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“Come on in, I want you to meet Graeme and Liz. We’re just getting ready to eat. Then we can sit and hear what you’ve come all the way out here to tell us.”
“It’s not good, Mike. Not fucking good at all.”
He opened the screen door and pushed Jolynn in ahead of him. “Elizabeth, Graeme, I’d like you to meet Jolynn Enwright. Not only is she my sister, she’s my right-hand man at work. She’s the one running the place while I’m off getting my head on straight.”
Jolynn shook Graeme’s and Elizabeth’s hands and wondered what the hell her brother was doing here. She understood about the initial incident. It was just like him to rescue a damsel in distress. But why was he still here now? Unless…. She let that thought trail off and began to watch the interplay between the three of them more carefully.
Graeme was pouring wine in the kitchen while Michael and Liz were arranging dishes. Michael laughed easily and looked happier than she’d seen him in a long time. Had he really only been gone two days? Her eyes narrowed the third time she spotted Graeme rest his hand against Michael’s arm. Her brother didn’t seem to notice. In fact they all seemed to touch each other a little more than was necessary. Any one of them could have stepped to the other side of the counter to work. Instead they all squeezed together in the kitchen, and, well…touched.
Good Goddamn! She burst out laughing, all three heads looking up at her, expressions of surprise lighting their faces. She laughed until tears streamed down her face, and her breath caught in her throat. Liz hurried over with a glass of water, but thirst wasn’t the problem.
“You’re fucking them!” she said to her brother and broke into another fit of giggles.
Michael tried to maintain his dignity through dinner, but it was hard with Jolynn busting into giggles every few minutes. He felt his lips twitch in response to her last snort. It was pretty funny, when he thought about it. Not that he was fucking them, because he wasn’t. Or at least not both of them, as he’d be sure to point out to Jo, as soon as they had a minute alone.
No, it was ironic because he’d been the one to encourage Jo to come out of her closet all those years ago and just be herself. She’d sat down with their parents with him by her side and told them she was bisexual or maybe just gay and, as far as he knew, she’d never looked back.
Now he was struggling with his own attraction to a man, with wanting to take two lovers, and he wondered what advice she would give him. Their gazes met over the table, and he knew he’d find out soon enough. Jo never was one to mince her words. Especially where her older brother was concerned.
“The system we put up around the perimeter looks like a standard motion sensor alarm system, but it has a few more features that we’re keeping quiet for now,” Jolynn explained, looking at Graeme and Liz. Michael had designed it; he knew the tech specs better than anyone.
“Most outdoor systems work as an invisible wall creating a vertical barrier. Cross it, and the sensors activate. This model essentially looks straight out to sense approaching threats, as well as vertically. We’ve programmed it to ignore anything weighing less than a hundred pounds, and it’s what we call a smart system. Once the alarm is triggered, cameras activate and the technician sitting in Phoenix can examine the threat and clear it from all future alarm triggers. It’s what we’d do if a deer or elk were to trigger an alarm.
“Yesterday, we barely got the perimeter alarm installed before one of the remote sensors indicated someone was moving well back from where the system was set. The techs hadn’t even gotten the cameras installed yet. We do that last. So, on my orders, the techs left, making a production of taking all their equipment, so the intruder would think he was scouting the complete system.
“I’d already had Marcus positioned.” She looked at Graeme and explained, “Marcus is our best operative. He hangs out in the background during installation in case of any problems. Anyway, it was a good thing Marcus was around yesterday because he tracked the bastard. It was Ashford, all right. He moved quickly around the perimeter. He didn’t test anything, just looked and then left the area. He was parked on the wrong side of the property, so Marcus couldn’t get to a vehicle and trail him. He hasn’t been back yet today, but we all know it’s a matter of time. He appeared smart enough about electronic surveillance to recognize where the sensors were placed, but no one knows about the ability of this system to extend the perimeter another twenty-five feet.
“The guys finished installing the cameras today. It took a bit longer because we didn’t want anyone to see them. You’re all set up. The guys are monitoring the system, and we’ll be on in a flash if Ashford breaks the perimeter.
“Michael, I know you and Graeme think you can handle this, but I’m worried. I’d like you to consider bringing in a few more operatives. We found out a lot more about his adventures, and he isn’t anyone to fuck around with,” she finished.
“Tell me,” Michael said.
“Not here,” Jolynn said with a look at Liz and Graeme.
“Jolynn, I appreciate your concern for us, but I think we better hear it all. This concerns us, too,” Graeme said.
She didn’t want to tell this in front of the woman, but Michael had given a nod, so with a deep breath, she continued. “Barry Ashford is a paid mercenary who likes his job a little too much. He’s been running ops in the Middle East, mostly Afghanistan for about ten years. He uses rape as a means to coerce confessions or get information about his target. He rapes both men and women, but he harbors a special hatred for gays or for men he’s raped. Recently that rage has escalated, and the men have been found—”
She swallowed hard before she continued, struggling to maintain her impersonal tone. “The men have been found mutilated, their genitalia stuffed into their own mouths, before they were murdered.”
Liz stood and, shaking off the hands that reached for her, she ran for the bathroom.
“I’m sorry,” Jo said quietly.
Chapter Six
“Michael,” Graeme said softly. “Come be with us. Come lay with us and sleep. Lizzie needs us.”
“She needs you,” Michael said with a tired smile. “I don’t plan to sleep much tonight. I thought I’d catch a quick hour or two. Jolynn is keeping an eye on things for now. The garage apartment is perfect, thanks for letting us set up in there.”
Graeme made a sound deep in his throat. “You’re thanking me?” He came and sat next to Michael on the bed, close but not quite touching.
“Michael, you and your sister should get the hell out of here. Take Lizzie on a long vacation. You all should get far away and let me do my job. Let me track this prick down.”
He stroked his hand against the bruised side of Michael’s face. “I did this to you. Ashford nearly killed you. I don’t want to take a chance on anything else happening to either you or Elizabeth.”
Michael tossed his glossy black waves, his steely-blue eyes blazed. “I’m not going anywhere. I might not be a cop, but protecting people is what I do. I’ve made a damn fine living at taking care of people in ways you can’t. I’m damned if I’m going to walk away from the people I—”
He broke off, swallowed, then turned back to look Graeme straight in the eye. “I’m not going to walk away from people I care about.”
Graeme’s heart pounded hard in his chest. He was sure Michael had been about to say more. He took his hand and stood, pulling Michael up with him. “Come on, then. Let’s go be with Lizzie. She needs the comfort of our arms. You can go relieve Jo whenever you’re ready.
Lizzie was in the shower when the men stepped into the bedroom. Graeme stuck his head in the bathroom door. “Don’t want to startle you, little bit, but Michael and I are out here. You okay?” he asked loudly over the pounding water.
Michael couldn’t hear her reply, but Graeme relayed, “She says we can join her.” Graeme grinned.
“Thanks, I just showered. You two go ahead. I’ll wait h
ere and rest before I go relieve Jo.” He flashed a smile at Graeme, hoping to take some sting out of his refusal to join them in the shower. He’d seen that shower. There was no way for the three of them to be inside without all of them touching.
He sat on the edge of the bed then fell backward and closed his eyes. Images were waiting to float through his mind. Liz, wet and soapy, as his hands slid over her breasts. Graeme, long and slick, with water tracing a path down his broad chest. Him in between the two of them. Bending slightly to reach Liz’s lips and feeling Graeme’s hard cock pressing against his ass.
When wet hands and a hot mouth took his suddenly ready cock, he let out a long, low moan and opened his eyes to find Liz’s mouth on his cock, Graeme kneeling beside her.
“I want to taste you,” Graeme whispered. “Let me, Michael.”
With the image of Graeme’s wet body still echoing in his head, Michael closed his eyes. “Yes,” was all he said.
The feel of the hands changed, small and soft gave way to large and rough. The hand that touched his cock now held him differently, more firmly than any woman ever had. There was a swipe of tongue, press of lips, and then his cock was swallowed as Graeme fucked him with his mouth.
Michael opened his eyes, and his gaze locked on Lizzie as she moved to climb up beside him. He tried to focus on her face, even as he felt himself drowning.
She gently turned his head to face Graeme. “Watch, him Michael. Look at how much Graeme wants you. Look at how hard you are, sweetheart. You want him, too.”
Graeme’s eyes were closed, his cheeks hollowed, and his mouth wet and slippery. Michael watched, mesmerized as Graeme devoured his cock. He felt the first stirrings of his pending orgasm. Lizzie was right; he did want Graeme. There was no more room for denial.
As if he heard the thought, Graeme opened his eyes, and their gazes locked. He stopped sucking and just held Michael’s rock-hard cock. Then, never breaking eye contact, he ran his tongue slowly over the tip, pressed into the tiny slit, then licked his way lower. Michael cursed with the sensation when Graeme licked and mouthed his balls.
“Oh God,” he said, as fantasy and reality fused. Lizzie leaned over to kiss him and stole any possibility of denial. Graeme.
Graeme was on his knees, face pressed intimately against Michael, breathing in the scent of him. The smell of soap was there, but Michael’s own spicy aroma lingered. Dear God, he wanted this man. He looked up and caught Lizzie’s gaze on him, and she flashed him a reassuring smile before he could worry if what she was watching bothered her. His heart felt light with emotions, with the rightness of being here with these two people.
He was a lonely man just a few days ago. Not unhappy but missing the intimacy of having someone who cared for him, of having someone to love. How quickly life changed. A chance encounter because of the actions of a madman and here they were. Now suddenly he felt at home with two people he could love forever. It was early yet, no need to scare them off, but he knew. Deep in his heart he knew this was right. Right for him, right for Lizzie, and right for Michael.
Michael had a beautiful cock, thick and long, and slightly curved. Graeme wondered how long before he’d have that cock inside him. The thought made him shiver in anticipation. He slid his tongue over the velvety crown, licking, kissing. He tasted the salty pre-cum and groaned with pleasure.
Suddenly he wanted more, wanted to touch and taste all of Michael. Graeme needed to show him this was more than sex; this was making love. He climbed onto the bed and trailed kisses along Michael’s rippled abs. His fingers trailed through the dark hair that lightly covered his chest, and his mouth latched on to a coppery nipple. Michael bucked and moaned as Graeme’s teeth grazed the sensitive bud.
Graeme glanced at Lizzie as he continued to lick and kiss the broad chest. Her fingers were tangled in Michael’s hair, her mouth slightly open, and the glazed expression on her face told him more than words just how erotic she found watching her two lovers.
Michael’s neck arched, and Graeme pressed his face against the exposed skin, kissing and biting. His mouth trailed a line along his jaw until he reached Michael’s mouth. “Michael,” he said, just before he claimed his mouth in a hungry kiss.
Michael gave himself to the kiss, lips parted, tongue ready. Their mouths melted together, they swallowed each other’s moans, and Graeme lost track of who was seducing whom. When he finally pulled back from the kiss, his breath sounded harsh in his own ears, and he met the heat in Michael’s eyes with a welcoming smile.
“Kiss me, Graeme. I want to taste him on your tongue,” Liz said on a sigh.
After one last kiss of Michael, he went to his knees and leaned forward to meet her. He opened her mouth with his tongue and they shared the taste of Michael's kisses, of the salty taste of his pre-cum, of the essence of the man.
Graeme’s breath left him in a whoosh when a steely hand wrapped around his cock and lips brushed tentatively at the tip. He sat back on his heels, threaded his fingers through silky black hair, and watched as Michael tasted him. He ached with need, and it was a glorious torture to watch Michael’s tongue slide up the length of his shaft. His cock was licked and kissed and when Michael finally pulled the bulbous tip into his mouth and sucked, Graeme moaned.
“Oh God, Michael.”
He tried to stay still, to let Michael explore, but it was too much to ask. Slowly his hips moved, pushing his cock deeper into Michael’s mouth. He didn’t think he was going to last another minute. Michael seemed to sense his pending release and, rather than pull away, he increased his efforts. His curled fist moved faster, his mouth pulled, and a growl rumbled deep in his chest.
It was the low guttural sound escaping his lover that brought Graeme to the edge of pleasure, then spilled him over. He tried to pull back, to keep from shooting into Michael’s mouth but arms like steel bands trapped him, and then he lost himself. His hips thrust, his balls clenched, and he shoved his pulsing cock deep into Michael’s throat.
With a final shudder, he collapsed on the bed. He had just enough strength to reach shaking hands to touch Liz and Michael. It had never been like this before. These were his lovers, forever.
Watching them was so hot! Lizzie felt the wetness pool between her legs. She knew the decision to share himself with a man hadn’t come easily to Michael, but once started, she also knew he couldn’t stop. She held him through the first experimental moments, felt his hunger as his body relaxed to the movements of Graeme’s mouth. She nearly came herself when Michael slipped the head of Graeme’s cock in his mouth. From the look on Graeme’s face, it had been the orgasm of his life. Now it was her turn.
Stretching out, she ran a hand along Michael’s side to reach for his rock-hard cock. “I want you, Michael. Fuck me.”
He turned toward her with a smile. “My pleasure.” He moved away from Graeme and pointed to the spot on the bed he’d just vacated. “On your hands and knees, Liz. Right there. I want you kissing Graeme while I’m behind you.”
She hid her smile and thought Michael was feeling his confidence now that he’d had more than a taste of Graeme. She happily complied and bent over, baring her ass to Michael. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and quickly rolled it on. Then he knelt between her legs and slapped his cock against her ass cheeks before dragging it through the moisture between her legs.
He slipped the tip inside, and she impatiently pushed back, desperate to have all of him stretching her, filling her. He entered her with one, long push, then held still while she molded herself around him. God, he was big.
Slowly he slid back until just the tip breached her opening. He slammed home again, raising her hips a little with the angle of his thrust. She felt her eyes go blind with the feel of him filling her. “Yes, just like that,” she murmured.
He worked her hard, his hips pistoning, drawing grunts from them both as he touched the mouth of her womb. She started to tremble and bent forward so her weight was on her
elbows. Graeme’s hands moved over her, stroking her back, pinching her nipples, caressing her stomach.
She heard Michael talking, telling Graeme something. Her mind was too far lost in the pleasure to make sense of his words until Graeme’s tongue found her clit. Then she understood, Michael was still directing. She looked down the length of her body and saw Graeme settle underneath where she and Michael joined. His wicked tongue danced back and forth between her clit and Michael’s balls.
She heard Michael’s sharp intake of breath, felt his fingers dig into her thighs. Then he summed it up eloquently, “Fuck!”
The tight ball that had been forming deep at the core of her exploded, and the force of her orgasm drew a scream. Every muscle in her body contracted, and then her pussy clenched and unclenched, over and over, squeezing Michael. Still he pushed deep, drawing more.
Michael went rigid as she shuddered around him, his thighs like stones pressed against the back of her legs. She caught sight of him in the mirror, his head thrown back, black hair spilling down his back, eyes closed and mouth open, as his orgasm took him.
She closed her eyes momentarily to capture that vision forever. Michael withdrew and tossed the spent condom in the trash. Then he reached for Graeme and pulled him up so that the two men faced each other, kneeling on either side of her. She practically held her breath, waiting to see what would happen.
Graeme raised his hands to cradle Michael’s face and held him there when the other man tried to look away.
“That was beautiful. Don’t turn away from me, Michael. Not now, not after that. I know…” he paused and looked to her for a moment, receiving a reassuring smile. “I know you’re probably feeling a lot of mixed emotions right now. What you did, we did, was…incredible. But you need to know…both of you need to know…I want more than just this.” He swept his gaze over the bed. “I’ll be patient. I know this is new for you.” He gave a quick kiss to Michael.