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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

Page 6

by Manmohan Gaur

  Lucy’s anger got over the sky. I will not give that boy single marks of this project, and Kristen and saina will also have to be complained to the principal.


  Chapter 11

  Dad, you are going to die

  Natania was disturbed by hearing that rony alone came home from the camp, while others were still in the camp, while thinking this; she went again towards the couch and sat down there.

  A photo frame was placed on a small square table lying in front of it, this photo was of Natania’s husband Albert Zak, Albert Zak looked like an army soldier in that photo and was wearing a brown round cap and his white face had a brown moustaches on it, natania lifted the frame and started seeing it.

  Rony was woken up from sleep, he came out rubbing his eyes, he said, mom…

  His hands were still on his eyes, he again gave voice to his mother, mom…, but natania was lost in Albert’s photo frame.

  Rony saw that his mom was looking at the photo of his father; he thought that he should know what natania is thinking?

  He closed his eyes and saw that natania was wondering how Albert’s accident.

  It’s a matter of time when rony was five-year-old.

  It was Sunday, Albert was sitting ready on the sofa, he was wearing black jeans and orange shirt, there was a dense beard and moustache with curly hair, he was holding a coffee mug in one hand, his coffee was about to finish.

  Natania we are getting late….. Albert said, keeping the coffee mug on the table.

  Natania got ready in her room and came out, she was wearing a full red dress, her hair was loose, she said as soon as she came out, how do I look?

  Albert got up from the couch, he saw natania and said, my god, you look so beautiful today, Albert went to her and he kissed natania on her lips.

  He turned his eyes and said where rony is? Natania also turned her eyes everywhere and saw that rony was standing near the main door.

  Rony was wearing blue jeans and red jacket, his hairs were so long, and natania has pointed Albert, “he is there”.

  Albert came to rony and said: oh son, my hero, you are here and daddy was looking for you somewhere else, Albert took him up into his lap, from there, they went to the car, there was a red colour car, the car was parked in the parking, Albert opened the back door and he sat rony there inside the car, and Albert too sat inside the car on the driver seat.

  Natania came and sat on a seat near Albert, so where are we going Albert?

  Oh, no, no, I can’t tell you, it’s a secret, but you have never been there before, Albert smiled.

  Rony said, but I know dad where are we going.

  Albert knew that rony might be known because he could know everything. Do not rony please do not tell, we’ll give a surprise to mom, okay.

  Rony said, okay, dad. I won’t.

  Natania said, alright, I am very much excited now, Ha Ha haha.

  They reached a few miles; it was the highway, and it was loud music in the car.

  Suddenly Rony said dad you are going to die. Maybe he must have discovered something.

  Albert was shocked, natania had stooped the car’s music almost, she screamed with anger, rony, do not say so, and apologize to dad, right now.

  Rony said, but. He is going to die….

  Albert was just driving the car, he thought maybe rony is joking, he said, he’s joking, let it go.

  Natania stared at rony and ignored him.

  After some time a truck came from the other side of the highway which was a big truck, truck driver turned the truck in such a way that Albert’s car collided with and the side on which Albert was sitting that part was completely broken and Albert died at the same time. Nothing happened to natania and rony. But both rony and natania were scared badly. But just a few moments ago what rony said was exactly the same.

  Since then natania had taken rony responsible for Albert’s death, and even today, she was thinking about this accident.

  Rony went to her and said, mom.

  Natania, who was lost in that frame, came back, and she put the frame back on the table.

  She stood up from the couch and said rony you got up.

  Happy birthday mom, rony said, he was serious.

  Oh, you remember son, thank you so much. Rony hugs natania.

  And then rony said, do you still think that I killed dad?

  Oh no. she hid the tears coming on her face and said, you did not do anything rony; I know.

  Rony said, thank you mom. So what about your birthday? He asked to lighten the atmosphere.

  We will celebrate, natania replied.

  Suddenly natania remembered that she had received a call from the professor chiraka.

  Suddenly she shouted on rony. When did you come from the camp? And how?

  It’s a long story mom; he went to the dining table and sat down.

  But the professor chiraka had called, and he was looking for you in the camp.

  What? Professor had called, rony thought that he would definitely be trapped in a bigger problem, but he did not want to tell natania anything so he said, Mom actually I was not able to sleep properly in the tent there so I came here, there were lots of wild animals there.

  Natania has made her eyes big and said what? If that was so then you did it right, you did great!

  By saying this, natania left from there.


  Chapter 12

  Natania’s birthday

  It was evening and natania had called the neighbours on her birthday and was almost prepared all the preparations and was waiting for her guests; she wore a red dress that was very beautiful, and no one can say that it is her 38th birthday today looking her in this red dress.

  Natania did lighted all over the house, the flowers were decorated; the cake was kept on the dining table and four other candles were placed around it.

  All guests will be coming soon, natania quickly said to herself, saw the clock on the wall, the clock was at 6:30 in the evening.

  6:30 pm, natania said quickly.

  Caught the head with her hand and went to the kitchen in a hurry,

  Where did rony go? How irresponsible this boy is, today is my birthday, and he doesn’t care.

  She came out of the kitchen and picked up a cell phone placed on the dining table to call rony.

  As she was searching for Rony’s number, so in her ears she heard the sound of the door bell, she thought that it might be rony; she put the cell phone back on the table and went to open the door and after opening the door; it was the kuku, who started barking on her; she stepped back two steps by fear.

  Surprisingly, natania said, oh my god, what happened to this kuku now? So far, natania did not notice Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

  Oh dear natania so sorry, kuku is looking at this house from this morning and is barking loudly, Mrs. Sabri Wesley Said.

  Natania looked at kuku lovingly; perhaps he might have come to know that today is my birthday.

  Kuku stopped barking and sat down under the dining table.

  You look so beautiful in this red dress, Sabri said to natania.

  Oh thank you so much Sabri, please come in.

  They both came in; Mrs. Weasley hugged natania and said, happy birthday dear.

  Mr. Weasley realized his occurrence by wheezing in his throat.

  Natania saw that Mr. Fred Weasley wanted to say something, he extended his hand and said, happy birthday Mrs. Zak.

  Natania too extended her hand towards Mr. Weasley to say thank you, but at the same time, the door bell rang again.

  Natania saw Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were standing with flowers in their hands.

  Without shaking hands with Mr. Weasley, natania went away to receive them, Mr. Weasley saw his hand and said “no problem”.

  Happy birthday…. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson said together.

  Mr. Ron Wilson, one who did not have the desire to come to this house, actually they were afraid to come here because they knew about
rony that he was not an ordinary boy, and Kristen kept telling him horrible things about rony, but his wife Eli had come here forcibly today.

  Oh thank you so much Eli, Natania said.

  They both came in and said, this is for you, giving flowers to natania.

  Oh, it’s lovely, thank you Eli, said natania.

  Eli, saina didn’t come with you, natania asked.

  Eli looked at Ron and Ron said, we thought saina would be with rony.

  Where is he? Ron asked.

  Just sitting on the sofa, Mr. Fred Weasley said loudly, I had just talked to my daughter a while ago; she said that she and saina are with rony and we will meet you at Rony’s house.

  Suddenly the kuku got out of the dining table and started looking at the door, perhaps he knew that Kristen was about to reach him.

  Door bell rang again,

  It seems that the children have come; natania looked at her guests and said.

  And she went to open the door as soon as natania opened the door; she saw a huge bouquet.

  Rony lowered the bouquet and said loudly with Kristen and saina, surprise…

  Where were you rony? You know how long all of them are waiting.

  Mom, rony cited natania not to speak anything.

  He gave bouquet to his mom.

  Natania, taking a bouquet asked saina and Kristen to come in.

  Rony took a bouquet from Natania’s hands and kept it down, rony said, mom please close your eyes for a second.

  Natania said in a hurry, now what rony?

  Please mom, he requested.

  Natania closed her eyes and rony took out a small gift from the pocket of his jacket.

  Rony said, now open the eyes mom.

  Natania opened the eyes and said what is it son?

  Mom, open it up. He said.

  Only then saina and Kristen came forward and they wished natania.

  Natania said rony we should cut the cake first and see this gift of yours later.

  Kristen saw kuku and said, “What are you doing here?”

  She took kuku in her hands and went to her mom and dad.

  Mom why did you bring kuku here?

  He was insisting on coming here, so that’s why, but now you take care of him, Sabri Wesley Said.

  Natania said to all ok you all please come here now.

  All the people went around the table and stood up there.

  Rony lit candles attached to the cake with the help of the lighter, all there began to sing the birthday song for natania and began to applause, happy birthday to you…. happy birthday to you… happy birthday dear natania, the birthday song was going on.

  Kuku suddenly came to Kristen and started dragging her sandals, Kristen saw and she took up kuku in her hands.

  Natania cut the cake with a knife and got a piece, rony was standing a little back away from the table, because he had seen something again.

  Natania’s eyes were looking for rony, rony had his hands on his eyes, and he saw natania bringing a cake on his side with an eye.

  What happened to you, are you ok? Let’s open your mouth, natania said.

  Yes, I am fine, just maybe some garbage in my eyes is gone, he removed his hands from his eyes while saying this and ate up the cake from Natania’s hand.


  Chapter 13

  Take Ketra and run

  Rony went to the dining table and took a knife in his own hands, because he wanted to feed his mother too, but suddenly his eyes were darkened.

  He heard a voice, that voice was very intense, it seemed as if there was a voice of some 80-90-year-old human being, rony….. Rony…. he heard his name twice.

  In that long he had made about 100 pieces of cake, and the pieces of cut pieces on the table float in the air, Rony’s entire focus was in that voice, and he did not even realize that he had made so many pieces of cake and now they were flying in the air.

  All the guests standing nearby were shocked to see the rony that what he is doing? Ron Wilson was staring to see rony; he feared that his coming here can be deadly today.

  Eli and Sabri, standing nearby, looked natania with an unknown fear, Fred, who knew about rony, also got back from the table.

  Rony had now seen an old man, who had a long white beard and long old face, his hair was getting illuminated, had bright brown eyes, wearing an old torn heavier black dress was worn, in his hand there was a long bent wood which had a long beak on the top.

  With his closed eyes, rony had seen him standing at the main door of his house, that old man said; take the Ketra and run away from here…. rony…… take the Ketra and run away from here.

  They are coming; they are coming, take the Ketra and run away from here…

  The man from that old age said to Rony all this again and again and vanished from there; along with that something happened that Rony never wanted.

  Cake got up jumped with plates placed on the dining table and rony opened his eyes.

  He saw that he had spoiled the whole cake; he looked at the natania and said in a mysterious voice, mom did you see him? Rony thought that the old man would probably have seen by everyone there.

  The cake was stuck on Fred, Eli, Ron and Sabri as well as saina and Kristen’s face, but on Natania’s face, the cake sticks too much because she was standing nearby.

  Rony had nothing to speak to, he said, I didn’t deliberately, did any of you have not seen that old man there? He pointed towards the door.

  What Old man? Saina looked at rony and asked.

  Kristen had understood that rony must have seen something again, and maybe it could be something terrible, by thinking of this, he threw kuku down from her hands, and she said scared, is he here? How does he look alike?

  Rony said, "No he is not here anymore" but… Rony stopped talking, because the way everyone were seeing him, he felt that he should not speak anything else there.

  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were all looking suspiciously towards natania; natania was unable to say anything because of shame.

  Natania came near Rony’s ear and whispered, what did you do? How are they looking at me now? What can I say to them?

  I am sorry mom, rony said slowly.

  Natania saw everyone’s faces and that which was right at that time according to her was it was a bomb in the cake, which has exploded by candle’s fire.

  Rony also heard this, and it was okay to tell it to everyone, he said, yes mom, it was a cake with a bomb, nowadays such cakes are coming in the market, which automatically sticks on the faces.

  Ron’s face turned red, chocolate cake was hanging on his moustaches, he said, do not lie to me; you did this, and deliberately did so that you could scare us.

  No, I did not deliberately do this, rony stared at Ron looking towards him and said.

  Mom, I have some urgent work, I will just come back, rony said to natania, but everyone had heard it.

  Rony went to Kristen, who was cleaning the cake from her cheeks, she was angry with her brown eyes, but she listened to rony, he whispered slowly; we have to leave; he said the weapon is in danger.

  Saina too stood by her ear, rony said, we have to hide Ketra somewhere else.

  Ron and Fred’s ears were standing, they wanted to hear the words of rony, but they didn’t hear anything.

  Rony, Kristen and saina moved towards the door, Ron and Fred always used to talk to Kristen and saina to stay away from rony, and today after having done that, both of them did not want that Kristen and saina stayed with rony for one more moment.

  Ron said, saina come here, I have to talk to you right now.

  Immediately afterwards, Fred said, you also come here, I have to tell you something.

  Rony opened the door, Kristen turned back and said, not now dad. We will talk later.

  Saina just came out by saying goodbye.

  The three went out and rony closed the door from the outside.

  Why did you close the door? Saina asked rony.
  So that they could not see us with Ketra, rony replied.

  They all went towards the garage.

  Rony said shaking his legs fast and shocked, I have never seen him before.

  Kristen also went fast and said, who? Who are you talking about?

  To that old strange man but he called me by my name.

  Saina said, then why are you taking the Ketra somewhere else at his command? Maybe somebody is trying to steal it.

  No, maybe I should trust him; we have to hide Ketra somewhere else.

  Rony opened the garage door and pressed the button on the right, light shines in the garage.

  Kristen said, so you hid it here.

  Yes in that cupboard, rony goes to the wardrobe; he opened the door of the closet and saw that the Ketra was there, the blue light was coming out of it. He took the Ketra out of there and came out of there.

  Saina asked where to hide it.

  Kristen said do we hide it at my house?

  Rony just remembered that he had to run away with the weapon that old man had just said that.

  Rony said, we have to take it away, so that if someone comes, then they will not know, rony, saina and Kristen reached to the road and started walking fast, in a while they reached far away.


  Chapter 14

  Natania’s kidnap

  Inside the house of natania, natania thought how to calm the anger of Ron and Fred, and for that she said, I will just go and will call them.

  Natania went to the door and found that the door was not open, said, perhaps rony has closed the door from the outside.

  Ron shouted loudly, very well! Now we will be a prisoner here.

  Ron started staring at Eli; he was reminded that he was not willing to come in this party.

  Eli understood his gesture.

  Kuku was licking the cake lying on the floor; natania was still looking at her door by pulling the door that she could open it anyhow.

  Fred was showing a finger to Sabri and was repeatedly saying that now Kristen will not be allowed to go with him for a single moment, I do not want my child to be shadowed by that conjuror.


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