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Campione 08

Page 3

by Trials of the Devil Kings

  "AAHH, I see. So you're super-close friends with Godoh-kun?"

  Sakura was smiling gently.

  "If you're friends for life, that's how it is, right. It's nice meeting you... but I'm relieved that you're not his girlfriend. Yepyep, Godoh-kun couldn't have a girlfriend, right?"

  Her smiling face was pure, free of the slightest hint of malice.

  Godou was thankful for his cousin's extreme purity and trust. It got her into all kinds of trouble, but her radiant heart was a wonderful virtue.

  Maybe she was overpowered by that angelic smile, but for once Liliana could only reply "Haaa".

  "...Kusanagi Godou, what is your relation with this woman? Is she another lover, or maybe a secret wife?"

  "Using 'another' here is strange. Why didn't you ask about 'friends' or 'family'? Sakura is my second cousin and more like an older sister."

  Godou's answer to the stealthy Liliana was bitter.

  "Oh no, Godoh-kun, didn't you say I wasn't your sister long ago?"

  "Eh, what are you talking about?"

  When Sakura cut in, Godou inclined his head.

  "Remember when you were in elementary school? You suddenly stopped calling me 'Oneechan'. When I asked why, you said you'd marry me once we'd grown up so I couldn't be your sister. Don't you remember?"

  "...oh, right, now that you mention it..."

  Godou considered that memory from his early childhood to be a youthful indiscretion.

  He felt like they really had had such a conversation long ago. Godou had stopped calling Sakura 'Oneechan' ever since. Thinking back on it, that episode gave him a nostalgic feeling of 'we sure were young'. Though, he was still pretty young...

  "So you see, like I told you yesterday, Godoh-kun, don't you feel like calling me just 'Sakura' now? I think it's about time for us to start doing that."

  "But there's no reason to, is there? I said changing it is a pain, it's fine like this."

  "Sheesh, Godoh-kun. You're always like that."

  He suddenly noticed Amakasu and Liliana staring at them in wonder.

  "I see. Most intriguing."

  "So genius does display itself even in childhood... so that's how it was..."

  Both of them were nodding in agreement.

  Just as Godou was about to ask what they meant, Amakasu's cellphone rang.

  "Looks like a message from my boss. I must get back to work soon," the agent from the History Compilation Committee said.

  "It is unfortunate, but I will have to excuse myself here. Could I have a word before that, Miss?"

  Amakasu addressed Sakura as he stood up.

  "About our earlier conversation... I'm afraid I cannot grant your wish to meet with the Great Devil King, the Campione. Please forgive me."

  "B-but I have to see-"

  "Right now your level as a magic user is too low. You see, in every single RPG, you cannot encounter the great devil king at level two. At a minimum, you'd have to be level twenty or thirty."

  Amakasu put her off with a bogus argument.

  However, Sakura quickly nodded with an enlightened expression.

  Should he praise her for understanding this level of gaming slang or be afraid for her for being tricked by such shoddy reasoning? Weighing one side against the other, Godou became uneasy.

  Given the path the conversation was taking, Godou knew what Sakura would say next.

  "Th-then, how do I become a powerful enough magic-user to meet the great devil king?"

  As expected. His prediction had already come true. Amakasu grinned broadly.

  It was the smile of a tolerant elder. And completely fake.

  The aura he was giving off was like that of a fortune teller palming off the jar of bliss or a salesperson quickly calculating the interest rate for a loan for an expensive lithograph.

  "Please relax. Through fortuitous [coincidence], a splendid coach has already appeared. Liliana-san here is one of the most outstanding witches I know. With her assistance you will definitely achieve a dramatic level-up. Good luck!"

  ...He passed the buck. Just like the buck had been passed to him earlier.

  Unable to grasp the situation, Liliana pointed at herself, "Eh, me?" Sakura looked at her with adoration, "Wahhh, you're amazing!".

  During that gap in the conversation, Amakasu put his coffee cup on the table.

  In the next moment, the business suit-clad agent was by the exit. Like instant movement.

  After displaying that mysterious feat, he saluted.

  Liliana and Godou were left behind to calm Sakura, who was eagerly begging to be taught magic.

  That night at the Kusanagi house. Godou was in his room when his cellphone rang.

  The display showed an unknown number. Godou still pressed the button with conviction.

  'Yo, Thanks for today. How did it turn out in the end?'

  It really was Amakasu's voice. Godou answered while nodding.

  "We somehow settled it but..."

  Godou had repeatedly told the overexcited Sakura to calm down.

  He'd told her that he'd do something about the situation so she should go home for now. That had ended matters for the time being. Still, the problem had only been postponed, not resolved.

  'So isn't it settled? Tricking her with tons of lies must've been a piece of cake. Ah, I already instructed her friend. There's no chance of her giving away your name. Please relax.'


  'Yes. While devious, I allowed myself to use a quiet yet effective method.'

  That left many possibilities. Should he probe deeper?

  Godou was troubled, but Amakasu continued lightheartedly.

  'But how about just coming out with who you are, honestly telling everyone that you're that rumored devil king? It'd be much less of a hassle that way!'

  "As if I could do that. And anyway, I don't know why the heck people are saying that about me! Plus, everyone's acting like I'm some terrible lech..."

  Amakasu rudely laughed off Godou's grumblings.

  'Sorry for that. But you know, you get what you deserve, or something. Hey, Kusanagi-san, why did you call Liliana-san over in the coffee shop? You knew she'd be in the way, so why didn't you chase her away?'

  "I couldn't do that either. Having fun with everyone but her? What can I say, I just didn't like the idea of doing so."

  'Then what about your relative? I know she's pure and lovely, which stimulates your desire to protect her, but frankly, wasn't taking care of her for ten-odd years a pain? If it were me, I'd have made a plausible excuse and abandoned her.'

  "Hmm, it certainly was a pain, but..."

  Godou scratched his head.

  Amakasu's comments had been quite cutting, but nevertheless correct.

  "But abandoning her would be even worse. Actually I quite like her. When she wants to rely on me when she's at her wit's end, I want to do what I can."

  'And by spoiling them like that you arrived where you are today. So that's how you raise your flags.'

  Godou couldn't understand Amakasu's comments.

  'Should you ever need our assistance, please say so. We will do our utmost to help.'

  "At that time, please don't mess around like you did earlier today. You're really going to help me, aren't you?"

  '... Of course I am. Please have faith in me!'

  The short pause between question and reply made the latter completely unconvincing.

  'But, well, this level of trouble is nothing to worry about. Deception still works.'


  'Correct. Among the hime-miko, there are some who can alter people's memories. Even without such a power, you can tamper with memories through hypnotism magic. The devious move I talked about earlier is a one type of such magic.'

  Ethically, what Amakasu was talking about definitely fell in a grey area.

  His proposal was absurd. Godou was amazed.

  But while he was amazed, he was grateful that such a method existed. Giving it some thought, he
hadn't pulverized some highway in the capital or the San Pietro Cathedral in this case: Using such magic was certainly a valid way to conceal the events.

  ーTake the evil with the good.

  Because many of his friends and family were of dubious character, Godou had naturally adopted that stance.

  There were some problems you just couldn't solve with justice and sound arguments. You had to face such crises with appropriate responses.

  Godou was relieved to end the call from Amakasu on a peaceful note.

  Without realizing that his mindset was not peaceful or common in the least, Godou got ready for bed.

  Chapter 2 - Seeking the Mysterious Devil King, the Campione・FINALE

  Part 1

  During the long weekend in early October, Kusanagi Godou had unexpectedly headed to Nikkou.

  A week had already passed since surviving the life-and-death struggle there and his subsequent return to Tokyo. Also, certain changes had occurred in the affairs of the young devil king.

  Getting out of bed early as usual, he made himself presentable.

  A cool, refreshing and sunny autumn sky could be seen outside the window.

  Today seemed like a good day. Feeling satisfied, Godou went to the entryway and was putting on his shoes when-

  "Onii-chan is up so early today as usual... Are you meeting that person again?"

  He heard a voice from behind.

  "Persevering from day one, your astounding devotion truly overwhelms me with admiration, Onii-chan. The seeds sown under grandpa's edification sure are flourishing, aren't they?"

  Her voice was lovely but it carried a peculiar sting.

  Godou turned around to find his little sister Shizuka standing there, sneering with clear derision.

  "...How often do I need to tell you until you admit you're wrong? Show some faith in me already."

  "Then prove me wrong through your behavior. And anyway, it is strange for you to go wake Erica-san up every morning just because she'd oversleep otherwise. Absolutely strange! And lately, you've started meeting lovers openly in front of the house -- or rather, having illicit trysts, even!"

  The accusations left Godou silent.

  Then she began nagging along the lines of 'Don't you feel ashamed before our dead grandma' and so on.

  Godou hastily left the house to escape Shizuka's clamor. He felt like he had had a similar conversation in May, but back then he had not met this girl yet.

  "Good morning, Kusanagi Godou."

  It was a dignified greeting, without even the slightest hint of sleepiness.

  She - Liliana Kranjcar was as lovely as a silver fairy and possessed dazzling noble spirit worthy of her title as a knight.

  Liliana always got up earlier than Godou and waited in front of his house.

  "Morning. Early as always?"

  "Naturally. As your premier retainer, getting up after my king is unforgivable. Please do not confuse me with Erica in any way."

  After exchanging greetings, they made their way side by side.

  Denouncing her self-indulgent old friend, Liliana's expression was a bit rigid.

  "In the first place, for you as her king to go wake her up every day is truly putting the cart before the horse beyond acceptable limits. Seriously, Erica is always doing as she pleases..."

  "Come on, don't be like that. It's not like it's that inconvenient for me."

  This silver-haired knight had been manipulated by the [Diavolo Rosso] ever since their childhood days.

  A lot of resentment must have piled up. It was reasonable for her to get worked up into a vicious tone of voice.

  "But she seems to stay up late so often. What is she busy doing anyway?"

  "Erica is exceedingly diligent when it comes to matters she judges essential."

  Liliana's unexpected answer was accompanied by a sigh.

  "Other than martial arts and the study of magic, she also devotes herself towards cultivating public relations as well as the planning, design and execution of various projects."

  Godou nodded, understanding.

  While Liliana kept Erica at arm's length, she clearly recognized her talents.

  Their association ran long and deep; it was impossible for strangers to fathom the intricacies binding the two of them. And somehow or other, this might be why they made such good partners, too.

  "Oh my, good morning. You're early as always."

  Someone suddenly called out to them.

  The shopping street of Nezu's Area 3 was virtually devoid of people during early mornings.

  The current rare exceptions were Godou, Liliana, and the passing old lady who spoke to them. Dressed in a kimono, she seemed rather elegant and dignified.

  Godou and Liliana properly greeted her "good morning" in return and bowed their heads.

  The old lady responded to their polite greeting with a gentle smile.

  "Lately you're always with girls, aren't you? Slowly but surely, you're starting to resemble your grandfather."

  ...Was she smiling because of his female companion instead of the greeting?

  This old lady was a teacher of flower arrangement who had moved here four years ago. Apparently a lot had happened between her and Godou's grandfather in the distant past. Soon after she moved here, Godou had witnessed the two of them reuniting in a chance encounter at the shopping district. Letting out cries of "Oh" and "my" and smiling meaningfully at each other, they seemed like long lost friends.

  After hearing Ichirou point out his grandson, she had smiled fondly at Godou.

  Ever since, she would always call out gracefully to Godou whenever they met on the streets.

  As a side note, she still seemed to be a spinster even at this age.

  "Uhm, she is my friend and recently started coming to pick me up."

  "Yes. You could say he and I have cordial relations or that we have sworn ourselves to partake in life and destiny as a single soul. At any rate, this is no ordinary amorous affair for our deep relationship is founded upon bonds of undying loyalty."

  Liliana supplemented Godou's introduction.

  Her choice of words was rather exaggerated, but that's how she was, and for some reason or another they had made a similar promise.

  And after the battle with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Liliana had unilaterally declared victory and began to follow Godou closely like a shadow.

  She had also announced to the other girls: She was Kusanagi Godou's premier knight and grand chamberlain. They should clearly understand that it was her duty, Liliana Kranjcar's, to manage their king's private affairs and control women's access to him.

  In response to this declaration, Erica and Ena had objected harshly in unison while Yuri's eyes became clouded with sadness.

  But as soon as they heard about Godou and Liliana's promise, all the girls turned towards Hikari at once. The twelve-year-old hime-miko apprentice smiled cheerfully and diplomatically declared her support for Liliana: "I have no objections. Please take care of me, Liliana-oneesama.".

  Her words astounded Erica, caused Ena to pout, and deepened the gloom in Yuri's eyes.

  But in the end, everyone agreed to the silver knight's proposal. As a side note, Godou's claim of 'How did it become Liliana's win? I don't get it at all' was flatly rejected.

  And after some time...

  Although Godou had winced at the sudden appearance of his grand chamberlain(!), he grew accustomed to it as days went by.

  Unlike the beginning of the second school term when Liliana's overenthusiasm drove her to obsess over the tiniest of details, in recent times she was gaining Kusanagi Godou's gradual acceptance as an unobtrusive existence by his side.

  Such was the current state of affairs when he encountered the old lady in the morning.

  Godou had reached an understanding with Liliana's declaration to 'partake in destiny' at the same time as his own epiphany for the sake of the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

  However, wouldn't normal people misunderstan
d if they heard?

  Contrary to that sudden concern, the old lady smiled faintly at them.

  "Well, hehehe, this sure takes me back. Long ago, I also made a similar promise with Ichirou-san. I wonder how many years ago that was..."

  Did something like that really happen between this old lady and his grandfather long ago?

  Godou was intrigued but refrained from asking. After a bit of gossip, he parted with the old lady and continued on his way, accompanied by Liliana who tried her best not to step on his shadow[8]

  This was when he got a message on his cellphone.

  He read it as he walked. It was from his childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka.

  'Why are you involved with a girl in the morning? It's too early to fuck around!'

  Godou was being assaulted by undeserved abuse, accompanied by an angry smiley.

  Asuka's parents owned a certain sushi restaurant in the shopping street of Nezu's Area 3. She must have been watching the shopping street from her home and restaurant without Godou and Liliana noticing her.

  Why was she so inexplicably easy to anger, just like Shizuka...

  Puzzling over this longtime problem, Godou closed his cellphone. It might be a good idea to introduce her to Liliana and Erica sooner or later. Hopefully, the misunderstanding could be cleared up at that time.

  "Is something the matter, Kusanagi Godou?"

  "Not really. There are just so many people around me who like to say whatever they want. But as long as they eventually realize it's all a misunderstanding, there's no need for me to get worked up over all the nagging... That's my take on it anyways."

  He was the one to decide his own path.

  Whether that path turned out to be a fate of fortune or suffering, it didn't matter what other people said as long as he and the comrades following him understood.

  When he articulated his unaltered thoughts, Liliana nodded vigorously.

  "How fitting of a king's resolution. You have truly become reliable, Kusanagi Godou."

  Undoubtedly offering heartfelt approval rather than sycophantic flattery, the loyal knight accompanied her lord Kusanagi Godou as he headed for Erica Blandelli's apartment building.


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