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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

Page 8

by Manmohan Gaur

  Rony stood up and put the Ketra behind him, Kristen and saina too stood up with fear, who is coming from there? Rony immediately asked mahatma, till then, four horses came out of the tunnel, whose colour was shining black and their eyes were flowing out, and then a chariot made of black wood was seen in which a terrible woman was sitting, there was a crown on her head that had a bird’s sign, she was wearing a black dress, and in her hands was a long climb of a chocolate colour.

  As the chariot stopped, she flew down in the air and came down from the chariot, like the mahatma tried to bring a false smile on his face and came forward and said, “Queen Sirika,” In her honour he leaned down and said, you are welcome, what makes you come here?

  But the queen did not do anything like that, it looked as if someone just slapped her on her face, and she seemed very angry.

  Mahatma…. she yelled loudly that it was full of echo.

  How dare you get human children’s here? She stares at saina and Kristen with a stern look.

  The queen came forward after expressing her dress and she saw rony and said is this the only child who has the connection with that dark planet.

  Yes, yes. Empress, mahatma breathed slowly and said, breathing slowly.

  You have to take them back at the moment, queen shouted.

  But why, rony asked in a clear voice, he is just helping me.

  Talking anyone in the middle of the queen was not tolerated by her at all; she made her magical wand towards rony and said how did you dare to speak in the middle of a queen? The green light came out of her wand as if she was about to attack rony.

  Both saina and Kristen started trembling, mahatma said loudly, NO.

  Rony thought she wanted to kill him, and at the same time he carried the Ketra forward, he was breathing heavily and closed his eyes and prepared his power, on seeing, the blue light of the Ketra started getting sharp and it collided with the green light coming out of the queen’s wand.

  The queen never encountered such power, she could not save her wand with the weapon’s power, and with that hand the wand flew away in the air.

  Mahatma was surprised to see, he knew so much that rony did not know to use the ketra’s power.

  Kristen and saina were very happy in their mind that rony defeated the queen.

  There was silence for some time and everyone was watching each other.

  Mahatma said, empress you fine? I had told you not to speak in the middle, rony.

  Rony understood the face of the mahatma as he was telling him that you did well.

  Rony said to the empress, I am sorry, I thought you wanted to kill me.

  The queen called her wand again and caught in her hand and said, no problem, I did not want to kill you, she saw the mahatma, and after seeing rony, she said, is this same weapon?

  “Ketra”, mahatma said.

  Yes Ketra, I had heard about it, it’s really powerful. The queen said while slowing down her voice.

  She went to rony and said, waving her fingers on the Ketra, you can stay here, but both of these, she stared saina and Kristen, the face of Kristen and saina turned pale.

  They are my friends, Kristen and saina, rony said.

  Both of them are an ordinary human being, these girls cannot live here, empress said.

  Mahatma said I will soon leave both of these back, empress.

  The queen went back to her chariot, mahatma went behind her, she sat in the chariot and said to her horses, let’s go. And she left.

  Mahatma came back to the three, she was queen of the Shilkot city, is a little angry woman, but you did right, rony, taught a lesson to such a woman.

  So we both can’t stay here? Kristen asked.

  Yes, the common people are not allowed to stay here, but I have the solution, mahatma said.

  He closed his eyes and revealed two wands in his hands, it was made of black wood, take this, and Mahatma gave those sticks to saina and Kristen.

  What is this? Saina asked.

  These are magical wands, you can do any kind of magic with them, and then the magicians can live here easily.

  But how do we, there was a dilemma in saina’s mind that if she never learned to do magic, then how she would spell it?

  The mahatma caught his beak stick on a wooden floor and two old books fell on the floor, two gray-coloured books seemed old enough, one on them was written on “Shilkot city and traditional magical teachings”, and on the other one, “Shilkot city and modern magical teachings”.

  Take these two books and remember them well, mahatma said to saina and Kristen, and then you will be able to do the magic.

  What really? This can happen? Saina did not believe, Kristen’s face was red too, and that she can do magic, no such a gift was given by anyone, said Kristen.

  Kristen and saina happily took both books and started turning their pages.


  Chapter 17

  The third dark street

  Rony just heard of the planet so far that it is a terrible planet, from his face it seemed that he was thinking and worried for his mom, he didn’t know where natania is and what is in it, he asked, but how many days we are living here? And you did not tell me why they took my mom, and first of all I have to go to my mom.

  Come with me, the mahatma decided to solve the problems of rony.

  At the end of mahatma’s hall, from the 6 dark streets, he started moving towards the third street, rony followed him, and Kristen and saina who newly learnt some magic from those books provided to them, were able to create a small light beam on the top of their magical wand and were following them too.

  All of them in the street, there was plenty of darkness there, the mahatma knocked down his beak stick on the ground and pulled out the blue light from it there, by lighting it there, street was looking quite long, like a tunnel.

  Mahatma said, just stay here, and they all stopped, the mahatma took his rod and rolled in the air and said, turning around in the air, “ikai eye ilupt” then there, a wooden door appeared.

  Mahatma opened that door, and stepped inside, all three of them also stepped in.

  There they saw that white light was shadowy, it was not a very large space, but there were large doors at two to two meters away, among them the red, yellow, green, blue and white lights were coming out, of which different types of people were coming and going in, like they are playing a hidden hide-point game, those people were weird; it was certain that humans were not like them, some one-legged and some had a very long neck but some of their noses were like a parrot, from one yellow door, the spiders were going out, they were too big but was not scary, those people were leaving with those doors and they were going to a lane in a few distances.

  Is there any show going to be here? Kristen asked. She felt like all these people would work for a circus.

  Saina said no I think it’s, she did not know what to say.

  All these people are going to other planets and are coming back from other planets; the mahatma looked at rony and said. Rony was looking at the strange dilemma, he was just concerned about his mom, he said, so what is the door to go to that planet, among these?

  Come with me, the mahatma then started crossing those doors and proceeding further, and he stood in front of the door with a black curtain, here’s the door of the kadol, he said, looking at rony and saying.

  Rony came forward, and he said, so can we go to that planet?

  Mahatma replied, No, not now, right now neither you are ready nor this door.

  Kristen said, is not it ready? Then from which door they took Rony’s mother? Didn’t they come here?

  No, not from here, mahatma said to Kristen. Rony then extended his hand to remove that curtain; and he removed that curtain, it was a sign of a great crisis for the mahatma because he did not tell rony to do this, they didn’t know that rony would suddenly open it.

  As rony removed the curtain, someone started shouting horrible screams from there, just like a witch is sc
reaming from inside, everyone closed their ears, from there it was a strange round of black spinning wheel also came out, rony also closed his ears and with him the rest of the people, coming out and going inside the other doors also closed their ears, this voice could deaf anyone.

  The mahatma immediately knocked his stick down and closed the curtain.

  I did not tell you to open it; he started screaming while shouting at rony.

  Rony, are you mad? You could ask before opening anything, saina also burst on rony.

  I thought it’s just a curtain, so I removed it, rony gasped that sound increased his heartbeat.

  I think we should move from here, mahatma said.

  And they all came out of that place, rony still did not know what all this is, that door is not ready, so will he be able to go to the kadol planet or not? In this thought he came out.

  He did not ask anything from mahatma, and quietly from the same street they came back to that big hall.

  There was still the effect of screams in saina’s ears, she started gobbling her ears, and started to say, perhaps that voice has torn off my ears, and so will not we go to that planet anymore? Kristen asked rony.

  Rony stood with a very troubled expression on the face, as he walked in that Dark Street, he even thought that his mother thought that he killed his father and now his mother does not know which place she is at, and will they kill her too? And why was all this happening to him?

  So he did not respond to Kristen, rather he saw the mahatma and asked when will this door be ready?

  Mahatma said, when I prepared it, the queen Siriska refused to open the door of the planet kadol, she thinks that if the terrible magician of the kadol planet came here, then it would not be good here for this city, but do not worry, I’ll get it ready soon and you have to go there and complete your incomplete work too.

  What incomplete work? Rony shocked and asked.

  Yes, yes I know you do not know anything about there, mahatma said.


  Chapter 18

  God Sivibha and Jokriot

  What do I have to do with all these? Why all this happening to me? That planet and what is my relationship? Can you tell me?

  The mahatma knew that rony would ask him this question, and he had to give him the answer.

  He said you have a deep connection to that dark planet, rony. The blue light which entered in your body 19 years ago was not a common accident; this is a very long story.

  Rony said I need to know this, what is the relationship with all of them, please tell me everything.

  Mahatma said, okay I tell you the whole story, come, they all sat on those couch and started listening to the whole story from the mahatma.

  Mahatma said, kadol is an invisible dark planet, but like other planets it’s too bigger, it’s about 19 years ago today.

  So far the Ketra was secured with the god of planet kadol, “Lord Sivibha”. Sivibha was dear to justice, he has ten gold horns on his head, his body is as big as an elephant, and he lives in the divine palace of the kadol, where no one could go, one day he decided that he would give his divine Ketra to anyone from kadolians, Tamsians and Nagavansh. And for this they sent a message to all.

  Many of his servants used to work in the palace, Jokriot was one of them, and Jokriot was a red-faced person with a beak-like nose and rabbits-like ears on his face.

  Sivibha roamed his divine wand sitting on his glowing throne, this was the way to call his servant, with the rotation of the divine wand, and the Jokriot appeared before him.

  He bowed his head down and said Jokriot is present sir.

  Jokriot write down a message, Sivibha said in a loud voice.

  Jokriot played a pinch with his own hands and got a stick which was able to write and a rough paper in his hand, he said, yes sir please speak what to write?

  Sivibha picked up both of his hands and kept on both sides of the chair on a round hand stand on the both sides and bowed a little forward, and said, write.

  “Lord Sivibha has decided to give his divine and powerful weapon Ketra to any one of king Bhimataka of kadolians, king Dumbgarj of nagavansh and king Saarak of Tamsians, but there will be a big competition for this, and whoever wins will get an opportunity to get the weapon.

  The competition will be in the Gelab Perkisto stadium tomorrow, I hope you all be present there.


  Lord Sivibha.

  Jokriot wrote this and grab some grapes from the basket of grapes lying in front of him, looking at Sivibha with slanted eyes, started eating it.

  Have you written what I said? Sivibha said in a loud voice again.

  Yes sir, see this, he flushed brown paper on Sivibha’s side, Sivibha caught the paper and saw it, and said, okay, copy it to 3 and tell mogul that he will deliver this message to all those three kingdoms.

  Sivibha threw paper again in the air near Jokriot, Jokriot caught it in his hand and chewing grapes in his mouth he pinched, and with a light spark, the paper was turned into three copies, and he disappeared from there folding the papers like an envelope.

  Mogul is a dark owl that has bright wings like silver, and blue eyes, Jokriot reached the main door of the palace and called up mogul loudly.

  Mogul……. mogul………… mogul……..!

  Mogul flying in speed reached there and sat on the shoulder of Jokriot.

  Jokriot said three envelops hanging in his peak, send this message to dumbgarj of nagavansh, kadolians king bhimataka and to saarak, the ruler of the tamsians.

  Mogul flew away from there with three envelops hanging in his peak.


  Chapter 19

  Delivery of Sivibha’s message to three kings

  Mogul first flew to the cave of nagavansh.

  The cave of nagavansh was built far away from the kadolians houses and alone in deserted snow hills, mogul reached the door of the cave, the cave door was made of big and thick wood, and two security guards were standing outside of the door.

  Both of them looked like half a snake and half human in appearance, and stood in front of the door in such a way that a snake would be seated with its long tail, their long black-coloured tail was turned round, their hands and mouth were like a snake, and both security guards had sharp leisters.

  Nobody was allowed to go to the cave of nagavansh, no tamsians has succeeded in going to the cave of nagavansh till today, it was their power, due to which their cave was named that any tamsians magician in nagavansh could not even enter while having the power of dark black magic with them.

  Mogul reached out of the cave, by seeing mogul, the door of the cave opened automatically, anyone from Sivibha’s palace was welcome, nagavansh also believed Sivibha as much as the kadolians.

  The mogul went flying inside, crossing a long street inside, he reached the throne of king dumbgarj, and dropped an envelope down there, and went back roaming.

  This throne was made of some bright stone, the snow was laid all around, long-long pillars were made of bright stones too, and there was a golden light all around the cave.

  Dumbgarj is a great king. There was never a king like dumbgarj in nagavansh, the whole nagavansh used to live in that cave. The cave was so large that millions of snakes were living their lives there; in nagavansh everyone can do magic by using magic spells. Each one had a magical wand.

  There was a snake gyrating on the head of dumbgarj, which was laid in a round crown made of gold, he was wearing a leather-made gray jacket, holding his powerful sword in his hand, which he was moving in the air.

  Kirisi, who was present in front of dumbgarj, was also attacking him with her sword, Kirisi was his daughter, which was just too small, sunny bright face and dense black haired Kirisi was very naughty too, she didn’t let her father sit free, because she wanted to become great like her father growing up too.

  Along with them there were also other snake soldiers who were watching this war of father and daughter

  Siriki stopped running the sword on her father, and kept her sword in her girdle, crawling with her small tail, she leaned down and raised the envelope.

  She had read the name written on the envelope made of thick brown paper, “from Sivibha”

  Message of Sivibha, dumbgarj said, crawling near Siriki. And took the envelope in his own hand, he opened it to read the full letter.

  Reading the letter, the expression of hatred on dumbgarj’s face started.

  Siriki saw that dumbgarj has become very upset, she asked, what is the message daddy?

  Dumbgarj reached his throne while shaking his tail and said; Sivibha wants to give his divine weapon.

  The captain of dumbgarj, yayuki, who stood a little far away, he came in front of them crawling, and said happily, what, he wants to give his divine weapon… Ketra, which is so powerful.

  Yes, but there will be a fight for it, there was no problem in this between kadolians and nagavansh, but those despised tamsians are also considered for Sivibha’s Ketra entitled.

  Yayuki said a little later, so what, dark lord saarak too? Yayuki knew that the dark lord was an annoyance, who had gathered many of the black powers; any match he wins without any finesse in a straight way was not possible.

  Siriki started trembling when dark lord saarak’s name was heard, she was breathless, and dumbgarj looked towards Siriki and said loudly, Nagavansh is neither afraid nor afraid of saarak.

  Siriki, you do not need to be scared by the name of dark lord saarak. Dumbgarj said to raise Siriki’s morale.

  We will definitely go there; dumbgarj looked at his commander yayuki and said.

  After some time Mogul reached the kingdom of the kadolians holding the remaining two envelops in his beak, crossing the kadolians houses made of woods, he reached to the king bhimataka, the shape of the kadolians homes was round, and the roof was long and sharp, a blue light lamp was burning out of every house, the sun’s light never dropped on the planet kadol, but there was a different blue light falling on it and there was light from it, Bhimataka’s palace was a very big and beautiful, but as beautiful as it was mysterious.


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