Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 4

by Lindemann, Renee

  Dominic sublet his apartment taking only his prized possessions leaving his furniture, thankfully, behind. I made room for him in my bedroom to accommodate his clothes, shoes, and personal items. This afternoon after our classes we are going to sit down and discuss everything in detail. I am eager to bring him to speed on Gable Property Management. He is worried about contributing to the family’s expenses and applying vigorously for entry-level positions at nearby hospitals. I hope after our conversation today he will be put at ease about the family’s financial situation. We are by no means rich but GPM is supporting my little family nicely. Granted we have very little room if something major should happen to one of the properties. I am hoping to rectify that within the next few months by overhauling the finances into a more efficient flow. My favorite professor Dr. Clemons issued me a license for a financial software program to utilize that I would otherwise been unable to afford.

  “Good morning everyone,” I said wearing my favorite Gap light wash denim capris pants and a gray t-shirt. I get the usual litany of responses as I approach my baby boy enjoying his Cheerios. I kiss the top of his dirty blond hair as he giggles.

  “Buenos días Samantha,” Dominic said looking up from the dishwasher. I nod but give him a “please stop calling me Samantha” look. Geez! It is unnerving that he keeps referring to me as Samantha instead of Sam. We have moved past the first awkward days of sleeping in the same bed surely he can start to call me Sam again. Morgan continues dancing as she hands me the remainder of her toast and I nibble watching my baby boy eat his Cheerios with his hands rather than his spoon. I am hoping this summer she will re-enroll in gymnastics to help calm her crazy energy. It was something she and my mother did together. After her death she kept trying to find her way back. Perhaps with Dominic’s presence and the newfound family unit it may give her the courage to start again. It’s hard to believe but in twenty minutes this apartment will be deafly quiet.

  In a few more weeks I will officially become a graduate of the University of Arizona. My last few classes, advanced economics and two management courses will have killer finals. I was ready for my finals but my brain was overwhelmed with my new family unit. Parking my Camry I realize we would need a bigger car soon. The five of us in one vehicle was always a tight fit.

  In the auditorium for my economics class I chose a seat in the back. I put my shoulder bag on the adjacent seat and pulled out a pink notebook. Inside I began to write out my current budget. Utilizing the internet on my cell phone I perused current pricing on family vehicles. Factoring in the financing, fees, and down payment I decided according to my current budget what I can afford. I was so worried about failing where our finances were concerned. My extended family was sure that I would goof up the insurance money and mismanage the business not because I was stupid but because I was young and grieving. I was determined from day one to show them that I could handle the weight of my newfound responsibility.

  Dominic sat at the kitchen table when I opened the door to the apartment. I did my best to quell my rapid breathing induced by taking the three flights of stairs. I tried to make more proactive choices regarding getting into better shape. Especially with Dominic sleeping beside me and his thousand-pack abs made me want to kill myself. My apartment is taking on the distinct smell of swimming pool. I rather like the chlorine smell it just reminds me that he is here permanently. I immediately go to my room and retrieve the papers I want to use to illustrate our current situation.

  “Before you tell me anything I want to sign a prenuptial agreement,” Dominic said. I look at him in disbelief as he slides the paper to me.

  “I hadn’t thought about that,” I said softly. “My parent’s company?”

  “Yes! If we are going to do this I do not want anything if and when we decide to dissolve this.” Dominic said his hands motioning with his words. He looks relaxed his black curly hair shiny with perspiration fresh from a workout no doubt. I walk over to the AC unit and cut it up a few degrees before handing him a paper towel. Dominic takes the paper towel mopping his forehead as I spread the papers on the table. In detail I describe the business as it stands now and where I want to go with it in the near future. I show him a breakdown of the income and expenses.

  “As you can see the income is sufficient to balance out our current expenses.” Dominic stares at the table nodding his understanding.

  “I do not want to add to that Samantha. That’s why I am struggling with this.” His voice is low and desperate.

  “For the love of all that is holy please stop calling me Samantha it is driving me bat shit,” I yell at him. “Dominic, think of it as a loan until you start making money and then you can pay me back for whatever it is you think you owe.”

  “Don’t start nagging me already woman we are not married yet,” he said laughing. This is the first real laugh I have heard from him in the last month.

  “I can never repay you for all the help and support you have given me these last four years. For once I am able to help you and I want to.”

  I decide to show him our calendar of events on the wall near Morgan’s bedroom. Morgan and Charlie fill in important dates for parent teacher conferences, sports, or other school issues. It helps me to keep track of all the things going on with them. I program them into my phone with various alarms to remind me what I need to be doing at any given moment. There is a chore schedule on the refrigerator as well as two grocery lists. The first list lets me know what essentials we have run out of while the second list is for things they wish I would buy. If our budget permits then I try to indulge some of their requests.

  “Dominic, feel free to put your food necessities on the list. I generally shop once a week,” I said smiling. He gives me a deadpanned expression that lets me know the next words out of his mouth will be dripping with pure sarcasm.

  “Samantha I have been around for the over three years. I know how everything here works probably better than you.” I laugh feeling like an idiot because he is right. The truth is most of the things we have done as a family has always included Dominic.

  “Dominic, whenever you are ready for this to end you just let me know.” I whisper.

  “What do you mean?” He looks at me lost in thought over my statement.

  “If you meet someone else or decide that this arrangement is not working for you then all you have to do is let me know. I am not holding you to any expectations.”

  “Samantha, I would never betray you period. Once we do this we will decide when to end it. It will be a decision we both make,” he said his voice rising. I shrink back in my seat not wanting to meet his eyes.

  “I just do not want you to feel obligated to stick around after you get your green card,” I said sulkily. Dominic grabs my chin forcing me to look at him. I melt under the intense pressure of his gaze, as he said nothing. I shake my head up and down before tearing myself away from him. I gather up my papers putting the prenuptial agreement on top for me to read more thoroughly when I have a chance.

  “I think it was really smart of you to put most of the insurance money from your parents in a trust for the kids,” he said helping me gather my papers.

  “Thanks! I wanted to make sure that the money could be used to pay for college when the time comes.” I am about to say more when he grabs my face kissing me passionately. I drop the papers on the table as my arms instinctively snake around his neck. Dominic’s hands slide down to my waist as he explores my mouth. I feel the weakness in my legs and fight to remain upright as he plies me with kisses. When he pulls away from me I have no sense of time or reality.

  “We are going to have to address the topic of sex Samantha,” he said his voice husky.

  “I know I was hoping to avoid it because I am a chicken. I know immigration is going to ask very personal questions regarding our sex life.” I said recalling all the Internet research we conducted that showed us sample questions. It was appalling how in depth some of the questions could really get during the interview.
/>   “Well whenever you are ready we can discuss it.”

  The seductive smile on his lips made me want to kiss him again. As if understanding or reading the expression on my face Dominic kissed me once more. If not for the alarm on my phone to pick up the kids that kiss would have turned into much more. I reluctantly pull away keeping my eyes from meeting his which are filled with something. Is it lust? Or is he just horny? His last girlfriend Annalisa was more than a few months ago. Good riddance I think as I pick up my cell phone I did not like her. Come to think of it I did not think very highly of any girls he has dated in the past.

  “I have to pick up the kids,” I splutter my heart racing. I cannot bring myself to look at him. I feel embarrassed for some strange reason.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” He asked willing me to look at him as I pretend to study my phone.

  “Uh you don’t have too. It’s a tight fit with all of us, which reminds me I think we should go look at minivans next week. I looked at the budget and we can afford to get one.”

  I hold up my phone with a picture on the display of a red minivan with sliding doors.

  “Wow we really will be a family then.”

  He puts his hand on my hand holding the phone and I feel this incredible surge. I want to kiss him some more but I have to go get the children.

  “How about you start on dinner while I go get the kids,” I said finally bringing my eyes to meet his. He smiles nodding his head but the look of lust is still in his eyes making me focus on the phone again. I feel my nerves creep up as I bite my lip willing my body to move towards the door. The pain in my lip motivates me to move my feet away from him.

  “What shall I cook,” he asked walking to the kitchen counter.

  “Surprise us”, I announce walking out the door.

  The kids are in the car soon enough all of them yelling something or another at the same time as if I am a super computer capable of processing huge chunks of incoming data all at one time. Thankfully the look of lust is gone from Dominic’s eyes and we fall into what has become our normal routine.

  Charlie and Morgan are at the calendar putting in dates for the last events of the school year. Bryce is working on his colors with Dominic at the kitchen table in both English and Spanish. I decide to call the voicemail for GPM. I jot down several messages taking them to my room. The new program allows me to put messages into specific client files. I input the messages and return two calls before rejoining my family in progress. The guys are setting the table while Morgan pours juice into cups that match the dinner dishes. Moving over to the stove I am pleasantly pleased to see angel hair pasta, shrimp, and an assortment of fresh vegetables in a light butter sauce in a pot. The garlic aroma is heavenly and I inhale deeply anticipating the taste. Before we put the food on the table I quickly grab a few slices of bread lightly buttering each side before placing two slices of American cheese onto it. I place the soon to be grilled cheese into the skillet allowing it to brown on both sides. Bryce will not eat much of the pasta so I make him a grilled cheese just to be sure he gets enough to eat. As soon as he sees Dominic twirl the pasta on his fork he suddenly becomes insanely interested in having some on his plate.

  “Like daddy,” he said trying to twirl it around his fork. The last few weeks Bryce has been increasing his hold on Dominic. While we eat we discuss the coming week’s events. Charlie will be graduating from the eighth grade while Morgan has yet to make up her mind to attend gymnastics camp. Dominic and I discuss our schedule for finals and who will pick up the kids on what days.

  “Oh we are going to look at minivans next week,” I informed the children. Bryce is indifferent to the news until Charlie starts cheering.

  “Mom can we please get one that has a television in it, please. I will pay for it out of my own money,” Charlie asked his hands clasped in a prayer. Charlie and Morgan both receive social security supplements after the death of my parents. I give them a portion each month, use a portion for necessary expenses, and put the rest into their private account.

  “If we get one with a television I am never driving,” Dominic said giving Charlie a wink. They high five across the table and I laugh at them both.

  “We all know if we get a television it’s going to play nothing but SpongeBob and Ninja Turtles,” I informed them as Bryce perks up to this news.

  “SpongeBob Squarepants,” he sings repeatedly. The buzzer on the intercom system rings and it breaks up our lively discussion of minivan types. I push the button asking, “Who is it?”

  The voice that responds is not expected, “It’s me Danny. Let me up Samantha I want to see Bryce.” I swallow hard turning to face everyone now silent at the table except Bryce who is still singing the theme song loudly. Dominic shakes his head and I press the button to let Danny into the main door. When he arrives at the door I open the door allowing him to step in.

  “Hello everyone. Bryce my boy,” he said walking past me to the table. Bryce gives him a quizzical look before recognition sets in. He is slow to respond as Danny releases the straps on his booster chair.

  “Howdy Dominic, every time I am here so are you,” Danny remarks rather rudely as he takes a very silent Bryce out of this chair. I feel sad as his body goes limp in Danny’s arms. Danny does his best to rouse some emotion. “Bryce, how are you?”

  “I am fine,” he said in a grumpy voice. Danny produces a small box handing it to Bryce who lights up. Quickly removing the wrapping paper he finds a box with a truck inside. Wiggling to get down, Bryce takes the box immediately over to Dominic for assistance. Danny’s green eyes fill with anger as his son does not seem to register his presence. I try to diffuse this potentially dangerous situation.

  “Bryce let daddy open the box,” I said and immediately regret my choice of words. Bryce looks at me and hands the box to Dominic.

  “Bryce let daddy Danny open the box for you,” Dominic said handing it back to him. Bryce looks to Danny but hands the box back to Dominic.

  “Open please,” he begs. Dominic opens the box as Danny looks on fury permeating his facial features.

  “Someone going to tell me why my son seems to think you’re his daddy. You are not his fucking daddy Dominic,” Danny yells. With the exception of Dominic we all jump. Dominic meets Danny’s gaze with the same steely resolve.

  “Calm down Danny. Do not talk like that around your son. He doesn’t know who you are that’s your fault and yours alone.” I immediately get between Danny as he advances towards Dominic and Bryce.

  “What do you mean he doesn’t know who I am? I am his damn father not this Latino bastard.” Danny’s words inspire Dominic out of his seat. Picking up Bryce he hands him across the table to Morgan. Bryce is still investigating his new truck as she pulls Charlie out of the line of fire as well.

  “I think you had better leave,” Dominic said his voice ice cold. I hold up both my hands to prevent them from coming any closer to one another. Danny laughs and claps his hands loudly.

  “Oh I see. So you two are an item? Wow Dom, how desperate do you have to be?” Danny sneers as Dominic ignores my hand moving right into Danny’s personal space. Danny stops laughing and tries to return the harden glare but it’s filled with immediate fear.

  “Stop it please. Danny, please leave right now. Do not come to my house with that foul temper and bad language.” I yell at him pushing him towards the door.

  “Do you need me to walk you down Danny?” Dominic asked this very lethal question that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. Morgan pulls Charlie with Bryce on her hip into her room shutting the door.

  “He is my son too Samantha. I have a right to see him,” he protests weakly.

  “You have every right to see him and not seeing him has been your choice. If you come into our apartment with hostility you will be banned. Do you understand?” I look at him still feeling the anger radiating off Dominic. I walk to Dominic and put my hand on his chest feeling the rapid beating of his heart. Dominic is beyond a
ngry and I try to sooth him with my touch.

  “Oh so I was right. Wow you really are desperate there Dom.” Danny laughs once more clapping his hands.

  “Do not. I repeat, do not come around my family with that attitude again or I will work out my anger issues on you,” Dominic’s voice is calm and assured. I hold on to him as best I can but I can feel the desire to hit Danny as his muscles flex.

  “Your family? That is not your son you fucking immigrant. Bryce is my flesh and blood.”

  “And this is how you treat your flesh and blood? When was the last time you visited him Danny? All he knows is our family right here.”

  Dominic wrapped his arm around my body protectively as Danny glares smugly.

  “We are getting married in a few months so please do not come to my home with this again. I will protect my family the best way I know how and it will hurt.” Dominic said his teeth clenched tightly.

  Danny looked to me for confirmation. I give him no indication that what Dominic said is false and he explodes, “You’re that desperate that you will be his green card wife.” The words hurt as they reach my ears. I never considered myself desperate maybe a little lonely but never desperate. Dominic releases his hold on me and no amount of pulling on his shirt stops the advance to Danny. Danny tries to stand his ground bawling up his fists in anticipation for a fight.

  “Please do not fight in our home. Stop it! Danny, get out of here,” I scream but it is too late. Danny is crumpled over, his hands no longer bawled into a fist. He is clutching his stomach as Dominic has hit him swiftly in the stomach. Opening the door Dominic grabs Danny by the shirt hauling him out the door. Danny recovers some of his equilibrium and starts flailing his arms as Dominic walks him the three flights out the front door.

  “If you want to see your son, fix your attitude. Do not come back here with this nonsense,” Dominic yells as Danny insults him in a belligerent tirade. Within a few minutes Dominic is back in the apartment. The kids are seated around the table as appetites have vanished. Dominic walks over to me hugging me apologetically.


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