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First Love: A M/M MPreg Non-Shifter Romance (Snow Falls Omegas Book 1)

Page 4

by Esme Beal

  There was a look in Ashton’s eyes as he stared at his food. His hands were busy with his utensils but there was something else. Like there was something heavy on his mind.

  “Ashton… Can I ask you something?”

  “You cooked me breakfast. I figure that’s the least you can do for me.”

  “What were you really doing in the Southern Block last night?”

  He didn’t look at me, his eyes locked on his food. I waited patiently for his response, watching him while he took another bite of food. He swallowed it down before finally looking back at me.

  “It’s just like I said… Sometimes I feel like I’m strapped into that chair and I couldn’t leave if I wanted to. I guess last night… I wanted to get away from the life I’m so used to.”


  “Do you ever feel like that, Noah? Do you ever feel like you wish you could get away? Even if it’s only for just a moment?”

  I do.

  My life in Snow Falls was simple. Everything about it was so straight-forward. But I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t wish some things were different.

  Ashton gave me a stare, his gray eyes intense. I looked back at him and kept seeing something. Something I’d seen this whole time but still couldn’t believe. A sincerity I would never believe coming from a man of his stature.

  I searched for the words to say but it looked like he could already tell what I was thinking with the way he smiled softly.

  “So,” he started. “You plan on going to work. Then it sounds like you might be heading over to the shelter on Broadway.”

  “That sounds like what I usually do, yes—”

  “And after?”

  He arched an eyebrow in curiosity. All the thoughts roaming around in his mind became so obvious. I bit my lips, trying not to smile back at the growing smirk on his lips.


  I shook my head and coughed to clear my throat.

  “I haven’t thought that far ahead,” I said. “I… I don’t usually plan things out in advance. Even when I was at Paradise last night.”

  “Then maybe you should tonight. What do you think about meeting me again?”


  “Tonight. Tomorrow night. Or any other night when you’re free. If you’re up to it, of course—”

  “No, no, no! I’m up to it… It’s just…”

  “Is something wrong? Am I being too forward with you?”

  I scoffed at the thought.

  “The thought of any Alpha being too forward is something most Omegas don’t complain about. Certainly not with an Alpha like you.”

  “Then there is no problem.”

  “There’s no problem… I was just thinking…”

  I chuckled softly to myself again.

  This feels like a dream…

  “You don’t remember me,” I said. “You never even knew who I was back in high school. But there were so many people who looked up to you. I’ll be honest with you, Ashton. It’s… It’s unbelievable to think that I’d even run into you. And it’s crazy to think that you’d want to see me again.”

  “Noah, you said you’ve lived in Snow Falls your entire life.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Then you should know better than anybody that crazier things have happened in this town.”

  “I… I guess you have a point.”

  “Then you don’t object? Tonight. Perhaps I’ll meet you at the shelter after you’re finished with your shift at work.”

  “No… I won’t object to that.”

  Ashton smiled and returned to working on his breakfast. Even though his plate was nearly empty, he still looked like his appetite hadn’t been satiated. I didn’t realize I was staring at him so hard until he looked back at me.

  “Sorry,” he said. “This food is good.”

  “Maybe I can make you another plate.”

  “If it’s not too much trouble…”

  I got up from my seat and headed back to the kitchen. I no longer felt as sheepish as I did a few moments ago. I didn’t try fighting back my smile.

  “It’s no trouble at all.”

  Chapter 6


  “The numbers are up across the board but we’re not meeting projections for this quarter. Not anything to be concerned about. There is much room for improvement though. I’m anxious to launch our latest project to help us meet expectations for the fiscal year…”

  I peered out into the distance, looking down into the city. I could see all the way to the horizon from where I was. But the view was a little more enjoyable than it usually was.

  A hearty breakfast filled my stomach, giving me more energy than I was used to having. It didn’t hurt that I had the company of someone charming enough to feed me.

  I sighed contentedly, thinking that it’d been too long since the last time I enjoyed myself the way I did last night with Noah.

  “…The board is looking to hold another meeting next week… Ashton? Ashton, are you listening to me?”

  I slowly turned my head. The old man sitting across me widened his eyes.

  “I’m listening,” I said with a nod.

  The smile slowly formed on his lips as he shook his head.

  “No, you’re not,” he replied.

  I could never get anything past Jon. He was the head of the board of directors. He knew everything about the company and that included me.

  He was older. Hair white but combed neatly. Skin wrinkled but mostly unblemished. Suit loose on him but still gave him a dignified look. I assume that with his age came all of the knowledge to know when the man he was trying to talk to was distracted.

  “If you were listening to me then you’ll tell me what I just said.”

  “You wanted to hold another meeting next week,” I said. “Though there’s already a meeting scheduled for early next week. Is there an emergency?”

  “Nothing urgent. The board would simply like to do everything they can to go over the numbers with you. Adjustments can be made before the quarter is over.”

  “Yes, of course. Have to maximize profit like always… Business as usual.”

  “Is there something bothering you, Ashton?”

  “Not at all,” I said with a polite smile. “I’ll make it a priority for Donna to set the meeting up as soon as possible. Is there anything else we need to discuss?”

  “Not about business, no.”

  Jon leaned back in his seat. Even though he had almost as much power as me, there was still a kindness in his smile. You would think that a businessman like him who’d been doing it for so long would be so ruthless and uncaring but he was closer to the opposite.

  “If there’s no other business to discuss, then I’ll let you get back to work,” I said.

  “There is, however, some other business I’d like to discuss with you. Personal business.”

  “Yes… Of course…”

  “You know that you can speak to me honestly, Ashton.”

  “And I appreciate it. You’re free to do the same. I enjoy our honest conversations more than going over the numbers.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way. Have you given some thought to what the board suggested?”

  “What suggestion would that be?”

  “Oh, don’t say that.”

  He scoffed and shook his head at me. He was still smiling though.

  “I take everything the board says seriously,” I said. “But this… I’m not sure this would make any difference.”

  “Look out into the city,” he said. “There are millions of people out there for miles. They’re all looking at this company, your company. Having a proper Omega by your side would help them see this company as a family company. Alphas who are alone tend to be viewed as—”

  “Yes, yes. Aggressive. Cunning. Frightening. I’ve heard the reports. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re giving any credence to them.”

  “It’s not an unreasonable suggestion.”

bsp; I chuckled again, shaking my head at the thought. I searched for the words to help Jon understand where I was coming from.

  “Am I really so scary?” I said. “I didn’t realize the people in Snow Falls think less of a man just because he’s single.”

  “Perhaps you’re right. But we are trying to maximize profits, remember? This is your company. I’d imagine you’d be doing everything you can to help the numbers.”

  “The numbers. It always comes down to the numbers.”

  Jon leaned forward in his seat. The old man didn’t move as well as he used to, so it was clear he was trying to make a point.

  “Even if it weren’t for the numbers, would it really be so bad to find someone?” he said.

  I pondered his question for a moment, looking out into the city.


  I was slightly embarrassed that the Omega I just met was still on my mind. Just the mere mention of finding someone had my thoughts wandering to him.

  “Just something to consider,” Jon said as he got up from his seat. “There’s also the banquet next week. I take it your assistant is helping you find someone. Even just a date would make you look better to some of the shareholders. I hope you’ll take everything I’ve said into consideration.”

  I shook his hand and smiled.

  “I take everything you say into consideration, friend.”

  He bowed his head to me and excused himself to my office. I sighed as soon as he was gone. I stood next to the large window wall in my office and looked out into the city.

  The door opened up again and heels clicking against the marble floor filled my ears.

  “I spoke with Mr. Elder,” Donna said. “I’ve scheduled the extra meeting with the board for next week. I can re-arrange it if there’s a time you’d prefer.”

  “No, no,” I sighed. “The sooner I get it over with the better.”

  “Is there anything else you need?”

  I put my hands behind my back, my thoughts racing with everything that Jon just said to me.

  What a life…

  “Have you ever looked out into the city before?”


  “Have you ever noticed the view? You can see all of Snow Falls from my office.”

  “I have noticed it,” Donna said with a laugh. “It’s kind of hard not to with how high up we are.”

  “But have you ever looked closely. Look…”

  I pointed in the distance.

  “…You can actually see the dichotomy between the Northside and the Southern Block. The buildings are smaller, broken-down, dirtier… Even from up here, it looks like the streets need to be re-paved.”

  Donna walked up next to me. She shrugged her shoulders.

  “I suppose you’re right,” she said. “I never looked too hard before. But everybody knows that’s how it is. The Southern Block is… different.”

  “Different but not unmanageable. You’d think that it’s a place where monsters lurk with the way some people describe it. I was there last night—”

  “You went there last night?” she exclaimed. “What were you doing there?”

  The surprise in her eyes was genuine.

  “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” I said with a smile. “Just ordinary people trying to get by in life. They’re no different from you or me. I… I enjoyed myself.”

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “I’m planning on going back there tonight.”


  I could hear the reservation in her voice.

  “…I’m not in any position to stop you from doing whatever it is you’re doing. But you’ll understand if I do express some concern for you.”

  “I’m grateful for your concern but there’s nothing for you to worry about. I spend all day in this office, conducting business meetings with men who are only concerned with the company’s bottom line. Have some sympathy for me.”

  “Ha! When you put it like that… Speaking of things you’re doing at night, have you thought about the candidates?”

  “The candidates?”

  “The eligible Omegas—”

  “Oh! Right. Of course.”

  I looked out the window and thought about Noah. I couldn’t fight the grin from coming to my face. I knew better than to let Donna know immediately that I wasn’t considering anyone else for the time being. My focus was solely on seeing the Omega I just saw last night.

  “Let’s hold off on that for another day, shall we? I’m not in a hurry to rush into any meetings with those men.”

  “Okay. But you do remember there is a banquet coming up, right? You’ll at least need a date.”

  “A date… I’m sure you can scrounge something up for me at the last minute if it ever comes down to it.”

  “Why must you make my job so difficult?”

  “I don’t want to make things too easy for you. I have to see from time to time how far you’re willing to go for me.”

  “There’s a limit,” she said as she playfully held an index finger up to me. “Just don’t blow off everybody’s suggestions.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve taken everything everybody has said into consideration.”

  “Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

  Donna excused herself and the solitude of my office returned to me. There were still a few hours left in the workday. With Noah on my mind, they couldn’t go by fast enough for me.

  Chapter 7


  It was a busy day at Chan’s with more customers coming in and out than I was used to. Some people would’ve been upset at how busy it was but I welcomed the opportunity. All of the tables constantly being filled meant that they needed help in the kitchen that I was more than willing to provide.

  The kitchen was cramped. It was hard to move without running into one another. It was hard to see sometimes with how much steam there was. It was hot enough to make me sweat. But I didn’t complain for a second.

  It did make me think about how nice Ashton’s kitchen was though. The thought of standing in his penthouse suite and having most of it myself brought back the fondest memories. The kind of memories that had me working with a smile on my face. A few hours had gone by and I didn’t even realize it when my lunch break came up.

  I headed to the back alley to enjoy my lunch by myself. All of the energy from my breakfast had been burned away. I took a bite of my sandwich and sighed in relief.

  “Just another day in Snow Falls…”

  The sun was out. Even though it was a bit warm, the weather was clear enough to enjoy. I was staring up at the sky when I heard the loud rumble of an engine near the alleyway.

  I turned and saw a car park right next to the curb. Not just any car. A sleek, black luxury sedan. You never saw cars like that in the Southern Block, so it was easy to tell the car wasn’t from around here.

  I narrowed my eyes at the car while I ate my lunch. A few seconds later, the door opened up and someone stepped out.


  The young Omega had a big smile on his face.

  Another man stepped out of the door. A big, hulking man who was about twice the size of Charlie. His suit looked tight on him. It wasn’t nearly enough to hide the bulging muscles he was hiding underneath. He ran a hand over his smooth head then opened the backseat.

  I gazed curiously at who else was there then saw someone step out. I saw a pant leg from behind the door then saw the rest of the suit attached to it. The woman had her nose in the air as she looked around. Even from a distance, she exuded a sort of arrogance that made it more obvious that she wasn’t from around here if the car wasn’t already enough.

  “Yo, Noah!” Charlie shouted.

  He rushed up to me with the enthusiasm of a kid on his birthday, the smile on his face as big as I’d ever seen it.

  “Noah, I did it!”

  “You did what?”

  “I headed to the Queen’s Pit. It worked. I won!”

  “You… won?”r />
  “You said it was gambling but I did well. Queen herself even dropped me off to congratulate me on how well I did.”

  The woman walked closer to me and I got a better look at her.

  Her skin was pale, making her cherry red lips even more striking. Her eyes were brown and intense as they locked on me. Her black hair was long and cascaded down around the sides of her face. A few wrinkles on her brow indicated she was a bit older. But more than anything else, there was a confidence on her face from how she had her nose up.

  The big man in the suit who opened the door for her stood behind her.

  “Queen,” Charlie said. “This is my friend, Noah.”

  “Noah,” Queen replied. “It’s a pleasure.”

  I gave her a nod.

  “I told you it would work,” Charlie said. “Playing and winning at cards is easy as long as you know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m… I’m proud of you,” I said with a soft laugh.

  “Charlie has a lot of talent,” Queen said. “You never see that in an 18-year-old. He has potential to make a lot of money.”

  “You hear that, Noah? I’m gonna make the big time!”

  “Soon enough you won’t have to be working at a place like this.”

  “I can’t wait for the day. I think I’ll stop by tonight to play again.”

  “The door to the Pit is always open to you, Charlie.”

  Queen eyeballed me.

  Something about her…

  The way she looked at me… It gave me an unnerving feeling. I had to stop myself from shuddering from the way she stared at me.

  She gave me a smirk before snapping her fingers.

  “Come along, Bruno,” she said. “We have business to attend to.”

  I didn’t take my eyes off the pale-skinned woman as she headed back to her car. I kept watching until she got inside and the car disappeared from the alleyway.

  “Can you believe it?” Charlie said, the enthusiasm in his voice still there. “I did it. I actually won a tournament.”

  “I’m proud of you,” I said with a laugh. “I really am.”

  “And did you hear what she said? She says it’ll only be a matter of time until I’m playing with the high-rollers.”

  “I think it’ll be a long time before you scrape up enough cash to play with the high-rollers. They’re high-rollers for a reason.”


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