Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door

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Dark Planet Kadol And Its Mysterious Door Page 15

by Manmohan Gaur

  Everyone saw and everyone felt that dark lord was really dying, and it happened that after some time of the attack by the Ketra, dark lord’s body turned into smoke, his ashes began falling down.

  The other Tamsians and wolves had been killed in the war with Kalik and Rukhar, now only those Kadolians were left who were not killed, even after dark lord’s death; all the Kadolians were still same and fighting.

  Rony came down, he saw that something is wrong, if dark lord died then these Kadolians should have been cured.

  But now everyone was surprised by what happened, dark lord was still alive and he kept Natania and Bhimataka tied up with his wand in the air.

  He yelled loudly, idiot, what you think you will kill me, I will never die; unless these Kadolians are alive I will not die.

  Rony was beginning to understand something that he said till they are alive, he will not die. It means that he is alive in these Kadolians, I have to kill them, but I cannot kill them, he was in a strange dilemma.

  Rony shouted loudly, he caught his head tightly, Aahhhhhhh, he said, no dark lord, you will not be able to live alive anymore.

  Rony closed his eyes, he knew that dark lord had transformed the Kadolians with his black powers, but inside him there is the power of Kadolians soul which was poured into his body by king bhimataka, so that he can put it back in the Kadolians again.

  Rony gathered all his strength, and in all those Kadolians there he sent the blue light sparkles from his body who were imprisoned in dark lord’s black power, slowly all Kadolians begin to recover and in the meantime all Kadolians have become like before and they stopped fighting.

  Rony opened his eyes, and saw that all the Kadolians have cured, look dark lord, you were trying to make them your weapon now I have freed them all from your imprisonment.

  Dark lord said, give me that Ketra, or else I will destroy these two.

  With his power, Rony got rid of both Natania and Bhimataka from dark lord and took them down safely.

  You cannot do anything now dark lord, this is the end of you and your dark kingdom, be ready to die, by saying this, Rony killed dark lord from the Ketra weapon and he died this time.


  Chapter 33

  Ketra will stay with you

  Rony Kristen and Saina went to Natania first after the end of the war, both of them removed their suits and crown. Rony hugged her mom saying “I am so sorry mom, because of me; you have faced all these troubles.”

  Natania grabbed Rony’s face tightly and said are you all right son, seeing this kind of horrible war, natania was already scared and when she saw people of nagavansh and Pagashi’s army, she became even more scared.

  Natania asks rony with nervousness, who are these so scary people?

  Rony replied, mom, all these are with me; there is no need to fear them.

  Suddenly, Natania’s eyes went to Kristen and saina, only then Kristen and saina came forward and hugged natania.

  Natania asked both, what are you two doing here?

  Kristen said we are here to help rony, saina also said, yes aunty; we were there with him from the very beginning.

  The power of Bhimataka also came back due to Rony; Bhimataka came near rony and the first word he said to rony,

  “Thank you rony Zak”

  You were very young when you saved kadolians life for the first time, and today after waiting for so many years, for the second time, you again saved kadolians by giving their life to them, we kadolians will never forget this favour of you.

  Only then King Bhimataka took out his crown and put the Kadolians king’s crown in the head of Rony, Bhimataka said, you have won this kingdom; you are the king here.

  Rony said, No king and he placed the crown again on Bhimataka’s head; you were the king here and you will remain, while sitting on the knees Rony handed over the Ketra to the king Bhimataka saying, “and I hope this weapon also belongs to the kadolians king”

  No way dear Rony, king bhimataka refused to take up the Ketra.

  He said, you are probably forgetting that the one can do the protection of the Ketra is the one who has the maximum power in him, and now you have the power of all the Kadolians in you because when you liberated those other Kadolians from black power of dark lord, you got their soul’s power too and because of that with all the Kadolians soul power in you, you have killed dark lord.

  Dumbgarj and Pagashi came forward, Dumbgarj said, yes Rony, no one will be able to protect the Ketra more than you so you only should keep it.

  Pagashi said, any doubt? I am the leader of the main army of Kadolians think Rony that Ketra will be safe with you and the Ketra will stay with you.

  Only then suddenly, Jokriot and lord Sivibha appeared near all of them with the thundering lights and the horrible sounds.

  Everyone present there including nagavansh and their king dumbgarj and Pagashi and his army, king bhimataka and even rony and his friends Kristen and saina too closed their eyes and showed respect to the lord Sivibha and everyone honoured, by seeing everyone natania also given respect to lord Sivibha by closing her eyes too.

  Sivibha said, I have been watching everything and I know what happened with the people of planet kadol especially to the king bhimataka and all kadolians people, whatever happened was the destiny. “Whenever evil takes place anywhere so an angel is needed to eradicate that evil” I would be happy if this divine weapon of mine will be with a brave man like you rony Zak.

  Rony said, okay, I’ll protect it and if you need it in the future, then I will come back here and will use it for all of you.

  By hearing this from rony, lord Sivibha and Jokriot disappeared from there happily. Everyone was so happy with the smiles on their faces.

  Bhimataka repaired the broken palace with his magical wand, changed the red lights there and lit blue lights as the new beginning of his rule over the kadolian’s kingdom, and some of kadolians also started fixing their broken houses with their magic wand.

  Rony said, okay king Bhimataka, now we should leave.

  Bhimataka said, come with me, he took all of them to the wall where there was a mysterious door, Bhimataka started searching for that blue diamond from which he used to open the mysterious door, only then Saina said, are you looking for it, she gave the blue diamond gem to the Bhimataka.

  Bhimataka surprisingly said, oh where did you get this, Saina said; when the war was going on, this gem fell down from one Tamsians pocket, I picked it up.

  Bhimataka said, oh thank you very much, you have done a great job.

  Bhimataka opened the mysterious door by reading the spell with that blue diamond gem, and there was a smoke appeared in the place of the wall.

  Natania was so surprised to see those clouds in the wall; saina and Kristen were so excited to go home, with saying good bye to everyone.

  Rony said, everyone holds my hand, Saina and Kristen and Natania grabbed Rony’s hand and they vanished from there to go home on earth.






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