Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 3

by Lindemann, Renee

  “Daddy! I want daddy,” Bryce said waking from his nap. I tried to rock him and quiet him but he was reaching wildly for Dominic.

  “Excuse me young lady, can you please control your child. Mr. Castillo, is this your son,” the judge asked his voice venomous. Dominic shook his head as he allowed Bryce to leap into his arms. Quickly Bryce stuck a thumb in his mouth resting his head on Dominic’s shoulder.

  “Your honor he is not my biological son but for the last four years I have been the only dad he has known,” Dominic said honestly. I stood immediately not sure why but just in case the judge wanted to ask me to back up Dominic’s words.

  “Not your flesh and blood child is he Mr. Castillo?” The judge rephrased to ensure he asked the question again to validate that this little boy did not genetically belong to Dominic.

  “No he is not my flesh and blood your honor but he is my son in every other respect,” Dominic said quietly.

  “And ma’am can you please state your name?” The judge asked pointing at me with his gavel. I did not realize that judges still used gavels.

  “Samantha Nicole Gable your honor.” I said confidently as Bryce decides he wants to participate as well.

  “Bryce McMurpee,” he said mispronouncing his last name without being asked. A few people in the court try desperately not to laugh too loudly.

  “I have not gotten to you yet little fellow. Miss Gable is this your child?” He asked giving Bryce a tight smile. Bryce decides to go back to his thumb and Dominic’s shoulders.

  “Yes your honor this is my son Bryce McMurphy.”

  I tried to keep the nervousness out of my voice as I speak.

  “Are you and Mr. Castillo involved? And is he providing care to your son?”

  The judge gets right to the point and I blush violently at his words.

  “Yes on both accounts your honor,” I answered my words shaking. The blush was much more convincing than my words.

  “Can you provide your driver’s license or other form of identification to the court please? Step forward Miss Gable.”

  I do as I am told pulling my driver’s license out of my purse handing it to the bailiff nearby. The judge looks over the identification presumably to compare my address with those of Dominic. I extend my hand over to Dominic and he grips it tightly. I know it’s not because he wants to thank me, he wants to know what the hell I am doing. I give him an affectionate smile as my nerves take a back seat to my fight to keep my friend in this country. His facial expression softens and he visibly relaxes as I keep my gaze locked on him. I can feel the judge watching the interaction as he compares the addresses.

  “Mr. Castillo none of the addresses to these correspondences match the address on Miss. Gable’s identification. How are you providing care to her son on a consistent basis if you live at a different address?” The judge asked his eyebrow rose slightly to indicate the holding of the hands he was witnessing.

  “Your honor we do not live together. Miss Gable is also raising her two siblings since the death of her parents a few years ago. We decided to wait until after graduation to move in together. My scholarship included room and board but it has to be on campus. Miss Gable lives off campus in an apartment formerly owned by her parents.”

  Dominic explained as Bryce turned to look at the judge. I have a sinking feeling if he could comprehend what was happening right now Bryce would be hauled off by the bailiff and held in contempt of court for throwing the world’s loudest tantrum.

  “Miss Gable what is the nature of this relationship with Mr. Castillo?”

  “Mr. Castillo and I met at school four years ago right after my son was born. We became fast friends and eventually we started seeing each other. Unfortunately three years ago my parents were killed in a car accident. I am taking care of my son and my two siblings. Mr. Castillo and I have continued to see each other since then however we wanted to make sure that we were careful not to upset the kids by moving too fast. We both agreed to publicly announce the seriousness of our relationship after graduation in a few months before he starts the physician’s assistant program.” I said with full confidence as the judge listens.

  “You are only twenty-two years old Miss Gable and you are raising three kids alone?” He asked full of indignation and reservation.

  “Yes your honor. It was my parents wish that we not be split up. My parents left us a viable income source with a property management company along with some insurance monies. I will be graduating with Mr. Castillo in May. Shortly thereafter we hope to make our relationship official to our family and friends. He has been instrumental in helping my siblings and I adjust to the devastating loss of our parents. I couldn’t have gotten through it without him your honor.” I said and inexplicably feel tears stream down my cheeks. Most of what I said was the absolute truth, the rest was my fantasy. And of course it was my mom’s fantasy too.

  “Mr. Castillo, do you have anything to add before I make a decision?”

  “While I appreciate Miss Gable’s words regarding my assistance I would be remised if I didn’t add that she has done a phenomenal job raising her son and siblings with all this tragedy. Her love and friendship has been invaluable to me. I love the family that we have together,” Dominic said proudly and with absolute honesty.

  “Now we are at an impasse Mr. Castillo. I would like very much to validate this relationship you seem to have with Miss Gable however there is a process and procedure for everything. You should be familiar with this fact of life from the sheer number of correspondences you have obviously not received. I can see that you have made yourself of some use to Miss Gable and her family. I will grant you a temporary stay of departure however it is conditional that this relationship proceeds per your original plans, you pass an inspection by immigration, and you enter that program in the fall. I advise you to make sure that your address is up to date with the immigration office. I will outline in a detailed letter from this court the timeframe that is expected for you to complete each of the items discussed today. If you fail to submit any documentation requested I will immediately schedule you for deportation. Am I understood Mr. Castillo?”

  I could not contain my joy and threw my arms around Dominic and Bryce as my tears flowed with reckless abandon. Beaming brightly Dominic stammered his words under the weight of my hug, “Yes I fully understand my obligations your honor. Thank you.”

  “Sorry”, I said apologetically pulling away from Dominic as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I can barely contain my smile as the judge replied, “Your both welcome and I wish you the best.”

  Dominic says nothing as he carried Bryce out of the courtroom holding my hand tightly. I feel a bit worried that he is not entirely happy with what just happened. When we exit the building Bryce is much more animated that he has both his favorite people to himself and starts making demands. Before I can give him an answer Dominic throws his available hand around me pulling me in for a very close embrace. I see rather than feel his lips hit mine. Instinctively my arms encircle his neck, as the kiss takes on a life of its own. I can feel his tongue in my mouth and the warmth of his breath causes my skin to immediately bead with sweat. This is not like the kiss from a few weeks ago. This kiss is different and I stay with it allowing myself to feel everything that I am feeling without guilt or remorse. It feels good to kiss Dominic something that has happened only a few times before when we first met. It was decided then that we were better off as friends. This kiss said a helluva lot more than “let’s just be friends”.

  It said, “Why are we standing in this oppressive heat with our clothes on when we could be at my place in my bed under the air conditioner getting sweaty together.”

  When Bryce’s complaints began to register in my brain I try to pull back from the kiss. We both try to pull away from the kiss and as much as we do not want to we pull apart. I am winded feeling as if I have just run up and down the courthouse steps. Dominic looks down at me with mild trepidation but I reassure him with a polite smile.
I want to do cartwheels along the street as a sign that I thoroughly enjoyed the kiss but I instead reach for my son.

  “No I want daddy to hold me,” he said pushing my hands away.

  “Fine,” I mutter and try to remember where I parked my car. Although in my head I am wondering, “What is a car?”

  A few seconds of internal scolding I get my focus back and walk to the car. After buckling Bryce in his car seat Dominic gets into the front seat of the car. I immediately cut on the air conditioner waiting a few minutes until the cool blasts hits me. The cold air is a welcome pardon for my burning skin. The kiss and the sun combined nearly made me spontaneously combust.

  “You do not have to do this Samantha,” Dominic said as I start the car. I am momentarily crushed as the kiss fades into the background. It was a thank you kiss. Albeit it was an excellent thank you kiss, it was just a thank you kiss. Damn!

  “Nonsense Dominic, I meant what I said. I will help you to stay in this country besides who else knows more about you than I do aside from the ladies who know you in the pelvic sense?” I asked doing my best to return to friend mode my libido and burning skin effectively chilled.

  “If this doesn’t work then you could be in big trouble,” he said quickly.

  “If this doesn’t work I will be in more trouble with you gone than dealing with immigration laws. You are a huge part of my family Dominic. I need you to stay here and finish your dream.”

  “I want to but I do not want to risk your freedom to do so. This is a lot to undertake Samantha.”

  “First off stop calling me Samantha, you only do that when I am in big trouble. Unless I am in big trouble with you call me Sam, please. Secondly stop worrying we will figure this out no problem,” I said smoothly letting my eyes leave the road for a few seconds to smile reassuringly at him. Dominic reached for my hand holding it for the duration of the trip back to my apartment. I try not to read anything into the gesture except gratitude.

  Thankfully there is an ice cream truck nearing my apartment and Bryce makes frantic gestures to stop him. As we near the truck his excitement builds to a loud joyous crescendo.

  “Ice cream mommy,” Bryce claps his hands with happiness.

  “Yes mommy is going to get you an ice cream. Pick the one you want Brycie pooh.” I informed him and he actually puts his small index finger to his lips as if he is contemplating serious business. Finally he points to an ice cream that pays homage to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I can only imagine the mess I am going to have to deal with.

  “Mine mommy.” Bryce yells as I receive my change and the ice cream.

  “I know sweetheart but you have to wait until we get in to the apartment,” I informed my impatient three-year old. He decides to pout folding his arms across his tiny chest. I give him a kiss on the cheek as we walk to meet Dominic at the front door of the apartment.

  “I am sorry I was rude and didn’t ask if you wanted an ice cream,” I said to Dominic as he shakes his head. He looks a bit forlorn as he holds the door open for Bryce and me to enter the apartment building. Before we hit the stairs he takes Bryce from my arms easily navigating the stairs much to Bryce’s delight.

  “Go daddy go!” He squeals as Dominic takes the stairs two and three at a time. I climb at a more leisurely pace until I reach the third floor of the apartment building. I slip my key into the lock as Bryce races to his booster seat waiting patiently for his ice cream, which has of course started to melt. I place it on his favorite racecar plate and put a full plastic bib over his clothing as he impatiently grabs at the wooden stick. Quickly shoving the ice cream in his mouth Bryce grins with green Ninja Turtle ice cream running down his mouth. Just as I predicted this is going to be messy. I walk hesitantly over to Dominic who stands near the window looking absent-mindedly at nothing in particular. For some reason I cannot explain, I walk behind him and wrap my arms around him pressing my face against the back of his suit jacket.

  “It’s going to be okay Dom. We will figure this out. When the kids get home we will talk to them about you moving in here permanently.” I said softly feeling his body tense then relax as his hands come to rest on mine.

  “I just do not want to disrupt your life Samantha. It’s not fair to you or the kids,” he whispered still staring out the window. I hug him tighter loving the smell of his cologne and the feel of his body against mine. It’s not sexual it’s reassurance that he is here in Arizona with me, where I selfishly want him to be.

  “We can do this Dom. No one knows you better than me and vice versa. We will figure out how long we want to do this and establish the rules. You know I do not approach anything without a well thought out plan,” I said peeking over at Bryce who is happily making a mess with this green ice cream. He is going to need a bath that bib is practically worthless.

  “What’s the matter daddy?” Bryce asked sensing Dominic’s internal struggle. Dominic looks over at him managing an encouraging smile, “Nothing buddy I’m okay.”

  “Do you want some of my ice cream?” Dominic holds up the stick and the remaining Ninja Turtle eye falls to the plate. Dominic shakes his head as I realize that the eyes are gumballs and immediately release my hold on him racing towards Bryce. After a one-minute argument I retrieve the other gumball eye from his mouth much to his dismay. I let him finish the rest of the gooey mess without further interference.

  “You have a plan for everything don’t you Samantha,” he said that with half admiration half despair. I shake my head yes and plaster a toothy grin over my face. Several hours later we were sitting down with Morgan and Charlie while Bryce happily played with his trucks on the floor.

  “Well we wanted to talk to you two about what happened today in court. As I have told you there was a chance the immigration office would send Dominic back to Guadalajara,” I said feeling nervous suddenly. Morgan and Charlie flash a unified look of alarm as they look at Dominic. The threat of him leaving was never real to them until now.

  “We have found a way for Dominic to stay in the country but it would involve him living here with us. He and I would have to get married.”

  Morgan gives me a look that I try to shoot down with a quick shake of my head. She knows the truth about how I feel when it comes to Dominic. With the exception of my other friend Sidney who transferred last fall to Arizona State University. She gives a soft smile and said, “I mean you already live here Dominic. What would be so different?”

  Dominic hesitates to answer as he is still wrestling internally with this decision. A huge part of him wants to sigh with relief another part wants to run to the judge and declare it all a lie, well a sort of lie.

  “Well we would have to live as man and wife which would mean we share my bedroom. He would be here more than usual as my husband,” I said softly.

  “If the thought of having me around all the time is too much Morgan or Charlie I understand. I want to make sure that this decision does not impact either of you negatively. Or Bryce for that matter,” he said resolutely. Dominic loosened his necktie sitting back onto the couch trying to appear relaxed.

  “I mean you both love each other duh,” Charlie said matter of fact shrugging his shoulders. “Besides I like having you around Dominic.”

  I blush under his statement and look to Dominic who shakes his head to the affirmative.

  “Samantha and I have been friends a long time. I do love her and I love you guys too, very much.” Dominic said the tension leaving his face as he spoke.

  “Dominic is my best friend and I want him to stay here not just for us but to finish school. So he can follow his dreams. I am doing this to help him because I do love him. Dominic is a great friend,” I said trying to ease the talk of love to a friendship level. I look to Morgan who is mulling this turn of events over in her head.

  “I think it’s a great idea. Dominic you can take out the trash and kill spiders much faster than Charlie. Plus we love having you around,” Morgan said smiling brightly. Morgan is relieved that Dominic will be
staying in the US and furthermore that he will be staying here with us. His presence has been a huge part of their recovery after the death of our parents. Dominic lent all his strength to me during that time which made the transition easier. Furthermore Morgan knew how I felt about Dominic more than I would ever care to admit. It went beyond the friend level.

  “So it’s settled you will move in here and marry our mom. That would make you our stepdad,” Charlie said cheerily. Bryce looked up and put down his cars going immediately to Dominic.

  “My daddy Charlie,” he said pushing Charlie away from Dominic.

  “That’s not nice Bryce,” I said tickling him. “For the time being this will be between just us until Dominic and I are ready to make the announcement.”

  I offer the need to further discuss or protest the topic and it’s marked as resolved. I get up to make dinner as Dominic sits enjoying some toddler chatter from Bryce. Charlie grabs his backpack pulling out his homework. I hear Morgan immediately start to talk on her phone. I try to focus on baking the chicken, scallop potatoes, and mixed vegetables.


  It seems so weird but Dominic has officially been living in the apartment for two weeks now. I can’t say that it’s really that much different than before just weirder that we sleep in the same bed. Generally he stays on his side of the bed and I stay on my side. This morning is one of those mornings that warm my insides. As I exit my bedroom Morgan hands me a delicious latte. Looking around the open floor plan that is the living room, kitchen, and dining area combined I see my family starting their day. Bryce is dressed and ready for preschool happily eating a bowl of cereal. Charlie is putting supplies inside his backpack including his sneakers for gym class. Morgan is dancing around the room with her IPod munching on a slice of toast. Dominic is unloading the dishwasher putting the clean dishes in the cabinet. I am amazed at how seamless the transition has been.


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