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His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2)

Page 23

by Charles, Jane

Marius tried not to look at her. His wife was more desirable by the moment. They had just gone through a hellish four days but not once had she complained. The house was filthy and she set to work in cleaning it so they could sleep that night. He knew no other woman of his acquaintance who would accept the situation as Sabrina had. In fact, he knew no woman who would have lasted even a few hours on the coach without voicing her discomfort. Sabrina, his wife, a rare beauty, a rare treasure and he was blessed that she was his.

  “The water is on and I’ll fill the tub when I am ready. Why don’t you set by the fire and dry your hair while I finish.”

  Sabrina obliged and set to combing her hair. They talked of the town and the people. Marius was as disturbed as she that matters were bad for the people and agreed to go over the books tomorrow to see what could be set to rights.

  During the meal, Sabrina’s hair finally dried as she ate and drank one and a half glasses of wine, often commenting on how delicious the food was. Marius politely thanked her though he suspected she liked the simple meal because she was famished and they hadn’t eaten anything decent since the night of the fire. Though he knew she enjoyed wine, she had previously savored her glasses, tonight it was as if she were nervous.

  Of course. She was nervous. By all accounts this would be their wedding night. If the wine helped her relax it was all the better for both of them.

  Sabrina washed the dishes while Marius prepared his bath. Sabrina heard his sigh as he sank into the warm water. Unlike her, he had left the door open and she wondered if it was his intention that she visit him there. Just the thought sent her cheeks flaming and she poured another glass of wine. Soon he would be emerging from the tub and putting on the clothes she had laid out for him and then he would take her upstairs. No. She didn’t want it that way. Shouldn’t a bride await her husband in the chamber? If so, then she should be ready for him and had better go upstairs soon before she lost her nerve.

  Marius’s glass sat empty on the table. Pouring the wine until it was half full Sabrina took a deep breath and approached the bathing chamber. She could feel her hands begin to shake and concentrated on trying to keep them still as she approached the tub. Thankfully it was deep and long so she couldn’t see any part of his anatomy. Regardless, she concentrated on his face. “Here.” She held the glass out to him.

  Marius looked up at her with a lazy smile and took the glass, transferring it to the hand farthest from her. “Have you come to keep me company?” His other hand reached out, touching her thigh through her dress. The action startled her as did the quickening of her pulse. He slowly ran his thumb back and forth, very close to her most private areas.

  “No. I thought you would like this as you soaked. I am going to go upstairs and ready myself for bed.”

  Marius gave her a lopsided grin. “I’ll hurry to join you.”

  “No,” she answered a little too anxiously. “Take your time.”

  “Very well, I’ll be up shortly.”

  Nodding her head she pulled away from him. Grabbing the bottle and her own glass she practically ran up the stairs. After another fortifying drink she finally put on the gown she had purchased earlier that day. Studying her appearance she was shocked at how much was revealed yet surprised at what wasn’t.

  With each minute that passed, Sabrina began to lose her nerve. Had she assumed too much? Perhaps Marius wasn’t interested in seeing her like this tonight. What if he were too tired to even consider consummating the marriage. What if he didn’t like how she looked? Swallowing more wine, she left the master chamber, deciding she had made a huge mistake and began searching for a decent night rail.

  Chapter 27

  Marius wasn’t sure what to expect when he entered the chamber but he was immensely pleased. The room smelled of lavender and roses and cleaner than his own home had been. However, he didn’t expect his wife to be missing. Sounds from the adjoining chamber drew him in that direction when he realized Sabrina was talking to herself.

  “Phoebe was completely wrong. Wine doesn’t help.”

  “What doesn’t wine help?” He stopped just inside the door. He still could not see her, but knew she was in the closet.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped back into the room. “Nerves!”

  Marius stopped in his tracks at the sight of her. His mouth went dry, jolted by what he was seeing. Sabrina was wearing the most seductive night rail he had ever seen in his life. Stepping back he studied her and it. Thin silk straps were all that held it on her body. The silk continued over her bodice, revealing only a hint of her breasts above. The entire gown had embroidered flowers from top to bottom except the embroidery was very thick across the breasts, preventing him from seeing how they really look. Only a glimpse of the underside of the right breast could be seen as the embroidery thinned out to a spattering of flowers across her mid-section only to become thick again at her hips, completely hiding her womanhood before thinning out again from the top of her thighs to the floor. The gown, in essence revealed all except that which a man would most desired to see. Whoever had designed the garment had known exactly what she was doing to entice a man.

  Her waist was slender and her hip gently curved out to long shapely legs. He had planned on moving very slowly tonight but Sabrina’s appearance in that gown was making him uncomfortable in his own clothing and anxious to be in her. “My God you are beautiful.”

  Sabrina let out a sigh.

  Marius stepped back and gestured to the door. “Shall we retire?”

  Picking up her glass from the side table Sabrina walked past Marius into the main chamber. He followed, admiring her from behind. The embroidery was on the back was as it had been in the front and completely hid her behind. The modiste most definitely knew what she was doing.

  Sabrina paused at the table and poured more of the contents in her glass. Marius stopped beside her and emptied the bottle into his own glass. Took hers and placed it on the table.

  Turning her in his arms, he lowering his mouth to hers. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, tasting her completely. Sabrina wound her arms around his shoulders to be closer to him and for the added support. He had kissed her before, but this kiss was more powerful than she had ever experienced and her legs threatened to give out on her. Still, she met his kiss with the same passion and eagerness that matched his as he pulled her tightly against him, molding his hands around her bottom. Sabrina could feel his desire, though he was still clothed. There was no mistaking what was molded against her belly and a thrill of excitement ran through her. She tightened her arms around Marius, flattening her breasts against his chest. They couldn’t get close enough to the other.

  Groaning deeply, Marius broke their lips apart and began kissing her cheeks and neck as his hands strayed her shoulders and he began sliding the satin straps down her arms. Sabrina let her head fall back, lost in his kisses and the delicious sensations traveling through her body. Marius’s kisses traveled further and soon he was clasping them around a swollen, erect nipple that had been exposed in his slow undressing. Sabrina gasped and held tighter to his shoulders. This experience was incredible. All concerns evaporated and Sabrina lost any coherent thought.

  In the back of her mind Sabrina noted that Marius was no longer kissing her, but a hand was cupping her breast. Lifting her heavy eyelids she found him looking at her with a strange look on his face. He seemed so stern with his jaw clinched and she wondered if he was somehow displeased. Opening her mouth to speak, he swept in before any words could be spoken and was kissing her deeply again as he lifted her hands from him so he could slide the gown off her body. In the back of her mind Sabrina was aware that her gown was gone but couldn’t find the will to protest. She would agree to anything when he kissed her this way. Perhaps it was best to keep that knowledge to herself.

  He had pushed the gown over her hips and took a step back. Sabrina stood still, slightly uncomfortable at his assessment. She felt her skin heating but didn’t know if it was from her own embarrassment
or the burn of his eyes. There was no mistaking that look and it no longer frightened her. Finally, their eyes met and he held them there as he began to unbutton his own shirt. Sabrina forced her eyes to remain on his though she wanted to view what he was uncovering.

  One of her friends said not to look until it was over. She didn’t say why, though Sabrina had asked. The advice had come from Juliette, she thought, though her wedding day and the advice she had been given was beginning to blur at the moment. Trusting what she’d been told, Sabrina kept her eyes on Marius, wishing he would hurry and begin kissing her again.

  Throwing his shirt aside, Marius pulled her into his arms again and began kissing her with the heightened passion, barely restrained. The feel of his bare chest against her breast sent bolts of excitement through Sabrina and in no time she was clutching herself to him again, completely forgetting she was unclothed. Marius scooped her up in his arms and deposited her in the middle of the bed. Standing, his hands slid to his pants as he began to unfasten them. Still, Sabrina looked up into his eyes. He was about to reveal what she really did want to see yet, she would wait.

  Tossing his pants aside, Marius joined her on the bed and began kissing her. His lips strayed over her face, neck, and breasts before they moved to her hips, belly, and legs. Sabrina returned his kisses, but her hands remained on his back. She was afraid to touch him anywhere else, not sure if she should or if he even wanted her to. She was also partly afraid of what she would find and decided if she wasn’t supposed to look until it was over then she probably shouldn’t touch either. That was her last coherent thought as Marius’s hand slid up her thigh and cupped her. Nobody had ever touched her in such a manner and Sabrina was lost in the unbelievable pleasure.

  Sliding his fingers forward, touching her, Marius and Sabrina moaned together. Hers was pleasure. His was pain. Marius knew the minute he touched her that Sabrina was ready for him. As much as he would like to continue pleasuring her in this manner he was afraid his body wouldn’t allow him to, bring the joining to an end before it could begin. Gritting his teeth, Marius concentrated on keeping control of his passion but it was in control of him. Rolling onto her, he kissed her eyelids, cheek, and finally lips as he found her entrance. Sabrina had instinctively opened to him and slowly Marius entered her. He groaned at the incredible tight feel of her as she gasped in surprise. He wanted to see her reaction to their coming together and lifted his head. Sabrina looked up at him with passionate wonder. He only stopped moving when he felt the barrier.

  “I love you Sabrina and you will always be mine.”

  Marius studied her, worried that he had hurt her more than necessary, yet he had been as careful as he could. Kissing the tears away, he looked at her again and Sabrina gave him a hesitant smile. “Are you all right love?” He asked tenderly.

  Sabrina nodded her head. “So much more than simply all right.” She choked.

  Marius was worried. She was still crying, but she was smiling. Was she in that much pain and trying to be brave? He needed to move, but he wouldn’t allow his body to until he was sure her pain had passed. “The pain?”

  “Gone as quickly as it came.”

  Marius realized that his incredible wife was crying because of the emotion of their lovemaking and not from any pain. He began to move. Sabrina gasped in surprise. His wife’s willing and loving acceptance of him drove Marius over the edge. All control he had fought to contain disappeared. In just a few movements he was spilling his seed into her, amazed at the force of his own release. Holding himself above her, he dropped his forehead to hers and closed his eyes, breathing heavily.

  So this is what making love felt like when one was in love. Though he had found pleasure with other women, it paled considerably in comparison. He now understood why his friends never strayed from their wives. Nothing could replace this. In fact, it could only get better, if he could control himself.

  Groaning again, Marius rolled to his side, taking her with him as he wrapped an arm around her and held her close to his side. Now that the heat of his passion had passed, he couldn’t believe he had disappointed her as he had. Not since he was much younger, and new to this act, had he lost control and found his release so quickly. Worse, it had been years since he had failed to bring a woman pleasure. He just prayed Sabrina wasn’t too disappointed. “I am sorry.”

  Sabrina’s head lay had been on his chest but she tilted it back to look at him. “Of what?” Confusion was etched on her brow.

  “This wasn’t very pleasurable for you and I wanted it to be. I promise to make it up to you and control myself in the future.”

  Sabrina snuggled around it. “I thought it was very pleasurable.”

  Marius chuckled in relief. His wife had no idea what she was missing. He knew he could bring her release. Her reactions to his touch alone convinced him that she would be able to find the pleasure he had. “Sabrina, it will be better for you next time.”

  She tilted her head back looked at him strangely. “I am not sure that is possible, except there will be no pain.”

  Marius sighed. She wouldn’t understand until he showed her.. “How are you feeling?” He asked while stroking her hair.


  Marius chuckled. At least she was honest. “Let me get a cloth and water and tend to you.”

  Sabrina pulled away horrified. “You can’t wash me.” She jumped out of the bed and went to her adjoining chamber. A few moments later she returned wearing a light dressing gown and crawled back into bed and Marius pulled her into his arms. Sabrina once again rested her head on his chest and fell asleep in a matter of moments. Marius held her, not willing to let go. Comforted by the knowledge that he had a passionate wife to share his life with. For the moment he would let her sleep, but their night was far from over and his wife needed to learn exactly what pleasure was. He smiled to himself as he conjured up all the ways he planned on pleasuring her once she had rested.

  * * *

  The clock above the fireplace ticked, filling the silence of the room. Marius had lain with Sabrina in his arms for close to two hours, not once drifting off himself. Now it was time to wake his charming wife. He couldn’t wait much longer, Marius was throbbing with need. Slowly he slid her away from his body, careful not to wake her. Sabrina’s hair framed her face and the pillow. He robe was gapping, revealing part of her left breast. One leg had escaped and Marius’ eyes feasted on the shapely limb. Gently he reached over and undid the knot around her robe. Next, he pushed the robe open, slowly, revealing her perfect shape to his eyes. The rest would have to wait as he didn’t believe he could release her arms from the robe without waking her. Now, to wake his wife.

  Sabrina was having the most delicious dream. Marius was kissing her neck and breasts. He was caressing her belly and thighs. Then his hand cupped her there, in the one place she never dreamed would bring her pleasure. He was moving his hand and fingers in a way that had her aching. He hadn’t done that before so why would her mind imagine it now. She knew she was waking, but didn’t want to leave the dream and the feelings it evoked. Moaning, she turned her head, willing herself to remain in the sleep state until her mind began to register that it wasn’t sleep at all that was bringing the assault to her senses, but her husband. Slowly she opened her eyes, noting the top of Marius’ head as he suckled one breast. His fingers were doing wicked things to her below. This was a most pleasurable way to awaken and she must let him know so he could join her as he had before.

  Marius looked up at her and Sabrina held her arms out to him. “Not yet love. It is your turn.”

  “Turn for what?” She asked groggily.

  “I failed you the first time.”

  “You did not fail me.”

  Marius grinned. “Trust me. Just lay back and relax. Feel what I do to you.”

  Sabrina didn’t have much choice because the pleasure was building and she felt her buttocks and legs tensing, wanting to meet his hand.

  Marius murmured against her breast. “L
et your body move as it would like Sabrina. Fight nothing.”

  So she did, closing her eyes she felt, gasping at surges, moaning with pleasure. Her hips moved as if they knew what was sought. Sabrina arched as her body exploded, crying out his name before collapsing back on the bed, panting in wonder. Marius was over her in a matter of seconds. Sabrina welcomed him into her body and arched to meet him, still feeling the after effects of her own release.

  Marius kept himself in check, watching to see if her pleasure would rise once again. She showed no signs of that occurring, though she moved with him instinctively, meeting his thrusts, taking him into her. In the past he had known a few women who were unable to accomplish a release through this manner and wondered if perhaps Sabrina was one as well. It was still too soon in her experience to tell.

  Unable to hold off his own release much longer, he reached between their bodies, caressing her as he had before. Sabrina splintered before him almost immediately and Marius followed her over the edge. He had pleasured her twice and his own release had been even stronger than the first.

  Rolling onto his side he looked down at her. Sabrina’s eyes were glazed with wonder and the aftermath of passion. “The first was pleasurable. This was incredible. Poor Lady Davies, she has no idea what she is missing.”

  Marius laughed, rolling onto his back and pulling her with him. They would work on the other pleasure later. For now, he was tired, as he was sure Sabrina was. He had made love to her twice tonight so he should finally be able to sleep in peace.

  That peace lasted about three hours when his body woke him again with wanting of his wife, who was curled up around him. Marius tried to remind himself that it would be unfair to Sabrina to make love to her again. Chances are she was tender and she did need her sleep. Still, his body would not let him rest, urging him to join with her again.

  Sabrina was awakened to a hand on her inner thigh. This time she woke quicker and knew what to expect and let the feelings wash over before her husband joined with her once again. This time it lasted longer and was more pleasant than all the others. She enjoyed feeling the power of him move within her and her body met his instinctively. She hoped she brought him as much pleasure as he brought her.


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