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CHILDERS_Absurd Proposals

Page 31

by Richard F. Weyand

  deckhead – ceiling in a spaceship, with a room directly above.

  division – half of a squadron; in CSF, four ships.

  DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid; a molecule of genetic instructions.

  door – physical closure on a doorway; may not be airtight.

  doorway – opening in a bulkhead.

  DSM – CSF decoration, Distinguished Service Medal.

  ENS – ship prefix, Earth Navy Ship.

  Enshin – martial art combining karate and judo, founded in 1988.

  Exam – Citizenship Exam of the Commonwealth of Free Planets.

  Fleet Book (of Maneuvers) – CSF standard book of maneuvers.

  flotilla – two squadrons under one command; usually destroyers.

  g – one gravity, the amount of gravity one feels on Earth.

  GMD – Galactic Mail And Defense Corporation.

  geosynchronous – west-to-east orbit in 24 hours; geostationary.

  Goat Locker – Chief's Mess on a ship.

  hatch – airtight cover on a hatchway in a deckhead or overhead.

  hatchway – opening in a deckhead or overhead, with a hatch.

  HQ – Headquarters.

  inner envelope – calculated volume inside the published system periphery allowing hyperspace cruise but not transition.

  IS – interstellar.

  JAG – Judge Advocate General, the legal arm of the CSF.

  JTO – Junior Tactical Officer.

  ladderway – opening in a deckhead or overhead, without a hatch.

  light-second – distance light travels in one second; 186,282 miles.

  light-year – distance light travels in one year; 5.88 trillion miles.

  low-g – low gravity; gravity under 0.2 g.

  metroplex – city and its suburbs; metropolitan area.

  LNS – ship prefix, Lautadan Navy Ship.

  MP – Military Police.

  NOC – Naval Operations Center at Sigurdsen Fleet HQ.

  OCS – Officer Candidate School.

  outer envelope – calculated volume inside the published system periphery allowing hyperspace cruise and transition.

  overhead – ceiling in a spaceship, without a room directly above.

  PhD – Doctor of Philosophy; the most advanced degree in a field.

  ppm – parts per million.

  PR – public relations.

  PSS – ship prefix, Paradiso Space Ship.

  red team – attacker in a war game exercise.

  R&R – Rest and Recuperation.

  SM – CSF decoration, Science Medal.

  SMH – Sigurdsen Military Hospital.

  section – half of a division; in CSF, two ships.

  squadron – group of ships under one command; in CSF, eight ships.

  SSN – ship prefix, Samaran Space Navy.

  STO – Senior Tactical Officer.

  system periphery – published boundary inside which hyperspace cruise and transition are dangerous to the ship.

  topside – cylinder(s) on a ship containing officer's quarters and command & control areas like the bridge, CIC, etc.

  TNS – ship prefix, Tenerife Navy Ship.

  UCS – Unarmed Combat School.

  UJ – University of Jablonka.

  VA – CSF decoration, Victorious Action ribbon.

  VR – virtual reality.

  XO – Executive Officer, First Officer.

  zero-g – completely weightless; in free fall.




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