Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 9

by Lindemann, Renee

  “I have an appointment on campus in a few hours to discuss our future,” he said to me as the kids put on their backpacks. I understand that he is going to talk to one of the priests about possibly conducting our ceremony. I know that means that I would have to convert to Catholicism if we are to marry. It means a lot to Dominic and to his family. Sometime soon I think it would be important for me to stop by the ministry without him to see what I need to know. My heart confirms that I will do whatever it takes to see to it that he is happy. If that means that I have to adhere to the principles of my future husband’s faith then so be it. Dominic is in deep thought holding his mug of coffee as we prepare to leave.

  “I will see you later baby,” I said sweetly before bending to give him a full on kiss. The kids all turn to stare at me as he returns the affection. When I pull away from him I am flushed but temporarily sated. Morgan and Charlie stand with their mouths open as I help Bryce pull on his small SpongeBob Squarepants backpack.

  “Mommy, I did not said you could kiss my daddy,” Bryce said folding his arms.

  “I am sorry Brycie I did not know I needed to ask you. Can I please kiss your daddy whenever I want to?” I ask pulling a face, which makes him laugh.

  “I will think about it,” Bryce replies heading for the door. “Adios papá.” I gape at my son as he speaks Spanish with such ease. I look back at Dominic who is beaming with paternal pride.

  “Adios mi hijo,” Dominic said practically bursting at the seams.

  A few days later and just in time for Charlie’s eighth grade graduation our new silver Honda Odyssey is ready for pick up that morning. Charlie is on cloud nine as he gets to ride shotgun in our new minivan on our way to Wiseman Middle School. Heading east on Eighth Street and then north on Euclid Avenue we pass the high school that Morgan attends. Charlie will soon join her at the magnate high school, which is huge when I think about my not so little Charlie attending. I try to stifle tears that threaten as we drive the few short blocks to the middle school.

  The ceremony is short but sweet and the highlight of my day has been watching my son/brother walk across the stage. He is overwhelmed with lots of awards for his citizenship, academics, and attendance record. I am so proud of him that I am shedding tears of joy as is Morgan. We are both thinking about our parents and how proud they would be right now. Dominic takes my hand to comfort me and I love his presence during this moment. When the ceremony is over we have a round of pictures with Charlie and his friends before heading out to a nice celebratory lunch. It’s still early in the day and I have allowed both Morgan and Bryce to miss school to attend the graduation.

  Later that day Dominic and I both hunker down to study for our upcoming finals. I have but two finals while Dominic has four to deal with. I will be done with mine one week before he will and I think he is jealous of this arrangement. Graduation is the in a few weeks and we both put it out of our minds to focus on passing our classes.

  “Hey do not get mad at me brainiac. You chose biology and not business. I have two finals and wrote a paper,” I said gloating.

  “Sh! I am trying to study thank you very much,” he retorts with mock seriousness. We are sitting on the couch or rather he is sitting and I have my legs stretched out with my feet resting on his lap. He is using my feet to prop his book up and occasionally tickles them to mess with me.

  I eventually take a break from the relentless studying to make dinner. It’s a little later than I usually make dinner due to the studying but the kids understand. Using my griddle I grill chicken breasts that I marinated in a teriyaki marinade. I take out the romaine lettuce cutting it for a salad along with Roma tomatoes, cucumbers, and shredded parmesan cheese. In a pot of boiling lightly salted water I toss in three cheese raviolis. Morgan sneaks past me grabbing a piece of chicken as I toss the salad with Caesar dressing.

  “Heathen,” I joke as she gobbles the chicken down licking her fingers.

  I simmer a marinara sauce for several minutes before adding the three cheese raviolis. This meal is one of Bryce’s favorite. He will eat more than one serving of the raviolis. Morgan places the dinner plates on the table while Charlie gets the beverages this time. Dominic pauses his studying long enough to eat dinner.

  “Great dinner babe,” Dominic said kissing my neck and cheek. Charlie stares as he is having a hard time with our overtly affectionate gestures. I decide to talk to him later to make sure that he is still okay with our arrangement. Dominic loads the dishwasher as I put the leftovers into containers.

  “Mommy, I want you to read to me tonight please,” Bryce said tugging on my shorts.

  “But of course my handsome man,” I respond giving Dominic a wink as I walk to Bryce’s room. Inside his room Bryce rushes to put on his pajamas then hops into his racecar bed. I sit on the little blue chair next to his bed as he hands me the book he wants me to read.

  “Mommy do you love my daddy?” Bryce asked his tiny hand stroking the back of my hand.

  I gasp at the question searching my brain before I answer, “Dominic? Yes I do love your daddy very much.”

  “I do too. I was just checking,” he said pulling his sheet up to his chin.

  “Snug as a bug in a rug are you?” I said in a goofy voice that makes him laugh then I give him a few tickles as well. “Brycie you know that mommy loves you so much right?”

  “Duh I know mommy.” He looks exasperated by my question and I purse my lips.

  “Since when do you say duh?” He slaps a hand to his forehead as if I am getting on his nerves.

  “From Morgan duh.” He said in a fit of giggles. I tickle him some more before I start to read the story. I am not half way through the story when he finally falls asleep. His little thumb is nestled in his mouth as I kiss his forehead.

  “Charlie, can I talk to you in your room for a minute?” I asked him gently and he follows me back into his shared bedroom with Bryce.

  “What’s up mom?” He questioned a little nervous that he has done something wrong.

  “I just want to make sure that you are ok with my relationship with Dominic.”

  “Yes I am,” he stammers, “It’s just funny to see you two kissing and being so nice to each other. I mean I know you are getting married but it looks like you two really like each other.”

  “Well Charlie we really do like each other as more than friends. Is that something that would bother you?”

  “No. I just do not want him to hurt you like Danny. I like Dominic but if he hurt you I wouldn’t like him very much anymore.” Charlie fidgets as his anger bubbles to the surface.

  “I do not think that Dominic is going to hurt me. No matter what happens with us I will always be here to take care of you. I will not fall apart I promise.”

  “I like that you are happy. You smile and giggle a lot,” he laughs.

  “You guys make me happy. Dominic makes me happy. If our affection bothers you then we will stop doing that in front of you.” I pray that it does not bother him I love-kissing Dominic whenever I feel like it.

  “No it doesn’t bother me. You are such a girl mom.” He said giving me a reassuring hug. I blush immediately as I nod my head in agreement. Charlie nods that he understands feeling more at ease with this talk. When Morgan and Charlie go to bed we resume our studying until I can take it no more. I go to bed alone as Dominic pulls an all-nighter. I wake up several hours later and he is still on the couch studying. I force him to come to bed sleeping much more comfortably with his arms around me.


  “Yes my finals are all done. Whoo hoo,” I said loudly when I pick up the kids from their last official day of school. I am excited a few other girls in the same program are getting together over the weekend to celebrate graduation and our friend Cassie’s birthday. Cassie Sumter and I have always been partnered up for projects in our classes. She is a good friend but we are not as close as my friendship with Sidney. Honestly I am looking forward to a girl’s night out considering it’s been a while since
Sidney went back to Arizona State.

  Morgan knocks gently on my bedroom door, “Mom can I come in.”

  “Sure Morg what’s up?” I pose as she steps inside my bedroom holding a sundress.

  “I think you should wear this dress out tonight.” She dangles the dress back and forth.

  “Morg, I bought that for you sweetheart. Besides I do not think I can fit it but it is really cute.”

  “I know but you hardly buy yourself anything. I want to give this one to you. I think it would look hot on you. Dominic will go crazy.” She raised her eyebrows rapidly to drive her point home. I laugh because she looks so silly with her eyebrows jaunting up rapidly.

  “I don’t think I can fit that dress Morg.”

  Morgan shakes her head indicating on the tag that the dress is a medium, generally my size. I reluctantly take the dress into the bathroom as she follows.

  “Geez, do I get any privacy? If it doesn’t fit I want to cry in private,” I joke as she follows me inside anyway. I guess I do not get any privacy. The white and yellow strapless dress with a box-pleated skirt actually fits me better than I thought it would. It was a little tight around the breast area not because I have overly large breasts. I would probably have chosen a larger size because of how this dress is designed. Morgan darted out of my bathroom heading for my closet. She found a pair of black sandals with a little row of yellow flowers across the toes. Morgan helps me to flat iron my hair straight. I part it down the middle leaving it straight, deciding against curls.

  “You look great mom wow,” she exclaims clapping her hands. I grab a small black clutch purse transferring the contents from my everyday purse. When I emerge from the bedroom the boys are engrossed in a game of Monopoly. I wonder how Bryce is fairing playing the game as he would not let them play without him.

  “Wow look at you mom!” Charlie whistles holding his Monopoly money tightly in his hand. Dominic and Bryce turn to inspect me at the same time.

  “You look awesome Sam. Muy bonita,” Dominic spluttered with a devilish grin on his face. I tried to stand my ground and control my blushing every time he compliments me. I fail miserably.

  “Pretty mommy,” Bryce said adding his two cents.

  “Thanks guys. All courtesy of Morgan,” I replied giving Morgan the floor. She did a few curtseys before deciding to interrupt their Monopoly game. When I leave Dominic gives me a chaste kiss and wink.

  The evening is very fun as we travel to several venues dancing and drinking the night away. I am not surprised by the number of guys that hit on this group of girls. What I am surprised by is the number of guys that hit on me. I am of course not interested and my mind drifts constantly to the man at home in my bed. The sex these last few weeks has been wonderful and I cannot wait to be in his arms.

  Later in the evening I walk into the apartment feeling really great from my night out with the girls. I managed to get a nice buzz without overdoing it like Cassie and a few others. We had a small party bus so drinking and driving was not an option. I kept my drinks to a minimum considering even though Dominic is probably in a deep sleep not interested in making love. The thought depresses me as I drink apple juice from a SpongeBob cup. Making up my mind to change his mind I march into our bedroom. In deed Dominic is sleep snoring in our shared bed. I pull off my high-heeled sandals quietly then set my purse on the nightstand on my side of the bed. I keep my dress on when I crawl into the bed. When I pull the sheet back Dominic is clad in only his boxer shorts. I run my tongue the length of his chest, which startles him, awake.

  “Sam what are you doing?” He gasps as I continue down to the band of his boxers.

  “I want to have my way with you Dominic,” I respond using my finger to trace the band of his boxers.

  “Sam, no you have been drinking.” His voice is not as commanding as it generally can be. I suspect it’s because he is responding to my touch. Dominic switches on the lamp looking at me hovering over his boxer shorts. When he sees I am still in the sundress he groans in agony as my breasts are spilling out in this position. I do not wait for his permission I free him from his boxer shorts. He tries to move away from me but I move quickly. He is in my mouth and I lavish lots of attention on his growing erection. Still he tries to move me but it’s less of an effort than before.

  “Sam please we can make love in the morning,” he protests through gritted teeth. I ignore his words and focus on what I am doing. It takes a few minutes for him to realize I am not relenting. I take him as far as I can into my mouth before slowly releasing him.

  “Sam baby Ah.” He whispered which only encourages me to continue. I swirl my tongue around him as my hand strokes him at the base. He is up on his elbows trying to watch me whenever he can keep his eyes open. Knowing that he is watching me turns me on so much that I take him deep into my throat as his reward. The combination of my tongue and having all of him in my mouth is his undoing.

  “Sam baby please I’m going to come.” He said as an announcement, as he no longer wants me to stop what I am doing. Reaching out he places his hand in my hair reassuring me further he is enjoying my mouth on him. I feel his hips flex upward as he meets every suck it lets me know he is close. The growl signals that he is there and I take pleasure as he lets go inside my mouth.

  “Sam mi puta sucia. No paran de bebe,” he moans as both his hands push my head down a little more. I continue until he begs me to stop. Feeling almost completely satisfied I fall back to my pillow prepared to go to sleep. I can hear his breathing is still ragged. He is still partially nude lying next to me unsure what he should do next.

  “What are you doing Dominic?” I asked when his hands are up my dress grabbing at my panties.

  “Whatever I want to do Sam,” he responds his voice gruff.

  “I do not want pity sex from you Dominic. You do not want to do this with me because I have been drinking. It’s okay I just wanted to taste you.” I respond pushing his hands away from my panties. The look of pure unadulterated lust and love clouds is visage.

  “Ditto,” he replied ripping my panties off me with ease. I gasp as he pushes my dress up exposing me completely from the waist down. I try to close my legs but he pushes them apart and positions himself so that I cannot fully close my legs. His fingers touch me first and I groan as my back arches. I see the carnal smile on his face as he continues to tease me intimately. My eyes widen as I watch his head bend down to kiss me there. The first sensation on me is the feel of his nose against my special spot and then his mouth. The warmth of his mouth is overshadowed by the presence of his tongue. I cry out trying to control the volume of my voice and he is relentless in his oral discovery.

  “Shh,” he said placing the finger he touched me with against his lips with a seductive smile. I clamp my mouth shut as he licks me, sucks me, and caresses me. I come so many times I cannot keep count. When he finally releases me I am a quivering mess literally. I can barely move other than to shake as the pleasure is too much. Dominic releases his erection from his boxer shorts stroking it for a few seconds. He stops to pull my dress over my head then completely removes his own underwear. I wait for him to get the condom but he does not go to the nightstand drawer. Gripping my ankle he pulls me down on the bed pushing my legs far apart. Suddenly I feel self conscious as he eyes my lady parts smiling goofily. I slide my hand down to cover myself but he pushes my hand away to continue his gaze. When he hovers over me I feel so many emotions all at once that I’m not sure what to do. Our eyes are both conveying our favorite message of love and lust. He kisses me our combined tastes melt into our mouths. It becomes a hungry kiss as we grab at each other’s hair. He lets go of my hair to navigate inside me. I cannot control the volume of my voice and neither can as he slides into me. The feel of skin-to-skin contact in this most intimate way is so powerful that he does not move initially. I feel him inside taking up all the available space as my body does it’s best to accommodate his adequate size. Dominic places a hand on my shoulder for leverage when he begins
to move.

  “Sam, baby you feel so fucking good,” he said through clenched teeth. I cannot speak only nod my head vigorously in agreement. His movements become the regular pattern I am used to but they feel exceptionally powerful. My hips buck in response to his movements creating a frantic intense dual rhythm.

  “Tell me Sam. Please tell me now,” he begged then growls. I search my non-working brain to understand what he wants to hear. I am angry that I have nothing clever to say when we make love. Then it clicks in my head what he wants to hear and I tell him.

  “I love you Dominic,” I said breathlessly. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too Sam,” he answered, plunging deep into me as we climax in unison. I love hearing him tell me over and over in hushed whispers that he loves me. I love that I am at liberty to repeat those hushed whispers to him. The frantic kissing returns as the epitaphs of love fly all over the room. I am near tears by the time we pull apart only for him to pull me upon his chest. My body is spent as he runs his fingers up and down my spine. The feathery touches push me into a deep sleep.

  I awake with a start as I am in my bed naked and alone. I look around the room just as Dominic opens the door carrying a tray. I give him a weak sleepy smile as he places the tray on the nightstand.

  “Good morning Sam.”

  He kisses me on the forehead. I struggle to sit up pulling the sheet up with me as I do. Leaning against the headboard I look at the tray reaching for the orange juice without being told it is for me.

  “Good morning Dominic,” I finally replied as the cold juice refreshes my dry mouth.

  “I fed the kids already this is for you.”

  I pick up a strip of the bacon munching greedily. We really worked up an appetite last night. Dominic just stares at me while I chew a piece of toast.

  “What?” I inquire feeling suddenly shy.


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