Autobiography of Mark Twain
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Rutland (Vt.) Globe, 22, 470–71
Sable Brothers (minstrel troupe), 588
Sacramento Union, 38, 239, 481, 567, 641, 650
Sage, Dean: biographical information, 536, 573 acquaintances, 251, 271; and Beecher trial, 574; practical joke on Twichell, 253–55, 574; and SLC’s Date 1601, 156
Sage, Henry W., 479, 480, 536, 574
Saint Bartholomew’s Day, 134, 534
Sala, George Augustus, 642
Salt Lake City (Utah), 37–38
Samossoud, Clara Clemens. See Clemens, Clara Langdon
Samossoud, Jacques, 655
Sanders, Burton, 325–26
Sandwich Islands: and Hornet disaster, 435, 641; SLC’s lectures, 38–40, 200, 280, 481–82, 553, 583; SLC’s letters for Sacramento Union, 38, 239, 567, 650
San Francisco: restaurants, 324, 599–600; SLC’s acquaintances and activities, 113, 118, 380–81, 514, 588; SLC’s arrival and departure, 20–21, 38, 46, 468, 470, 512; SLC’s experience of earthquake (1865), 112, 513; SLC’s journalism, 111–17, 239, 513–15 549, 567, 588, 621; SLC’s lectures, 38, 200, 481, 553; SLC’s visit (1868), 512; treatment of Chinese, 115, 515; U.S. Mint, 117–19, 517. See also San Francisco earthquake and fire (1906)
San Francisco Alta California, 193, 514, 549, 550, 588
San Francisco Chronicle, 479, 632
San Francisco Dramatic Chronicle, 513, 621
San Francisco earthquake and fire (1906), 110–14, 117, 191–92, 245–46, 512–14, 516, 599, 621
San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 46, 484
San Francisco Minstrel Troupe, 588
San Francisco Morning Call: building, 117–18, 516–17; rumor of SLC’s second marriage, 565; SLC as local reporter, 114–17, 239, 514–15, 567, 621
San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser, 517
Sargent, Epes, 588
Sartain, John, 562–63
Sartain’s Union Magazine of Literature and Art, 234, 562–63
Saturday Evening Post, 540
Saturday Morning Club, 419, 633
Saturday Press, 47, 485, 562, 650
Saturday Review, 475
Saunders, Millard, 630
Savage, Richard, 642
Savage Club (London), 435–36, 640–41, 642
Savarre, L. (called Savarin), 43, 483
Savoy Hotel (N.Y.), 558
Schaefer, Jacob, Sr., 384, 622
Schiller, Friedrich, 566
Schofield, John McAllister, 70, 496
Schooler, Martha (Patsy; SLC’s mother’s grandmother), 627
“Schoolhouse Hill,” 552, 588, 589
Schubert, Franz, 618
Scipio, Publius Cornelius Africanus, 330
Scotia (ship), 641
Scott, Frank M., 73–76, 498–99
Scovel (telephone man), 198–99
“Scraps from My Autobiography,” 576, 659–60
Scribners (Charles Scribner’s sons, publishers), 62, 148
Scribner’s Monthly, 572, 635, 638
Sears, Joseph H., 564
Selkirk, Alexander, 109, 512
Sellers, Isaiah, 230, 562
Sembrich, Marcella, 111–12, 512, 513
Senlac, battle of, 180, 546
Seventeenth Amendment (U.S. Constitution), 623
Shakespeare, William: folio edition discovered, 410–12, 628; Ireland’s forgeries, 247, 570–71; and palmistry, 390; and SLC’s Date 1601, 155–56, 537; and spelling, 277
REFERENCES: “age has not withered . . .” (Antony and Cleopatra), 19; “feed fat the ancient grudge . . .” (The Merchant of Venice), 62, 158, 494, 538
Shaw, Henry Wheeler (Josh Billings), 153, 485, 534
Sheldon, George R. (president of the Union League), 389, 624
Sheridan, Irene Rucker, 464
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 13, 70, 181, 464, 500
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 62, 13, 70, 302, 464, 494, 496, 591
Sherry, Margaret (nurse), 102, 104, 107, 509
Sherry’s Restaurant (N.Y.), 272, 579
Shillaber, B. P., 153, 535
Shrady, George F., 66, 255, 495
Sikes, William Wirt, 45
Simms, William Gilmore, 563
Simmons (mesmerist), 298–300
“A Simplified Alphabet,” 578
Simplified Spelling: early movement (1883), 275, 581; later movement (1906), 273–74, 578, 580; SLC’s sketch set in Egypt, 266–69, 578; SLC’s speech to Associated Press, 245–46, 274–77, 563–64, 569
Sinclair, Upton, 116, 515–16
1601. See Date 1601
“Skeleton Novelette” (planned by Howells and SLC), 548
Sketches, New and Old, 53, 542, 602, 641, 650
Skinner, Otis, 466–67
Slavery: abolitionists, 255–56, 464, 573–75, 584; African, 461, 529; undesirable work as, 316–17
Slee, John D. F., 56, 491
Slosson, George F., 622
Slote, Daniel, 55, 489–90
Slote, Woodman and Company, 55, 490
Smalley, George W., 432, 640
Smarr, Sam, 590
Smiles, Samuel, 586
Smith, Elizabeth W. (Aunt Betsey), 296–97, 588
Smith, F. Hopkinson, 271–72, 579–80
Smith, George, 523
Smith, Joseph (Mormon), 247, 571
Smith, Joseph Lindon, 200, 203, 214–15, 553, 555–56
Smith, Roswell, 61, 63
Smith College, 16, 17, 465
Smoking, 66, 258, 405–6, 409
Sneider, Charles, 489
Snodgrass letters, 231 563
Socialist Revolutionary Party, 564
Solberg, Thorvald, 286, 585
“Some Rambling Notes of an Idle Excursion,” 549, 551, 611–12
Sons of Veterans of the United States of America, 623
South Africa, 81, 175, 543. See also Boer War
Spain 145, 189–90, 547
Sparhawk (mesmerist), 589
Spaulding, Clara L., 166, 225, 540, 556
Spaulding, John S., 582
Spelling. See Cacography; Simplified Spelling; Clemens, Olivia Susan, biography of SLC
Spencer, Herbert, 392, 625
Spenser, Edmund, 277
Sperling, Capt., 438–40, 443
“Spontaneous oratory.” See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne: PET SCHEMES
Standard Oil Company, 159, 161, 504, 564, 582, 623, 651
Stanley, Henry M., 280, 436, 583, 642
Stationers’ Company (London), 605
Statute of Anne (Britain, 1710), 605
Stead, William T., 336–37, 390, 604, 624
•Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 78, 376, 503, 504, 618
Steele, Henry Milford, 426, 638
Stengel-Sembrich, Guillaume 111–12, 512
Stephen of Blois (later king of England), 351, 365–67, 614
Stephenson, George, 289, 586
Stevens, Ed, 545
Stewart, William M., 180–81
St. James Hotel (N.Y.), 42, 55–56, 423, 482, 491
St. Louis (Mo.): Barret family home, 609–10; government corruption, 116, 525; James Ross Clemens home, 11, 463; Moffett family home, 492, 588, 627, 653; newspapers and journals mentioned, 230, 561, 588–89 (see also titles of newspapers); SLC’s last visit, 532, 651; SLC’s lecture (1867), 280, 583; SLC takes mother to minstrel show, 296–97; mentioned, 10, 237, 408, 532, 649
St. Louis Missouri Democrat, 280, 583
St. Louis Missouri Republican, 561
St. Louis Reveille, 588, 589
St. Nicholas (periodical), 572, 573
Stockbridge, Anne W., 246, 548, 569, 570
Stockbridge, William H., 246, 569
Stockton, Francis R., 247, 250, 259, 260, 572, 575–76
Stoddard, Charles Warren, 118
Stoddard, Richard H., 563
Stoker, Dick, 621, 636
The Stolen White Elephant, Etc., 54, 489, 551
Stone, Bessie, 346, 355–56, 609
Stone, Melville, 564
ormfield (Clemenses’ house in Redding, Conn.), 509, 579, 652, 656
Story, William Wetmore, 593
Stowe, Charles, 606
Stowe, Eliza Tyler, 341, 606
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 225, 339, 341, 441–42, 605–6
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (Harriet’s daughter), 341, 606
Suetonius, 365, 614
Sullivan, Annie. See Macy, Annie Sullivan
Sullivan, Arthur, 333, 537, 560, 603
Sullivan, Marion Dix, 588
Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 607
Sumner, Charles, 13, 464
Sutton, George H., 384–85, 622
Swain, Robert B., 118, 119, 517
Swift, Jonathan, 271, 579
Switzerland, 225 651
Sylva, Carmen (Elisabeth of Romania), 97–98, 507
Talcott Mountain (Bartlett Tower), 156, 536
“Taming the Bicycle,” 575
Tammany Hall, 362, 464, 609, 612–13. See also Tweed, William M.
Tate, Henry, 560
Tate Gallery (London), 560
Tauchnitz, Christian Bernhard von (father), 323, 599
Tauchnitz, Christian Karl Bernhard von (son), 323, 599
Taylor, Bayard, 34, 417, 477, 553, 563, 631
Telephone: scarcity in London, 448–49; SLC’s first, in Hartford house, 56–57, 354, 491–92; trouble with, 98–99; value as invention, 446–47
Telharmonium, 447, 645
Teller, Charlotte (Mrs. Johnson, later Mrs. Hirsch), 236, 564–65
Tennessee land, of Clemens family, 21, 469
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 360–61, 612
Terry, Ellen, 19, 467, 560
Terwilliger, Horace K., 568
Thaw, Evelyn Nesbit, 454, 647
Thiele, Miss, 439, 443
The $30,000 Bequest and Other Stories, 596
Thompson, Annie Weeks (Mrs. Frank Fuller), 40–42, 482
Thompson, Jacob H., 40, 42, 482
Thomson, Mortimer (Q. K. Philander Doesticks), 153, 535
Thorpe, Rose Hartwick, 215, 556
“Those Extraordinary Twins,” 588
“Three Thousand Years Among the Microbes,” 196, 552
Thring (called Thwing), Henry, Lord, 288, 290–91, 339, 341, 586–87
Tiffany, Louis Comfort, 569, 571
Tiffany, Louise Comfort (Mrs. Rodman Gilder), 569
Tiffany and Company, 633
Tilden, Samuel J., 424–25, 519, 636–37
Tile Club, 579–80
Tillman, Benjamin, 3, 12, 457–58
Tilton, Elizabeth, 573
Tilton, Theodore, 573–74
Timothy (coachman), 542
Tobin, Miss, 100–102
Tom Sawyer. See The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Tom Sawyer Abroad, 477
“Tom Sawyer’s Conspiracy,” 545, 590
“To the Person Sitting in Darkness,” 651
The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson, 543, 651
A Tramp Abroad: contents and characters, 16, 465, 539, 639; contract and publication, 51–52, 488, 651; Howells’s review, 602; sales and royalties, 52, 488; Wilhelm II’s appreciation, 431, 433–34
Travelers Accident Insurance Company, 55
Tremont Hotel (Boston), 256
Trevelyan, G.O., 586
A True Story, and the Recent Carnival of Crime, 489
“A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It,” 542
Trumbull, James Hammond: characterized by SLC, 412–13, 629; and SLC’s idea for a play, 19–20, 467–68
Turner, Emily, 646
Turner, George Enoch, 238–39, 566
Turner, Louisa, 646
“The Turning Point of My Life,” 565
Tuskegee Institute, 8, 460–62
Tweed, William M. (“Boss”), 13, 388, 462, 464–65. See also Tammany Hall
•Twichell, Joseph H.: biographical information, 465, 511; bicycling, 258, 575; Clara visited by, 152; and Date 1601, 155–56; handsomeness, 161; officiating at funerals, 108, 576; “Peters” alias, 194, 360, 612; Sage’s practical joke, 253–55, 574; school days, 360, 611; and Wakeman, 192, 194–95, 551
FRIENDSHIP WITH SLC: Bermuda trips, 359–60, 611–12; correspondence, 103–7, 508, 510, 551; SLC’s gratitude, 160; SLC’s “Luck” based on report, 157, 344, 537; SLC’s sixty-seventh birthday dinner, 105, 510; travels in Germany, 15, 16, 181–82, 465, 546; walk to Bartlett (Talcott) Tower, 156, 536; walk to Boston, 380, 620, 643–44
Twichell, Julia Curtis ( Judy), 107, 511
Twichell, Julia Harmony Cushman, 546
Typewriter, 445–47, 643–45
Underwood Johnson. See Johnson, Robert Underwood
Union League Club (N.Y.), 387–90, 410, 622, 622–24
Uniontown Northern Californian, 518
Upton House. See Dublin (N.H.)
U.S. Congress (House and Senate): Barnes’s appointment, 6, 11–12, 460; direct election of senators, 623; Grant’s pension and title restored, 70, 496; John Marshall Monument Fund authorized, 593; pension bills, 372–74, 431, 615–17; presidential election (1876), 636–37; Simplified Spelling, 580; SLC’s opinion of senators, 55–56, 387–88, 409–10, 490–91, 497, 622–23. See also Copyright
U.S. Constitution, 314, 322, 337, 599, 623
U.S. Mint (San Francisco), 117–19, 517
U.S. State Department, 8, 461
U.S. Steel Corporation, 505
U.S. Supreme Court, 308–9, 480, 592–93, 621–22
Utah Territory, 37–38
Vanderbilt family, 116
Van de Velde, Arthur, 635–36
Van de Velde, Hydeline de Seigneux, 635–36
van Dyke, Henry, 462, 510
Vassar College, 15–17, 465–66
Versen, Alice Clemens von, 593–94
Versen, Maximilian von, 432, 593–94
Vesuvius, Mount, 109–10, 512
Victoria (empress dowager of Prussia), 432
Victoria (queen of England): favorite recitations, 556; Jubilee, 134, 525; SLC’s “Petition,” 179–80, 545–46; mentioned, 352, 559, 599
Vienna (Austria): Clara’s piano study, 509, 655; Clemenses’ stay, 27, 80, 81, 162, 448, 651, 99, 162, 473, 507; Hotel Krantz, 227–28, 559; Hotel Metropole, 507; and Lindau, 312, 594; mesmerism incident, 304–6, 591–92; SLC’s works composed, 574, 602
Villa di Quarto. See Florence
“Villagers of 1840–3,” 626
Virginia: letter from SLC admirer, 351; Old Point Comfort resort, 100, 107, 508; Richmond Theatre burned, 301–3, 591; Virginians living in Hannibal, 301–3, 590
Virginia City (Nev.): ball, 24, 471; SLC’s acquaintances, 481, 484, 514; SLC’s arrival and departure, 468, 567
Virginia City Territorial Enterprise: SLC as reporter, 5, 238–39, 458, 567; SLC’s “Josh” letters, 562, 566–67, 649; SLC’s sketches, 485, 513. See also Goodman, Joseph T.
Virginia City Union. See Fitch, Thomas
Wagner, Richard, 164, 294, 539
•Wakeman, Edgar (Ned): biographical information, 193, 548–49; as inspiration for SLC’s writing, 192–94, 198, 549–51; SLC’s appeal for financial aid, 193, 550; spelling, 195, 413; and Twichell, 192, 194–95, 551; WORK: The Log of an Ancient Mariner, 549
•Wakeman, Mary E. Lincoln, 193, 549
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel (N.Y.), 32, 477, 563–64, 595, 640
Walpole, Horace, 247, 570
Walters, William Thompson, 77, 502
Walters Art Museum (Baltimore), 502
Wambold, David, 293–94, 588
Ward, Artemus (Charles Farrar Browne), 46, 153, 484, 484–85
Ward, Ferdinand, 61–62, 66–67
Ward, John, 411, 628
Ward, Lewis P., 113, 514
Warner, Charles Dudley: death, 260, 576; family, 540; and the Fiskes, 34–35, 477–49; guest at Onteora, 251; on Susy and Clara, 224; tribute for SLC’s fiftieth birthday, 259, 260, 575, 577, 578; WORK: The Gilded Age (with SLC), 533, 641, 650
Warner, Elisabeth Gillette (Lilly; Mrs. George H. Warn
er), 331, 540, 557, 602
Warner, Frank, 166, 333, 540
Warner, George H., 165–66, 176–77, 540
Warner, Susan (Susy; Mrs. Charles Dudley Warner), 34, 251, 330, 333, 478, 602
•Warner, Margaret (Daisy), 333, 602
“The War-Prayer,” 526, 651
Washington (D.C.): Clara’s public singing, 567; John Marshall Monument, 306, 308–9, 592–93; proposed murals for Capitol, 535; SLC’s visits, 8, 180, 461. See also Copyright; U.S. Congress
Washington, Booker T., 8, 414–15, 460–61
Washington, George, 9, 335, 496, 589
Washington Evening Star, 6–7, 12
Washington Ladies’ Literary Association, 597–98
Washington Post, 572, 576
“Was it Heaven? Or Hell?,” 83–96, 103–4, 107, 506
Wasps. See Insects
Watt, James, 586
W.C.T.U. (Woman’s Christian Temperance Union), 362, 613
Webb, Charles H.: biographical information, 484; Californian contributions, 118; The Celebrated Jumping Frog published, 46–48, 49–50, 143, 485, 487–88
•Webster, Annie Moffett (SLC’s niece), 21, 469, 489, 492, 494, 653
•Webster, Charles L.: biographical information, 21, 77–78, 492, 496, 502–3; and bookkeeper’s embezzlement, 73–76, 499; books acquired or rejected, 76–77, 78, 499–502; characterized by SLC, 58–59, 64–66, 68, 73–77, 497–98, 505; Jewish ancestry suggested, 69, 496; salary, 54, 57–58, 64, 65, 493, 494, 495, 499; and SLC’s patents, 54, 57, 489–90. See also Charles L. Webster and Company
Webster, Samuel Charles, 494–95, 498
Wells, Samuel R., 335, 604
Wenneberg, Mrs., 439, 443
West Point Military Academy, 72, 155, 157, 496, 497, 535–36
What Cheer House (San Francisco), 324, 599
What Is Man?: composition and publication, 332, 399, 527, 602–3, 625, 652; SLC dictation that reprises philosophy, 140–43, 527
“‘What Ought He to Have Done?’: Mark Twain’s Opinion,” 328–29, 600–601
•Wheeler, Candace, 247, 571
•Wheeler, Dora, 247, 571
“Which Was It?,” 196, 552
Whitcher, Frances Miriam Berry (Widow Bedott), 45, 483
White, Andrew Dickson, 33, 477, 478, 479–80
White, Cool, 588
White, Stanford, 429, 454–56, 607, 647
Whiteley, William, 447–52, 645–46
Whitford, Daniel: biographical information, 493; characterized by SLC, 59, 66, 75, 493; and Webster’s employment contracts, 58, 59, 64, 78, 495, 503
Whitman, Walt, 13, 464, 619
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 339
The Whole Family (collaborative novel), 190, 547–48