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A Game of Cat & Mouse

Page 3

by Astrid Cielo

  Miranda relaxed in his hold and allowed him to pull her into his embrace again.

  She drifted to sleep with her cheek pressed against his chest, the steady thump of his heart lulling her into slumber.

  Chapter 5

  Caleb woke to the sun pouring through the window, his mind slow to catch up as to why he was in an unfamiliar space. In the dark, he hadn’t properly taken in Miranda’s bedroom. Of course, he’d spent most of his time curled around his mate with the bedroom the furthest thing from his mind. He smiled as he took in the small space that was perfect for his little mouse. The walls, though painted a plain white, were decorated with pictures and small paintings. A full-sized bed

  dominated the center of the room and in the corner beside the only window was her dresser and vanity, beautifully done in oak.

  Caleb moved down the hallway,

  following his nose to the smell of food. His cock filled instantly at the sight of Miranda bent over, her pink panties stretched taut over her delicious ass. She straightened, placing a steaming pan on the stovetop before closing the oven door, her backside now covered in the tails of a long shirt.

  Waiting until he was sure she wouldn’t burn herself, Caleb came up behind her and clasped her around the waist. He pulled her slight frame against his, nearly coming when her backside pressed against his erection.

  Miranda squealed before relaxing into his hold. Caleb bent to nuzzle her neck, his cougar purring when she tilted it to give him better access. Her sigh of

  contentment nearly did him in.

  “What’s for breakfast, sweetheart?”

  “Cinnamon rolls and oatmeal.” Caleb smiled at the breathless quality of her voice. He breathed her scent deeply, relishing the aroma of her arousal mixed with the sugar and cinnamon of the baked goods steaming on the stove.

  “No bacon?” Miranda giggled, and Caleb smiled against her skin.

  “It’s weird. “Caleb licked her neck, relishing her flavor.

  “What’s weird? That I want bacon?”

  “No! That I’m so comfortable with you.”

  Caleb turned her to peer down into her face, her wistful tone slightly alarming him. Her eyes became larger than saucers when she took in his state of undress.

  “Oh my gosh! I just lost my comfort factor. Don’t you ever wear clothes?”

  Caleb chuckled, because despite her words, the scent of her arousal got stronger.

  “I’m a shifter, just like you. I’m pretty sure all the shifters I know have seen me naked. Besides last night, you didn’t seem to mind my state of undress,” he said as he tilted her face up and rested his forehead against hers.

  Her face turned red, and her scent

  permeated the room, calling to him. Her mouth curved into a smile when he began to purr.

  Caleb pulled her up to him and covered her mouth, swallowing her squeak. He placed her on the countertop and placed himself between her thighs, holding her face captive between his hands as he teased her mouth. All too soon, he was pulling away from her lips, her panting filling the air around them. However, her stomach had growled, letting him know his mate needed food.

  “Later.” He sealed his promise with a nip to the spot where her shoulder and neck met.

  Miranda nodded then hopped down from the countertop after taking a deep breath.

  She opened the fridge and pulled out bacon. Catching his eye, she smiled, her cheeks still reddened from their countertop rendezvous.

  “I think I love you!” Caleb placed his hands over his heart. Miranda’s smile disappeared, and her bright eyes dulled slightly.

  “Never say what you don’t mean.”

  “I don’t,” he said, staring into her eyes to ensure that she knew he told the truth.

  Miranda smiled sadly, and he let her go.

  She didn’t believe, but he would show her.


  Miranda applied a thin layer of mascara before looking at herself in the mirror. The forest green dress she chose was styled like a Roman toga, baring her right shoulder and billowing out at the waist before ending at her knees. She’d loved it instantly and knew it would be perfect for dinner with Caleb.

  Caleb left shortly after breakfast with a brief kiss, a promise to be back before six that night, and mumbling something about checking on the pride. Usually a loner, completely content with being by herself, Miranda could not help but feel her quaint little cottage seemed empty without him.

  If she were honest with herself, which she wasn’t, she would even say she was

  lonely. Playing their encounters together repeatedly in her mind didn’t help those feelings, so she’d started on her lesson plans. Although it did not completely quell the urge to find Caleb, it did get her to the here and now where all that lay between them were a matter of minutes.

  This time away from Caleb did serve to solidify her resolve. Miranda wanted love, but she also knew that the mating bond would drive her until she gave in. He’d been sweet and attentive last night, bringing her to completion and not taking her up on her offer for sex. Looking back, she’d realized it was the heat making her want things she wasn’t ready for. Now, she considered herself more than ready.

  She recognized she could fight this attraction, or she could give into it and embrace what it could become. And who was to say that their mating wouldn’t develop into love?

  The knock at the door sent a wave of giddiness through her. Miranda raced to the door, stopping briefly to catch her breath before opening the door. Caleb stood in the doorway, the evening sunlight bathing him lovingly with its rays. He wore a white buttoned-down shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and tucked into a pair of khaki slacks.

  He reached for her, and she didn’t think twice before she stepped into his embrace, sighing at the sense of homecoming she felt in his arms.

  “Miss me?”

  “More than you’ll know.” Miranda

  wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart soothing to her ears.

  Caleb pulled her back to look into her face. He must have found what he was searching for because, moments later, he took her mouth in a sweet kiss. All the loneliness she’d felt at his short absence disappeared with the gentle nibbles he gave her bottom lip.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes.” Miranda reluctantly withdrew from his embrace to turn off the lights and grab her purse. “Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  “What about a little hint?” Miranda held up her thumb and index finger. Caleb grabbed her around the waist and twirled her before setting her back down near his car.

  “We are going to a restaurant,” he

  whispered in her ear.

  Miranda slapped his chest playfully as she got into the car.

  She looked out at the town that she now called her home. When she’d graduated college and found a teaching job in a new place, she’d been a little wary. Her mother told her that if she didn’t take chances, then she would never reach her full potential. Looking over at Caleb, she wondered what her mother would say


  Caleb helped her out of the car, taking possession of her hand as he led her to the entrance. The restaurant called Haven was styled like a cabin and she loved the décor made to look like a home with tables scattered along the walls leaving an open space in the center of the room for dancing.

  “The upstairs has more private dining areas. This used to be someone’s house before it was remodeled into a restaurant.

  I hope you don’t mind. I asked the owner for one of the private dining areas.” Caleb said.

  “I don’t mind.”

  After speaking with the hostess, Caleb took Miranda’s hand and led her up the stairs. She peered in some of the open rooms as she followed Caleb, in awe of the different themes each room hosted. A Chinese room, an aquatic-themed one, complete with fish tanks, and her personal favorite a genie bottle room with pillows laid ev
erywhere and gauzy curtains

  surrounding a platform with a small table in the center. She couldn’t wait to she which one he’d picked.

  After coming to the end of the hall, the hostess opened the last door on the left, and Miranda stepped into her own personal paradise. The room's dim light, attributed to the many icicle lights hanging from the ceiling, gave it a night-under-the-stars feel. Plants surrounded a small walkway marked by carefully placed stones to a platform that held a checkered blanket and picnic basket. There was a small fountain in the corner covered by vines and other shrubbery giving it a natural look as it bubbled quietly, adding to the outdoor ambience. When Miranda looked closer, she realized this room was actually an outlying balcony and room combined, allowing enough sun and air for all of the real foliage growing within the area.

  Netting surrounding the open areas

  ensured no bugs would bother the

  patrons. It was, in simple terms,


  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s beautiful!” The dinner was simple but tasty, consisting of chicken salad sandwiches and perfectly cut fruits and vegetables.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Understand what?” Caleb’s face was thoughtful.

  Miranda felt the heat on her face and knew she was blushing. After Caleb had left her that morning, she’d searched the internet for information about him. When nothing popped up in the search engine, she searched for more information about cougars. Everything she had read

  suggested that cougars were solitary cats, only coming together to mate. Groups of cougars were usually a mother and her kittens.

  “I thought cougars were solitary


  Caleb smiled and popped another grape into his mouth before rubbing one over her lips. Miranda opened her mouth and allowed him to feed her. “Cougars are solitary, but we are not just cougars. A long time ago, and I’m not sure when, but my father said it was before his great-great-grandfather’s time that we used to live solitary lives, but unlike cougars, we have the urge to mate for life. Our human side also craves companionship, not from only our mates but also from friends.

  Someone inspired by the wolf shifters’ pack modeled our pride structure from that. We don’t have the same type of bond with our pride as the wolf alphas do, but it has worked well for us and fed the human need for friends and family.”

  “I see. But tell me this, cougars are considered members of the lesser cats, you know, those that are more closely related to house cats, so why didn’t they call the pride a clowder? Or even a pack?”

  “Well, although we are considered part of the lesser cats, we’re also known as the greatest of the lesser cats. We’re ferocious felines, not dogs, so calling ourselves pack is just absurd. Now, calling ourselves a clowder, frankly, is quite offensive, even to house cats. It sounds too much like clam chowder. So, as the kings of the lesser cats, we called ourselves a pride because the king of the jungle has one. Why can’t we?”

  “So you called yourselves a pride

  because of ego?”

  “Actually, it was probably stolen from the lion shifters, but my story has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  “So it does.”

  “What did you do, spend your whole

  afternoon researching cougars?” Miranda tried not to blush, but it just wasn’t happening.

  “You spent the whole afternoon

  researching cougars. I’m impressed, actually. You didn’t happen to find anything out about me, did you?”

  Despite the burning in her cheeks,

  Miranda lifted her chin in the air. “Actually I didn’t find out much of anything. Your architecture company doesn’t even have a website. So I guess it is up to you to fill in the details. What about your parents?”

  “My parents died in a car crash over a year ago.” Miranda frowned, her heart almost breaking at the sad and hollow tone of Caleb’s voice. Leaning over the fruit tray before them, she kissed his lips briefly before pulling away.

  “I’m sorry, Caleb.”

  Caleb immediately launched into

  questioning her about her life. Miranda didn’t see there was much to tell. She was a schoolteacher who’d recently moved from her hometown to accept a job. Her mother and father were alive, well, and very much in love. She didn’t have a tragic past.

  Miranda laughed as he produced an

  extensive tray of cheeses.

  “I’m lactose intolerant.”

  “But you’re a mouse!”

  “And you’re a cat!”

  Miranda could not keep the tears from flowing she was laughing so hard. Caleb intended the cheeses as the pièce de résistance. The look of shock on Caleb’s face sent Miranda into a fit of giggles. She lay back against the blanket, grasping her stomach as she laughed.

  Caleb pounced, pulling Miranda’s hands above her head and settling himself in the cradle of her hips. He took her mouth, swallowing the peals of laughter and catching the moan the laughter became.

  Caleb’s tongue invaded her mouth, dueling with Miranda’s tongue. She pulled at the hand manacling her hands above her head, wanting free to touch him, but Caleb wouldn’t relinquish his hold. Instead, his hold tightened, and he increased the intensity of his kiss.

  Miranda pulled against his hold with more force, without success. His hold tightened, his kiss becoming almost bruising in force. Caleb bit her bottom lip and, with the tiny pain, came dawning clarification. He wanted her to surrender.

  She smiled against his lips and relaxed completely to his hold. She wound her legs around his lean hips and tilted forward, brushing her mound against his hardened shaft.

  Caleb growled, his possessive and cave-man side arousing Miranda even more. His kiss gentled to pecks against her lips before he smoothed those same small kisses across her jaw then to her neck.

  She tilted her head to the side and gave him complete access, her breath now coming in pants. Although she was

  decided, she couldn’t help the fears that rolled through her mind. What if he never loves me? What if he doesn’t want me after the pull to become mates fades? Did they really know one another enough for this type of decision? Then again, did any true-mated couple really know who they’d aligned themselves with for a lifetime?

  Miranda knew a lot about Caleb just from their conversations over dinner. He was an architect and had helped to

  remodel this cabin as a favor to the owner, Haven Childers, who was a member of Caleb’s pride. Miranda’s mind wandered over their conversation during dinner.


  “Hmm?” Miranda looked up at Caleb, her need fading enough for intelligent thoughts and gasped at the stark need resonating in his golden brown eyes. He wanted her, needed her, and she couldn’t resist that pull. Couldn’t tell him no when she knew he would suffer. Caleb’s eyes weren’t asking for a night, a momentary pleasure that would fade with the sun’s dawning light. He was asking for forever.

  Miranda pulled her hands, and he

  immediately released his hold, allowing her freedom. Letting her know he would let her decide.


  Miranda cupped his now stubble-roughened cheek and gloried in the way he nuzzled her palm. Caleb’s closed eyes popped open, his triumph causing them to glow in the dim lighting of the room.

  Chapter 6

  Caleb pulled up to his home, the

  anticipation of making love with Miranda bringing him to the edge of his control. He looked over and noticed the way she wrung her hands together. It was

  apparent that she was nervous.

  “We don’t have to do this. If you’re not sure, then we can wait. I’ll wait until you’re ready. We have our whole lives.”

  “I’m not sure the mating pull will wait; besides, I want this, I really do, but we’ve only known each other for a little over twenty-four hours. Isn’t this happening too quickly for you? I feel like I don’t know who I am an

  Caleb understood her nervousness

  because essentially they were strangers.

  He knew the mating pull was riding her hard because it was pushing him also, begging for completion with the other half of his soul, begging for Miranda. Her soft-spoken yes at Haven had made him feel like he could fly. She’d agreed to be his mate, but now in the face of her

  uneasiness with the mating, he realized that making her happy meant more to him than succumbing to the mating pull.

  “It is happening fast. What if we wait to complete the mating until we’re both comfortable with it?”

  Miranda climbed over the console and straddled his lap, grasped his face, and kissed him. He pulled on her hips, rubbing her mound over his erection. Caleb hissed at the delicious feel of his mate rubbing against his swollen shaft. She softly nibbled his bottom lip before leaving his lips to whisper in his ear, her tongue teasing his ear lobe.

  “I agree that we not complete the

  mating until we are both ready, but I ache, Caleb. I need you. Please make love to me.”

  Caleb groaned as he nearly came in his pants. Miranda opened the driver side door and stepped out, waiting for him. He caught her by her abdomen with his

  shoulder and picked her up, carrying her giggling to his front door. His little mouse wanted him to make love to her.


  Brenna James watched as Caleb carried

  the female into his house, the sound of her giggling like nails on a chalkboard. How dare that slut touch her man? She’d had not claimed him, but Caleb was hers. All the other females in the pride knew it, especially after she nearly clawed Sienna’s eyes out.

  But everyone was mistaken about her motives. She didn’t want Caleb, the man, but his status.

  Brenna walked back to her small house, her mind working out a way to capture Caleb. She would be alpha female of this pride and then she’d take him out of the picture. She was disgusted it hadn’t happened sooner, but she understood that he needed some time to mourn after his parents’ tragic and untimely deaths.

  Brenna smiled as she thought of how she’d rid herself of Caleb’s parents. She wouldn’t let some whore ruin her plans.


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