Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 4

by Manmohan Gaur

  Kristen and Saina were standing alone there; both of them went to the tent right next to Rony.


  Chapter 6

  Something will fall from the roaming clouds

  After that big incident, there was the darkness once again and dark silence of the night everywhere, one cat’s voice was coming from far away, all were into the deep sleep, Rony was also in deep sleep, it was almost about midnight time.

  Suddenly Rony opened his eyes, he roamed his neck all around and saw that there is darkness around him and he is sleeping in one tent, at that time he got up and sat up, he was having a little headache; he grabbed his head with his hands and pressed, a wrinkle on the forehead, he said, where I am? Then he remembered that he was dining with everyone, everyone were clapping for him, then suddenly he saw a visual, there was something coming down from the sky, he removed his hand from his head.

  Is what I saw really going to happen? He thought in his heart, whatever has been shown to me till date has come true, then why not this?

  He thought that he should go out and see what will really fall down from the sky; he jumped up, slowly he removed the curtain of his tent, took out his head to see if there is anyone outside or not, no one was there, he came out; he looked towards the sky, the sky seemed to be very clear, the stars were also seen; he wandered his eyes far, around one miles away, he saw roaming clouds with thundering lights.

  He became convinced that this is the only cloud that was seen some time ago in his visuals.

  I have to go there, where will these two girls be? How do I find them? He said it very slowly.

  He thought that total fifteen tents are here; and he can’t check all the tents one by one, then suddenly, do not know how at this time he felt that why he can’t just close his eyes and find out Kristen and saina by his powers.

  He immediately closed his eyes when he closed his eyes he came to know about them with his power that they both were sleeping in the tent besides him only.

  He went and removed the curtain of their tent slowly, and called them in a drunken voice, Kristy…… Saina.

  Both Kristen and Saina opened their eyes after hearing the voice, is that you Rony? Kristen asked.

  Yeah, it’s me, come out fast, I have to talk something important; he said again in the drowsy voice.

  Yeah, wait, we are coming out, Kristen replied in the drowsy voice too.

  Camps yellow lights were on, Rony feared that no one would see him otherwise he will not be able to go from there.

  In a moment, both of them came out of the tent, Kristen’s eyes were opened but Saina was half sleepy.

  Kristen said with anger, what’s wrong with you, you literally got unconscious, do you know that, and everyone felt that there was a “ghost” in you.

  Ssshhhhhhhhh, speak slowly, Rony kept his hand on the Kristen’s mouth.

  Saina, strangely, said to Rony in a strange voice: what happened to you? You scared all of us.

  Oh really, I am sorry; I don’t really know, but listen, we can’t talk now, we have to go somewhere.

  But where, Kristen asked.

  There, Rony showed them that lightning in the roaming clouds one mile away.

  What is happening there? Kristen asked.

  Rony walked, he made his hand toward the camp and the torch of the professor Dulleta placed in the hand of Rony flying in the air, let’s go, I will tell you everything.

  Kristen caught Saina’s hand and started going after him.

  They went little inside the forest. The yellow light coming from camp was no longer reaching there.

  Is it midnight? What would happen if some animal came in here, Kristen said in a friendly voice.

  No way, I do not think so, said Rony who was still looking at those clouds.

  Darkness was too much out there, now it was difficult to find the way but the light in the roaming clouds was falling out there and it looked like a dog was crying far away.

  Saina got scared when she heard the voice, she said, “what was that sound?”

  A dog, Kristen replied.

  Maybe it’s a wild dog; wild dogs are very dangerous, don’t they? Saina asked.

  Rony, Please tell us what’s going on, Saina shouted.

  Well, I will not go now, it’s too dark, and it’s not safe, Saina stopped there in the mid way.

  Kristen too stopped there her, Rony turned back and said, all right, listen to me, at the time of dinner, I had seen some visuals, where I saw that someone came down from those roaming clouds, maybe it was some kind glittering thing or maybe there’s was an alien.

  And when I got out of sleep, I saw these are the same clouds were exactly like I had seen.

  When Rony was saying this, a water drop fell down on Saina’s face, she saw Rony and felt that the water came out from his mouth, oh no, stop spitting on my face, Saina got a little angry.

  No way, I didn’t do it. Rony said.

  Then Kristen’s face also spilled with water, now Rony’s face also spilled with water. Rony said “it is rain water”.

  Rain at this time, someone has an umbrella? Kristen asked.

  We don’t need an umbrella, its fine. I will not let you get wet in the rain, Rony said.

  Oh really but How? Kristen asked.

  Rony closed his eyes again and the trees present there started colliding with each other and they turned in a shelter, few moments and the water on them stopped coming.

  Both Kristen and Saina said, wow, this is amazing rony.

  Let’s go now, he said. And they moved forward.

  The three of them were now very far from their camp, the rain was very fast but due to him, water was not coming on them, suddenly one glittering thing dropped out of those roaming clouds, seeing that it was like a long man, in whose hands there was a long flashing rod.


  Chapter 7

  Ketra, the weapon

  Did you see? Rony exclaimed with excitement, something has fallen.

  Yes, Rony you were right, really something has fallen out there, what it could be? Kristen asked.

  Guys, it can be anything. It looks very scary, should we really go there? Saina said in a drowsy voice. She was very scared.

  As soon as it dropped there, the clouds were normal again, and the rain got stopped too.

  Oh, thank god, rain is over, Saina said.

  At the end of the rain, Rony made the trees straight like they were before.

  Rony suddenly stopped walking, that thing fell a little away from them, he thought it could be something terrible and he cannot put Kristen and Saina into danger, so he thought he would go there alone.

  What happened? Why did you stop? Kristen asked Rony.

  From here I will go alone, you both have to stay right here, and Rony said looking at both.

  But why, no, we will not stop here, Kristen said.

  Look whatever it is, this is for me, I cannot put both of you in danger, so both of you stay here, rony said.

  Do not order us, we will all go together and this is it, Kristen stared at rony and said, starring at rony.

  Okay, rony said slowly, and they started again.

  It was only ten to fifteen meters away, the thing which was just dropped from the sky, rony was gasping, he turned his torch around and saw what it could be there, but the light was not reaching there, those three looked there, it was like some blue sparkling sparks were flying, and smoke was seen everywhere.

  The feet of those three slowly moved forward, are you scared? Rory Read the face of Kristen and saina and said.

  Stop it. Do not say that, if you will say this, we will really be scared, Kristen said.

  I had seen this blue light somewhere earlier too, yes; it is in a picture in my room, rony said moving forward.

  Yes, you made that drawing by sitting with us, saina said.

  Yes, when we were in sixth class, Kristen said.

  Wow, you remember so far, that’s real
ly awesome, rony said.

  Rony’s eyes were admiring the sparkle of blue light. It looked like blue shiny light in the light of his torch.

  They saw that it was one long rod with strange artwork all around like the long wings of a bird it is glued over and polished with gold powder on it. And on that four feet long rod a lotus flower was formed, and blue sparkles were coming out from the same shape.

  It’s not looking like a sword and not even the javelin looks alike, but of course it seems to be a weapon, rony said.

  Kristen and saina too noticed, so this has dropped down from those clouds, one weapon, but why? Rony said.

  Saina heard some voice it was the sound of someone’s gasping loudly, like someone taking a long deep breath.

  Hey, did you hear something? Like someone is breathing too hard, saina asked.

  Yes, I heard same saina.

  Rony removed that torch flashlight from the weapon and moved from there and saw if anyone really is there or not?

  Near a tree, it was a six feet long and strong man, but his face was not like any human, his eyes were closed and smoke was coming out from the corners of the eyes, the colour of his hands and face was black, he was wearing a long royal cloak whose colour was like a clay, his ears were like a cat, and there were two sharp horns on his head, there was a very heavy wound on his chest in the middle across his royal gown.

  Oh my god, there is someone, rony said startled.

  Let's run from here, Kristen grabbed saina’s hand and pulled her hard.

  One second, wait, I think he’s dead, his eyes are closed, rony said.

  He walked up slowly towards him and went near him, in the light of the flashlight, the smoke coming out of the eyes seemed clearly visible.

  Rony, what are you doing please come back here; don’t go to him, saina exclaimed.

  Hello…. sir, can you hear me? Rony gave him a voice. Upon hearing the voice, he opened his big blue eyes, which were shining, rony got nervous after seeing them and retreated.

  As he opened his eyes, he a said in a heavy voice, RONY ZAK….. Is this you?

  Rony was really scared on listening his name from that alien, he thought how the aliens could know his name, hearing his name, and rony fell down, both Kristen and saina screamed together. Rony what happened? Are you okay?

  Yeah, I’m fine; he stood up again, Kristen and saina both ran to him.

  Who is he? Kristen asked him slowly.

  Saina’s hands and feet were trembling.

  Aaahhhh…… a loud painful voice by an alien, alien took the support of a tree and straightened his waist.

  Rony courageously asked the alien, how do you know my name? Who are you?

  I don’t….. Have… much… time, he said in a painful voice, looking at Rony’s face and saying to rony.

  My name is “khira”, for the last nineteen years I have protected “Ketra”, he said, looking at the weapon.

  KETRA? What’s that? Rony asked.

  Rony you must keep this weapon safe, this is yours; he was able to speak very hard.

  Is it mine? But where have you come from? Rony asked.

  First promise that you will keep it safe, rony. ‘Ketra’ must be kept safe. Come here to me.

  Rony sees the face of Kristen and saina, and then he went to him.

  Promise me rony Zak, you will protect it, his hand, which could not be moved by himself, he lifted with great difficulty, rony also kept his hand on his hand and said, alright, I promise you.

  The wound on Khira’s chest was getting deeper, like still someone is engraving.

  How did you get hurt? Rony asked.

  Khira said, go first take that in your hands, hurry…I want to see you with holding Ketra in your hands.

  Rony immediately went near ‘Ketra’ and he picked up ‘Ketra’ with his right hand, as soon as he took Ketra in his hand, he got an electric shock, his blue eyes shone even more, and the blue sparks that were coming out of the ‘Ketra’ turned into a deep blue light, and from that, there was a huge light.

  Khira said, go… now you go away from here rony Zak. And with those last words he closed his eyes.

  The three of them were watching him, that seemed like he was dead now, but his wound was deepened.

  Rony walked and went to Kristen and saina. Can you hold this; rony gave his flashing torch to saina.

  Yes, why not? Saina took the flashing torch in her own hands.

  They were all visible in the blue light of the Ketra, oh no, his wound is getting deeper, worried rony said.

  Can’t we save him? I am not able to see this now, saina tears out with eyes.

  They were looking at him at a glance, which suddenly started stirring in his chest, like someone is coming out from there.

  Oh god, I can’t see this; something is coming out from his chest, saina exclaimed.

  A large animal came out from his chest, whose whole body was fluttering with fire, it was like a spider, but his mouth was long and pointed.

  Seeing this, the animal grew bigger, and got bigger, so big that saina and Kristen and rony looked like a rat in front of it.

  Saina and Kristen’s lungs stopped after seeing him, they couldn’t even speak a single word.

  It has become enormous, it seems like one has killed him, it was in his body, rony screamed.

  That huge spider like animal opened his mouth and came towards rony and Kristen and saina.

  Run… run… run…. run…. run…. run….. Rony screamed.

  Rony had gone away from there, but Kristen and saina were as good as dead, they did not move at all.

  Kristen…… saina…… run away from there, rony shouted out loudly.

  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh both of them screamed and ran away.

  The animal was coming behind them, they both reached the equivalent of Rony’s part, and the three of them increase the speed of their feet, towards jungle.

  Rony, why is it behind us? Kristen asked.

  Rony and Kristen and saina were running away saving themselves from long trees coming in between, I don’t know, maybe he is coming after me because I am holding this Ketra.

  And then rony saved himself from a tree’s cast, and said, watch it, but Kristen and saina did not see it and both of them collided with it and fell down.

  Rony stopped and looked back and saw that both of them have fallen, oh no, come on get up fast, he shouted.

  That animal had reached near to them; both of them could not understand what they should do.

  Kristen, saina, gets up from there and run, he shouted on them again.

  Both of their faces turned pale, the animal wrapped with the flames of that flame extended his hand, then suddenly one arrow filled with the torrent immediately went inside the animal, and his body got spilt up by that arrow, the green dirty fluid was shattered everywhere.

  Rony ran immediately and ran to them and came to them but there was another person coming before him. Kristen and saina stood up with faltering, and they handled themselves.

  It was a man with the hard body, taunting another moving arrow on the flashing wooden bow, the hairs on his head looked like a lots of small black horns, his hands and face colour was brightly coloured, he had worn a white colour sack, in which his legs were not seen.


  Chapter 8

  An invitation by angel Niri

  I never killed such a terrible and bizarre animal, he said in his loud voice. He removed his drawn arrow from his bow and put it back in the arrow box behind the waist.

  Rony said, thanks for the help but who are you?

  Oh, Mr. Rony Zak, apologize, I did not introduce myself; he bowed his knees in front of them and he bowed his head in front on Rony and then looking back at Rony said; I am the guard of the auskret angles. My name is Brakaliyo witchrid. And he stood up.

  Brakaliyo witchrid, thank you so much for saving our lives, Kristen said sweetly.

  Thank you, sai
na too said softly.

  Oh, you are welcome; he said in the hands of rony, looking at the Ketra.

  Do you even know me? Keeping one leg forward, surprisingly rony asked.

  Yes, yes, I have been sent here by auskret angles with an invitation for you. Look at this.

  He pulled out the napkin of a brinjal colour trapped in his waist, and left it in the air, waving in the air; it went in front of Rony’s face and got opened.

  Kristen and saina were surprised by seeing the floating napkin in the air, they retreated.

  On the napkin, white words began to appear automatically, it was some kind of message.

  “Dear rony Zak,

  I invite you to queen angel niri to attend the kingdom of auskret angels; you have to make some important things; I hope you will accept my invitation.

  Along with rony, saina and Kristen also read those words.

  What? An angel has invited you but why, Saina stabbed her elbow on rony and asked slowly.

  Suddenly napkin was burnt in the fire after giving this news and its ash flew up into the air.

  I do not know why angel is calling me. It may be possible to go there and find the answer; rony looked at Kristen and saina and whispered.

  Sir, are you ready to come with me? Brakaliyo looked at him with great respect and said.

  Rony was thinking about khira, his smoky eyes were coming into his mind, he said, maybe we should go back to the camp.

  Kristen said, yes, if Professor Lucy found out that we are not present in our tent, then she will kick us out from the college.

  Saina started thinking that she never saw angels in her life and she did know that this opportunity will ever come again or not. She said there is still some more time to get in the morning, why do not we go there till then?

  What really? Kristen looked at her side with surprise.

  By then Brakaliyo had already called up his magical saucer there in front of them, which was a transparent glass of reverse mattress in appearance, next to it there was a stave of the lion’s face, from which the fire was coming out.


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