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His Contrary Bride (A Gentleman's Guide to One Upon a Time - Book 2)

Page 25

by Charles, Jane

  The workers were gaping at the two gentlemen and Marius addressed them. “Please bring everyone out of the mine. I will not be the one responsible for deaths.”

  As the workers filed out of the mine behind him, Chesterfield’s men gathered before Marius and Richard. There were five in all. Each filthy and two smelled of strong liquor.

  “Is anyone else involved with the running of the mine?”

  “Only Chesterfield himself,” one of them stated.

  “Were you hired by Chesterfield, all of you?”

  Before nodding yes, they shared a look.

  “Hey.” the man at the end of the line stated, as if seeing the miners for the first time. “Get back to work. This is not a holiday.”

  The boy whom Marius had questioned stood close to them. “We were told to leave, sir.”

  The man raised his hand to hit the boy. Marius quickly stepped between the two and glared at the filthy supervisor. “Does this happen often young man? Being struck?”

  His eyes were wide and he searched the faces of the workers, wondering how he should answer.

  Richard leaned down. “It is alright. Just answer his question truthfully. No harm will come to you.”

  “A lot, sir. But only if we’re not working hard enough.”

  Marius itched to beat the man but kept control. “You five are relieved of your duties. You, with all you belongings, will be gone from this land and town within the hour.”

  “You can’t do that,” one of them argued.

  “I just did.” Marius dismissed him and turned away.

  “Who the hell are you? Only Chesterfield can say what happens here,” another continued.

  A smile spread across Marius’s face. “I happen to Mr. Marius Parker, recently married to Lady Sabrina Chester, owner of this mine. My friend, Baron Lavins has offered to give me much needed advice.”

  The burly supervisor at the end of the line cursed. “You’re suppose to be dead.”

  “I’m sure that was Chesterfield’s plans when he set my house on fire. As you can see, I escaped safely, with my bride, and am now taking over.”

  The five men didn’t seem to want to move.

  “Do I need to assign escorts to see that you are gone?”

  Grumbling, the men turned and walked away. Marius scanned the group and signaled the ten largest men to come forward. “Stay with them until they are far from here.”

  Nodding, they went to do Marius’s bidding as he and Richard faced the miners who were waiting in anticipation for what was to happen next. An older man stepped forward. “Pardon me, my lord. Will Lord Lavins be running the mine now?”

  Marius noted the man looked almost hopeful at the suggestion.

  Richard shook his head. “No, I am only here as an advisor.”

  Disappointment replaced the early hope and the man’s shoulders slumped.

  “Why would you want Lord Lavins to manage?” He knew that Richard had profitable mines, but hadn’t been aware that his reputation traveled further then his own lands.

  The miners looked at Marius as if he had just asked an incredibly stupid question. “Don’t ya know ‘bout how he runs things?”

  “Apparently, I don’t.” Marius was bemused. Obviously these workers knew something of Richard that his friends didn’t.

  “Why he has the safest mines in all of England,” another man stated.

  “Well, as safe as mines can be that is,” the man beside him added.

  “The wages are good,” someone called out. “My son left to work in one of his mines and is able to send a little back to help feed the family.”

  “Not to mention pensions,” an older man spoke.

  Marius grinned at his friend, who had slightly colored at their admiration. “In that case, I promise to seriously consider each of his suggestions.”

  Smiles broke out among the workers.

  “For the moment, however, the mine is closed.”

  Worry began to etch on the faces so Marius continued. “You will still be paid as if you are working. Nobody will lose his, or her, job unless they wish to.” Relief reflected in the faces. “Is there a place we can meet later that will offer enough room for all of us?”

  “You may use the church, Mr. Parker.” A man of approximately thirty stated.

  “Perhaps you should ask the vicar, sir, if you don’t mind.”

  The man smiled. “I am the vicar. Times have been difficult for everyone sir. Not just the miners.”

  * * *

  Sabrina burst through the front door, eager to find Marius. He stepped out of library and she rushed into his arms. “They are talking about you all over town Marius. At least a dozen people told me what you and Richard did at the mine today and are eagerly waiting for some meeting this evening.”

  Smiling, he took Sabrina’s arm and turned her toward the parlor. “I hope you don’t mind dear. My original intention had been to inspect the mine only. After what Richard and I saw, I couldn’t wait and had to shut it down and I fired your uncle’s employees.”

  “Mind, why should I mind?” Sabrina asked with excitement.

  “I didn’t want to make any decisions without you. After all, you are the true owner.”

  “Yes, but you are in charge.” She argued back.

  “Still, I want us to decide together what happens from now on.”

  Sabrina stopped to look at her husband, smiling softly. Reaching up she touched his cheek. “Thank you, Marius.”

  Chapter 30

  In just one month of marriage Marius was already getting on her nerves. Sabrina couldn’t go anywhere without him being with her, following her, or appearing close to her within minutes of her starting a project inside the house or out. Just now she stood in the center of the garden discussing the layout with the men who returned to their former positions, leaving the mine after they heard of the plans to restore the estate. Besides the gardeners, there were men fixing a fence and repairing part of a chimney. Others were painting portions of the house. She was in clear view of not less than twenty men, all of whom they now knew, yet Marius had followed her out here and waited patiently until she concluded her business. Sabrina had half a mind to remain where she was until the following morning. Instead, she excused herself and marched over to her husband who was relaxing on a bench. With hands on hips she stared down at him. “Must you continue to follow me everywhere?”

  “Until Chesterfield is disposed of, yes.”

  “Marius, look around.” She gestured to all the workers. “Nothing could possibly happen to me here.”

  “Is that so?” he asked lazily.

  “Yes,” Sabrina yelled back, exasperated.

  Calmly Marius stood. “Look around you, dear.” He gestured to the woods surrounding the acreage. “Chesterfield or one of his men could be hiding at this very moment waiting to get a good shot at you.”

  Sabrina judged the distance close enough for success.

  “I would prefer you not leave the house at all, but don’t believe you will consider that option.”

  She turned back to him, remaining stubborn. “No, I will not. I refuse to hide, waiting for him to strike. Who knows,” Sabrina shrugged her shoulders. “He may have given up by now.”

  “I hardly think so, dear.” After kissing her on the cheek, Marius resumed his seat as Sabrina returned to the gardeners. Though she hated to admit her husband may have a point, she did look toward the woods on more than one occasion.

  Two days later Sabrina shut the office door after speaking with her husband. Marius was growing more tense each day, waiting for Chesterfield to strike. Though she felt perfectly safe, perhaps she should remain in the house for no other reason than to alleviate some of his concerns. With that decision made Sabrina wandered back to the front parlor where she had left Simone a few moments ago drinking tea. They were still waiting for Richard to return from town.

  Pausing at the doors Sabrina found them closed. Hadn’t she left them open? No bother, she probably didn’t
remember closing them or perhaps Richard had returned and was in there alone with his wife. Just to be sure, Sabrina knocked. When no one answered, Sabrina knocked harder. If no answer came, she would retire to her rooms. “Simone, it is me, Sabrina. May I come in?” Perhaps she shouldn’t have said anything and just walked away.

  “You can come in.”

  Simone sounded a little bit odd, which further convinced her Richard was in there. Perhaps she should just say good night through the door.

  “Please, Sabrina,” her voice called out.

  Something was wrong. Perhaps Simone was ill. Turning the handle she stepped into the room. Before she could act, the door shut behind her and a gag was shoved in her mouth. Her last vision was of Simone sitting in a chair blindfolded. She kicked out at her assailant before she felt the blow to her head.

  * * *

  Sabrina awoke to pitch blackness. It was no place she was familiar with and it smelled dirty and felt damp. Though her head was pounding she struggled to sit, ignoring the pain, she reached out to find her friend. “Simone?”

  “I’m right beside you, Sabrina.”

  “Thank goodness. Are you hurt?”

  “No, I am fine but I would appreciate it if you would untie my hands.”

  “At least they removed your gag before dumping us here.”

  “No they didn’t. I managed to loosen it myself while I waited for you to wake. I was beginning to fear you wouldn’t.” There was an edge of fear in Simone’s voice.

  “I guess my head is harder than I thought.” Sabrina finally got the knot free from the rope at Simone’s wrists and Simone returned the favor.

  Both free of bindings again, they relaxed against the wall. Sabrina struggled to find some light, but couldn’t and fought to hold her fear at bay. “It is pitch black in here, I can’t see a thing.”

  Simone chuckled beside her.

  Immediately Sabrina regretted her words. “I’m so sorry. That was insensitive.”

  “No it wasn’t. It was a statement of fact. I was laughing because our kidnappers blindfolded a blind woman.”

  “I can see your point.”

  “Don’t let the lack of sight scare you. I know it is not easy to deal with when it happens suddenly.”

  “You haven’t always been blind?” Sabrina asked.

  “Oh no. This happened five years ago. There was a horrible storm at our country home and my son was crying in his crib. When I bent over to pick him up, a large branch broke off the tree outside and came crashing through the window. I was struck on the head and knocked unconscious. When I came to my sight was gone.”

  “How dreadful.”

  “Not really. Had I not been leaning over my son at the time, he would have likely been killed. I would rather live without my sight.”

  Sighing. “Still, it must be very difficult.”

  “I was full of self-pity for a long time, but Richard and a few others brought me around.”

  “I don’t know where we are or how we are going to get out of here,” Sabrina finally stated after some moments.

  “Then it is a good thing I was taken with you.”

  Sabrina couldn’t understand the almost cheerfulness of her tone. “Why, so I won’t be alone?”

  “No,” Simone answered her. “When I lost my sight, I learned to rely on my other senses. For the first time in a long time someone else would be relying on me.”

  “How so?”

  “We are deep in the mine. I listened to the men talk as they left us and I followed their voices. The mine is not completely quiet, even with no workers. If we are quiet and feel our way along the walls I think we can find our way out. Besides, we’ll eventually find a lantern for you to use making it easier.”

  “Why would they leave us here when there are men working on the mine?”

  “One of them mentioned that nobody was scheduled to work this area for a few weeks.”

  “Either they planned to leave us here to starve or plan on coming back to kill us.”

  “All the more reason to try and get out of here.” Sabrina stood and helped Simone to her feet. The tied their wrists together so they wouldn’t become separated in the darkness and Sabrina allowed Simone to lead her out of the mine.

  * * *

  Marius couldn’t believe this had happened. “I thought for sure she would be safe in the house.”

  “As you should have,” Richard agreed. “There are certainly enough servants about.”

  “Then why didn’t any of them see or hear anything?” He shouted at Richard.

  “Don’t get angry with me. My wife is missing as well.”

  Marius cooled slightly and resumed his pacing. It had been an hour since he had left his office and climbed the stairs, anticipating some intimacy with his wife, but was greeted by an empty chamber. Thinking she had remained downstairs, he met Richard coming in the doors. While Richard had gone upstairs Marius had looked for his wife on the main floor of the house. Bewildered, he wandered back into the entryway running his fingers through his hair, wondering where Sabrina had gone to when Richard came back down asking where his wife was. It was at that point they began to worry and Marius had every servant summoned to search the house and grounds.

  His wife and Simone had vanished and he hadn’t a clue where to begin looking.

  Logic told him the road into town would have been avoided because of the risk of being seen. Still he sent two servants in that direction with instructions to knock on every door and ask if anyone had passed through. He gave the same instructions to two more servants but directed them on the road to the mine. It was the only road away from the house with nothing between the town or mine but homes. It would have been too risky unless they had been hidden in a carriage. Hopefully he would have his answer soon. Marius would have gone himself but was afraid he would have gone the opposite direction of his wife and determined it would save more time if he stayed put until they returned. Richard had agreed which left them both pacing and worrying.

  “I don’t think I ever fully appreciated what Taylor had gone through until now.” Richard stated as he poured a brandy.

  Marius agreed and accepted a glass from Richard.

  All of the men he had sent out returned an hour later. Nobody had heard or seen anything all evening. A number of the families were still outdoors due to the pleasant weather and had only recently gone indoors.

  The town was small enough that even a nondescript wagon or carriage would have been noticed. “Then she must be near still. I want everyone searching the woods now. Look for any sign that someone may have passed through.” Marius ordered. Silently he prayed nobody found their bodies.

  Richard and Marius joined in the search, staying to the center of the group so they could be alerted by either side. Soon, they discovered a trail, quite by accident.

  “This is a well worn path,” Marius observed.

  One of the servants had heard him and yelled to him. “It is the path your wife’s father used to take to the mine. It is quicker than the main road. I had plum forgotten it was here.”

  Marius and Richard shared a look in the darkness before dashing off down the path. When they emerged from the woods they found the mine ahead of them. Both extinguished their lanterns so they could move about without being detected.

  Silently, keeping to the shadows, they circled the buildings until they found a clear view of the entrance. One horse stood outside.

  Richard stepped forward but Marius placed a hand on his arm. “Slowly and quietly. We don’t want them to know we are here.”

  “Why only one do you suppose?”

  “Our wives were probably brought here hours ago. That must be their guard until Chesterfield arrives.”

  “Chesterfield was never directly involved before. Why now?”

  “I believe he wants to make sure everything goes according to plan.” Marius couldn’t bring himself to say that Chesterfield probably wanted to kill Sabrina himself.

  Before they entere
d the mine, Richard turned to Marius. “I’ll take the lead. I’ve been here daily for the past week.”

  Marius nodded for him to continue.

  * * *

  Sabrina and Simone felt their way along the tunnel. In places the walls were dry, in other they were wet with mud and sometimes slimy. Sabrina was glad she could not see what her hands were touching.

  “My eyes must be adjusting. I’m beginning to make out the walls of the tunnel,” Sabrina offered hopefully.

  “We must be getting close. Close enough for the light to penetrate the darkness,” Simone added enthusiastically.

  A few feet further Sabrina heard a clang from Simone’s boot striking a metal object on the floor. She waited while Simone bent down to see what she kicked. “It is a lamp. We must be close.”

  “I’ll try to find a flint.” Sabrina searched the area with her hands, but came up empty. “Nothing.” Resuming her place, the ladies continued down the tunnel. If a lamp had been left here then there was a very good chance they were moving in the right direction. But in the event they did not locate another, Sabrina carried it with her.

  After two more turns, Simone’s feet struck metal again.

  “They are tools, Simone,” Sabrina stated excitedly after examining the items. “We must be getting close.”

  A few feet away, Simone’s head struck an item. “It’s another lantern.”

  They were stopped and Sabrina could feel Simone searching in the darkness and she did the same, as best she could with her wrist tied to Simone. “There is a flint here as well.”

  Sabrina handed the lamp to Simone in exchange for the flint. In just a matter of moments the lamp was burning and Sabrina could finally take in their surroundings. “This must be one of the areas the men are working on.”

  “Let’s just get out of here.” Simone handed the lamp back to Sabrina. “You can take the lead now.”


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