Autobiography of Mark Twain
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PLACES: Baden-Baden, 242, 568; Bad Homburg, 181–82, 228, 546, 560; Bad Nauheim, 181, 506, 546; Frankfurt, 584–85; Hamburg, 417, 631; Mannheim, 539. See also Berlin
Gilbert, W. S., 333, 537, 560, 603
The Gilded Age (SLC and Warner), 53, 467, 478, 533, 588, 601, 633, 641, 650. See also Colonel Sellers
Gilder, Dorothea, 270, 509
Gilder, Helena de Kay, 243, 568
Gilder, Louise Comfort Tiffany, 569
•Gilder, Richard Watson: as Century Magazine editor, 494; family, 243, 244, 568–69, 579; as Fellowcraft Club member, 183–84, 186, 546; Friday night soirées, 568
Gilder, Rodman, 244, 568–69
Gilgamesh epic, 130, 523
Gillette, Elisabeth (Lilly; Mrs. George Warner), 331, 540, 557
Gillette, William Hooker, 224, 557
Gillis, William (Billy), 514, 636
Gillis, Francina California, 514
Gillis, James (Jim): clothing, 422; Harte’s stay, 518; liberality, 423; “pocket mining,” 422, 621, 636; safe after earthquake, 113, 114; SLC’s stay, 514
Gillis, Mary Elizabeth (Mollie), 514
Gillis, Stephen E. (Steve), 113, 114, 514
Gillis, Theresa Ann (Mrs. Henry Williams), 514
Gilman, George Shepard (“Judge What’s-his-name”), 53, 488–89
Ginn, Frank H., 535
Gladstone, William, 449, 560, 646–47
God: characterized by SLC, 127–30, 136–40; Clara’s comments, 309–10, 593; creation of man, 288–89; man’s interpretation of intentions, 365–79; as Providence, 117, 292–93, 380, 382, 440–42; SLC’s reluctance to discuss frankly, 121, 522. See also Bible; Determinism; Christianity; Religion
The God Damned Human Race (club), 442–43, 643
Goelet, May, 415, 629–30
Goggin, Pamelia (SLC’s father’s mother), 627
“Goldsmith’s Friend Abroad Again,” 515
Golden Era (periodical), 118, 119, 517, 518, 562, 650
Goodman, Joseph T.: on “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven,” 550; duel with Fitch, 416, 630; on insurance stock, 55, 56; safe after earthquake, 113; SLC hired, 567
Gordon, Clara J., 244, 569
Gould, Jay, 116, 388, 409, 623–24
G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 597. See also Putnam, George Haven
Grand Army of the Republic: allied organizations, 623; annual convention, 372; banquet for Grant, 70–71, 181, 252, 573; founding and goals, 615–16; influence on Congress, 387. See also Pensions
Grant, Frederick, 60–61, 62, 64, 74–75, 498
Grant, Jesse, 333, 603
Grant, Julia: Grant’s funeral, 574; proceeds from Grant’s Memoirs, 73, 74, 75–76, 255, 497, 498, 499, 574
Grant, Miriam M. McFarland, 301, 590–91
Grant, Orville R., 301, 590, 590–91
Grant, Ulysses S.: Chicago banquet, 70–71, 180–81, 252, 496, 573; Civil War articles, 61–62, 494; death and funeral, 73, 255, 574; Gerhardt’s bust, 571; illnesses, 65, 66, 72, 495; names and faces remembered, 181; Nast’s sketch, 13; pension and title restored, 70–71, 496; popularity of Roosevelt compared with, 9; presidential appointments, 45, 556–57; sale of letters, 10, 463; SLC’s meeting, 180, 546; SLC’s tribute, 218–19; “Unconditional Surrender” nickname, 497; Ward’s swindling, 61, 62, 66–67. See also Personal Memoirs
Grant and Ward (brokerage firm), 61, 62, 66–67, 497
Gray, David, 156–57, 175, 536
Great Britain: Clemenses’ travel (1872–73), 165, 539, 650; copyright law, 284, 288–89, 291, 318, 339–41, 586–87, 605, 641; free speech absent, 442; and international copyright, 287–88; naval fleet and statesmanship, 134–35, 525; pirated editions of SLC’s works, 641; Simplified Spelling opposed, 274, 580; SLC’s history game, 351–52, 608; tax on foreign copyright owners, 179–80, 545. See also British Empire; British Parliament; London
Great Eastern Railway Company, 444
Greece (ancient), 130–31, 168, 323, 371
Greeley, Horace: Nast’s sketch, 13; SLC’s anecdote, 199, 200–203, 553, 554; mentioned, 464
Green, George Walton, 584
Greening, Tabitha Quarles, 470
Gregory I (pope), 369, 615
Griffin, George, 241, 257, 419, 567
Griffiths, Mrs. William, 122–23, 126–27, 521–22
Griswold, Anna (Mrs. Francis Bret Harte), 420, 426, 630–31
Guggenheim, Simon, 410, 628
Guiteau, Charles J., 526
Gunn, Alexander, 153–54, 535
Gunn, John C., 627
Gunther, Charles F., 628
Gutenberg, Johannes, 586
Gwynn, Dr. See Barret, Richard Ferril
The Hague, Palace of Peace, 172, 541
Hale, Edward Everett, 318, 338–40, 424, 598, 605, 636
Hale and Norcross Silver Mining Company, 20–21, 422, 468
Hall, Frederick J.: biographical information, 503; A Connecticut Yankee, 501; Hoffmann’s Der Struwwelpeter, 584–85; management of Webster and Company, 78, 500–503; military memoirs and war literature, 500; Walters’s Oriental Ceramic Art, 502
Hambourg, Mark, 103, 509
Hancock, Almira Russell, 500
Hancock, Winfield Scott, 500, 593
Hannibal (of Carthage), 330
Hannibal (Mo.): cemetery, 152–53, 534; Clemenses’ living arrangements, 301, 590; Clemenses’ move, 649, 652; Jane Clemens’s departure, 653; mesmerist, 297–300, 589; minstrel show, 294, 296, 588; phrenologist’s visit, 335; schools and teachers, 177–78, 544; SLC’s last visit, 534, 590, 641; stabbing affray, 301, 590; story about Huck and Tom’s later years, 552
Hannibal Gazette, 589
Hannibal Journal: Orion’s ownership, 230, 560, 653; serial story sought, 233–34; SLC’s sketches, 230, 560–61; staff, 260–61, 589
Hannibal Missouri Courier, 561, 649
Hannibal Tri-Weekly Messenger, 561
Hannibal Western Union, 561, 589, 649, 653
Hapgood, Emilie Bigelow, 101, 102, 270, 509, 579
Hapgood, Norman, 270, 509, 579
Harcourt, William Vernon, 228, 560
Hare, William, 235, 563
Harper and Brothers: American Publishing Company purchase, 160, 539; Christian Science published, 144–45, 529; Howells’s contract, 501; legal counsel (see Larkin, John); Mark Twain’s Library of Humor, 146–49, 151, 530–31; rights to SLC’s books, 143–44, 528; SLC’s contract, 146–47, 531, 539, 651. See also Duneka, Frederick A.; Harvey, George
Harper’s Bazar, 190, 526, 547–48
Harper’s Monthly, Nevinson’s articles on Portuguese West Africa, 145, 529; SLC’s tribute to Howells, 152, 533–34
SLC’S WORKS: “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven,” 550–51; “The Death-Disk,” 553; “A Dog’s Tale,” 189, 547; “A Horse’s Tale,” 145, 189–90, 529, 547; “Was it Heaven? Or Hell?,” 83–96, 100, 103–4, 107, 506
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine: Alden as editor, 562; Huckleberry Finn reviewed, 475; Snodgrass letters, 230–31, 562
SLC’S WORKS: “Forty-three Days in an Open Boat,” 641; “Luck,” 157, 344, 537; “Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc,” 608–9; “A Petition to the Queen of England,” 179–80, 545–46
Harper’s Weekly: Harvey’s parable about White, 455–56, 648; on Kipling, 543–44; Nast’s cartoons of Tweed Ring, 462, 464–65; palm readings arranged by editor, 337, 390, 400, 624. See also Harvey, George
SLC’S WORKS: series of photographs, 204–10, 554; “Why Not Abolish It?,” 647–48
•Harris, Joel Chandler (Uncle Remus): age, 260; expression “dry gripes,” 115; letter from SLC, 577; photograph mentioned, 576; praise for Huckleberry Finn, 265, 577; tribute for SLC’s fiftieth birthday, 259, 263, 264–65, 575
Harrison, Katherine I., 504
Harrods (London), 450–52, 647
Harte, Anna Griswold (Mrs. Francis Bret Harte), 420, 426, 630–31
Harte, Eliza C.T. (Mrs. Frederick Knaufft; Bret’s sister), 420, 634
Bret: death, 422, 636; marriage and family, 417, 630–31, 638; mistresses, 422, 635–36; move to East, 119, 120, 518–19; treatment of son, 425, 637; mentioned, 484, 599
CHARACTERISTICS: debts, 417–18, 420–21, 634; “Howells’s opinion, 519–20; “man without a country,” 424–25; pretense of wealth, 423–24; SLC’s opinion, 119–20, 127, 417–18, 420–21, 425–26, 519; temperament, 427–28, 430; treachery, 425
LITERARY CONCERNS: anecdote of Osborn’s adventure, 324–26; dialects used in writing, 118, 518, 520, 521; fame, 416–17; literary contracts, 120, 421, 635; on Phelps’s The Gates Ajar, 550; playwriting, 418–20, 631–32 (see also Ah Sin); proposed book of sketches with SLC, 485; writing process, 118–19
OCCUPATIONS: compositor, newspaper and magazine editor, 118, 415–16, 517; schoolteacher, 118, 415, 517–18; secretary at U.S. Mint, 117–18, 516–17; U.S. consul, 119, 424–25, 519–20. See also Californian; Golden Era; Overland Monthly
RELATIONSHIP WITH SLC: Hartford visits, 418, 419–20, 424, 631, 632–33; ruptured friendship, 634, 635; SLC’s loans, 418, 421, 423–24, 634
WORKS: Condensed Novels, 118, 517; Gabriel Conroy, 120, 421, 634–35; “The Idyl of Red Gulch,” 631; The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Other Sketches (including title story), 120, 416–17, 518, 520–21; “Mr. Thompson’s Prodigal,” 631; “Plain Language from Truthful James” (“The Heathen Chinee”), 120, 520; “Tennessee’s Partner,” 120, 521; “Thankful Blossom” (called “Faithful Blossom”), 419, 632–33; Two Men of Sandy Bar, 418–19, 631–32, 636. See also Ah Sin
Harte, Ethel (Bret’s daughter), 426, 630–31
Harte, Francis King (Frank; Bret’s son), 425–26, 630–31, 637
Harte, Griswold (Bret’s son), 426, 630–31
Harte, Jessamy (Bret’s daughter), 426, 427, 630–31, 638–39
Hartford Accident Insurance Company, 55–56, 490–91
Hartford Courant, 35–36, 56–57, 146, 479, 491, 609
Hartford Engineering Company (steam-powered pulleys), 55, 490
Hartford Evening Post, 22, 26, 470–71
Hartwick, Rose (Mrs. Thorpe) 215, 556
Hartwig, Elias, 507
Hartwig, Florence, 97–98, 507
•Harvey, George: biographical information, 510; “Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven” accepted, 551; Eve’s Diary review clipping sent, 540; as club member, 643; hires Duneka, 527; letter from SLC, 609; palm readings arranged, 337, 90, 400, 624; parable about White, 455–56, 648; and SLC’s sixty-seventh birthday dinner, 105, 510; Tennyson lines quoted, 612; travels, 149, 151. See also Harper and Brothers
Hastings (writer), 118, 517
Hawkins, Homer, 41–42, 482
Hawley, David, 281–83, 583–84
Hawley, Joseph Roswell, 56, 283, 491
Hawley Bill, 284, 288, 584
Hay, John, 153–55, 535
Hay, Rosina (Mrs. Horace K. Terwilliger; nurse): children rescued, 240–42, 568; in Germany with family, 225; marriage, 242, 568; mentioned, 539, 542
Hayes, Rutherford B., 424–25, 519–20, 636–37
Heinrich (prince of Prussia): SLC as guest at dinner, 310, 594; U.S. visit, 432–33, 639–40; on veterans’ pensions, 431
“Hellfire Hotchkiss,” 588
Hemans, Felicia, 644
Henderson, Berta von Bunsen, 555
Henderson, Ernest Flagg, 214, 555
Henry (prince). See Heinrich
Henry I (king of England), 351, 365–67, 614
Henry II (king of England), 614
Henry II (king of England), 352
Henry V (king of England), 352
Henry of Huntingdon, 366–69, 614
Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (prince), 444, 643
Hervy, Miss (university woman), 15–16
Hicks, Urban East, 298–99, 300, 589, 590
Hieroglyphics: alphabet vs., 266–69; mock translations, 363–64, 613
Higbie, Calvin: biographical information, 540; manuscript sent for SLC’s criticism, 168–71, 182–83, 188, 541
Higgins (bowler), 385–86
Hill, David B., 36–37, 479, 480
Hillis, Newell Dwight, 369–70, 615
Hinckley, Howard N., 492
Hinduism, 130, 131, 474, 523
Hinton, J. T., 561
Hirsch, Gilbert, 564
“Historical Exhibition— A No. 1 Ruse,” 561
•Hobby, Josephine (stenographer-typist): clippings pasted in typescript, 457, 463; Dublin stay, 511; and Simplified Spelling dictation, 578; SLC’s letter to Carnegie, 541; transcriptions, 540, 586, 615, 643, 646, 661; typing of Lyon’s notes, 611
Hodson, Henrietta (Labouchere’s wife), 228, 559–60
Hoeber, Arthur, 580
Hoffmann, Heinrich (doctor): entertainment for sick children, 284–85; WORK: Der Struwwelpeter, 284, 584–85
Holden, Miss (mind cure practitioner), 331, 602
Holliday, Melicent S. McDonald, 404, 405, 626
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: and father’s misplaced paper, 354, 356; letter from SLC, 577; life of books, 339; reaction to SLC’s copyright ideas, 286–88, 586; SLC’s opinion, 339; tribute for SLC’s fiftieth birthday, 259, 263–64, 575; mentioned, 233
Holsatia (ship), 631
Hood, Thomas, 435–36, 642
Hooker, Edward Beecher, 403, 626
Hooker, Isabella Beecher, 403, 626
Hooker, John, 626
Hoppe, William F., 384, 621, 622
Hornet (ship), 435, 641
Horr, Elizabeth, 177–78, 233, 544, 653
“A Horse’s Tale”: composition and publication, 529–30, 547; Duneka’s opinion, 145–46; reader’s letter (and SLC’s reply), 188–90
Hot Stuff by Famous Funny Men (Perkins, ed.), 534
Hotten, John Camden, 488, 641
Houdini, Harry, 626
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord, 156, 536
House, Edward H. (friend in Japan), 156, 536
House-flies. See Insects
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 279, 582
Howells, Elinor Mead, 509, 542–43, 607
Howells, John Mead, 102, 509, 652
Howells, Mildred (Pilla), 349, 607
•Howells, William Dean: as club member, 643; hears story of Jane Clemens’s early romance, 610; and Jews, 349–50, 607; letters from SLC, 151–52, 495, 501, 515, 519, 520, 522, 542–43, 548, 586, 608, 631–34; letter to Hayes, 519–20; SLC’s opinion, 339; SLC’s tribute, 152, 533–34; summer visit with Clemenses, 80, 83; tribute to SLC, 510; typewriter gift, 446; mentioned, 527, 578
LITERARY CONCERNS: “Chicago School of Fiction,” 534; collaborative story idea, 190, 547–48; and copyright hearings, 318–19; as editor of Atlantic Monthly and Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 353, 548, 562, 609; novelettes and play planned with SLC, 548, 553
TOPICS DISCUSSED: age, 265; Harte, 418, 519; invalid story, 83 (see also “Was it Heaven? Or Hell?”); SLC’s character, 332, 602; SLC’s white suit, 572; SLC’s works, 194, 550, 552, 602
WORKS: “A Double-Barrelled Sonnet to Mark Twain,” 510; The Rise of Silas Lapham, 349–50, 607; Venetian Life, 152, 534. See also Mark Twain’s Library of Humor
Howells and Stokes (architectural firm), 509
Huckleberry Finn. See Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Hudson Theatre (N.Y.), 16–17, 466
Hugo, Victor, 517, 601
Huguenots, assassinated on Bartholomew’s Day, 134, 524
Human race: advance to perfection, 134; cats compared with, 248–49; character evidenced in letters, 121–27; easily deceived, 247; as ephemeral as soap bubbles, 258; exception to generalities about, 412–13; extreme behaviors juxtaposed, 307; free speech abominated by, 442; God’s disappointment, 288; and God’s two halves, 128–30; greed, 234–35; hopes for heaven, 140; house-fly’s mastery, 219–22; impossibility of irreverence, 167–68; law of temperament, 427–28, 429–30; love for titles, 37–38, 70, 314, 652; naïve self-appreciation, 18, 142; SLC’s study of self as representative, 383–84, 412; unchangeable nature, 37
0–72; vanity, 171; yearnings, 566. See also Determinism
The Human Race (club), 442–43, 643
Humor: about baldness, 26; of alcohol’s effects, 186; characteristics, 153; contagiousness of laughter, 297; early newspaper satire by SLC, 560–61; first humorous woman’s book, 45, 483; humor magazine editorship declined, 197, 552–53; as independent from facts, 167–68; Jacobs’s Dialstone Lane as perfect story, 182, 546; of maxims, 361; in minstrel shows, 295–96; newspaper satire, 6–7; phrenologists and palmists on SLC’s sense of humor, 336–37, 390–91, 397, 399–400, 624; publisher’s concern about humor in Innocents Abroad, 48; repetition of Monk-Greeley anecdote, 200–203; SLC’s disinterest, 332n; in tributes for SLC’s fiftieth birthday, 259–60. See also Practical jokes
Hunt, Sylvia M., 122–27, 521–22
Hunt, William, 13, 464–65
Hutchinson, Ellen M., 503
•Hutton, Eleanor Varnum Mitchell, 303, 582, 601, 618
•Hutton, Laurence: biographical information, 573, 601; as guest at Onteora, 251; and Helen Keller, 279–80, 582; letter from SLC, 507–8; Susy on visit, 330
Hymettus (Greek mountain), 238, 566
Hypnotism. See Mesmerism
The Idler (periodical), 553
India: and Kipling, 175–77; SLC’s travel, 81, 651. See also Hinduism
Indians. See Native Americans
Ingersoll, Joseph R., 592
“In God We Trust” motto, 226–27
The Innocents Abroad: authorized and pirated English editions, 641; contract and publication, 48, 49, 486, 487, 650; copyright registered, 487, 585; delivery of manuscript, 180; Gray’s opinion, 156–57; invitation to write, 239; pictures noted, 14; Quaker City passengers, 17–18, 466; readers’ responses, 351, 434–35; sales and royalties, 48–49, 487, 488; SLC’s subsequent notoriety, 50, 488; Wilhelm II’s appreciation, 434. See also Quaker City excursion
Insects: house-flies, 139, 219–22, 257–58, 428–29; mosquitoes and fleas, 220, 221, 428–29; spider, 138–39, 221, 428–29, 526–27; wasps and Jim Wolf, 261, 262–63; wasps’ nature, 139, 428–29, 526–27
Insurance industry: graft, 115–16, 515; investigations, 59, 464, 493, 497; SLC’s investment, 55–56, 490–91
International Copyright Act (U.S., 1891), 597
International Typographical Union, 283, 584