Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 5

by Manmohan Gaur

  It came on the flying land, Brakaliyo climbed on it and rallied and pointing towards the rony and Kristen and saina, sir?

  Rony first climbed on that and then Kristen and saina kept their feet on it.

  Rony asked, so where are you going to take us and how long it will take?

  Brakaliyo pulled the rope on the lion’s mouth and he started flying the saucer, sir we will not take much time, overturning his back, he replied to rony.

  None of the three of them have done such a ride till today, as soon as the saucer got up in the air, the water of the stomach fell, and with fear they caught the glass’s pillars tightly.

  Brakaliyo, can’t you blow it slowly? Kristen said.

  Brakaliyo laughed, Ha Ha Ha Ha…. perhaps you are sitting on such a saucer for the first time, this is its initial speed, but still I slow it down for you.

  Rony said thanks.

  The dense and tall trees now started to look down a lot from there, they had come between the clouds in the sky, and in a few moments they saw a glowing huge snowy palace whose four buildings were very high, around there, many white fairies were blowing their white feathers in the open air.

  There was a huge smile on Saina’s face, she said happy and said, is this all fairies?

  Brakaliyo replied, yes this is the faithful fairyland of auskret kingdom, they protect the main gate.

  After some time they reached near it, Brakaliyo lowered his saucer and they landed down on the floor made of ice, there were also some white birds flying along with all the fairies present there, and everyone’s eyes were on rony, Kristen and saina.

  All three of them also got down with Brakaliyo, rony said; I have never seen this before, never in the dream too.

  Oh, it’s very cold, something hot food should be found, Kristen said.

  Please all of you come behind me, Brakaliyo said.

  There was a huge door in front of them, whose height was as high as about two-storey building, there were different types of red and yellow flower trees whose roots were not seen anywhere.

  Wow how beautiful it is, Kristen shook her eyes and said, flicking her eyes.

  The door in front of them opened up, and they got inside, many white lights in the air were swinging around in the lamps, they had a huge throne right in front, which was shining with precious diamonds and sitting on it was a very beautiful angel, the crown of her head was snowy. There were two fairies on both sides of the throne whose height was about 4 feet, they had a velvety broom in their hands, from which they were blowing air on their angel, in front of her throne some beautiful fairies were sitting on silver chairs.

  The eyes of rony, Kristen and saina were shining; they saw that the sitting angel was coming down from her throne.

  She spoke loudly, “oh my dear rony Zak”. Welcome to my palace, Brakaliyo stood in the side and stood up, and now that angel reached near rony.

  Thank you, rony answered. Angel was looking at Kristen and saina with her glowing eyes.

  Both of these are my friends, rony said.

  Yes, I know, they both are your childhood friends, Kristen and saina, so there is a very deep friendship in all of you.

  But you are different rony; she shook her golden hair and said, shaking her hair.

  Yes everyone says, but can you tell me who I am? Rony hesitantly asked.

  You are a great man, rony. Like this divine weapon your body is also divine, it is sacred.

  Rony wanted only since childhood that someone should tell him about what happened to him and what was the point of that? Why some things are already known to him? Why he is different? He was happy today he felt that angel would be able to tell him something.

  Both Kristen and Saina were shivering from the cold; the snow was frozen in both of them hairs. On the hands of rony, the thin sheet of ice was frozen too.

  You are feeling a little too cold; let me arrange for some hot things for you, angel niri said, and she played a pinch in the air.

  A beautiful angel appeared with a glass plate and three long-long glasses in her hand, which were for drinking.

  This is the hottest thing here, drink it, you will stop getting cold, an angel said.

  Kristen and Saina looked at rony and pointed out that should they drink it? Rony blinked his eyes, and he pointed saying yes.

  Those three took the glasses and in the same sip they drink those drinks, the mouths of all three had become like they drank the decoction of a dead rat, they put glasses on the plate and that angel vanished from there.

  Angel niri said it is a bit bitter.

  Rony said, it was very bitter but thank god now it doesn’t look cold, thank you.

  Oh you are welcome rony, going to the throne, an angel said:

  All three followed her.

  So why have you called us here? Rony asked.

  Angel niri stopped her steps, she turned and said; I have some responsibility to protect Ketra also, rony. That is why I have called you here.

  Actually, angel niri knew the power of Ketra; she knew Ketra was no ordinary weapon, that’s why nattily angel niri was trying to take that weapon from him.

  Rony did not even realize that Angel’s eyes were on the Ketra, so he told you to protect it, an angel asked.

  Yes, he said he was protecting it for the last nineteen years and now I have to protect it.

  If you want, you can keep it safe here, near me. Angel said smartly.

  Rony saw her eyes they looked vicious.

  No, he clearly said to the angel.

  I can protect it myself, khira said to me when he died that it is yours and not to give it to anyone, so I will not give it to anyone.

  Angel niri knew that rony could read anyone’s mind and keeping in this mind, she did not think of anything that rony knew about her reality, despite this he refused her.

  Angel niri knew that he would not give it to her, she immediately called up Brakaliyo.

  Brakaliyo, who stood at some distance, came to angel Niri.

  He said highness and bowed his head down.

  Return rony and his friends back and leave where they came from, an angel ordered him.

  Brakaliyo looked at Rony’s side and said, “Come on,” sir.

  And they left from there; rony once looked back to an angel and looked back.

  Could we not stop here for a while? Everything is so beautiful here, Saina turned around and looked around and asked.

  No, we cannot stop here for a single moment, we should go down quickly Rony looked at Kristen and said.

  Kristen also understood that something is not right, so rony is saying this.

  They crossed the door, the magical saucer was present outside, and they climbed on it with Brakaliyo.

  Brakaliyo said, while going down you may have some nervousness, so hold it with a little attention.

  Rony replied, yeah, okay.

  Brakaliyo flew the saucer, and they started moving down.

  Rony was wondering if he went back to the camp then maybe someone will see the Ketra and then it will not be easy to hide it.

  Rony said, looking at Kristen and Saina. We will not go back to our camp.

  But why Kristen asked.

  Saina said if we do not go there, there can be a big problem.

  If we go there, then everyone will know about the Ketra and I do not want anyone to know about it,

  Maybe you are right, rony. We should go to our home so you can hide it somewhere, Kristen said.

  Rony said, Brakaliyo, please can you leave us at home?

  Brakaliyo said, yes why not sir, where is your home?

  On Fin Street, rony said.

  On fin street, okay. I will get you there. He replied.

  Brakaliyo rotated his saucer and turned towards the fin street, in a few moments they reached out there.

  Rony asked to bring the magical saucer right in front of his bungalow, it was about 3:30 a.m. of the night and at this time there was hardly anybody on the road, therefore Brakaliyo also brought his sa
ucer to rony at the behest of rony.

  Thank you very much, Brakaliyo, rony said to Brakaliyo going towards him.

  Oh, it was a pleasure to me, Brakaliyo said shaking hands.

  Kristen and Saina got off immediately and then rony also got down.

  And after all of them got down from the saucer, Brakaliyo quickly flew the saucer and disappeared in the clouds.

  Kristen looked at Saina and said, alright then, now we should go, rony you hide it at the safe place.

  Yes, okay, I will hide it in a safe place, Rony replied.

  Okay, good night Rony. Kristen said.

  Good night Rony. Saina said too.


  Chapter 9

  Hiding Ketra & troublesome night for Kristen and saina

  Both went their houses but Rony had to hide the Ketra somewhere in a dignified place, he could not hide the Ketra even in his house because even if Natania knew about it, there would also be a problem. Rony suddenly remembered his garage whose door was there at outside the Bungalow; he slowly crossed his small privet garden and went on handing the legs in a corridor beside the main door of the bungalow. He was also keeping in mind that the Ketra did not touch anything, at the end of the corridor there was a dirty brown door on which the spider web was seemed, and he slowly opened its loin and pushed the door gently so that his mom would not wake up from sleep.

  He put one of his legs in and then pressed the button on the right side wall, immediately a yellow light bulb was turned on, rony did not have much work in the garage, when he was very young and whenever his father used to repair his car, he used to come with him in the garage.

  There were so many things, an oil tank, old tires and broken furniture but there was a wardrobe in front which looked fine, he opened the door of the closet and he kept the Ketra straight there.

  When he came back, he closed the garage light and then closed the door, and now he comes near his main door, he kept a finger on the door bell switch, then he thought that if the mother would wake up from sleep, she would ask me where I am coming so late in the night.

  He closed his eyes and opened the latch inside the door by his supernatural power, and then he opened the door slowly, he was wondering what would have happened to saina and Kristen? Even their parents would have asked them where they were coming from so late.

  He went to his room without making any noise and slept on his bed.

  A new day rose with the new rays of the sun, it was a special day for natania Zak, because today it was her 38th birthday. The clock was ringing at 7:00 in the morning, natania was very happy today, she got out of her bedroom and first noticed that Rony’s room door was open, which always used to be closed, and she knew that rony has gone to the sirgao forest for his college project.

  Natania looked inside the room, she saw that rony was sleeping there, seeing this, there was a sense of suspicion on her face that when rony came home and she wanted to ask him but she saw rony sleeps deep in sleep and changed her mind and decided that when he wakes up, she will ask him when came home.

  Natania came out of the house and started giving water from a jar of water in her small park.

  In bungalow number 8, saina always used to sleep in her bedroom. But today, she was sleeping on the ground-coloured round sofa in the hall. At night, when she rang door bell, no one opened the door, then she made a voice, mom, mom, dad, dad.

  Two or three times after raising her voice, her mom Mrs. Eli Wilson and dad, Ron Wilson got up in the bedroom, Eli lit the light near her bed and saw the eyes of the Ron like a rat. Even though Ron had sat up, his snoring was not stopped and he was snoring in such a way that along with his lips, his white moustache was trembling too.

  Eli slapped a tight slap on Ron’s cheeks to wake him up from sleep, after slapping, Ron’s snoring stopped, and he yelled and said what happened?

  I think, outside is someone who is ringing door bell again and again.

  Mom… mom. Saina raises voice again.

  It sounds like saina’s voice, Ron said. They both came out of the room and came out, it was saina that Eli and Ron looked out of their window, and Eli opened the door immediately.

  Oh mom, dad. How are you? I am back, saina said happily.

  Ron had completely forgotten where saina had gone, he shouted, it’s a time to come home? Where was the whole night singing and dancing you?

  Saina was completely shocked to hear this, dad… but I was in the college camp.

  Mom, please tell dad, saina looked at mom and said.

  Yes Ron, she had gone to her college camps, then Eli also asked, then how did you come here? Did all the people come from camp? What was the need to come so late?

  Saina could not understand what she should say, she shouted, I am very sleepy, and she slept on the same round couch.

  Something similar happened with Kristen. When Kristen rang the doorbell of her bungalow number 7 in the night than kuku, who was a lovely puppy, started barking from inside the door, he had found out that this is Kristen.

  By listening to the voice of kuku, Kristen’s mother Sabri Weasley opened her owl-like eyes and got up but Fred weasley did not stand asleep beside her. Fred… get up, Sabri twice tried to push Fred up. Fred suddenly wakes up and saw that Sabri was awake and kuku was barking at someone outside.

  Has anyone come out? Maybe a thief, Sabri guessed.

  I take out my gun. Fred jumped from the bed and said that he got the small gun from the box placed beside the bed. "Do not make any sound. I will have to grab him in the red hands" Sabri and Fred both gradually walk and walk to reach.

  Fred opened the door lane and stitched the gun saying hands-up.

  Kristen was standing in front of him, who was supposed to fall back by looking at the gun, but handling herself, said dad, this is me Kristen.

  Sabri saw that it was Kristen. Fred said you are the one who came to steal in the night.

  Oh dad, move away I’m feeling very sleepy. Kristen said.

  Sabri caught Kristen’s hand and said, you had gone to the college camp, did all come from there?

  Yes we all have come. She lied to get rid of her chase and went to sleep in her room.


  Chapter 10

  Search for Rony, Kristen and Saina

  It was a lot of hours since the accident happened in the sirgao forest in the night with rony, in the morning all the students and professors were all ready and sat at the breakfast table.

  The professor Lucy had a white cup in her hand in which she was drinking black coffee, the professor Chiraka was holding a toast in his hand and the professor Dulleta sat with a cup of tea in his hand, they were sitting on a round table and chairs away from all students and nobody was talking to anyone.

  Professor Lucy was still shocked at the incident that took place at night, she took a sip and said, this can happen only when some demonic spirit grips someone and take possession of the entire body then a man can’t handle himself.

  Professor Lucy took the second sip… sheeee… with this weird sound.

  Are you talking about rony? The professor dulleta placed the cup of tea on the table and made serious emotions on the face and said.

  Professor Chiraka’s eyes were looking for rony, all the students were having breakfast but rony was not seen anywhere.

  But he could not be seen anywhere, professor chiraka said, looking at the students.

  It’s good he is not seen anywhere, I do not like his evil appearance, the professor Lucy shrugged and said to the professor chiraka.

  Jorge came running towards professors, he was gasping. Sir, rony, Kristen and saina are missing from the camp, those three are not anywhere.

  Upon hearing this, Professor Lucy suddenly stood up and as soon as attending, left the cup caught in her hand, what……… she yelled. Those three are missing?

  Those three are not anywhere, Jorge repeated.

  Dulleta along with the professor Lucy
also rose from there and went to all students of the part.

  Has anyone seen rony, Kristen and saina? Dulleta asked all the students loudly.

  Everyone’s attention came on professor; nobody knew where they were all there. So everyone said no, we did not see those three.

  Professor took out his phone and put a phone call at Rony’s house.

  Natania’s phone bell rang at home, trin trin… trin trin…

  After Natania, who had given water to the trees in her park, now she was sitting on her couch and raised it from the TV and raised her landline phone.

  Hello, natania said.

  Hello, Miss natania, I am professor chiraka speaking, how are you?

  Oh hello, professor. I am fine, thank you.

  Actually there is a bad news, rony and his two friends have gone missing from the camp, but you do not worry at all, I will find them.

  What natania heard was really a bad news if she had not seen him sleeping at home, but natania had already seen rony at home.

  No no, rony is at home only, and at this time he is asleep.

  Professor chiraka said, is rony at home? Oh this boy. Why did he go home from the camp? But it's okay, you solved my problem. Probably, Then Kristen and saina will also be home, he assumed.

  Natania said, I apologize, then sir, I do not know how he came to the house but I definitely will take his class.

  Ok miss natania; you take care of yourself, bye. Saying this, the professor chiraka cut the phone.

  He saw that the professor Lucy and the professor dulleta put all the students in search of rony and his friends; he went to the professor Lucy quickly.

  Rony is at his house, professor chiraka laughed.

  What, that boy reached home, who gave him permission? She flirted on the chiraka.

  And what is Kristen and saina at home too? Staring at chiraka she asked.

  As far as I think, both of them must be at their home, but it is good that he is fine, otherwise, where do we find them in this forest? Professor Chiraka said.


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