and wanton.

  Corm raised his arms up and out to the sides, turning slowly before stopping again in front of him, muscles tight, cock hard. "Plum. I'm naked and yours for the taking. What does it matter?"

  He shrugged, stepping forward to touch. It mattered; he simply wasn't sure why it mattered. Corm caught his fingers and took a step back toward the big bed t
hat filled the room. The covers were still awry from when they'd lain there earlier. Corm let go of his hand to turn and push the covers aside, firm ass pointed right at him. He moved close, covering Corm with his body, his dark cloak spilling out on either side of them, blocking out the light.

  Corm groaned, knees locking, ass pushing back against him. "I want your skin, Plum. Open your blouse and leggings, man, and let me feel your heat."

  He reached down, opened the ties at his waist, let his blouse fall open in the darkness. Corm was a flame against him, smooth and slick. And so responsive. Corm pushed back, rubbing against his chest and crotch like a cat in heat. "I can feel your nipples growing hard for me. Mine are hard, too. Feel."

  His fingers slid up, counting ribs before finding one hard little nub, pinching it between his fingertips. Corm gasped and pushed back against him, as if trying to escape the pinch. Then the wizard rubbed their bodies together and breathed deeply, pushing the little nipple into his fingers.

  "You cannot decide what you desire, can you?" He nipped sharply on Corm's shoulder, pinching again.

  Another gasp sounded, Corm's body rubbing and pulling away, pushing closer and arching. "You make me dizzy. Make me lose my faculties."

  "You don't need them here. You're protected, remember?"

  "Protected..." Corm murmured, the word fading into soft gasps. The body in his arms writhed and rubbed. "Your leggings! For the love of the Lady, remove them."

  He chuckled, nodded against Corm's nape as he pushed them down and off, the silken material of his cloak contrasting with the heat of Corm's skin. The moan that answered him was gratifying, Corm rubbing back against him eagerly.

  "More. You set me aflame, Plum."

  "Mmmhmm." He pulled the blankets over them, began to lick his way down Corm's spine.

  Groaning, Corm danced for him, body arching, delighting in his licks. The long legs were already spread for him, but Corm spread them farther apart. So easy, to forget himself, lick and nuzzle and lap, to move farther beneath the covers.

  "Plum!" Corm sounded shocked as he drew near to the small hole, his intentions becoming clear. "No one ever..." The words faded into a sobbing groan.

  Then no one dared to teach the wizard about pleasure like he would. His tongue slipped around, tracing the tiny wrinkled hole. Another shout sounded, Corm bucking wildly before settling, ass pushing back in a wordless demand. He kept the touch light, teasing, determined to drive the wizard into madness, into a frenzy.

  "Plum... what magick... oh! more... I..." One after another, the words fell from Corm's mouth, none of them following the last; the wizard was quite incoherent. Corm's body was quite clear though, ass rocking back, begging the touches in the prettiest way.

  Plum allowed himself to relax, to take a moment to enjoy and touch and taste. The incoherent words continued, as did the rocking, Corm sounding more and more needy with each passing moment.

  Finally, the random words settled into one, a soft, desperate sounding chant. "More. More. Plum. More."

  He pressed his tongue into the tight hole, touching Corm deep inside, piercing the man. Corm went still, a low keening moan sounding. Carefully he took Corm, tongue pressing in and in, fucking the man as best he could. The stillness didn't last long beneath the onslaught of his tongue, Corm beginning to rock back against him again, ass grasping at his tongue, squeezing it.

  He could feel tremors begin to go through Corm's body, making the wizard shiver and shake. He reached between Corm's legs, fingers wrapping around the heavy shaft, fingers sliding over it, pumping with a sure touch. Somehow he knew what Corm needed. Indeed, his touch set Corm off, the wizard's bucking becoming wild as Corm moved between his tongue and his hand.

  Shouting, Corm came, ass squeezing his tongue tight as heat shot over his fingers, coating them with Corm's seed.

  He brought his fingers back to his lips, lapping his fingers clean.

  Corm moaned softly. "I can hear what you're doing."

  He nuzzled one smooth cheek, "Are you sure?"

  "You're tasting me." Corm's voice was husky. "You're something else, Plum."

  "I am simply a thief." He offered that sweet hole one more kiss.

  A shiver went through the wizard. "There is nothing simple about you."

  If only that were true. Plum sighed and settled, cheek on Corm's back. If only it were true.


  Corm dozed, Plum in his arms, the two of them buried beneath a pile of blankets. The sun began to creep over the horizon, shining into his bedroom, onto Plum's face. This wasn't how Crom had expected to wake up this morning. Well... he'd hoped for the sex. He'd hoped to have Plum once and get the man out of his system.

  He hadn't counted on this... thing between them.

  He didn't know what to make of it. Or of the mark of his house left on Plum's skin. Could it be mere coincidence? Or was there something else at work here? The problem worried at him, and he frowned, tongue sliding over his lips.

  Plum stretched, the blankets sliding up to cover the man with the barest, most unconscious thought. He reached out, searching for magicks, for some trick in the air that had created the fire of their need.

  He could find nothing. Even the mark on Plum's skin was craftsmanship and not magick. Its existence had perhaps drawn his unconscious attention to Plum, but he could not see how it could have in any way done more than that. Plum's muscles rippled under the blanket, the gold hair shining in the sunlight. So pretty. The man was unnaturally fine.

  He rolled Plum onto his back, and gently tugged the blankets down, intent on examining the mark in the sunlight. The blankets fought him until he whispered a breath of warmth, then they went limp, Plum sinking deeper into sleep. The mark was beautifully done, as detailed as any crest he'd ever seen painted.

  It was all black, but for the shimmering silver that highlighted it here and there, as his family's mark was meant to be. He reached out, tracing it with his fingertips, but he felt nothing more than the smooth heat of Plum's skin.

  Plum moaned, his name just breathed out, warming the air. His heart thudded in his chest, and he traced the mark again, paying more attention to the skin he touched this time. The mark seemed alive, the skin soft and supple, the scar just barely raised. Giving in to a sudden impulse, he bent to lick at it, to trace the lines of it with his tongue.

  "Oh..." Plum arched, hips digging into the sheets, arms lifting toward the headboard. It felt good, that instant reaction. It was good to know he wasn't the only one who wanted, who needed. He kept licking, the flavor of Plum's skin good on his tongue. "I..." Plum groaned, eyes flying open, hands covering that dark ink.

  He nibbled at Plum's fingers, taking one into his mouth and sucking on it, tongue wrapping around the salty flesh. He looked up into Plum's face as he pulled off. "I've seen it now. In the sunlight, no less. You have no reason to hide it from me."

  "It's very dark." Yes, against that skin, it was. Beautiful. Staining.

  "I like it," he told Plum, wrapping one hand possessively around the man's hip. "It means you belong here. With me."

  "It means I'm a thief with a toe in the magick."

  "Which toe?" he asked, refusing to let Plum break his good mood. He slid down, pulling the covers with him and grabbed the big toe on Plum's right foot. "This one?"

  Plum laughed, chuckled, foot drawing up, exposing the tight little hole. "No. No, not that one."

  Crom’s cock throbbed, arousal mingling with the playfulness. He slid his fingers over to wiggle Plum's little toe. "This one, then?" he asked, as his other hand slid up along the inside of Plum's leg.

  Plum's laughter grew, the thief's eyes dancing. "No, no I don't believe so..."

  Grinning, he stopped his questing hand just shy of the place where Plum's thigh met his ass, rubbing and teasing, as he tugged on the middle toe of Plum's right foot. "This one, then."

  "You've found me out." Plum groaned, tilting toward the touch.

  He tugged on Plum's toe, and tickled th
e underside, but most of his attention was on the soft skin he was teasing with his other hand. And a moment later, he let Plum's foot go, mouth sliding up the path his fingers had taken on their way up the inside of Plum's leg.

  "Such heat." Plum shivered, legs spreading, slow and sweet, letting him in.

  Plum felt that fire between them as well. That made it more real. He licked and nibbled, teasing the soft skin. Warm and fragrant, it had him breathing in deeply, tongue teasing beneath Plum's balls, teasing further back.


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