Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 14

by Manmohan Gaur

  Gradually all the souls escaped from there, both Saina and Kristen came to the Rony, and said, said Saina, this place is really horrible, why do not we go back?

  For the first time I have seen such a horrible thing in my life, it seemed that the spirits were drinking my blood, said Kristen.

  Okay, now it has happened, I was also attacked, and this place is not right, I believe but we have to go ahead courageously.

  The three were talking about all this and on the other hand, Bhimataka found out that Rony had landed on the Kadol planet, he said, “he has arrived, Natania your son has reached here”.

  Natania said, oh god, my son Rony is here, but why? So many dangerous wolves are around, anything could happen to him oh god please protect my son.

  Unless I am there, I will not let anything happen to both of you, Rony was saying this to the both but Kristen and Saina’s eyes were on the Sariki, who was coming fast towards Rony, dark lord gave the signal to Sariki because dark lord also came to know that Rony has reached on Kadol.

  You two are listening to me? Rony asked.

  But they both screamed together,

  “Aaaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaa” Rony Runnnn…….., by saying this they both ran away, when Rony looked back and saw the evil bird, Sariki was very close, looking this he also ran away.

  Rony ran fast and reached Kristen and Saina, said, both of you hold my hand, quickly.

  She is very close; Saina shouted looking in the back.

  I have a plan, hold my hand fast, he said loudly again.

  Ok, ok… Saina and Kristen said, both of them came near Rony and both of them grabbed his hand, Rony believed in his power that it would do the job and it worked, the three of them were very far from there in a single moment.

  The three looked around, nobody was there Rony said we have reached a lot of distance from that evil bird.

  God, we are saved, that creature was about to eat us all, said Kristen.

  I think those people have come to know that I have come here on Kadol, said Rony.

  As soon as we came here, we were attacked, and if they got to know then it’s really bad, we do not know anything about here Rony, what shall we do now? Kristen said ferociously.

  Which place is this; Saina saw those hills around.

  Its snowy mountains and look there, there is some light, the hill which the mahatma had mentioned, and somewhere this is same, said Kristen.

  Maybe you are right, of course, the cave of Nagavansh will be the same, and we must walk the same, said Rony.

  Dark lord saw Sariki failing, he was sitting on the throne in the palace of Bhimataka; it was dark around, red lights lamps were burning around, the walls inside the palace were separated from the ground, black souls were roaming at the roof of the palace.

  Kalik and Rukhar were sitting a few distances away from the throne in the palace with Kadolian women and Kadolian women were serving them.

  The wolves were fighting to eat meat from the dead body of the Kadolian people outside the palace.

  Saarak saw with his black powers that Rony is moving towards the cave, to prevent them from going into the cave, dark lord started speaking the mantra of his black powers.

  Rony started moving towards the snowy cave with Saina and Kristen seeing the lights in the cave from far away.

  The cave was at some distance away from there, paths were rocky, suddenly dark lord’s hand had reached there, and all three of them heard the sound like the breakdown of the mountain, the cracks started in the hills behind them.

  Did you even hear some sounds? Rony asked.

  Yes, just like a stone is breaking down, said Saina.

  The three stopped and looked back, oh god, what is this happening? Saina shouted loudly.

  The mountain behind them was changed into several pieces of broken stones and the stones were stuck in the air, dark lord was doing all this sitting in the palace.

  Rony understood that those stones were about to attack them all, he yelled, Kristen… Saina… lets run from here.

  The three started running away, the stones started falling on them one by one, and they were able to defend themselves with great difficulty, from those stones.

  Saina and Kristen were using their wand to protect themselves, rony was using Ketra weapon to destroy those stones.

  The three were reached very close to the cave, the snow in the front also turned into a pointed nails and started attacking from the front, saina said, Kristen use your wand and speak a fire burning spell, by doing so you can melt these ice nails.

  Kristen and saina used their wand, saina and Kristen shared a spell together, “lilofri”

  A terrible fire broke out from the wand of both, and the artillery of the snow began to end in that fire.

  Snake guards of the cave saw that many flying stones are coming towards their cave, seeing this, they immediately informed their king.

  Suddenly a stone fell on rony and he fell apart, he got angry, he said, alright, he got up, and screamed with anger, closed his eyes, and with ketra’s power he smashed those stones and snowy nails, he was still screaming.

  Saina and Kristen went to him, said, rony calm down, everything is fine now, when he heard this, and He opened his eyes and saw that flying stones and icy nails were no more.

  Dark lord’s anger reached the sky, because he didn’t succeed in preventing them.

  At the door of the cave, on the say of his soldiers, king dumbgarj came to see what was happening outside.

  He saw that, rony with Ketra in his hand with saina and Kristen was coming towards him, seeing the divine Ketra weapon, he understood that it was “Rony Zak”.

  All three saw that the mahatma who told them is really true that there are people in the form of half a serpent and half human in nagavansh, dumbgarj stood with the sword in his hand, he said, come… come…, you are welcome, Rony Zak.

  How does he know you? Kristen looked at rony and whispered slowly.

  For so many years, khira lived in this cave, he must have told him about me, said rony.

  That three reached near the king, of course, khira must have told you about me, said rony.

  Yes, caught right, we know everything about you rony, but who are these people? Dumbgarj pointed towards Kristen and saina.

  Oh these, my friends, Kristen and saina.

  Kristen and saina greeted king dumbgarj, but he did not understand anything, he said, come on in. I’ll introduce you to those who are eagerly waiting for you.

  All three followed the back of dumbgarj, the walls of the cave were shining like gold, and many old paintings were there too.

  Saina slowly whispered in Kristen’s ear, is this gold cave?

  Yes, maybe, it is possible, said Kristen.

  Rony saina and Kristen, the three were escaped with Dumbgarj’s long tail which was coming in their way behind, his throne was in front and there were many nagas people like the king, the cave was very long and there were many ways in it that were like a long pipes, everyone started watching the three.

  Pagashi…. Pagashi, dumbgarj called him twice, and Pagashi has come out from inside, he saw that rony was standing there with a weapon, seeing him, he came running fast and came there, rony….. You have come? Do not know how many years we kadolians are waiting for you, Pagashi’s eyes became moist.

  Hope you haven’t had any problems reaching here? Pagashi asked.

  It was unbelievable for three of them to see a dog just talking with them, Saina replied, we were attacked many times, Kristen said, we saved our lives and reached here.

  Pagashi said he might have come to know that you have come to kill him here by taking this Ketra with you, that’s why he must have attacked you.

  For the last 19 years, he has been ruling our kingdom; he made our people a victim of his black magic, our king is kept in his captivity in jail from that long.

  Pagashi shouted loudly, army, kadolians, come out, see who’s here.

  On the call of Pagashi, many kadolians present in t
hat cave and Pagashi’s army came out.

  They saw rony, and saw Ketra weapon in his hand, they all knew that rony would come on Kadol one day and he will kill dark lord and they will live again their life like before.

  All the kadolians and army sat on their knees and honoured rony.

  Pagashi said to all of them, “what you were waiting for many years was that rony is in front of you”, your god is in front of you, yes rony, the light of kadolians soul is inside you, and due to this, the kadolians present here are alive and the black power of the devil did not affect us because the king had put the light inside you during the right time, you are like god for us.

  Rony said, please stand up all of you.


  Chapter 32

  Destruction of Tamsians and Dark Lord

  All the people who were sitting on knees stood up, I know, I know everything, because of dark lord today you all are hiding yourself here, and then he kept my mother imprisoned, but I have come here not just for my mother but to get justice for you all, I promise that I will finish that dark lord and I will give back your kingdom to all of you; it is Rony Zak’s promise.

  After listening to this powerful and emotional speech of rony there was a wave of joy with lots of courage on all the faces present there, not knowing how many years later these people were so happy.

  Everyone started sloganeering, Rony Zak….. Rony Zak….. Rony Zak….. Rony Zak.

  King Dumbgarj said, please be silent, calm down, silence please everyone.

  Dumbgarj said, let us believe that what king Bhimataka feels about you rony, that you have become immortal and you can kill The Dark lord, but outside of this powerful cave of nagavansh, he has his eyes everywhere, he can see everything and can destroy it but, first of all, think of those kadolians who have ruled themselves with their own black powers, dark lord will make them his weapon.

  What will you do then? Will you kill those kadolians? After all, they are kadolians.

  Rony said, as much as I feel, with the end of the dark lord, will be the end of his black powers too, and it may happen that after his death, all the kadolians would be cured and be the first to be like before, that’s why we will not kill them, we will try to save them as much as possible.

  Pagashi said, you talked about saving those kadolians, if the king knows this, he will be so proud of you, really my lord rony zak, now I think we will get our kingdom back soon, you are a great and brave person; we accept your leadership.

  Pagashi and his army are ready; you order us what we have to do?

  Kristen said, first of all, we should free your mom and king from their captivity.

  No Kristen, dark lord needs Ketra, and as long as I have this, he will not harm both of them, said Rony.

  Rony looked at Dumbgarj and said, sir, will you join us in this war?

  Dumbgarj said, many times in these many years thought that Nagavansh should go and finish that dark lord, but every time Bhimataka refuses us to go. But now we promise you that from our parlous poison none of the Tamsians will be able to survive, yes! We are with you.

  Rony said, than prepare for a war, we will leave from here to kill those Tamsians in a while, and he raised the Ketra held in his hand and said loudly, long live kadolians.

  There was a passion in all the people of kadolian’s and nagavansh both present over there. All got involved in the war preparations.

  Rony sat on a stone seat near the throne, Saina and Kristen also sat on both the sides one by one.

  Kristen picked up her wand and speaks a spell, “sirigaihu” and three cup appeared there in the air which had cappuccino coffee; she picked up a cup and gave it to Rony, and another cup to Saina.

  Both, rony and saina said “thank you”, and all three started enjoying their coffee.

  I’m afraid, what if you cannot kill him Said Saina.

  Nothing like this going to happen Saina, if I could not kill him then Bhimataka would never have given me this Ketra, he believes in me and now I have complete faith too.

  I just hope my mother is safe, said Rony.

  Suddenly Kristen had tears in her eyes, she said, I’m missing a lot of my mom, dad and kuku.

  Rony saw that Kristen was crying, he said, hey, its okay, please don’t cry, I promise that we will finish it all and soon we all will go back.

  Saina said, hope it happens like this Rony, as soon as it is finished we will go to our home.

  Both of you are my true friends, both of you have always been with me from the beginning, and I will never forget this thing, I promise whether anything happens to me, but I will not let anything happens to you both.

  Rony hugged Saina and Kristen, Kristen always loved Rony but she never expressed, but Rony always knew this thing because he used to read her mind.

  Kristen said I always wanted to tell you something very important to you Rony.

  He suddenly smiled, but he concealed his happiness secretly and said, “And what is that?”

  Saina also knew about this, she was also excited when she heard this that finally Kristen is going to say this to Rony, Saina began to point on Kristen’s face by looking at her face, and she was trying to tell her that she should say it.

  Kristen stood up and thought that I will now speak to Rony but before that Rony spoke to her, I love you… you wanted to say that.

  What? You…., how, she wondered how Rony knew that she was going to say this.

  Rony stood up from there, he went to her, you never spoke but I heard many times, you might have forgotten that I can hear what you say in your mind.

  Kristen finally said, okay, so “I love you” Rony, and both of them kissed, Saina was very happy to see it, and the tears of joy were in her eyes.

  Pagashi and one Kadolian were coming towards the three, in the hands of Kadolian, there were iron made-up costume for Saina and Kristen and Rony and iron made crown for both of them.

  Pagashi said, these costume and crowns is for all of you, Rony took all those things and said thank you Pagashi we really needed these things.

  After some time,

  King Dumbgarj, with his army, got ready with their magical swords in their hands, and came in front of Rony, Kristen and Saina. On the other hand, Pagashi and his army came there with their sharp magical fingernails on their toes, and behind them, all Kadolians were standing with their magical wands in their hands.

  Rony Kristen and Saina were also ready with the crowns and dresses which were given to them by Pagashi.

  Rony said, remember, those Tamsians do not have to be saved anyone, not a single one, and Pagashi, your army will end those wolves, and Kadolians, and you will save your brothers and sisters who are there transformed by the dark lord as much as possible.

  Rony slammed the Ketra on the ground and announced the beginning of the war, and said, let’s go….

  Kristen and Saina sat on the top of Pagashi’s back, the doors of the cave opened and firstly, army of Pagashi went out, then thousands of nagas went out of the cave and the Kadolians behind them.

  Rony with his power changed the blue light of Ketra was into a flaming flame and his feet rose up from the ground and quickly flown into the air, and got out of the cave, Pagashi’s army was at the forefront, Rony reached the top of Pagashi’s army and all were running towards Bhimataka’s palace.

  Kadol’s land started trembling no one would have seen this horrible scene on planet Kadol before.

  Bhimataka, who had been injured by the attack of dark lord, also stood up forgetting his pain and began to laugh loudly with happiness, he said to Natania, they are coming, Natania your son, Rony Zak is coming, and he is coming to free us.

  Dark lord came out of the palace, Kalik and Rukhar followed him, he saw Bhimataka was laughing in the jail, he knew that all of them are coming towards him, dark lord said, Kalik, Rukhar, prepare everyone, those rats are coming towards us, to fight with us.

  Kalik and Rukhar conveyed Dark lord’s message to the wol
ves and all the Tamsians and the transformed Kadolians and all were ready for war.

  Sariki arrived at dark lord’s call; dark lord sat on it and stood up in the sky with those spirits ready for the war.

  In a while, the entire army along with Rony reached to the palace, Rony saw that Tamsians were ready for war with wolves and Kadolians, he told his army and ordered, wait here.

  At the instance of Rony all the army was stopped, he saw his mother and Bhimataka in jail, Natania and Bhimataka also saw Rony.

  Rony said, dark lord, if you go from here right now with your people, then we can give you a chance.

  Only then Bhimataka said, no Rony, finish him, kill him, you have to kill him.

  Dark lord said, I am dark lord Saarak, I have no fear from you and your rats, and I will not give you any chance, hahahaha….. He began to laugh.

  With the gestures of his hands, dark lord gave an order to the spirits behind him to go to Rony and his army.

  Horrible spirits started attacking them; Kristen and Saina came down from Pagashi and hid behind a pillar.

  Rony showed a terrible fire from Ketra and the spirits started burning in that fire, but the nagas was captured by some souls below, kadolians came forward from behind and released those nagas by their powerful magical spells from their wands.

  In the wolves and in the army of Pagashi, there was a wobbly war, nagas began to make the most terrible war to Tamsians, with their swords they cut their heads and started throwing their heads, instead of killing their people, Kadolians were attacking their own transformed Kadolians brothers and sisters in such a way that they would not die.

  Rony strikes Sariki with the power of his mind and Sariki’s neck started climbing, dark lord separated himself from Sariki falling down to the bottom, and he stayed in the air and Sariki fell down.

  Dark lord gets his wand, and threw a stroke of current towards Rony, he got stuck in it, but after a few moments he got rid of it.

  The war was had reached its peak.

  Rony attacked dark lord with his full force, blue light went into his body, with the attack of the Ketra, the Kadol’s earth trembled and the walls of the palace started falling down.


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