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Alien Romance Box Set: Uoria Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 10): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

Page 71

by Ruth Anne Scott

  "Who is Jiri?"

  The first woman smiled at her again.

  "He is the youngest prince."

  "The youngest prince? Of where?" she asked.

  "Of this planet."

  The answers were so vague and delivered with such soft, unassuming tones that they sounded almost like riddles.

  "What do you mean this planet?"

  Just as the words came out of her mouth, Layla noticed that the sleeve of one of the women's robes had lifted away from her wrist as she poured water over Layla's shoulder, revealing what looked like large glowing gems embedded in the flesh of the inside of her lower arm. Layla grabbed her wrist before she could move her hand away and turned the woman's arm over so that she could look at the gems more closely.

  "What are these?" she asked.

  She saw the women exchange glances.

  "Do you know where you are?" the woman asked her.

  "No. I can't even remember where I was before I was brought here."

  The women looked at each other again and Layla could see something in their glances that told her that something had happened that was even more serious than she had originally thought.

  "Should we tell her?" one of the women asked.

  "Tell me what?" Layla demanded, "Who are you? Where are we? What has happened?"

  The questions poured out of her in rapid-fire succession and she felt like she was screaming in contrast to the consistent, even quiet of the women. There were a few more seconds of silent tension before the woman who had first spoken to her looked back at her.

  "You are in Orion's Belt."

  Chapter Three

  Layla stared at the woman, waiting for her to say more, but she didn't continue.

  "Orion's Belt?" Layla asked, her voice quieting, "Like the constellation Orion?"

  The woman nodded.

  "The constellation, yes."

  "I don't understand."

  "People of Earth think that they understand everything about what they see through their telescopes. In reality, there are whole worlds that they look right at and never actually see. This is one of them."

  Layla tried to process what the woman had just said to her. Her mind was spinning and she was having difficulty making her thoughts cohesive. It wasn't until the woman grasped her hand and gently pulled it off of the other woman's arm that she realized she was still gripping it tightly.

  "These are star stones. We are born with them. Their size and shape correspond with the patterns of the stars the day we are born and throughout our lives they show our thoughts, emotions, and needs."

  "Who are you?" Layla asked, her voice falling to a whisper.

  "My name is Sylan. And you are Layla?"

  "Yes." Layla was startled that the woman had said her name so casually, as if it was not unusual that she knew it, "How did you know that?"

  Sylan smiled and reached for another small vessel on a table beside the tub.

  "Jiri chose you," she said, tipping the vessel to pour another sweet-smelling liquid into the bath.

  Layla watched as the liquid swirled through the pink water, adding ribbons of lavender and soft silver sparkles. She looked up at Sylan quizzically.

  "He chose me?" she asked.

  "Yes. You must be very special. I have never heard of a prince choosing a human woman before."

  Layla paused before she asked her next question. She felt that the answer could be something that would change her life, and after she heard it she would never be able to go back to before she had. Finally she took a breath.

  "What did he choose me for?"

  "The princes are warriors and they need special care. We care for them when they return from official duties or from battle."

  "Each of you takes care of a prince?"

  "Yes. Each prince is given a nurturer of his choice when he comes of age. As the youngest, Jiri was the last of the princes to choose his nurturer."

  "How did he choose me?"

  She wanted to say if we are from different planets but she was already having a difficult enough time comprehending that she had not just been kidnapped, but kidnapped by an extraterrestrial species that had brought her away from her planet to one that she didn't even know existed. Saying it would have forced her to acknowledge it, and she was not yet prepared to do that.

  "He's been watching you. Our men often visit your planet for recreation and on his last visit, he saw you."


  "I do not know," Sylan said, suddenly looking uncomfortable, "I have already told you more than I likely should have. We do not talk with the princes. We are tasked to care for them, and that is all. I overheard Prez talking to his brothers one night when I was preparing his bath for him. I should not have listened."

  She looked suddenly terrified and Layla got a knot in her stomach. Sylan obviously feared the prince who she was tasked to nurture, and perhaps the others as well. That meant that Layla might need to be afraid of the man who had chosen her. The women looked so calm and content, but Layla wondered if that was because they weren't near the princes at that moment.

  "I won't tell anyone," she assured her and Layla saw Sylan give a shaky smile, "What do I do to…nurture him?"

  "Help him with his needs. Feed him, massage him, tend to him whenever he needs you. You will eventually learn to anticipate what he needs and wants before he asks for it. That is a good thing. It is easier for the princes to never want for anything."

  "Come on," another of the women said, "Jiri has been expecting her. We do not want to keep him waiting."

  At that, the women began to move more quickly, finishing washing Layla's body and then helping her out of the tub to carefully dry her with soft, plush towels. They spent a few minutes styling her hair in the braids that the others wore and using soft powders and creams to apply color to her lips and eyes. Finally they dressed her in little more than lingerie and wrapped a purple robe like theirs around her. She was one of them now, a part of a people that she didn't know or understand, struggling to remember what she had left behind and terrified of what might await her in her future.

  When they deemed her ready, the women guided her back down the steps away from the tub and through the mirrored room to a door on the back wall. Sylan opened the door and gently pushed Layla through it into a long, narrow white hallway.

  "This is Jiri's wing. We are not allowed to step in with you. He may be in any of the rooms, but they generally like the ones at the end of the hall the best. Find him and he will let you know what he needs."

  Layla's eyes drifted down to Sylan's arms and saw a faint red glow emanating from the cuffs of her sleeves.

  "What does the red light mean?" she asked.

  Sylan looked up at her and for the first time the woman's face looked sad.


  End of Preview. Get the Complete Book for FREE!


  About the Author Ruth Anne Scott

  Ruth Anne Scott was born and raised in the Shire of Middle America (otherwise known as Telluride, CO) and spend her childhood hiking, sightseeing, and exploring the wilderness around. As a young dreamer and creator her favorite pastime was and still is to sit on the moss covered banks of San Miguel river to write and create her fantasy worlds.

  As a postgraduate she spent much of her adult life working at Amnesty International, doing research into women's rights abuses around the world. Ruth continued to write fantasy as a means to escape the harsh realities of the world around her.

  This is the reason Ruth likes to incorporate strong and savvy women in her fantasy works.

  The boring part: Now a full time author and artist, Ruth can usually be found hunched over a keyboard or tablet, frantically trying to get the images and words in her head out and onto the screen before they drive her mad. She's addicted to coffee and can be found at the local coffee shops :)

; See all her books at:

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