Deporting Dominic

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Deporting Dominic Page 10

by Lindemann, Renee

  “Nothing I just want to look at you. Is that okay?”

  I nod that it is acceptable and continue eating my breakfast. When I am full I scoot closer to him and kiss his soft lips. Dominic pulls the sheet away from my body preparing to cover my body with his instead.

  “Bryce is coloring, Morgan is in her room, and Charlie is watching a movie,” he informed me as if I asked. I nod wrapping a still nicely waxed leg around him. Dominic provides copious amounts of attention to my breasts. I do my best to keep quiet while he works so diligently pleasing me. The occasional “ooh” or “ah” escapes but I remain silent afraid the kids will hear. He pulls the t-shirt he was wearing over his head while I pull his shorts down as far as I can get them. Dominic removes them placing his hands upon my knees. Parting my legs he does another inspection but I am less embarrassed this time. Watching him ogle my lady bits is rather hot so I enjoy the attention.

  “Do you still love me this morning?”

  I give him a puzzled expression.

  “Now and forever Dominic,” I respond honestly. When I think he is about to slide inside me he only lingers over me. We stay in this form of stasis for a few minutes. I wonder what is happening inside his head. I cannot read his expression this time.

  “I have been in love with you for so long Sam. Forgive me for only telling you last night. I really love you.”

  I feel the tear go down my cheek rather than fall from my eye. Dominic kisses its path down my cheek followed by my neck where it comes to rest. I am aware that he is inside me and it is just as glorious a sensation as last night. We both refrain from vocally expressing ourselves instead we utilize a series of facial expressions instead. When he stops abruptly I try to force him back into the bed with me. Instead he pulls me up taking me to the bathroom.

  “Let me have you in the shower,” he said to soothe my current fears. My reluctant legs ease gladly following him into the bathroom. Dominic cuts on the shower while the water warms, we kiss staring into each other’s eyes.

  “I love you Dom,” I replied. He smiles softly as I caress his face.

  “I love you too Sammie,” he said softly. “Please do not take this the wrong way but I misspoke. Dominic pulls the curtain back for us to get into the shower.

  “You don’t love me?” I ask trying to lower the level of concern in my voice.

  “Of course I love you Sammie. But I do not want to just have you in the shower,” he said pulling me inside, “I want to fuck you in here.”

  I try to contain my grin as I join him under the stream of water. The water cascades over my hair, which responds in its usual fashion by curling up. With both his hands holding my face Dominic pulls me into a wet kiss. The water cascades over both of us as we make out for a few minutes. Dominic forces me against the shower wall taking my leg in his hand. Once he is inside me he wraps my other leg around his waist. The grip he has on my hips is enough to move me up and down on him. We continue in this fashion for a while when he takes me down I can barely stand on my own two legs.

  “Get down on your knees,” he commands. I prepare for oral sex but that is not what he wants. Instead he gets down on his knees with me. Dominic turns me away from him bending me toward the back of the tub as the water still rains down on us. I am gasping loudly as he enters me with reckless abandon from behind. I grab the edge of the tub to steady the blows into me.

  “Wait Dominic please,” I plead and he slows down enough for me to catch my breath.

  “I told you Sammie, I want to fuck you,” he hisses barely audible. His hand is on my back pushing it down further while pulling our bodies closer towards the faucet. I miss him pulling the lever to plug the drain but soon notice the water accumulating beneath me. His knees push my legs further apart as he grips my hips once more entering me. This time there is less pressure. I am able to accommodate and enjoy his relentless pounding. The water is going to get cold soon but I do not care as he keeps up his assault driving me crazy. Not being able to voice my feelings is difficult. I reach back squeezing his hand to let him know I am enjoying him. He holds my hand as I come squeezing his fingers tightly. With an abrupt growl and several long thrusts he comes with me. After about a minute he pulls me up so that my back is to his face breaking our connection. Dominic’s face is against my back I can feel his warm breath as he tries to get his breathing under control.

  Our hands are joined together as we sit beneath the lukewarm water. The shower is off now as we languish together in the tub. My internal thoughts turn to Dominic and the influence his surrogate country has had on him. His accent is omnipresent however his mannerisms are that of an American in so many ways.

  “I am sorry if my language is a bit raw but sex makes me feel like an animal sometime,” he apologized.

  “I told you I am not offended it’s rather sexy. I like that I drive you crazy or turn you into some kind of animal Dominic,” I said dismissing his apology.

  “I want you in everyway when we are married.”

  “In every way?” I blush at the possibilities that could entail but I am not fearful. I know he would never intentionally hurt me. It gives me purchase that he wants me as much as he does.

  “I love you Sam. I want all the firsts I can have with you.” He pushed my wet locks back to nibble my ear.

  “Well I have not been had in everyway,” I said providing finger quotations around the word everyway. He laughs but I hear the relief in his voice.

  “Well last night was two firsts for me.”

  I look up at him wondering what the second first was as I know not using a condom is the only one I can recall.

  “What would those be?”

  “I have never until last night and right now had sex without wearing a condom. Damn Sammie you feel so amazing. I have also never performed oral sex on a woman.”

  I sat up immediately turning to face him skepticism etched in my face.

  “How is that possible? You have had a blowjob before right?”

  “Yes I have a few times but generally I do not engage in sex that is too risky,” he answered. “It’s something I have only done if I was in a long term relationship.

  “You have only had two long term relationships that I can recall,” I said and then I am uncomfortable with my knowledge base of his previous relationships and or hook-ups.

  “I think so but it doesn’t matter now. We are together now and I just want you.” His statement is enough to assuage my discomfort for now.

  “You did that so um well. I find it hard to believe that you have never done that before.”

  “I just wanted you so badly. I wanted to make you feel the way you made me a few minutes before.”

  “Violated,” I guffaw as he laughs loudly. He shook his head back and forth as he continued to laugh.

  “Violate me anytime you want to Sam. I was very grateful for your persistence.”

  “I will take that into consideration. We better get out of here soon as much as I do not want to leave the kids may start a mutiny.”

  I stand prepared to wash up but he takes the washcloth and with endless affection he washes me from head to toes. On his knees he looks up at me while I run my hair through his damp hair.

  “Sam you are so beautiful to me. Thank you for loving me.”

  “I am so happy that we finally found our way to each other. I too have loved you for quite sometime.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” His light brown skin creases at his brow as a hint of anger makes itself known.

  My face contorts with a little bit of sadness as I reply, “I never thought I was your type or that you would be remotely interested in me. I thought okay he flirts and jokes with me but he would never be serious with me.”

  “Are you kidding Sam?” He asked as I take the washcloth from him washing him from head to toes. I nod that I am very serious with the assumptions I made about him in the past.

  “Look at me Samantha,” he said as I face him, “I tried so hard to get you to notice me in t
hat way but it always fell flat. I really believed that you just couldn’t see me as anything other than your friend. I was decaying in the friend zone.”

  Sincerity laces the sound of his voice as he speaks.

  I drop my gaze looking nervously at our feet, “I just never thought I fit the bill. I didn’t think I was your type.”

  “I dated those girls because I couldn’t find one girl who was like you. I couldn’t find one woman on this campus with your beauty, personality, intelligence, and spirit. Annalisa and I broke up because of my friendship with you. Come to think of it most of my interludes ended because of you troublemaker.”

  “Hey I didn’t do anything. Do not blame your failed interludes on me,” I said as we dry off. I pause to watch him wrap the towel around his sexy hips loving the V formation at his pelvis.

  “No it wasn’t your fault. It was my fault for not speaking up regarding my feelings for you. Annalisa was the only girl I dated who just laid it out enough to make me see that. FYI she does not like you and probably never will.”

  “I am okay if I am not bffs with Annalisa. I have what I want.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck I kiss him for a few seconds reluctantly releasing him.


  “How about we go to dinner and a movie,” I announced coming out of the bedroom fully clothed of course. The kids immediately jump to attention putting on their shoes without announcing an actual answer. We have a great time of course looking the quintessential family while we are out enjoying our family day. Dominic is the doting father while I beam as the loving mother. Morgan, Charlie, and Bryce all play their parts as wonderful children. We are at a local buffet that the kids love indulging all it has to offer. I am at the salad bar making a salad when I notice two young women taking an interest in Dominic. I do not say anything as I prepare my salad when the two girls finally bump into him “accidentally”. Dominic is polite and cordial excusing himself as they seize on the opportunity to make small talk. I take a seat at our table to begin enjoying the food. I know I am going to have to get used to the attention he receives. Morgan immediately sees what is happening and before I can stop her, she is on her way to intervene.

  “Dominic did you try the chicken over there?” She interrupts pointing to the station holding the fried chicken.

  “Uh no, I didn’t thanks Morg,” he said giving her a knowing wink. The two girls gawk at Morgan but do not back down.

  “Oh she is cute. Is this your little sister?” Blond haired girl asked smiling up at Dominic.

  “No I am his stepdaughter,” Morgan said coolly. The two girls gape at her in disbelief.

  “You are not old enough to have a teenage stepdaughter. Very funny,” the blond haired girl said laughing. It gives her an excuse to touch Dominic’s arm.

  “She is my stepdaughter her name is Morgan. My son Bryce and stepson Charlie are at the table with my fiancée.” Dominic informed the two girls as shock and horror register on their collective faces. They both turn in the direction of our table glaring at me as I cut up Bryce’s chicken. I am oblivious to their stares as Charlie is talking to me about some music he is working on. Charlie wants to write an original piece of music for camp.

  “Mom it would be so cool if you could join me on the violin,” he admitted.

  “I don’t play any more Charlie you know that,” I interrupt with an icy stare.

  Charlie shrinks back in his chair. “Sorry mom I just thought…”

  I interrupt once more, “Please do not bring it back up again.” That effectively ends the conversation making Charlie regret ever bringing the idea up. I feel bad but when the violin is brought up it has to be shut down. I do not play anymore and never will.

  “Dominic and Morgan double team,” Dominic exclaims upon reaching the table. I try to wipe away my bad mood as I look up at him. He immediately frowns looking from me to Charlie raising an eyebrow asking an unspoken question. Charlie shakes his head before getting up from the table.

  “Can I get ice cream?” He demanded his voice laced with anger.

  “Sure Charlie, go ahead,” I said trying to lighten the tone of my voice.

  “What was that all about?” Dominic and Morgan collectively ask.

  “Nothing just let it go please.” I sigh but it is enough to end the conversation for now. I am sure Dominic will bring it back up later. If he knows what’s good for him then he will not bring it back up. Instead they talk about the two flirty girls and how they stopped them dead in their tracks.


  Sunday is a lazy day for me and the kids. We head to the campus pool while Dominic studies for his remaining two finals. After a few hours of swimming, we head home so that I can cook dinner. The boys are getting ready to start their various camps while Morgan will start a warm-up session for one week with her coach before her camp officially starts.

  I can hear the sounds emanating from the apartment before I open the door. Dominic is not in the apartment alone that is confirmed once we enter. Sitting on the couch are two of his swimming buddies Drake and Nicolas. Dominic is no longer studying they are watching video taped swimming competitions locked in a heated debate. For some reason this scene makes me smile. Dominic has not had any friends over since he moved in. This scene gives me cause to believe he is finally comfortable here.

  “Man look at his shoulder strength,” Drake said as they rewind the video.

  “I do not think I can pull that amount of water,” Dominic adds awe in his voice.

  “I still think the one-hundred meter backstroke is your strongest event,” Nicolas remarked to Dominic. Bryce interrupts their continued assessment with his own swimming.

  “Daddy we went swimming in the big water,” Bryce shouts running into the apartment heading straight for Dominic. Dominic scoops him up onto his lap kissing the top of his dirty blond hair.

  “Wow did you make daddy proud swimming?”

  Bryce nods his head up and down before launching into a round of manly grunts. Drake and Nicolas exchange looks before laughing as Dominic joins his manly grunts. I walk over to them giving everyone present a friendly wave before bending down to kiss Dominic.

  “Mommy, I still didn’t said you could kiss my daddy yet,” Bryce interrupts pushing my face away from Dominic.

  “Hey how long do I have to wait?” I squeal pursing my lips at Bryce who holds up two fingers.

  “Is that two days? Two hours, or two weeks?”

  Bryce shakes his head up and down but gives no other answer. We all laugh as he does this. I throw my hands up heading to the kitchen. I can see Dominic giving me a stern look when I turn around. I am in a one-piece pink bathing suit with a pair of blue jean cutoff shorts on. Grabbing my bag I pull out the white cover up inside pulling it over my head as I walk to the kitchen. This seems to temporarily pacify him as I retrieve some snacks for them. When I return with soda, chips, and pretzels I receive accolades from the crew of gentlemen present including my two sons. Morgan only provides a quick hello to our company before joining me in the kitchen.

  Morgan slices up several cooked chicken breasts while I grill two petite sirloin steaks. I also brown hamburger before slicing the steaks into strips when they are done. Morgan is now cutting up tomatoes, lettuce, and onions placing each into separate containers. I take some of the tomatoes she cuts up and add them to the Spanish rice I am cooking. The tortillas are nice and warm when I remove them from the warmer on the oven. Morgan places the nachos in the microwave after giving them a huge dose of shredded cheddar cheese. With everything in a proper container we begin bringing the feast out to the table. The guys immediately take note of our hard work as the smells waft out of the kitchen.

  There are tortillas, taco shells, and burrito wraps as we place the bounty of food on the table. The Spanish rice is steaming in a bowl with fresh tomatoes and green onions decorating the top. Morgan and I bring out the individual dishes of meats, vegetables, cheese, and refried beans placing them on the table.<
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  “Well I guess we should be going so you guys can have dinner,” Drake announces standing up his body long and very limber as he stretches. Drake is a year younger than Dominic but they have been friends since his freshman year on the swim team. Drake has the smoothest skin I have ever seen and I used to have the hugest crush on him. It seemed with all of Dominic’s friends I was automatically grouped into the friend zone. None of them ever asked me out only occasionally flirted with me.

  “Don’t be silly Drake. We made plenty for everyone,” I respond cheerfully. Dominic walked over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. The soft kiss on my neck as he beamed with pride made his friends acknowledge our relationship.

  “Wow you two really are together,” Drake stated smiling.

  “Yes we are, now go wash your dirty hands man before you touch this delicious food,” Dominic replied kissing my neck. I wanted more than a peck on the neck. When his friends go into the children’s bathroom I turn around to get more than a peck on the neck. Dominic and I are locked in a passionate kiss when they emerge from the bathroom. Both men ignore us heading to the table of hot food. Morgan makes a plate for Bryce before making her own while Charlie fixes his plate. Dominic and I finally break our embrace enough to watch our family and friends load up on food.

  “I used to have a crush on Drake,” I said absent mindedly as I lay on the couch with Dominic after dinner. The children are in their beds while we watch television in the living room. My timing of this statement is a little off as he is working my shorts off with precision. I guess we are not going to really watch television. Dominic ignores my statement as he starts kissing my neck. With no shorts on and just a swimsuit I can feel his erection pressed against me intimately. Dominic pulls me to straddle his lap. I am enjoying his touch but I am wondering why he has not responded to my statement. His focus is now on my breasts, which he has happily freed from my swimsuit.

  “Baby we can’t out here. Let’s go in the bedroom,” I whisper and he stops. “You have no comment on the statement I made?” I am looking directly into his beautiful brown eyes and I see he is avoiding something.


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